

1st International Cooperative Cartoon Festival 2014, Greece

The 1st international cooperative cartoon festival is organized by the Halandri Parents Social Cooperative Enterprise.
The festival is open to everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex or profession.
Cooperatives: What is a cooperative? Cooperative principles and social economy. How workers’ cooperatives, social cooperatives and other types of enterprises owned by their workers can foster new ways of acting and thinking? How can teamwork in general contribute to social transformation?
Free: Let your imagination run wild!
All works (cartoons or strips) must be without dialogue or text.
Entry Conditions
All entries must be original works. Framed works will not be accepted.
Entries can be either black & white or colored.
The name, surname and address of the participant should be indicated on the reverse side of cartoons.
Maximum 3 entries per participant.
Maximum entry format size is A3 (40x30 cm). Electronic entries must be in JPG or PDF format (200 dpi). Files must not exceed 5 MB.
Deadline for entries is 26 October 2014.
Halandri Parents Social Cooperative Enterprise
1st International Cooperative Cartoon Festival
42 Aristotelous Street
15234 Halandri, Greece
Works can be sent via email to:
Alternatively, they can be sent via the following services:
WeTransfer (
DropBox (
Google Drive (
Accepting, short-listing, and final selection of works falls entirely upon the Jury nominated by the Artistic Direction of the International Cooperative Cartoon Festival. The final results will be communicated directly to all participants via email and published at The Jury’s decisions cannot be contested.
International Cooperative Cartoon Festival (single award)
Parents Social Cooperative Enterprise (single special award)
Traditional Cooperatives (single special award)
Other special awards or honorary mentions may be awarded.
Opening Ceremony, Award Ceremony, Exhibition
The opening ceremony and the prize awarding ceremony will be announced at at the end of November.
Authors of short-listed works will receive a free copy of the exhibition catalogue (dvd). Non-selected participants will have the possibility to request the catalogue by filling in the respective electronic form at
The works selected for the exhibition and the catalogue will not be returned and they will be included in the International Cooperative Cartoon Festival Museum collection.
Non-selected paper works will be returned only after request by the author (who will also bear the shipping cost) and no later than February 22, 2015. The organizer is not responsible for any damage that may occur during transport.
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the 1st International Cooperative Cartoon Festival without paying any fee to the authors.
Source: cooplife.

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