

International Cartoon Contest of Bride's Veneration, Kriva Palanka 2013, R. Macedonia

The Organization Board of the Cultural Manifestation Bride’s Veneration, St. Teodor Tiron, v.Konopnica, KrivaPalanka under the Patronage of the Municipality of KrivaPalanka, organizes an International Cartoon Contest on the topic:
Criteria for participation:
- One author can participate with only three (3) non textual cartoons; -Application should be done with an application form attached on ;
- The application which is not properly completed , will not be qualified furthermore ;
- Filling the application, the applicant certifies that the piece of art is his own intellectual property and accepts to cede the author`s rights to the organizer of the contest ;
- Applying at the contest the author approves the organizer to use, exhibit, study and publish the pieces of art without limit for the media, period of time or place of its publication;
- It is preferable for the authors to enclose their short Biography;
- The pieces of art are supposed to be sent using e-mail (original or scanned ) with resolution of 300 dpi and the form should be A3 (29,7 x 42) to;
- Application deadline is 29th of March 2013.
Process of selection and judging:
- All the pieces of art that applied properly should be taken in the preliminary selection
- The preliminary selection of the pieces of art should be done by the Organizational Board in the period of 3 days after the deadline date.
- The organizational Board should choose to award the arts that will enter the preliminary selection;
- The authors that should be awarded are supposed to supply the original piece of art in 15 days, after the Publication of the results.
Publication of the results:
- The results will be published on the web site of the Municipality of KrivaPalanka ( not later than 02.04.2013.
- All the preliminary selected pieces of art will be published in the catalogue
- All the participating authors who take part in the preliminary selection will receive a catalogue (electronic version) sent on the given address.
Dragan Velickovski (
 first prize – 200 $ and a Certificate for participation
 second prize – 150 $ and a Certificate for participation
 third prize – 100 $ and a Certificate for participation
Special awards:
 Certificate and a Certificate of Honour (Plaque )from the Municipality of Kriva Palanka
 Certificate and a Souvenir of the town of Kriva Palanka
 Certificate and a souvenir of the Manifestation Playing Tribute of the Bride, St.Teodor Tiron.

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