

5th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA 2011, Romania

The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA the 5 th Edition, 2011
Organizers: Bucovina Museum, The Country Council from Suceava.
The Bucovina Museum from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 5 th Edition, 2011.
1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “Dictator in the XXI century”.
2. We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five.
4. Please attach in .DOC format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV).
5. The exhibition prizes is:
- Prize Bucovina = 500€ + diploma + gold medal
- Three mentions = diploma + medal.
6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour, or the cartoons must be sent at the address:
Bucovina Muzeum,
Str. Ştefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania
7. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Bucovina Museum All the artists who will enter the saloon will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition.
8. If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons until 15 th of September 2011.
9. The exhibition will be opened for the public in november 2011.
Members of Jury:
Mihai Panzaru Pim - cartoonist
George Licurici - cartoonist
Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA - cartoonist.
Secretary: BOA.

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