

First international cartoon contest MAIDAN 2014, Ukraine

First international cartoon contest MAIDAN 2014, Ukraine
Rules of contest
1. Organizers
The organizers of First international cartoon contest MAIDAN are the newspaper "Gazeta po-ukrainski", the magazine "Kraina" and the website
2. Participation
All persons can participate in this international contest, regardless of nationality, age, gender or profession. Participants are agree to the terms and conditions and the decisions of the international jury.
3. Theme
Maidan (revolutionary square)
Who holds the power - the powers that be or the people? There have been cases in history when people had have to prove their power on the town squares. For instance, the popular assemblies (Viche) in the medieval cities Novgorod and Kyiv had gathered on the squares near the St. Sophia Church. There was a sign "Now we dance here" at the Place de la Bastille in Paris on the place of fortress ruined by the revolutionaries. Nowadays, people stand up for their rights on the town squares. Widely known places of the mass people actions are Tahrir Square in Cairo, Taksim Square in Istanbul, Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Independence Square (Maidan) in Kyiv.
4. Entries
No more than 5 entries per person, black and white or colour. The cartoons must not contain text. Drawings can also be made digitally. Minimum size: 500 KB, maximum size: 3 MB. Format: A4, JPG. Please, send your full name, phone, post address and e-mail together with cartoons in attachment.
5. Deadline: 30.05.2014
6. Address
Please, send your cartoons by e-mail:
7. Prizes
First prize - $1,000
Second Prize - $500
Third Prize - $300
Five special awards.
8. International jury
Volodimir Ruban - Editor in chief of newspaper "Gazeta po-ukrainski" and magazine "Kraina", Ukraine;
Odile Conseil - Associate Editor of magazine Courrier International, France;
Cau Gomez - cartoonist, Brasil;
Dmitro Skajenik - cartoonist, Ukraine;
Marilena Nardi - cartoonist, Italy;
Ivailo Tsvetkov - cartoonist, Bulgaria;
Oleg Dergachov - cartoonist, Canada;
Eray Őzbek - cartoonist, Turkey;
Vladimir Kazanevsky - cartoonist, Ukraine.
9. The organizers reserve the right to publish the work submitted to the contest as an advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to the author. All rights reserved by the authors of cartoons.
For further information please contact us:
Dear artists, we are waiting for your works – as always witty, original, reflecting the author's independent ideas.
Source: .

16th PortoCartoon World Festival 2014, Portugal

Dear Cartoonist,
The water is a key to life on the planet: Living Water / Living Earth!
This is the theme of the 16th PortoCartoon-World Festival 2014.
Ecology, environmental protection, biodiversity are concepts that do not dispense the water as a central element. When we talk about water, we speak of a common heritage of mankind.
Water is becoming not only scarce, as well as the target of a global wave of privatization. All over the world, many countries are losing supremacy over the water.
Water - 'the blue gold' of the 21st century - is no more than merchandise on the logic of the multinationals.
The dangers are on the agenda. Many researchers and movements of active citizenship have launched the alert. All very little. The Humor ALERT is missing.
PortoCartoon 2014 also presents two special Caricature awards:
Caricature Award Nelson Mandela and Caricature Award Álvaro Siza Vieira.
One to distinguish the role of Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, and the first black leader to assume the presidency of South Africa (1994-1999), after more than 25 years in prison under the apartheid regime.
The other is to celebrate the work of one of the most famous architect of our times. Álvaro Siza Vieira won more than thirty international awards, including the Pritzker Prize / Chicago (considered the "Nobel of architecture').
We will be looking forward to receiving your most appreciated participation, with our best wishes for a 2014 full of humour,
Luís Humberto Marcos
PortoCartoon-World Festival
Portuguese Printing Press Museum
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300- 316 Porto
Tel: +351 22 530 49 66
Fax: +351 22 530 10 71
General Rules & Regulations in PDF.


The winners of the cartoon competition themed "Green", Baja 2013, Hungary

The winners of the competition:
I. prize: Károly Gőgös (Hungary)
II. prize: Riina Maido (Finland)
III. prize: Sergey Sichenko (Israel)
Saeed Sadeghi (Iran)
György Csikós (Hungary)
Doru Axinte (Romania)
Ervin László Nagy (Hungary)
Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine) (Top).
See all prize-winning cartoons here.


2nd International Cartoon and Caricature Festival, Bojnourd 2013-14

The Second International Cartoon and Caricature Festival, 
Bojnourd 2013-14, Iran
Cartoon & Illustration Section:
North Khorasan
Caricature Section:
The face of Hossein Valinejhad
(The musician of North Khorasan Province Of Iran)
Deadline for submission: 30 December 2013
More on website.

5th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2014, Germany

Yet for the fifth time the International Cartoon Competition Berlin on the topics of "ELECTRIC MOBILE" and "BERLIN WALL” takes place under the direction of Valeriu Kurtu and in cooperation with the LIMES Image Agency.
The partners of this year's competition are the Berlin Agency for Electromobility eMO and the Museum STORY OF BERLIN.
By 1912, there were far more ELECTROMOBILES than vehicles with internal combustion engines. Electric cars were popular in the late 19th century and early 20th century, until advances in internal combustion engine technology and mass production of cheaper gasoline vehicles led to a decline in the use of electric drive vehicles. A renaissance in electric vehicle manufacturing has occurred due to the decline of global oil reserves. The European Union will announce plans to ban all fossil fuel-powered cars in Europe by 2050. Yet limited crude oil resources and the climate change are forcing a change in thinking.
The 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall will come on 9 November 2014. After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government announced that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. The anniversary is an occasion to offer this historical event as a special theme for the contest. The peaceful revolution went down in history and current events show that the human desire for freedom is endless.
More on WEB: .
Regulations of the Competition
The competition takes place online and over this internet side only! Participation is free of charge.
Sent originals cannot be accepted! A return isn't possible for organizational reasons. Sending by e-mail can only be accepted in exceptional case.
The themes of the contest 2014 are: "ELECTROMOBILE" and "BERLIN WALL"
Prizes and Awards
1st Prize: 1000 Euro + Golden He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogue
2nd Prize: 500 Euro + Silver He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogue
3rd Prize: 300 Euro + Bronze He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogue
Audience Award: 100 Euro + Certificate + Competition Catalogue
Special Prize for the topic "BERLIN WALL": 300 Euro + He-Goat + Certificate + Competition Catalogue
Participation Conditions
Participants: all cartoonists.
Valeriu Kurtu (KURTUKUNST Gallery) in cooperation with the LIMES Image Agency
im KU-DAMM Karee, Kurfürstendamm 207-208, Eingang Lietzenburger Str 80, 10719 Berlin
The prize winners are determined by an international independent jury. The decision of the jury is final.
Audience Award
All visitors of the competition website have the possibility to give an award.
From 4th January until 15th March 2014 you can vote all cartoons under the menu item "CARTOONS".
The deadline for receipt of cartoons: 15th March 2014.
The transmittal of the cartoons takes place in digital form via this internet page:
Number of cartoons
Max. number of entries per cartoonist: three cartoons per theme.
The cartoons must be the original work of the artist.
The registration for the competition takes place via this internet page.
First you have to registry as a participants of the competition. After registration an email will be sent to you with your password for your personal area. In this area you can upload your cartoons on our server.
Size / File Format
Minimum Size: 500 KB
Maximum Size: 25 MB
File Format: JPG
Color Mode: RGB
The cartoon can be produced analogue or digital, but it has to be sent to us only in digital format.
The caption in English or German takes place only via internet before uploading of the cartoons.
The jury starts with the determination of the prize winners from beginning of April 2014.
The exhibition date is not yet fixed.
Presentation of the cartoons
The contestant allows the organizer to use the cartoons for own puplications only in connection with this competition.
With the sending of the works for the competition the contestant accepts automatically the regulation of the competition and agrees the print of the cartoons for the exhibition and catalogues.
Awards Ceremony / Vernissage
The awards ceremony of the 5th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2014 takes place on the 6th of June 2014 in the Museum STORY OF BERLIN.
All copyrights are held by the author of the cartoons.
The decision is final.
Errors and changes excepted.

Just explain it simply 2014: The UN and its Millennium Goals – another world is possible!

Just explain it simply: The UN and its Millennium Goals – another world is possible!
Terms and conditions of participation
1. The title of this competition for cartoons and caricatures is „JUST EXPLAIN IT SIMPLY : The UN and its Millennium Goals – another world is possible!
2. The call for entries is directed towards all cartoonists.
3. Deadline: Submissions must be mailed from January 01 until 30th of June, 2014 (EXTENDED:15th of AUGUST, 2014 to TALIDE e.V., Waldemarstraße 33, 18057 Rostock, Germany. Submissions postmarked later than 30th of June will not be accepted in the competition. The words „ Just explain it simply “ must be written on the entry envelope.
4. Each participant may submit a maximum of three artworks. The artworks must be originals. They may not be have been submitted to other competitions. Captions should be either in German, Spanish or the English language.
5. Only the submitting artist’s original works are permitted.
6. Maximum format of the artworks: A4 (210 x 297 mm).
7. The artwork should not be framed. There are no restrictions concerning artistic technique.
8. The proposed works should also be sent to TALIDE by email. Use JPG as your file format, 300 dpi image resolution.
9. On the reverse side of the original artworks should be written the full name, postal address, email address and phone number of the artist.
10. Also include a short C.V. (curriculum vitae), max. one A4 page, and a photo or a self-caricature of the artist.
11. Participation in the competition must be declared by 16th of June, 2014 by filling out the participation form on the project website.
12. The prizewinners will be selected by an independent jury.
13. Three main prizes will be awarded:
1st prize: 1.000 Euro, 2nd prize: 500 Euro, 3rd prize: 300 Euro
14. The three winning artworks will become the property of the competition organizers.
15. Selected entries will be exhibited. In addition, a competition catalog will be produced. Each artist whose works are exhibited or presented in the catalog will receive a copy of the catalog free of charge.
16. Originals will only be sent back if indicated by the artist. In this case, enclose an envelope and sufficient postage to return your submission.
17. Participants in the competition grant permission for the use of the proposed artworks in the competition organizer’s own publications, and for publications related to the competition.
18. In submitting their work participants automatically agree to the competitions terms and conditions. PLEASE NOTE: This also includes permission for their work to be exhibited and printed in the competitions catalogue as well as to be used by TALIDE e.V.
19. The participants are required to ensure that the content of the submitted work does not contravene laws regarding copyright, competition regulations, child welfare, trademark law or other industrial property rights as well as personal rights of third parties.
20. The organisers reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions. The competition organisers have the right to cancel the competition at any time as well as to modify and modify the competition or change the prize should the competition not be feasible in the intended manner.
21. The participant agrees to make no legal claims against the competition organizers.
Regulation in languages on competition website: .
E-Mail: .
WEB: .
Also on Facebook .


The 2013 United Nations / Ranan Lurie International Political Cartoon Award winners

Citation for Excellence: Tom Kuenzli, Switzerland
See all winning cartoons here.


2nd International Niels Bugge Cartoon Award 2014, Denmark

Theme explanation: Oceans are in our hands
Human being, as all life on earth, came from the stars and landed through the ocean. Ocean is our very first foster mother, much more than the land where we, now, cut trees and plant transgenic corn. But, as we maltreat land, we have been maltreating our spring of life and now oceans are quite ill because of our activities : less fish but more plastic, less pure water but more oil, less coral but more garbage.
That’s why today, not tomorrow, we must do our best to save oceans of ourselves if we still want to have a future on this planet. So, to help people to get more conscience of that, we propose to our friends cartoonists all over the world to participate in our contest on the theme « Oceans ». Obviously, we will do our best to diffuse this exhibition as large as possible.
So, please be great, be free, be creative and be fun as usual and send us one or two cartoons without words about this very important subject for life on earth : Oceans.
Carlos Brito, October 2014
Conditions and rules:
Initially, each participant can submit up to 3 entries in digital format by sending them before March 5th, 2014 (NOW EXTENDED UNTIL March 15th, 2014) via internet (Upload) to the following link: together with the digital entry form with the informations about the author. Size for the first round: A4 Format, 300 dpi, 2480x3508 pixel, Max. 5 MB each file.
The cartoons received after the deadline will be rejected.
Out of these submissions, the jury will make a selection of 100-150 drawings.
Only the selected artists will be asked to send the original work by post.
All these works will be shown at the exhibition.
The works can be made in black&white or color, with any drawing technique, we accept only wordless cartoons, without subtitles.
The submitted work should not have been awarded before the deadline of this contest.
Cartoon works will be appreciated by the International Jury.
The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail.
The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
The Prizes are :
1st Prize : 3.000 EUR
2nd Prize : 2.000 EUR
3rd Prize : 1.000 EUR
The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself.
Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions).
It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results.
The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer.
The exhibition and the award ceremony will take place in late May 2014.
By taking part in this contest the participants accept the above mentioned rules.
Contact for further information:
Notice : The prizes should be payed by the diplomatic way if unexpected problems occur with the bank account.

International Cartoon Exhibition and Competition "Silk Road" 2014, China

1.”Ironic Art Images about the Past, Present and Future of the Silk Road” 2014 International Exhibition is an open competition.
2. The entries for the competition are to include: Cartoon, drawings, graphics and other works of original fine art created by qualified artists using a variety of techniques.
The theme categories of the competition are:
1.Ocean, Desert and land
2.City and Countryside
3. Caricatures and People
4. Legend and Folk Arts
5. Science and Technology
6. Nature and Environment
7. Customs and Daily Lives of People
8. Sports and Entertainment
9. “Present Silk Road in the Eyes of Artists”.
(Art images are preferred without captions)
3. Artwork that received awards in other competitions are welcome. The format and size of the works are limited to a maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
4. Artwork must be sent or delivered by March 9, 2014 (date of postmark) and packed in a protective cover to:
Organizing Committee of
“Cartoon on the Way of the Silk Road” 2014 International Exhibition
2801 Suite, No. 7 Building,
Tianchang Yuan Media Village
Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing 100107 China
Tel: 0086-10-84827182 Fax: 0086-10-84827182 email:
5. Participants wishing to participate in the exhibition and in the catalog only may send a print copy to the mailing address above or email it to (JEPG, 200 dpi).
6. Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organizers reserve the right to include submitted works in the Gallery.
7. Artwork should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a completed application form (PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS).
8. Organizers are not responsible for any transportation damages.
1. Artwork submitted for competition will be judged by an International Jury.
2. The Jury will award the following cash prizes along with a certificate for each award:
Grand prize amounting to 5.000 USD
2 gold medals amounting to 3.000 USD
2 silver medals amounting to 2.000 USD
2 bronze medals amounting to 1.000 USD
9 special prizes amounting to 300 USD.
3. The jury has the right of final distribution of statutory prize and all of the jury’s decisions are final.
4. Competition results will be announced on May 1, 2014 on this website:
5. Organizers plan to award the artist with the best debut and will give him/her the opportunity for an individual exhibition at the Gallery which will be included in the 2014 program.
1. Atists whose work is published in a catalogue, will receive that catalogue.
2. Artwork sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition.
1. Organizers reserve the right to use all submitted artwork for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the artists that include being exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The Awarded works remain the property of the organizers.
3. The exhibition organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the rules and regulations.
4. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations.
5. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the publication of the author's profile in the post-exhibition album.
6. Contact Information
Mailing address:
Organizing Committee of
“Cartoon on the Way of the Silk Road” 2014 International Exhibition
2801 Suite, No.7 Building,
Tianchang Yuan Media Village,
Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100107 China
Tel: 0086-10-84827182 Fax: 0086-10-84827182 e-mail address:
o Submission deadline for receipt of artwork: March 9, 2014 (date of the postmark)
o Post-competition exhibition: August 8 to August 28,2014.
Final text of regulation:


III International Competition of cartoons and caricatures in the International Art Festival "Gogol-fantasy"

Dear Sir or Madam,
Examine please caricature and cartoons competition in support of Evromaydan in Ukraine. The first caricatures are already on a site. We look for media sponsors. If you are agree - send please the ravines and information for placement on a competition site. Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully, organizer Valery Krugov.
III International Competition of cartoons and caricatures in the International Art Festival "Gogol-fantasy", devoted to the difficult choice of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian authorities with the theme: "Ukrainian choice: Ukraine - European Union"
Organizer: International Festival of Arts "Gogol-fantasy" (Kherson)
The jury:
Vladimir Kazanevsky - jury chairman / Kiev, Ukraine
Konstantin Bashkirov / Kharkov, Ukraine
Valery Kruhov / Kherson, Ukraine
Nicholas Arnaudov / Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Andrzej Granzhyak / Warsaw, Poland.
Competition subjects:
I. Ukrainian choice: Ukraine - European Union.
II. Politicians in Ukraine and Europe.
The fund is formed by Proizova.
First Place prize: bronze statuette "Rudy Panko"
10 Diplomas of competition.


9th “Tianyan Cup” China International Children’s Cartoon Competition 2014

Notice on the Ninth “Tianyan Cup” China International Children’s Cartoon Competition
I. Competition Name:
The Ninth “Tianyan Cup” China International Children’s Cartoon Competition
II. Host
Organizing Committee of China International Cartoon and Animation Festival
China National Youth and Children’s Palace Association
China International Culture Association
China Association for Children’s Plastic Arts
III. Undertaker:
Hangzhou Youth and Children’s Centre
IV. Co-undertaker:
Hangzhou Municipal People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
Sina (Zhejiang)
Humorist Comics
V. Sponsor:
Zhejiang Zhongnan Group Animation Co., Ltd.
VI. Participants and Scope
Any youth or child under 18 (born after March 20, 1996) has the right to participate in the competition. Individuals or groups are welcomed.
VII. Themes (choose one)
1. Story of Horse
2. Dream
3. “Return to” the Silk Road
4. Getting hotter…
VIII. Rules
1. Participants are divided into Junior Group (middle school students) and Children Group (primary school students and preschool children).
2. Participating works shall be original, instead of modification, reproduction or copy from others. They shall boast entire copyright. In case of violation, the participation qualification of such works will be cancelled.
3. Each participant is allowed to contribute 1 piece of works.
4. The competition will not charge any participation fees.
IX. Requirements
1. Original works with healthy and positive content should be sent. The patterns of manifestation are not limited. Paper of single, four and multiple cartoon strips should not be smaller than 20×30cm or bigger than 55×40cm. No framing is needed. Cartoon books should be no more than 16 pages with a size bigger than 15×20cm and smaller than 30×40cm, and should be binded together in book form. Personalized bookbinding and layout are encouraged.
2. Each work will be stuck on the bottom right corner a form including nationality, name, sex, date of birth and group to attend (Middle School Group or Primary School Group), name of school, address, post code, telephone number, instructor, title and brief introduction to works, etc. Visit the official website of China International Cartoon and Animation Festival and the website of Hangzhou Youth and Children’s Center to download the forms of Registration Table of the Participating Works and Statistics Table of Group Participation.
X. Awards:
1. Top Grade Prize will be awarded to 10 contestants (RMB 1,000 each).
2. Gold Prize, Silver Prize, Bronze Prize and Merit Prize will be awarded for 1%, 1.5%,
2.5% and 5% participants of total contribution works respectively.
3. Excellent Organizer Award and Excellent Tutor Prize are also provided.
4. Excellent Instructive Award is given to the teachers of winners of Top Grade Prize and Gold Prize as well as the teachers of the group winning the Origination Award.
5. Excellent works winning prizes will be included in the Collection. Each award winner will be awarded with certificate and one Collection.
6. Winners of Top Grade Prize and Gold Prize will award a set of Wisdom and Imagination published in the first half year of 2014.
XI. Works Exhibition
Excellent works will be displayed in professional art exhibitions or on the web, and names of all prize winners will be announced on the websites (websites of China International Cartoon and Animation Festival and Hangzhou Youth and Children’s Center). Also, some of them will be published in magazines such as Master of Humor and Wisdom and Imagination.
XII. Deadline
March 20th, 2014 (according to the date of stamp)
XIII. Agreement
No works will be returned back. The authors agree to transfer the publishing right, exhibition right and property right of the works to the Host. All the participants are deemed to agree with the rules above.
XIV. Works Shall be Mailed to
Tianyan Cup Cartoon Competition Office, Art Department of Hangzhou Youth and Children’s Center (No. 22, Zhaoqingsili Street, Xihu District, Hangzhou), Zhejiang Province, China, Post Code: 310007
Addressee: Wang Zhan, Sun Jingnan
Telephone: 0086-0571-85821035 (except for Monday and Tuesday)
Fax: 0086-0571-85821012
More info on source.