

Pavel Constantin wins the 3rd International Competition for graphic humour

The 1st International Competition sports drawing rewards Tere Vila Matas’s work
The Catalan artist Tere Vila Matas has won the first International Competition of sports drawing, organized by the Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia in collaboration with the Fundació Catalana per a l’Esport.
Tere Vila Matas won the award with her work Rhythmic Gymnasts Mountain. Born in Barcelona, Vila Matas is a member of the Académie d’Art Oriental in Paris, in addition, she has a bronze medal in the Art Expo in New York, silver medal at the Salon of Beziers, and Grand Prix de la Vigne . She has exhibited in various international galleries and has works exhibited in museums in different cities worldwide.
The winning work, Rhythmic Gymnasts Mountain is made using the technique of Chinese ink on rice paper. In fact, Villa Mata uses a technique entirely Oriental based on Chinese calligraphy.
This competition of sports drawing, which has been held this year for the first time, was born with the intention of bringing sport nearer to the work of artists, and has the aim of popularizing and promoting drawing as a unique expression of sport. It is endowed with a prize of € 3,000 and two honorable mentions of 1000 €.
The two honorable mentions of this first edition have been given to Hèctor Ameal by his work Break and Reflection During Training (Sitges) and to Manel Navarro by his work Sprint (Barcelona).

Pavel Constantin wins the 3rd International Competition for graphic humour
At the same time we held the 3rd International Competition of sports graphic humour. This competition has been welcomed not only in Catalonia but also at international level. In total over 450 works by artists from Catalonia and countries like China, Brazil or Iran have been presented.
The prize, worth € 1,500, was awarded to the Romanian artist Pavel Constantin (See above), while the second prize of € 1000, has been won by Ukrainian Yuri Kosubin. The jury has had a special mention for Manel Navarro from Barcelona with the work Spinning Top.
There was a total of eight finalists: Saeed Sadeghi (Iran), Pawel Kuczynski (Poland), Tan Oral (Turkey), Ferreol Murillo (Costa Rica), Valentin Druzhinin (Russia), Quim Perez and Alex Arias with Sure Gulls (Sta. Coloma de Gramenet), David Vela (Zaragoza) and Zao Kun (China).

The winners of the 1st International Competition of Drawing Sport and 3rd Drawing Competition of Sports Graphic Humour were chosen today at the headquarters of the Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia by a jury connected to the world of art and sports composed by:
- Mr. David Moner, president of the Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia
- Mrs. Antonia Albaladejo, deputy director and executive of Communication FIATC Insurance
- Mrs. Rosa Serra, artist - Mr. Josep M. Cadena, an art critic
- Mr. Miquel Sambola, boss of the Fundació Catalana per a l’Esport (Catalan Foundation for Sport)
- Mr. Enrique Ballesteros, treasurer of the Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia
- Mrs. Gloria Bosch, director of Art of Vila Casas Foundation
- Mr. Frederic Callis, vice president of the Associació de Publicacions Periòdiques in Catalan
- Mr. Antoni Puig, senior vice president of the Associació Catalana of Regional Press
- Mr. Carles Santamaria, director of the Saló Internacional del Còmic
- Mr. Joan Vehils, director of the newspaper Sport
- Mr. Jaume Capdevila, cartoonist of the newspaper Mundo Deportivo
- Mr. Lluís Simon, deputy director of the newspaper El 9 Esportiu
- Mr. Ramon Balius
- Mr. Lluís Paluzie, Unió de Federacions Esportives of Catalonia.
This competition has FIATC insurance as an exclusive sponsor and has the collaboration of different organizations.
Exhibition and awards
The exhibition of the works and the award ceremony will take place on Wednesday 15 June at the Museu i Centre d’Estudis de l’Esport Dr. Melcior Colet (Buenos Aires Street, 56-58. Barcelona), where the winning works and a selection of the best drawings will be shown.
See all winning works at source in PDF: 3rd competition for graphic humor contests prizes

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