

5th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA 2011, Romania

The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA the 5 th Edition, 2011
Organizers: Bucovina Museum, The Country Council from Suceava.
The Bucovina Museum from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 5 th Edition, 2011.
1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “Dictator in the XXI century”.
2. We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five.
4. Please attach in .DOC format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV).
5. The exhibition prizes is:
- Prize Bucovina = 500€ + diploma + gold medal
- Three mentions = diploma + medal.
6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour, or the cartoons must be sent at the address:
Bucovina Muzeum,
Str. Ştefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania
7. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Bucovina Museum All the artists who will enter the saloon will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition.
8. If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons until 15 th of September 2011.
9. The exhibition will be opened for the public in november 2011.
Members of Jury:
Mihai Panzaru Pim - cartoonist
George Licurici - cartoonist
Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA - cartoonist.
Secretary: BOA.

Results 1st International Competition ‘Cartoonist without borders’ 2011

Results of the 1st International Competition ‘Cartoonist without borders’ 2011, Istanbul - Turkey announced on 23 April 2011:
Organized by, the competition received about 750 works from 20 countries. The prize-giving ceremony will be held in the Week of the Disabled, 10-16 May 2011, with the opening of the exhibition. The exact time and place to be informed on the website.
The selected cartoons with the prize-winning ones to be displayed soon at the special website .

Burhanettin Ardagil, Muhittin Köroğlu, Hicabi Demirci, Kemal Özyurt, Metin Övün, Nevin Yıldız.
First Prize: Murat Sarı / Turkey (see top above)
Second Prize: Samira Barati / Iran (See above)
Third Prize: Mehmet Kahraman / Turkey (See below)
4 (Equal) Mentions:
Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgaria, Konstantin Kazanchev / Ukraine, Murat Gök / Turkey, Kürşat Zaman / Turkey.
Jury Prizes of Encouragement (to young cartoonists):
Zhang A He / China, Selim Tanrıseven / Turkey.
List of participants at source: .


Green Planet Cartoon Contest 2011 - Romania

WORK SEND BY e-mail:
JPG 300dpi resolution
1000 euro
400 euro
300 euro
( Source: Cristian Topan )


Atila Ozer, the famous Turkish cartoonist passes away this morning

Atila Ozer, the famous Turkish cartoonist and professor of graphic arts and cartoon, passed away in Eskisehir this morning, 23rd April 2011.
Atila Ozer was born in Burdur (Turkey) in 1949. He graduated from State Engineering and Architecture Academy as a construction engineer. 7 years later he ended his career as an engineer. He completed his master’s degree in Communication Arts and his PhD in Graphical Design.
In 1979 he started his academic career at the Anadolu University in Eskisehir. He has been teaching the course "Graphics and Cartoon Art." In 2002 he founded the Anadolu University Research Center for Cartoon Art and in 2004 the Museum of Cartoon Art ( He published numerous articles and books on cartoons as "Advertising and Cartoon Art", "Cartoons as a Language of Communication", "Theoretical and Practical Cartoon"...

Besides being a professor at the university he was also a world-famous cartoonist. His first cartoon was published in 1973 in "Bonbon", the humor magazine of the national newspaper Hurriyet. He won dozens of awards in cartoon competitions in Japan, China, Korea, Iran, Syria, Cyprus, Germany, Bulgaria ... His cartoons were published in domestic and foreign newspapers and magazines. He has made also cartoons for educational TV programs. He had personal exhibitions in Turkey, Austria, Germany, and Belgium.
Atila Ozer and his colleague Sadettin Aygun won the Skalni Materiali JS Co. – Rousse Prize for Sculpture in the Gabrovo International Biennial of Humour and Satire in 2009, Bulgaria.
See also


Results of the 7th International Cartoon Contest Syria 2011

Themes: A) Plastic Surgery ; B) Free.
Golden Prize:
Gruspier Jozef
- Slovakia (See above)
Jugoslav Vlahovic -Serbia (See below)
Silver Prize:
Angel Boligan - Mexico
Menekse Cam - Turkey
Bronze Prize:
Alperen Koseoglu – Turkey
Todorovic Bobisa – Serbia
Special Prizes:
Ireneusz Parzyszek - Poland
Marcin Bondarowicz - Poland
Mehmet Kahraman - Turkey
Nikola Hendrickx - Belgium
Sadegh Bagheri – Iran
Tawan Chuntra - Thailand
Igor Smirnov - Russia.
See all prize-winning cartoons at syriacartoon .

Theme in 20th International Festival Golden Helmet 2012: Atom

- Short story
- Poem
- Aphorism
ORIGINAL, MIN. A4 (210x297 mm), MAX A3 (297x420 mm), TECHNIQUE FREE.
2ST AWARD ................................................... 400 €
3ST AWARD ................................................... 200 €.
POEM: PLAQUE *GOLDEN HELMET*..................... 200 €
APHORISM: PLAQUE *GOLDEN HELMET* .............. 200 €.
DEADLINE: 20.02.2012.
Only unpublished works will be taken into consideration.
Written works to be sent under a code!
Jury decision will be announced on 01.04.2012.
Awards will be handed at Final Festival Evening on April 1, 2012.
The Organizer will bear travel and accommodation cost of awarded authors.
Festival official languages are Serbian and English.
All works remain property of the Festival.
Address: Kulturni centar Krusevac, International Festival “Golden Helmet” Toplicina No.2; 37000 Krusevac, Serbia
Tel/Fax: 00 381 (37) 423 025, 421 877
E-mail: , ,
Regulations & entry-form at WEB:



Olympische Spelen 2012- Jeux Olympiques 2012 - Olympic games 2012
The modern Olympic Games belong to the tradition of the eldest and certainly most impressive sporting events world wide.
In 2012, thousands of athletes will meet up in the capital city of England London for the thirtieth edition of the summer Games. There will be excitement, emotions, intense joy and satisfaction during the competition for the gold medal. All this taking place in the interesting setting of London, one of the most exiting cities in Europe.
This is therefore a unique occasion for the tourism organisation of Zemst, together with the Belgian museum of Sport Sportimonium(, to choose the Olympic Games in London as the contest theme for the third edition of the international Sportcartoonfestival in 2012.
The subject can be widely interpreted. Some keywords include: London, athletes, Olympic disciplines, fans... a fascinating subject to stimulate the creativity and critical minds of the cartoonists!

REGULATIONS 2012 : Olympic Games
The contest is open to any person. Participation is free of charge. Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of the current regulations. The jury s decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
Art.2. Contest theme: Olympic Games 2012
Art.3. Specifications of entries
Paper entries
3.1. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4).
3.2. The works shall not be provided by a passe-partout, or be stuck on larger paper.
3.3. The drawing must mention, on the reverse, the surname, name, address and e-mail of the participant.
3.4. The drawings shall not include subtitles
Digital entries
3.1. Digital entries are admissible.
3.2. Cartoons can be sent by e-mail to:
3.3. They shall have following dimensions 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4) and resolution of max. 72 DPI.
3.4. When your digital entry is selected, you are obligated to send in your original work.
3.5. Entries which do not meet these criteria will not be accepted.
Art.4. Entry
4.1. The entry-form must be sent together with the cartoons.
4.2. The works must be sent to the following address:
SPORTIMONIUM, Bloso-domein, to: Liesbeth Salens, Trianondreef 19, 1981 Hofstade-Zemst (Belgium)
Art.5. Number of entries
5.1. Each contestant can provide up to 5 cartoons.
5.2. The cartoons shall not have been exhibited or published before.
Art.6. Jury
6.1. A jury will select the works for the exhibition and will award the following prizes.
6.2. Prizes: The first place will be awarded with the prize of 600 EURO - 2nd place: 400 EURO - 3rd place: 250 EURO.
6.3. The public prize: 150 EURO.
Art.7. Property of organisation
All received entries will become the property of the organizers.
Art.8. Damage or loss
The organisation cannot be held responsible for damage or loss during the shipment.
Art.9. Patent rights and intellectual property
9.1 Participants grant the authorization to publish their works free of charge for the purposes of eventual promotion campaigns and communications.
9.2. Participants guarantee that they are the authors of submitted artworks.
Art.10. Deadline
10. Entry until 30th of November 2011.
Art.11. Vernissage
11.1. The awards are planned to be granted with the opening of the exhibition.
11.2. The participant can visit the exhibition for free.
Regulation in languages.

Pavel Constantin wins the 3rd International Competition for graphic humour

The 1st International Competition sports drawing rewards Tere Vila Matas’s work
The Catalan artist Tere Vila Matas has won the first International Competition of sports drawing, organized by the Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia in collaboration with the Fundació Catalana per a l’Esport.
Tere Vila Matas won the award with her work Rhythmic Gymnasts Mountain. Born in Barcelona, Vila Matas is a member of the Académie d’Art Oriental in Paris, in addition, she has a bronze medal in the Art Expo in New York, silver medal at the Salon of Beziers, and Grand Prix de la Vigne . She has exhibited in various international galleries and has works exhibited in museums in different cities worldwide.
The winning work, Rhythmic Gymnasts Mountain is made using the technique of Chinese ink on rice paper. In fact, Villa Mata uses a technique entirely Oriental based on Chinese calligraphy.
This competition of sports drawing, which has been held this year for the first time, was born with the intention of bringing sport nearer to the work of artists, and has the aim of popularizing and promoting drawing as a unique expression of sport. It is endowed with a prize of € 3,000 and two honorable mentions of 1000 €.
The two honorable mentions of this first edition have been given to Hèctor Ameal by his work Break and Reflection During Training (Sitges) and to Manel Navarro by his work Sprint (Barcelona).

Pavel Constantin wins the 3rd International Competition for graphic humour
At the same time we held the 3rd International Competition of sports graphic humour. This competition has been welcomed not only in Catalonia but also at international level. In total over 450 works by artists from Catalonia and countries like China, Brazil or Iran have been presented.
The prize, worth € 1,500, was awarded to the Romanian artist Pavel Constantin (See above), while the second prize of € 1000, has been won by Ukrainian Yuri Kosubin. The jury has had a special mention for Manel Navarro from Barcelona with the work Spinning Top.
There was a total of eight finalists: Saeed Sadeghi (Iran), Pawel Kuczynski (Poland), Tan Oral (Turkey), Ferreol Murillo (Costa Rica), Valentin Druzhinin (Russia), Quim Perez and Alex Arias with Sure Gulls (Sta. Coloma de Gramenet), David Vela (Zaragoza) and Zao Kun (China).

The winners of the 1st International Competition of Drawing Sport and 3rd Drawing Competition of Sports Graphic Humour were chosen today at the headquarters of the Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia by a jury connected to the world of art and sports composed by:
- Mr. David Moner, president of the Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia
- Mrs. Antonia Albaladejo, deputy director and executive of Communication FIATC Insurance
- Mrs. Rosa Serra, artist - Mr. Josep M. Cadena, an art critic
- Mr. Miquel Sambola, boss of the Fundació Catalana per a l’Esport (Catalan Foundation for Sport)
- Mr. Enrique Ballesteros, treasurer of the Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia
- Mrs. Gloria Bosch, director of Art of Vila Casas Foundation
- Mr. Frederic Callis, vice president of the Associació de Publicacions Periòdiques in Catalan
- Mr. Antoni Puig, senior vice president of the Associació Catalana of Regional Press
- Mr. Carles Santamaria, director of the Saló Internacional del Còmic
- Mr. Joan Vehils, director of the newspaper Sport
- Mr. Jaume Capdevila, cartoonist of the newspaper Mundo Deportivo
- Mr. Lluís Simon, deputy director of the newspaper El 9 Esportiu
- Mr. Ramon Balius
- Mr. Lluís Paluzie, Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia.
This competition has FIATC insurance as an exclusive sponsor and has the collaboration of different organizations.
Exhibition and awards
The exhibition of the works and the award ceremony will take place on Wednesday 15 June at the Museu i Centre d’Estudis de l’Esport Dr. Melcior Colet (Buenos Aires Street, 56-58. Barcelona), where the winning works and a selection of the best drawings will be shown.
See all winning works at source in PDF: 3rd competition for graphic humor contests prizes


New deadline and address for "Nippon" cartoons FECO exhibition

Dear colleagues and friends,
On attachment you will find the new date and place for the exhibition for Japan, and the new deadline, too.
There is also the list from colleagues we have received works until this moment. Thanks a lot!
And last but not least, a kind letter from FECO JAPAN´s president Yoshiaki Yokota. Please remind to send some works directly by e-mail to Mr Yokota, too. His e-mail-address is:
Thanks again and have a good week,
Marlene Pohle
FECO Vice-president general
. Reuchlinstr. 17 A / 70178 Stuttgart
. Tel. 00 (49) 711 – 528 33 71
. Fax 00 (49) 711 – 36 51 290
. E-mail:


11th International Tabriz Cartoon Contest 2011 with theme: Economy

11th International Tabriz Cartoon Contest 2011, Iran
1. The contest is open to all artists worldwide, cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc.
2. Theme: Economy
3. New Section: Caricature portraits of businessmen
4. The size of the works A3 - A4.
5. Participants should send their cartoons (works not being previously awarded in other competitions).
6. Deadline for entries is 6 October 2011 .
7. The works must be original. The authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright.
Cartoons accepted for exhibition and prize-awarded cartoons might be published for any kind of publications in press or advertising concerning the contest.
8. The following Prizes will be awarded:
FIRST PRIZE: Golden statuette of Tabrizcartoon + Dyploma + 1500 $
SECOND PRIZE: Silver statuette of Tabrizcartoon + Dyploma + 1000 $
THIRD PRIZE: Bronze statuette of Tabrizcartoon + Dyploma + 500 $
5 HONORABLE PRIZES: Tabrizcartoon sculpture + Dyploma + Catalogue.
9. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition. In these cases any fee for the use of works will not be paid.
10. Remark: the works will not be returned.
Catalog will be sent to all the selected artists.
Results of the contest will be published in - .
Adress: Iran - Tabriz - Golestan garden - Tabriz Art home - Tabriz cartoon museum
Tel: 0098-411-2843094.

Gatto wins the First Prize in the 18th Euro-Kartoenale Kruishoutem 2011

Theme: SHOES.
3039 cartoons are received of 798 participants from 78 different countries. 70% of the participants lives in Europe, 20% in Asia, 5% in South-America, 4% in North-America and 1% in Africa. The jury awarded the following cartoonists:
1st prize: Alessandro Gatto (Italy) (See above)
2nd prize: Pol Leurs (Luxembourg)
3rd prize: Agim Sulaj (Italy)
Best European entry: Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz (Poland)
Best Belgian entry: Constantin Sunnerberg (Belgium)
Prize of the ECC: Ross Thomson (UK)
Prize of the citizens of Kruishoutem: Grigori Katz (Israel)
Honourable mention: Valery Momot (Ukraine)
Honourable mention: Ludo Goderis (Belgium)
Honourable mention: Tony Tasco (Belgium)
Cover award: Angel Ramiro Zapata Mora (Colombia).
See the prize-winning cartoons at


5th China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest 2011

5th China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest 2011
1) Theme:
The Past, Present, and Future - National Culture and Human Dream
(The Great Wall, Chinese Zhouyi, Pyramid, Maya, etc. Please visit World Heritage Centre:
2)Host & Sponsor:
Host: Guangxi City College
Sponsor: FreeCartoonsWeb (
3) Deadline: September 28th, 2011 (The arrival of the works).
4) Entries:
(1) Size: min A3 (297mm×420mm).
(2) Quantity: Unlimited.
(3) Works must be the hand drawing original by cartoonists, the ways of representation are free. Pictures with color or black & white are both allowed, it would be better if the works are good for exhibition.
Computer working pictures are not accepted in this contest.
(4) Works must be drawn independently.
(5) Please sign the themes, author’s names, address& postal code, E-mail address at the back of the pictures.
5) Mail to:
(1) Mail address:
Li Lin
2011 Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Committee,
NO.339 Fusui Street, Fusui County, Guangxi Province, 532100, China

(2) Please mail the original works, recommend to use the big envelope. Do not pucker the pictures! Any production which is broken during mailing would not participate in the exhibition.
(3) Please fill in the Entry-Form, mail together with the works.
6) Jury & Adviser & Secretariat:
President of Judgment Committee: Huang Qigong (China)
Members: Xia Dachuan (China), Jiang Lidong (China), Angel Boligan Corbo (Mexico), Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine)
Adviser: Xu Pengfei
Secretary General: Huang Qigong
Vice Secretary General: Jiang Lidong, Zhang Wei.
7) Choosing and Presenting works:
The contest organization committee will invite the domestic and foreign renowned cartoonists to form the appraisal committee, who will discuss and elect the excellent works, simultaneously, they will host the corresponding evaluation work on the line too. After the election had ended, we will invite the cartoonists who got the prizes and the appraisal committee to come to the Guangxi City College or the Guangxi Museum to attend the contest presentation ceremony, please pay attention to the announcement of media by the organization committee.
8) Copyrights:
Guangxi City College has the following rights to the participative works:
(1)The works will be displayed permanently on the website of Guangxi City College;
(2) The works can be collected, published, and displayed or auctioned in public;
(3) The works can be published in other media and publications;
(4) The organization unit can authorize others’ legitimate applications. All participative authors regarded as tacitly approve this contest rule.
9) Awards:
Gold Medal (1 person): RMB 18800 Yuan + Certificate + Album
Silver Medal (2 persons): RMB 8800 Yuan + Certificate + Album
Copper Medal (4 persons): RMB 3800 Yuan + Certificate + Album
Best Network Human Spirit Prize (1 person): RMB 6800 Yuan + Certificate + Album
Excellent Prize (20 persons): Certificate + Album
Being Selected (200 persons): Certificate + Album.
10) Contact:
Guangxi City College website:
Contest organization committee official website:
Organization committee office email: .
Contest organization committee address:
Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Organization Committee, NO.339 Fusui Street, Fusui, 532100, Guangxi, China (apart from Nanning international airport 28 kilometers)
Contact person: Huang Qigong (telephone 0086-13878868045) (China)
ENTRY FORM at sources: fcw & syriacartoon

David Rowe from Australia wins Grand Prize WPC Sintra 2011, Portugal

Satirizing one of the main issues of 2010, with the cartoon «Wikileaks and Uncle Sam» (See above), the Australian artist David Rowe was awarded with the Grand Prix of the 7th edition of the World Press Cartoon. The big winner cartoon was published last December in the Australian newspaper «The Sun-Herald». The work of Rowe the first place in the category of Cartoon Editorial and was considered the big winner of this edition. In the same category, the Polish Pawel Kuczynski was placed second with «Made in China» and Alecus, a Mexican cartoonist living in El Salvador, was awarded with the 3rd prize with «Chilean Miners».
In the category of Caricature the first prize goes to a portrait of D. João I, king of Portugal, by the Portuguese João Vaz de Carvalho. The 2nd and the 3rd prizes of this category were awarded to the Mexican Boligán, with a caricature of Julian Assange, published in «El Universal», and the Portuguese Santiagu, with «Madre Teresa of Calcutá», published by «Reporter of the Marão».
In Gag Cartoon category the big winner was the Brazilian Samuca, whose cartoon «Pedophilia» was published in the «Diario of Pernambuco». The 2nd prize was attributed by the jury to a drawing published in the Italian newspaper "Chiamami Cittá", by the artist of Albanian origin Agim Sulaj and has the title «Schengen». The 3rd prize goes to the Spanish cartoonist Tomás Serrano, with «Hard Childhood», published in "«La Gaceta Regional de Salamanca».
See all winning cartoons at


4th International Caricature Contest Festival Humoreix, Spain

1. Any artist, amateur or professional, can participate in this competition, as it is a competition which is open internationally.
2. The competition theme is: “Caricatures of Spanish or International athletes (basket, football, tennis, etc...) who plays or compete in group or solitary in Spanish Teams”
3. Only one original piece of work will be accepted from each participant. The piece must be original, not have won any prizes in previous competitions or have been published anywhere else. Any pieces which are considered, according to the criteria of the judges, to be similar in any way to other well known artwork will be disqualified immediately.
4. Artwork can be executed using any pictorial technique within a maximum scale of A3 (420 x 297mm) or a scale which is proportional to this. Digitally formatted work will also be accepted. In this case the work must have a resolution of 300 ppi and be presented in JPG or JPGE format.
5. If any text is present in the work it must be translated into Spanish or Catalan.
6. Artwork must be presented within a sealed envelope together with the details of the participant (name, surname, address, nationality, telephone number, email address, etc). Work can also be sent by email to the following address: , with the participant’s details in another document attached to the same email. It is advisable for artwork that is not digital to be colour photocopied and hand signed. All original artwork will be returned to the artist once the competition has finished.
7. The final admissions date for artwork is 8 May 2011.
8. From 12 May 2011 artwork will be exhibited in the shops that are members of the Association of the Lleida Eix Comercial (Shopping District), and will be duly labelled. Prior to this a panel of specialist judges will be convened, formed by one representative of Humoralia, another from the Shopping District and two professionals who will judge the 200 best entrees, which will be exhibited. These artworks will also be exhibited on the Eix Comercial (Shopping District) Association website. The judges reserve the right to declare the prize null and void if the quality of the originals is insufficient or if there is little or no public interest.
9. The artist is obliged to give up all image copyrights for the artwork presented for its publication and exhibition, both physical and digital, as well as publishing them in a catalog, which can be downloaded from the web Humoreix. Once the work has been judged and finalized it will be returned to the artist. The organization pledges not to use images of the winning piece, or any other award winning pieces, without prior permission from the artist. Moreover, the organization will take full responsibility for the originals from the moment they are received until the finalization of the competition. The organization promises to inform the contestants of the reception and acceptance of the participating artwork via email or publication on the Eix website.
10. One prize only of €1,500 will be awarded to the winning entry.
11. The verdict will be decided by public vote over the Internet using the Shopping District’s website in a first phase. Only allowed one vote per person. In a second phase, a qualified Jury composed by representatives persons of the Commercial Association “Eix” and Humoràlia will decide between the 3 most popular votes, which was the winner. The judges’ decision will not be open to appeal.
12. The verdict will be released during the 3rd and 4th June 2011.
13. Participation in the competition means the acceptance of all terms and conditions. Any doubts or problems that may arise during this time will be dealt with by the organization through a memo to its members.
Lleida, 07th April 2011.
Source: feco-spain

Theme in 2nd International Canadian Banana 2011: Why not?

Deadline: September 2011
(exact date will be confirmed later)
Details at


Results 17th International Golden Keg 2011, Presov - Slovakia

Results 17th International Golden Keg 2011, Presov - Slovakia
Attendance: 221 authors from 41 countries with 549 works.
The jury decided to award the prizes to the following artists on their meeting on 28.02.2011:
Grand Prix Golden Keg 2011 – Rumen Dragostinov (Bulgaria)
1st Prize - Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine)
2nd Prize - Jacek Frąckiewicz (Poland)
3rd Prize - Laco Torma (Slovakia).
Special Awards:
The Town Presov Prize - Zhao Yunsheng (China)
Igor Sevcik Prize - Barvirčák Miroslav (Slovakia)
Regional organization SSN Prize - Jan Hruby (Czech Republic)
Beer gallery Prize - Galina Pavlova (Bulgaria).
Honorable Mentions:
1.Tivadar Torok (Hungary); 2.Oleksiy Kustovsky (Ukraine); 3.Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria); 4.Andrzej Pacult (USA); 5.Pavel Taussig (Germany); 6.Mehmet Zeber (Turkey); 7.Louis Pol (Australia); 8.Valery Momot (Ukraine); 9.Henryk Cebula (Poland); 10.Urmas Nemvalts (Estonia); 11.Thomas Gayer (Czech Republic); 12.Sun Chengyuan (China); 13. An Keyu (China); 14.Zhichong Liang (China); 15.Shi Tian Jun (China); 16.Si Qi Zhang (China).
Jaroslav Rezník, President, General manager TASR; Mgr. Ludmila Kotarova, Bulgarian Cultural Institute; Viera Valková, Presov Municipality; Tadeusz Blonski, Faculty of Arts TU Kosice; Miroslav Vico, writer and cofounder of competition; Margita Rešovská, Šarišská Gallery Presov; Jozef Jurčišin, regional organization SSN; Fedor Vico, cartoonist & managing director of competition.
Source: Ivan Hanousek (E-GAG 2011-13).


IV. Baja Cartoon Competition with theme: Angler wife and hunter wife

IV. Baja Cartoon Competition
The town of Baja – famous for its Fish Soup Contest ( - organises its fourth cartoon competition, and this second time it goes international!
Every fun loving amateur or professional cartoonist is welcome to enter the event.
Theme: Angler wife and hunter wife
Competition details:
1.) Participants can submit up to three original cartoons in A/4 or A/3 size, using any technique. Prints of cartoons produced or coloured with software can also be submitted on condition that it has the cartoonist’s original signature and the print’s serial number.
2.) The participants should write their name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the back of the cartoons.
3.) Deadline for entries: 20 June, 2011.
4.) Postal address for entries (please note the order!):
István Kelemen
Bajza J. u. 19.
6500 Hungary

5.) For information or enquiries about the competition contact:
Phone: +36 20 426 58 82
6.) Participants whose works are selected by the jury for the catalogue will receive a catalogue via post.
7.) First prize: 500 USD + certification - Courtesy of the mayor of Baja
Second prize: 300 USD + certification - Courtesy of Magyar Vadaszlap hunting magazine
Third prize: 300 USD + certification - Courtesy of Kedvenc crosswords magazine
Special award: 300 USD + certification - for the Hungaryan cartoonist - Courtesy of Pannon Presztizs magazine
+ 5 certification.
8.) The time of jury for decision making: 24th June, 2011.
The decision of jury is irreversible.
9.) The opening ceremony and prize distribution will be at 17 a.m. 08 July, 2011. Address: Bacska Kulturpalota (Bacska Culture Hall) - Szentharomsag ter, Baja, 6500, Hungary
10.) For the list and works of participants and for any other information visit:
11.) The organiser retains the right to use the cartoons freely.
12.) We do not send back the cartoons, we are planning to make an exhibition from them.
We wish good work and succesfull participation to everyone.


FECO organize solidarity exhibition: Cartooning for Japan

Cartooning for Japan
FECO wants to get involved in a new -and urgent- solidarity action. The action is about Japan, and anyway everyone knows the question.
We want to organize an exhibition including artworks by FECO members or not FECO members. The works will be offered for purchase and the total income will be given to an institution responsible to help victims of the japanese disaster even if it is in a modest fashion.
Zoran Petrovic, in charge of the layout of the FECO Bulletin, suggested this idea, then you can send your works at his post address:
Zoran Petrovic
Karlstrasse 65,
76137 Karlsruhe

We ask everyone who wants to help us for one or several cartoons, preferently originals; you can send also digital cartoons, but the print out must be signed by the artist. The theme is free, but please, write your name and your address, and your e-mail address on the back of the cartoon. The exhibition will be held about the middle of April at the gallery EigenArt in Karlsruhe, Germany, where the showroom will be kindly reserved for us, free of charge.
With the help of the press, we could attract the population of the area and if possible it could be spread out more (national and international).
The works (originals or signed print out) must be sent by (NEW DEADLINE: ) May 20th 2011.