

III International Competition of cartoons and caricatures in the International Art Festival "Gogol-fantasy"

Dear Sir or Madam,
Examine please caricature and cartoons competition in support of Evromaydan in Ukraine. The first caricatures are already on a site. We look for media sponsors. If you are agree - send please the ravines and information for placement on a competition site. Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully, organizer Valery Krugov.
III International Competition of cartoons and caricatures in the International Art Festival "Gogol-fantasy", devoted to the difficult choice of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian authorities with the theme: "Ukrainian choice: Ukraine - European Union"
Organizer: International Festival of Arts "Gogol-fantasy" (Kherson)
The jury:
Vladimir Kazanevsky - jury chairman / Kiev, Ukraine
Konstantin Bashkirov / Kharkov, Ukraine
Valery Kruhov / Kherson, Ukraine
Nicholas Arnaudov / Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Andrzej Granzhyak / Warsaw, Poland.
Competition subjects:
I. Ukrainian choice: Ukraine - European Union.
II. Politicians in Ukraine and Europe.
The fund is formed by Proizova.
First Place prize: bronze statuette "Rudy Panko"
10 Diplomas of competition.

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