

Results 45th International Graphic Humour Exhibition Umoristi a Marostica 2013, Italy

Umoristi a Marostica 2013 - Jury report – Theme EUREKA!
45th International Graphic Humour Exhibition
On Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th of March 2013 the “UMORISTI A MAROSTICA” jury came together made up of:
Ross Thomson - President, Margherita Allegri, Antonio Antunes, Marco Tonus, Ferruccio Giromini, Alessandro Tich,
Maurizio Minoggio, Giovanni Sorcinelli and Organizing Committee composed by the Marostica Graphics Group.
The Jury, having examined the works that have reached Marostica from 368 Authors of 62 Countries,
notes of a particularly generous participation and full of inspirations and results in line with the proposed
theme EUREKA! The inventions that led to the progress of civilization.
By unanimity decided to award:


Results XXI International Exhibition of Drawing for Press, Porto Alegre 2013, Brazil

Winners of the XXI International Exhibition of Drawing for Press, Porto Alegre 2013, Brazil
1 – Awards:
In the category "Caricature" the awarded artist is Fabrício Rodrigues Garcia, “Manohead” with the work entitled "Milton Nascimento"
In the category "Cartoon" the awarded artist is Marcos Leandro Miler with the work titled "Intolerance"
In the category "Charge" the awarded artist is Silvano Rosa Gonçalves de Melo with work titled "Conclave"
In the category "Comics" the winning artist is Carlos Valdir Santos Fereira with work titled "Imperial Tavern".
In the category "Editorial Illustration" the awarded artist is Mikhail M. Zlatkovsky with work titled "Editorial 1 from The New Messages daily".
2 - Honorable mentions:
In the category "Caricature" the artist chosen is João Bosco Jacó de Azevedo with the work titled "Ariano Suassuna".
In the category "Cartoon" the artist chosen is Rafael Bittencourt Correa for the work entitled "Christmas".
In the category "Comics" is the chosen artist Rafael Anderson Bezerra with the work entitled "Deprê Family"
In the category "Charge" is the chosen artist Eder Santos with the work titled "Enemies of Peace".
In the category "Editorial Illustration" is the chosen artist André Simões Debs with the work entitled "Panel Yeah".
Selected authors (Below):


Results of the 19th edition of the Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem 'The Bicycle', Belgium

In total we received 2483 cartoons from 718 participants of 79 countries. Most participants were from Europe (57%), followed by Asia (31%), South-America (8%), North-America (3%), Africa (1%) and Oceania (0.5%).
The submitted cartoons approached the bike in all its aspects: the cycling associated with doping scandals, romantic bike rides, bicycle thefts, the bicycle as transportation ...
The winners of this edition are:
First prize: Mohsen Asadi (Iran)
Second prize: Pavel Constantin (Romania)
Third prize: Ross Thomson (UK)
Best European entry: Constantin Sunnerberg (Belgium)
Best Belgian entry: Nikola Hendrickx (Belgium)
Prize of the ECC: Marco D'Angelo (Italy)
Cover award: Angelo Campaner (Italy)
Honorable mention: Peter Ruge (Germany)
Honorable mention: Jorgo Schäfer (Germany).
You can see all winners on our webpage of on our Pinterestboard.
All participating and selected cartoonists for the exhibition and the catalogue are on the participation list.
We thank all participants for their entries and hope to may welcome you on the 20th edition in 2015.
Photos of the ceremony will be available soon on our Facebookpages.
The ECC-team.


Abidin Dino in the Centenary Year of His Birth: Call to Portraits Exhibition in Turkey

The exhibition containing the DINO portraits made by 56 cartoonists, painters and sculptors was prepared in Istanbul and Ankara by "Obur Mizah" in 2008 for the remembrance of 95th birthday of Abidin Dino. Our aim now is to prepare another exhibition, after 5 years from then, to remember him as he deserves, during his 100th birthday with additional artists to reach 100 to increase it to 100 portraits. We will be pleased with the participation of all artists to share our feelings for this aspect.
Theme : PORTRAIT of Pioneer artist Abidin Dino
• Exhibition is open for all artists. All the works done by any kind of technic - cartoon, painting, drawing etc.- are accepted. Each artist can participate the exhibition with one work only.
• The participation will be by e-mail to be sent to the address together with the info regarding name, surname, city and country of the artist.
• Works will be at least A4 ( 21x29,7 cm.) size to be scanned at 300 dpi resolution.
• Of the participating works, best 10 of them will be awarded Diplomas by the exhibition jury
Exhibition jury consists of:
Tan Oral (Cartoonist - Taraf newspaper)
Eray Özbek (Cartoonist)
Nezih Danyal (Founder and the president of The Cartoon Foundation- Cartoonist)
Kamil Masaracı (Cartoonist - Cumhuriyet newspaper)
Erdoğan Karayel (DQ Humor Magazine- Executive Editor)
Halil İ.Yıldırım (Cartoonist)
Emre Yılmaz (Obur Mizah Cartoon Magazine- Editor in chief / Cartoonist).
• The exhibition is limited to a total of 100 works.
• The participants are asked to send their works latest Sept 15th. 2013 (EXTENDED: 01 OCTOBER 2013)
• The exhibition will be opened in Istanbul on Dec 7th. 2013.
• "Obur Mizah" will be authorised to use the works in books, posters, brochures, also in promotional and media announcements related to "the exhibition" only.
The exhibition prepared in 2008 can be viewed at the link :
ABIDIN DINO (1913-1993)
He was born in Istanbul in 1913. His interest in art had started by reading cartoon books. Two of his four brothers, Arif and Ali, was doing paintings and cartoons. He spent major part of his childhood in Switzerland and France. After returning back to Istanbul, as a result of his passion for art he quit his education in intermediate school and took his first steps towards the world of art. When he was only 18, his drawings were published in the "Artist" magazine and he pictured the book "The city that lost its voice" written by Nazım Hikmet. When only 20 years old, he established with 5 of his friends the "D group" which originated a revolution in the understanding of art in Turkey. Later, he spent 3 years in Russia where he went to work in the film studio of Sergey Yutgevich. After Russia, he traveled to Paris and met Picasso through a friend. Picasso, in order to support Dino, enabled him to work in his ceramic workshop; thus the friendship of two lasted long years. Dino returned to Turkey and married to Güzin Dino in 1943. Not being able to stand the oppression of the regime, he first moved to Rome and later went to Paris where he was going to live until his death. He made friendship in Paris with the world known artists like Picasso, Chagall, Aragon, Tzara and Topor. He prepared exhibitions in many important cities and art centers of the world. During his artsitic life, he accomplished countless works in painting, cartooning, drawing, book picturing, ceramic and sculpture. He passed away as a world known artist in Paris at the age of 80 in 1993.
Translation: Recep BAYRAMOĞLU.

Catalog Daejeon International Cartoon Contest (DICACO) 2012, South Korea

Received two months ago indeed (been late to blog here cause had to renew the computer), the catalog of Daejeon International Cartoon Contest (DICACO) 2012 keeps the standard size of 21 x 29.7 cm (DIN A4). On the front and back covers is the Theme Prize-winning cartoon by Jovan Prokopljevic (Serbia). It has 96 color pages covering almost 400 works.
This edition received 1408 works in total: 1104 of them by 371 foreign artists, 47 works by Korean artists, and 257 works by (mostly Korean) students.
In the theme section of New Eco City arrived 581 works while in the Free Theme section they received 827.
Cartoonists from 54 nations participated in DICACO 2012. The jury awarded 318 artists. The most awarded of this edition are artists from Korea (59), China (44), and Turkey (23).
Here is the list of the awarded cartoonists from Turkey:
Bronze Prize: Recep Bayramoğlu
Student Honorable Mention: Oğuz Tuna, 15 y.
Student Special Prize: Doğa Zeren Sipahi, 12 y.
Theme Prize: Mete Ağaoğlu, Kamil Yavuz, Musa Gümüş, Bülent Okutan.
Achievement Award: Muhittin Köroğlu.
Best Cartoon Prize: Serdar Kıcıklar, Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu, Mehmet Arslan, Erdoğan Başol, Nuri Bilgin, İ. Serdar Sayar, Ülgen Güllü, Tekin Güreken, Ahmet Ümit Akkoca, Kemal Özyurt, Halit Kurtulmuş Aytoslu, Seyit Saatçi, Sait Munzur, Ercan Baysal (First down).
Honorable Mention: Yasemin Osman.
Many thanks to the organisers: Every awarded artist receives the catalog and the certificate!
See main awards-winning cartoons here and some other Turkish prize-winning cartoons here.

Winners of the Sardine Competition Festas de Lisboa 2013

The 10 winning sardines of the Sardine Competition Festas de Lisboa’13 were chosen among 6446 sardine tenders.
In 2013, the year the competition celebrates its 3rd edition and the Sardine’s 10th anniversary, received 6446 tenders from 3207 candidates, with ages between 7 months and 92 years old.
The totality of contestants represents 53 nationalities and 676 different locations.
Received 5400 sardines from Portugal, 209 from Brazil, 173 from Spain, 172 from Italy, 41 from Rumania, among sardines that came from Ukraine, Serbia, Angola, Bosnia, Cuba, India, Peru, Thailand, Japan or China.
The Jury, composed by Ana Bacalhau (lead singer of Deolinda), Luís Alegre (Ideias com Peso - Creative Director), Pedro Pires (Ivity - Creative Director), Jorge Silva (Silvadesigners) and Rita Castel-Branco (EGEAC), chose the 10 winning sardines, one of them in video.
The winners of the Sardine Competition 2013 are:
- Alberto Faria, 46 years, Portuguese
- Bernardo Anichini, 27 years, Italian
- Bruno Miguel Prezado da Silva, 37 years, Portuguese
- Dário de Sousa Santos, 22 years, Portuguese
- Hugo Alexandre Ribeiro Henriques, 31 years, Portuguese
- João Vieira Alves Ferreira Teigas, 32 years, Portuguese
- Leonor Brilha, 31 years, Portuguese
- Paloma Valdívia Barría, 35 years s, Chilean
- Susana Dulce de Sousa de Matos Marques, 39 years, Portuguese
- Yuichi Fukuda, 34 years, Japonese
Each winner receives a €1.000 prize (tax free) and their sardines will be the brand image of the communication campaign of Festas de Lisboa’13.
The 10 winning sardines can be seen at


Cemalettin Yıldız from Turkey wins the Grand Prix in the 21st Biennial Gabrovo 2013

Submitted the 21st edition of the International Biennial of Humour and Satire in the Arts were 1664 works by 784 artists from 55 countries. The International jury selected 443 works by 329 artists from 44 countries to be shown in the Biennial exhibitions and awarded the following prizes:
* GRAND PRIX - the GOLDEN AESOP statuette: CEMALETTIN YILDIZ, Turkey (Poster above)
* PRIZE of the town of Gabrovo - the GASCAR statuette: ANTON KOLEV, Bulgaria
* PRIZE for CARTOON awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria (there were awarded 2 prizes 500 BNG each): VADIM KONOPLYANSKY, Russia ; DAVID VELA, Spain.
* PRIZE for GRAPHICS & DRAWINGS awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria: DIMITAR KARATONEV, Bulgaria
* PRIZE for PAINTING awared by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria: DYANKO KOLEV, Bulgaria
* PRIZE for SCULPTURE awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria: GALABIN HRISTOV, Bulgaria
* PRIZE for PHOTOGRAPH awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria: MASUMEH ZABETNIA, Iran
* PRIZE for POSTER awarded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria: KRASIMIRA DRUMEVA, Bulgaria
* PRIZE of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria (for the best CARTOON supporting the fight against tobacco consumption): ROMAN MATKIEWICZ, Estonia
* PRIZE of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria (for the best CARTOON supporting the fight against alcohol abuse): TEMUR KOZAEV, Russia
* PRIZE of the Directorate of CENTRAL BALKAN National Park: ANGEL RAMIRO ZAPATA MORA, Colombia
* PRIZE of GABROVO Planet Society: DILYAN BAKALSKI, Bulgaria
* PRIZE of SKALNI MATERIALI JS Co. - Rousse awarded to a young sculptor: BOYANA KOYNOVA, Bulgaria ; MIHAELA KAMENOVA, Bulgaria
* PRIZE for the FUNNIEST PHOTO awarded by PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS Ltd. (a professional Lowepro photo backpack and a certificate): KRISTINA BORISOVA, Bulgaria
* PRIZE for PHOTOGRAPH awarded by PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS Ltd. (a professional Lowepro photo bag and a certificate): ZHECHO PLANINSKI, Bulgaria
* PRIZE of COALITION FOR LIFE WITHOUT TOBACCO SMOKE (for the best POSTER supporting the fight against smoking): ZLATINA PAVLOVA, Bulgaria.

Results UFEC 2nd International Sports Drawing & 4th Sports Graphic Humour Competitions

First prize: Sebastián Velasco 'Partido de pelota'. Burgos
Honourable mention: Juana Céspedes 'Burbujas'. Barcelona
Honourable mention: Manel Navarro 'L'arribada' . Barcelona.
* * *
First prize: Mehdi Azizi (without title). Arak, (Iran)
Special mention: Vladimir Kazanevsky 'Rowing'. Kiev (Ukraine)
Special mention: Pavel Constantin 'Intersection' Botosani (Romania).

Theme in the 6th International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden: The Egg

The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden with the cooperation of
Les Amis du Château de Vianden, Naturpark OUR and
are pleased to announce their
1. Subject: The egg
2. Deadline: 4th April 2013
3. Prizes: 1st prize: 1500 € + trophy, 2nd prize: 1000 € + trophy, 3rd prize: 500 € + trophy,
3 honourable mentions
4. Entries: Initially, each participant can submit up to 3 entries in digital format by sending them via internet to the following address: The author must include the following details in his or her e-mail: first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number and the title or the number of each submission. The specifications for these electronic submissions are as follows: format JPEG, good quality, and max. 1,5 MB per picture. Out of these submissions, the jury will make a selection of 60-100 drawings. Only the awarded artists will be invited to send the original work by mail. All these works will be shown as prints at the exhibition and in the catalogue. Their size should be between A4 (210x297mm) and A3 (297x420mm). The drawings must not be folded and not included in a passe-partout.
5. Technique: Free, black and white or in colour, without subtitles. The submitted drawings must be signed by the artist on the backside. Photos, collages, photocopies and coloured b&w reproductions will be not accepted.
6. Prizes and exhibition: The announcement of the prizes and honourable mentions will happen on
4th May 2013 in Castle of Vianden and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of the Castle of Vianden from 5th May until 26th May 2013. There are plans to display the exhibits in the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden and in other cities until end of June 2014.
7. Returns: The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer.
8. Catalogue: The authors whose submissions are selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail after end of 2014.
9. Results: The results will be published on the website on 5th May 2012.
The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
10. Copyright: The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results.
11. Generalities: The submitted work should not have been awarded or published before the deadline of this contest.
By taking part in this contest the participants accept the abovementioned rules.
12. Submission address for the awarded works:
Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden
48, Grand-rue L - 9410 Vianden Luxembourg
13. Further informations:
Florin BALABAN Phone nr.: 00352-621 28 37 90
Pol LEURS Phone nr.: 00352-78 83 18
Source: .


Results of the 2nd Shirozhan International Cartoon Contest 2013, Iran

JURY: Javad Alizadeh / Iran, Horia Crisan / Romania, Abbas Naseri / Iran.
First place: Armen Hamonangan / Indonesia
Second place: Toso Borkovic / Serbia
Third place: Galym Boranbayev / Kazakhstan.
Special Prizes:
Medi Belortaja / Albania
Anton Lobanov / Russia
Jovan Prokopljevic / Serbia
Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria
Cristobal Reinoso / Argentina
Ali Mirayi / Iran
Victor Mihai / Romania.
Source: .

Deadline in the "Citizen of laughs" Cartoon Contest in Tallinn, Estonia: 15 April 2013

"Citizen of laughs" Cartoon Contest in Tallinn, Estonia
We invite you to take part in the competition of cartoons "Citizen of laughs".
The box XXXIII Tallinn Old Town Days organized competition of cartoons "Citizen of laughs." The organizers of the competition are the Union of Estonian humor, humor magazine "Pilkaja", Tallinn city government, as well as the district council Tallinskogo Kesklinn.
Number of works presented by one participant is limited - no more than 5, the amount should not exceed the paper size A3, 300dpi, RGB, JPG. The works can be published before. Submitted works are not reviewed and returned to the authors.
The necessary data of the author's name and surname, country.
Information about the product: name, year, size (cm).
Contact details: postal address, e-mail, phone
Works for the exhibition are accepted until April 15, 2013 at
Vana-Viru 4 Tallinn 10111 Estonia, with a "cartoon contest,"
or email:
pilkaja.sisu @ .
The works presented are estimated jury, chaired by the chief editor of the humor magazine "Stud" -Andrus Tamm. Also a member of the jury of renowned comedians Estonia. The prize fund is 900 €, the jury decide the division.
Exhibition catalog will be issued free of charge, all authors of works presented at the exhibition. The works can be published in a humorous magazine"Pilkaja" without additional fee.
The exhibition will open June 1, 2013 in Tallinn.
Additional Information:
Andrus Tamm
Estonian Union of humor
pilkaja.sisu @
Tel: 372 51 77 861


Тhe fatal number 13 is the theme in 7th International Biennial for Caricature, Plovdiv 2013

Plovdiv 2013, Bulgaria
SUBJECT: Тhe fatal number 13
The year is 2013. What do the cartoonists around the world think about the number 13?
From ancient times the numbers have been perceived as carrying luck or misfortune. Nobody actually knows since when the fatalism to the number 13 dates back. But according to one version, the prehistoric man had 10 fingers and two feet, and could not count to more than 12. According to another, in the ancient beliefs the number 12 was the perfect one, but the number 13 violates this strict system and awakens the superstitions in people. On the contrary, in ancient Egypt the people used to believe that if you wanted to achieve immortality, you have to climb the ladder with the 13 steps; while in the Greek mythology, Zeus was the 13th and the strongest god. In fact the black glory, which is assigned to this number, appeared probably in the fourteenth century, after the defeat of the Order of the Temple.
But the truth is always somewhere in the middle. Originally Adam had 13 ribs, but God pulled out one of them, and said to him: “Be careful with the number 13! It is at the same time a number of righteousness and a number of evil in the world.”
Address for submission:
Regional Ethnographic Museum
2, Dr. Chomakov Str.
4000 Plovdiv BULGARIA
1. The Biennial for Caricature is open to professional and amateur caricaturists from all over the world;
2. Each participant should send up at least one piece of work 210/297 mm (A4 format);
3. The caricatures may be colorful or black-and-white;
4. Participants should send their caricatures by 31 July 2013;
5. It is advisable that together with their caricatures, participants also send a photograph or take-off and CV;
6. An international jury will nominate five caricaturists who will be conferred the title Master of Caricature;
7. Prize caricatures are not sent back;
8. The rest of the caricatures will be sent back if authors state that in written form;
9. The Catalogue of the exhibition will be given free of charge to participants whose caricatures are included in the Catalogue.
Time and venue: October, 1-st 2013, at 18.00 hrs at the Regional Ethnographic Museum.
Submission deadline: 31 July 2013 (mail date)
The Nominated works will be kept in Works of Fine Art Stock of Regional Ethnographic Museum, Plovdiv
Phone: ++ 359 32 626328; ++ 359 32 626339.
E-mail: .


Famous Czech caricaturist Pavel Kundera passes away (17.6.1941 – 9.3.2013)

Pavel Kundera, the Czech cartoonist most famous for his portraits of sportspeople and other celebrities as well, passes aged 71 after a severe illness he fought for many months. Here is an informative interview with him made in 2011 and possibly this is the Google-translated English version. May he rest in peace. (More on E-GAG 13-11-12).


The 3rd Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2013 with themes

The 3rd Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2013, China
1. Participation
The contest is open to all artists regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
2. Organizer
Host:“HONGTU” Art institute
Sponsor: Red Man Art Center.
Official website:
3. Theme
A) Horse \ Zebra \ Pegasus
B) Panda
C) Free
4. Entries
1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
2) Participators should summit the original works. Any slide, photograph or xerox will not be accepted.
3) The maximum 10 entries should be submitted for each category.
4) The maximum size of the works should be 200 ×200cm respectively.
5) The works should be accompanied by the author's resume and photo (or caricature).
6) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse side of the works. Please specify in envelope: “2013 Gold Panda”
7) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or Children’s painting will be accepted.
5. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on our web site:
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
6. Deadline
The deadline for entry is the 22 of September 2013.
7. Delivery
1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be accepted.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
8. Judgment
1) The jury committee is composed of artists, print engravers, cartoonist, illustrators and press editors.
2) The jury meeting will be held on October, 20, 2013.
3) The committee will announce the result on November, 10, 2013 on web site. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email.
9. Prizes
1) Gold Panda prize – Golden Panda Medal + 2000 US Dollars – 1 place
2) Best work prize – Silver Panda Medals + 300 US Dollars – 5 places
3) The special prize of jury meeting – Copper Panda Medals – 30 places
4) Selected prize – Certificate of merit.
10. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries. The committee has the right to use all the submitted works to spread competition on media, websites, posters, post cards, advertisements, etc.
11. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive one copy of the catalog made for the competition.
12. Provisions
1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be exhibited and displayed in Redman International Cartoon House.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
For Information
Web site
Email: .


The First International Graphic Humour Festival “The Sunny Dragon” 2013, Armenia

The Association of Caricaturists of Armenia and the Union of Artists of Armenia with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia announce and organize in Yerevan, Armenia, the First International Graphic Humour Festival “The Sunny Dragon”, dated for completion of the actions devoted to the 500th Anniversary of Armenian Printing.
The themes of the Festival are: a) Books & Press; b) Free.
The Prizes:
The 1st Prize “Golden Sunny Dragon”
The 2nd Prize “Silver Sunny Dragon”
The 3rd Prize “Bronze Sunny Dragon”
The Special Prizes:
The Prize of the Ministry of Culture of RA “500th Anniversary of Armenian Printing”
The Prize of the Association of Caricaturists of Armenia
The Prize of the Union of Artists of Armenia
1. The Festival is open to adult cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world.
2. The quantity of works for each author is not limited (cartoons, caricatures, strips, comics, etc.).
3. The works, in digital format, can be sent by e-mail to the addresses: together with the digital entry form with the information about the author. The works, in any technique, black/white or colour, must be saved in high quality JPG, TIFF, PNG or PDF formats, in 300 dpi resolution for A4 size, and should not exceed 5MB for each file. Files larger will not be accepted.
4. The deadline for submissions is MARCH 22, 2013.
5. The works will be exhibited at the House of Artist of Armenia (16 Abovyan Str., Yerevan, Armenia) and may be exhibited at museums, galleries and exhibition halls in Yerevan or in other settlements in Armenia as well, at the discretion of the organizers.
6. Works awarded at other events can take part in our Festival with stating where and when they were awarded.
7. The results of the voting will be given directly to all the participating artists by email, published on the site and on the facebook page within April 2013.
8. The opening ceremony will have place on April 1 and the prizes distribution, on April 7, 2013, at the House of Artist of Armenia. The exhibition will remain opened until April 7, 2013.
9. The participation in the Festival implies the complete acceptance of all the conditions and rules from the author.
Timetable of The Sunny Dragon 2013
Theme: a/ Books & Press; b/ Free
Deadline for application and entries: March 22, 2013
Opening: April 1, 2013
Exhibition: April 1-7, 2013.
Entry Form on source and facebook.

International Cartoon Contest of Bride's Veneration, Kriva Palanka 2013, R. Macedonia

The Organization Board of the Cultural Manifestation Bride’s Veneration, St. Teodor Tiron, v.Konopnica, KrivaPalanka under the Patronage of the Municipality of KrivaPalanka, organizes an International Cartoon Contest on the topic:
Criteria for participation:
- One author can participate with only three (3) non textual cartoons; -Application should be done with an application form attached on ;
- The application which is not properly completed , will not be qualified furthermore ;
- Filling the application, the applicant certifies that the piece of art is his own intellectual property and accepts to cede the author`s rights to the organizer of the contest ;
- Applying at the contest the author approves the organizer to use, exhibit, study and publish the pieces of art without limit for the media, period of time or place of its publication;
- It is preferable for the authors to enclose their short Biography;
- The pieces of art are supposed to be sent using e-mail (original or scanned ) with resolution of 300 dpi and the form should be A3 (29,7 x 42) to;
- Application deadline is 29th of March 2013.
Process of selection and judging:
- All the pieces of art that applied properly should be taken in the preliminary selection
- The preliminary selection of the pieces of art should be done by the Organizational Board in the period of 3 days after the deadline date.
- The organizational Board should choose to award the arts that will enter the preliminary selection;
- The authors that should be awarded are supposed to supply the original piece of art in 15 days, after the Publication of the results.
Publication of the results:
- The results will be published on the web site of the Municipality of KrivaPalanka ( not later than 02.04.2013.
- All the preliminary selected pieces of art will be published in the catalogue
- All the participating authors who take part in the preliminary selection will receive a catalogue (electronic version) sent on the given address.
Dragan Velickovski (
 first prize – 200 $ and a Certificate for participation
 second prize – 150 $ and a Certificate for participation
 third prize – 100 $ and a Certificate for participation
Special awards:
 Certificate and a Certificate of Honour (Plaque )from the Municipality of Kriva Palanka
 Certificate and a Souvenir of the town of Kriva Palanka
 Certificate and a souvenir of the Manifestation Playing Tribute of the Bride, St.Teodor Tiron.


40th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2013 with Free themes + Theme Soccer

40th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2013, Brazil
The 40th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2013, realized by the Piracicaba City Hall/Cultural Action Secretariat/National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba will be held in accordance with the following schedule – Registrations: until July 19th. Art Selection: August 03rd and 04th. Awards: August 17th. Opening: August 24th. Closing: October 20th.
Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries. The theme is free.
The works - all categories - can be sent by MAIL or ELECTRONIC MAIL (applications over the Internet, in the format and 300 DPI JPGE, attached images at once).
The graphical technique is free. Digital copies signed by author and being indicated that it is print number 01 and sculptures, with humorous content will also be accepted. Maximum measures allowed: paper - 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (width).
Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category: Cartoon (graphic humor with universal and timeless themes), Charge (graphic humor with journalistic themes of nowadays), Caricature (graphic humor that expresses the physical and/or personality of a known celebrity), Comic Strips/Comic Stories (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stories will be accepted a maximum of 02 pages per work) and Theme Soccer.
Along the registered artwork, the artist must attach a complete registration form with legibly writing. It is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the CEDHU's database.
40° Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/Secretaria Municipal da Ação Cultural Av. Maurice Allain, 454 - Caixa Postal 12 – CEP 13.405-123 - Piracicaba - SP Brasil
Cartoon Category:
Charge Category:
Caricature Category:
Comic Strips/Stories Category:
Thematic Category:
The Awards are a total of R$ 40,000.00 (thirty-five thousand reais), acquisitive Municipality of Piracicaba, divided as follows:
a) Five 1st place prizes in the amount of R$ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories.
b) One award of R$ 10,000.00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category.
c) One prize called Popular Jury “Alceu Marozi Righetto”, in the value of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais), chosen by online open voting. The contestants to this award will be selected by the Awarding Committee. The indicated, such as the schedule and the local for the voting will be announced on the event's opening.
It will be also awarded a prize of R$ 3.131,11 (three thousand one hundred thirty-one reais and eleven cents), exclusively for the caricature category, purchasing value from the City Council of Piracicaba.
Beside the money prize, the awarded artists will be receiving trophies (a creation of Zélio Alves Pinto). Other awards and honors may be imposed at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.
There will be a Selection Jury and an Award Jury composed by qualified people in the area. If the Award Jury finds any type of fraud or plagiarism in one or more registered works, the Jury may cancel the award. The result of the award may be contested until a week after the opening of the Exhibition, with reasonable evidence of any wrongdoing without acknowledgement of the committee.
The simple application requires the artist to accept these regulations. The selected artists automatically transfer the authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming promotion of the event. The returning of the artworks after the closing of the exhibition must be formally requested early in the registration form. Otherwise the artworks will ultimately belong to the collection of the National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba, which will exercise the right of property, as it finds interesting.
The organization of the 40th International Exhibition Humor of Piracicaba is not responsible for possible damages that may happen when the arts are sent or returned.
The authors transfer automatically Authorial Rights of his artworks when awarded acquisitivetely (including mentions), in accordance with the Law n° 9610, February 19st, 1988 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded artworks in the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba and now integrant part of Municipal Public Property for the purposes of entitlements, in accordance with the Municipal Law n° 2249, 1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n° 2486, 1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n° 5194, 2002.
IMPORTANT: The work submitted must be accompanied by the registration form, duly completed and signed by the author.
Registration Form on source: .


XV International Open Cartoon Contest - Zielona Góra, Poland 2013

The Society of Supporters of Cultural Activities “Debut” and the Voivodeship and Municipal Public Library in Zielona Góra (Poland) cordially invite to participate in the XV International Open Cartoon Contest. This year theme is SOCIAL MEDI@.


Results of the 5th International Fadjr Visual Arts Festival 2013, Iran

Results of the 5th International Fadjr Visual Arts Festival were announced on March 03, 2013, Iran.
In cartoon section of this festival Pouya Abdoli (Top) from Iran was successful to receive the First Prize and Valentin Georgiev from Bulgaria and Doru Axinte from Romania were the Second and Third winners of this Festival.
Also Angel Boligan from Mexico, Hamidreza Mosayebi and Mehdi Azizi from Iran were appreciated.
Source: Iran Cartoon .


Rules for the 7th HumoDÆVA International Cartoon Contest, Deva 2013, Romania

The event is a part of the 13th edition of Deva annual Humor Festival Liviu Oros.
1. The artworks must be presented in a FREE THEME, under the categories:
A. CARTOON: drawings without any relation to a specific fact;
B. CARICATURE: portrait with anatomic and psychological distortion of well known personalities;
C. STRIP: drawings in sequential panels;
D. HUMOROUS PHOTOS (PICS): good-humored photos with universal theme.
2. The 7th HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The Participation on the International Contest is free of charge. For all the cartoonists accepted in the contest, the drawings will be displayed FREE OF CHARGE on HumoDAEVA’s site.
3. You can submit an unlimited number of entries. The Deadline for sending works by e-mail is 30 March 2013 at the e-mail address .
4. The works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB color mode, in JPG format, with the maximum limit of 10 MB. Works should be accompanied by the author’s photo or caricature and a short biography in English, including date of birth, education, profession, citizenship, awards, publications and exhibitions.
5. The decisions of the Jury are final. The Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, no matter the categories:
The FIRST PRIZE _____________ 1000 $ and Special Honor Diploma
The SECOND PRIZE ___________ 500 $ and Special Honor Diploma
The THIRD PRIZE _____________ 300 $ and Special Honor Diploma
10 “Prizes of Excellence” _______ Special Honor Diploma
Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
6. The contest results will be announced on the HumoDÆVA 2013 web site in 5 April 2013.
The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges. The originals of the prize winning works should be sent in maximum two weeks from the results announcement, well wraped and protected against damages. Atention, this is a condition for your money prize sending! The mail adress for sending originals is:
CRISAN PUBLISHING HOUSE, Mihai. Viteazu bl 47, ap 1, 330.091 Deva, jud. Hunedoara, ROMANIA.
7. All selected cartoonists will get, free of charge, a full-color Catalogue of the 2013 HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST in PDF format.
8. The organizers retain the right to use all the drawings received to promote HumoDAEVA competition & Liviu Oros Festival (to make exhibitions in Romania or abroad, to publish them in newspapers, magazines, books, posters, postal cards, internet, multimedia products and in any other form, without any compensation or fee to the authors).
9. For further information: phone 0040 - 721328855, e-mail: .
10. By submitting the works to The HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.
Horia CRISAN, Founder of
Liviu STANILA, Co-founder and Art Director of
Dear Friend,
Starting with 2001, The HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST has a new dimension – a world wide, permanent one. Any inhabitant of the planet – which has access to the Internet, of course – can see the Exhibitions (sitting comfortably at home, in his armchair), and also the prizes and the selected drawings. Those exhibitions are open non-stop, 7 days a week, from 0 until 24! And there is no entrance fee!
You can view and review at any time your cartoons witch are displayed here, or you can invite your friends to see your works. You can save the works you like, e - mail them to whoever you wish or share them.
For all of this, it’s enough to click HumoDÆVA.
In 2013, as soon as the works arrive at us, we will select and display them in the virtual gallery of HumoDÆVA 2013 . So, you can visit us from time to time, to see if your drawings arrived, how many of them were selected for the contest, and to see if you are one of the winners!