

First international cartoon contest MAIDAN 2014, Ukraine

First international cartoon contest MAIDAN 2014, Ukraine
Rules of contest
1. Organizers
The organizers of First international cartoon contest MAIDAN are the newspaper "Gazeta po-ukrainski", the magazine "Kraina" and the website
2. Participation
All persons can participate in this international contest, regardless of nationality, age, gender or profession. Participants are agree to the terms and conditions and the decisions of the international jury.
3. Theme
Maidan (revolutionary square)
Who holds the power - the powers that be or the people? There have been cases in history when people had have to prove their power on the town squares. For instance, the popular assemblies (Viche) in the medieval cities Novgorod and Kyiv had gathered on the squares near the St. Sophia Church. There was a sign "Now we dance here" at the Place de la Bastille in Paris on the place of fortress ruined by the revolutionaries. Nowadays, people stand up for their rights on the town squares. Widely known places of the mass people actions are Tahrir Square in Cairo, Taksim Square in Istanbul, Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Independence Square (Maidan) in Kyiv.
4. Entries
No more than 5 entries per person, black and white or colour. The cartoons must not contain text. Drawings can also be made digitally. Minimum size: 500 KB, maximum size: 3 MB. Format: A4, JPG. Please, send your full name, phone, post address and e-mail together with cartoons in attachment.
5. Deadline: 30.05.2014
6. Address
Please, send your cartoons by e-mail:
7. Prizes
First prize - $1,000
Second Prize - $500
Third Prize - $300
Five special awards.
8. International jury
Volodimir Ruban - Editor in chief of newspaper "Gazeta po-ukrainski" and magazine "Kraina", Ukraine;
Odile Conseil - Associate Editor of magazine Courrier International, France;
Cau Gomez - cartoonist, Brasil;
Dmitro Skajenik - cartoonist, Ukraine;
Marilena Nardi - cartoonist, Italy;
Ivailo Tsvetkov - cartoonist, Bulgaria;
Oleg Dergachov - cartoonist, Canada;
Eray Őzbek - cartoonist, Turkey;
Vladimir Kazanevsky - cartoonist, Ukraine.
9. The organizers reserve the right to publish the work submitted to the contest as an advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to the author. All rights reserved by the authors of cartoons.
For further information please contact us:
Dear artists, we are waiting for your works – as always witty, original, reflecting the author's independent ideas.
Source: .

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