

Results of the 19th edition of the Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem 'The Bicycle', Belgium

In total we received 2483 cartoons from 718 participants of 79 countries. Most participants were from Europe (57%), followed by Asia (31%), South-America (8%), North-America (3%), Africa (1%) and Oceania (0.5%).
The submitted cartoons approached the bike in all its aspects: the cycling associated with doping scandals, romantic bike rides, bicycle thefts, the bicycle as transportation ...
The winners of this edition are:
First prize: Mohsen Asadi (Iran)
Second prize: Pavel Constantin (Romania)
Third prize: Ross Thomson (UK)
Best European entry: Constantin Sunnerberg (Belgium)
Best Belgian entry: Nikola Hendrickx (Belgium)
Prize of the ECC: Marco D'Angelo (Italy)
Cover award: Angelo Campaner (Italy)
Honorable mention: Peter Ruge (Germany)
Honorable mention: Jorgo Schäfer (Germany).
You can see all winners on our webpage of on our Pinterestboard.
All participating and selected cartoonists for the exhibition and the catalogue are on the participation list.
We thank all participants for their entries and hope to may welcome you on the 20th edition in 2015.
Photos of the ceremony will be available soon on our Facebookpages.
The ECC-team.

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