

International School Cartoon Festival 2025, Portugal

ISCFP 2025

01 | Main Theme: Health
02 | All professional and amateur artists of any nationality can participate; 
03 | The works must present the following characteristics: 300 dpi quality and jpg format; 
04 | The submitted works must be accompanied by the respective registration forms, which must be full and legibly filled out; 
05 | The works must be submitted until November 30th, 2024 and sent to the following email: 
06 | The participation in the ISCF24 International Cartoon Festival automatically implies the transfer of rights to the publication and reproduction of the works sent via any medium, within the scope of the production and dissemination of the Festival. Thus, the act of registering the submitted work automatically implies the transfer of the respective reproduction rights for non-commercial purposes; 
07 | The awarded prizes are as follows: 
3 Prizes in the Professional Category - Prize ISCFTP 2025. 
Each prize includes: (1 box of 40 caran d’ache colored pencils, trophy, diploma, pin and publication in the Tondela newspaper); 
08 | The Jury's decisions are irrevocable and cannot be subject to any type of appeal or claim. The composition of the jury is made up of invited professionals and elements of the festival's organization.

01 | Main Theme: Health
02 | Children of any nationality aged between 12 and 15 can participate; 
03 | The works must have the following characteristics: 300 dpi quality and jpg format; 
04 | The submitted works must be accompanied by the respective registration forms, which must be full and legibly filled out; 
05 | The works must be submitted until November 30th, 2024 and sent to the following email: 
06 | The participation in the ISCF24 International Cartoon Festival automatically implies the transfer of rights to the publication and reproduction of the works sent via any medium, within the scope of the production and dissemination of the Festival. Thus, the act of registering the submitted work automatically implies the transfer of the respective reproduction rights for non-commercial purposes; 
07 | There are 5 contest categories and in each category there are 3 prizes. The prizes awarded are as follows: 
3 prizes in the National Student Category - ISCFTP 2025 Award (for students enrolled in schools within the national territory). 
3 prizes in the International Student Category - ISCFTP 2025 Award (for students from schools of other countries). 
3 prizes in the AETCF Student Category - ISCFTP 2025 Award (for students from the Tondela Cândido de Figueiredo's Schools). 
1 prize in the Higher Education Student Category - ISCFTP 2025 Award (for higher education students). 
All prizes include: 1 box of 40 “Caran d’Ache” coloured pencils, trophy, diploma, pin and publication in the Tondela newspaper. 
08 | The jury’s decisions are irrevocable and cannot be subject to any type of appeal or claim. The jury is composed of invited professionals and members of the festival’s organization.


IX International Cartoon Festival "Smile of the Sea", Novorossiysk 2024, Russia

Conditions for the IX International Festival “SMILE OF THE SEA - 2024»
in Novorossiysk, Russia
The themes of the Festival “SMILE OF THE SEA - 2024»: 
On the World Wide Web 
Artificial Intelligence 
The World We Live in .
1. Competition works are accepted from January 1, 2024 to August 15, 2024
2. Authors of all age groups are allowed to participate in the competition.
3. Each author can submit no more than 5 (five) works for participation in the competition. 
4. Works that have received prizes in other competitions are not accepted for participation. 
5. Competition works are sent only to the email address: 
In the subject of the letter you must indicate: “For the competition”. 
6. Requirements for competitive works: 
• Format: A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A3 (297 x 420 mm), JPEG, 300 dpi 
• Works must be original. 
• The technique is free, works can be either black and white or color. 
• Works should not contain text. 
• The author, along with the work, sends: his photo in a separate file, a short autobiography in a separate file (in English only), indicates his last name, first name, age, postal address (required country of residence), e-mail. 
7. All participants will receive a festival catalog in electronic format. 
8. Authors of works that take prizes will be awarded certificates, diplomas and special prizes. 
9. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to further use the competition works for exhibition and information purposes. And also in order to popularize the genre of caricature and the festival “SMILE OF THE SEA”. 
We are waiting for your works! See you in the new year 2024!
Source: cartoonblues.


International Cartoon Competition for ages 7-17, Boyabat 2024, Turkey

1- The competition is open to all young people around the world between the ages of 7 and 17 (including 7 and 17 year olds). 
2- The theme of the competition: “Earthquake.” 
Purpose of the competition: 
To enable the young people of our country and the world to produce works that reflect the concept of "Earthquake" with the effective language of caricature, which is the art of reflecting a subject in a striking, critical, humorous and thought-provoking language... To draw the attention of the young people of the world to the "Earthquake" problem, which causes suffering in Turkey and the world from time to time, Raising awareness about earthquakes through the language of art… 
3- The technique is free of charge for the works that will participate in the competition. Your work may have been published before. However, it must not have received an award in any competition. Cartoons drawn by the same, similar or another cartoonist will be eliminated by the selection committee. All responsibility for any negativities that may arise in this regard belongs to the contestant. 
4- Participants can submit as many works as they want. However, more than one prize cannot be given to a contestant. 
5- Since participation in the competition will be via the internet, the cartoons to be sent must be maximum A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm) in size, 300 dpi resolution and jpg format. 
6- Works to participate in the competition can be sent via e-mail until April 1, 2024 (EXTENDED:) November 20, 2024. It should be sent to "". 
7- Along with the works, all participants must send their name, surname, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, short CV and a photograph as a word file. 
8- Cartoons that are awarded and deemed worthy of exhibition will be published in a pdf album and sent to the cartoonists whose works are included in this album, and will also be shared on the internet. 
9- The exhibition and award ceremony of the competition will be held at Boyabat Sehitler Cultural Center on May 19, 2024. The exhibition may later be opened in Sinop and other provinces. 
10- PRIZES: 
First Prize: Tablet Computer + Medal 
Second Prize: Cartoon Album Set + Medal 
Third Prize: Cartoon Album Set + Medal 
5 Achievement Prize: Medal 
2 Special Jury Prize: Medal. 
11- A digital certificate will be sent to all young cartoonists participating in the competition. 
12- Travel expenses of the award-winning artists who wish to attend the ceremony will be at their own expense. Only one night's stay will be covered. The awards of those who cannot attend the ceremony will be sent to their addresses. 
13- Jury: cartoon artists; Ali Rastroo (Iran), Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), Fawzy Morsy (Egypt), Makhmud Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan), Musa Keklik (Turkey), Youth Center Manager: Halil Emre Kaya (Turkey), Academy Sports Club President; Kesim Yıldız (Turkey). 
14- Cartoons participating in the competition will remain in the archives of the organizing institutions and can be used in posters, calendars, brochures, magazines, books, newspapers, social media, etc., stating the name of the author. It can be published in other organs. 
15- Cartoonists participating in the competition are deemed to have accepted the above conditions. 
16- We wish success to all participants.


The 51st International Exhibition of Humorous Graphics, Marostica 2024, Italy

1. Competition Theme and Participation Guidelines 
The competition is open to cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic artists worldwide. Participants may request to participate out of competition. Such a request excludes the author from prize eligibility. 
The theme of the competition is: SILENCE 
Each author can submit a maximum of 3 works (cartoons or strips) related to the proposed theme concerning humanity and society, approached in a humorous manner. The works must be devoid of dialogue or captions and must be unpublished (never published or entered into other competitions). 
The organization reserves the right to exclude from prize eligibility any works that are already published. 
2. Submission Methods and Deadlines 
Artworks, along with the participation form containing all author details (downloadable from the website), can be submitted by February 28, 2024, through: 
e-mail to the address: 
Cloud Sharing (e.g.: WeTransfer, DropBox, Google Drive, Mega, etc.) 
Mail: Umoristi a Marostica | Biblioteca Civica - Via Cairoli, 3 - 36063 Marostica (VI) – ITALY 
The artworks, in black/white or color and created in any technique, must be in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or PDF format, with a resolution of 150 dpi, high quality, and a maximum size of 3 MB. Files larger than this will not be accepted. 
The acceptance of works, selection, and awarding of prizes is the exclusive responsibility of the Jury appointed by Gruppo Grafico Marosticense. The Jury's decision is final and not subject to appeal. 
3. Submission of Original Works and Prize Assignment 
Authors selected by the Jury will receive an email with instructions on the timing and methods for sending the original works, which will be exhibited later. 
If the works are created exclusively with digital techniques, the author must send a copy of the work, dated, numbered, and signed. 
The works must arrive carriage-free and without frames. 
The Jury will award the "International Chessboard Grand Prize," the Special Prize "Sandro Carlesso," the Special Prize "Marco Sartore," and 10 "Umoristi a Marostica" Prizes. Any extraordinary prizes or mentions of merit will be awarded at the discretion of the Jury. The Jury's results will be communicated to all participating authors via email and published on the website 
4. Exhibition and Acceptance of Regulations 
The exhibition will take place from May 4, 2024, to June 2, 2024. 
Selected authors will receive a copy of the exhibition catalog. All other non-selected participants can request the catalog by filling out the form on the website 
Works selected for the exhibition and catalog will not be returned and will remain the property of the "Museum of Umoristi a Marostica" Archive. 
Gruppo Grafico Marosticense reserves the right to reproduce and disseminate the works in print and/or other means of communication, citing the author with the wording "from Umoristi a Marostica," without any compensation provision. While ensuring the utmost care for the works, any responsibility for potential damages or tampering during transport is disclaimed. 
Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these Regulations and expressly authorizes Gruppo Grafico Marosticense to process the personal data transmitted in accordance with the Code on the protection of personal data (G.D.P.R.2016/679/EU), also for inclusion in databases managed by the Group for the conduct of the competition. 
Key Information: 
Participation and artwork submission deadline: 28/02/2024 
Exhibition: May 4, 2024, to June 2, 2024 


14th International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition 2024, Milas - Turkey

14th International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition 2024, Milas - Turkey
THEME: Open 
1. The competition is open to any cartoonist. 
2. It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition. 
3. Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No reponsibility will be assumed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened. 
4. All cartoons must be 30x40cm maximum. 
5. The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope. 
6. Cartoons must be sent to the address below by April 30, 2024 at the latest. 
Milas Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürlüğü 
48200 - Milas - Muğla / Turkey 
7. The results of the competition will be announced on 18th May 2024. 
8. The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘Milas Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürlüğü’. 
9. The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album. 
10. The reward ceremony will be held in September 2024. The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘Milas Municipality Conference Hall’ for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until 01st October 2024. 
11. Accommodation and meal expenses for participants who have won a ‘Special Award’ will be met. Travel expenses will be borne by the participants. Travel, accommodation and meal expenses for competitors who come first, second and third will be met by Milas Municipality. 
Muhammet Tokat – Mayor of Milas 
Ruhan Selçuk 
Kamil Masaracı – Cartoonist 
İzel Rozental – Cartoonist 
Fahriye Çıtaklı – Cartoonist 
İpek Özsüslü – Cartoonist 
Eda Uzunoğlu – Cartoonist 
Julie Besombes – Cartoonist 
Simon Baert – Cartoonist 
Prof. Dr. Süleyman Saim Tekcan – Art Educator 
Mehmet Nergiz – Coordinator. 
Winner: ₺20.000.00 
Runner up: ₺15.000.00 
Third: ₺10.000.00. 
Other Special Prizes will be awarded by various establishments, societies, newspapers, art magazines, trade unions, news agents and individuals. 
Note: The jury meeting will be held on the 11th May 2024. 


3rd International Cartoon Competition, Diogenes of Sinope 2024, Turkey: No to Nuclear!

1- The competition is open to amateur and professional artists from all over the world. 
2- The subject of the competition is determined as “No to Nuclear!”. 
Sinop, which takes its name from the beautiful Sinope who made Zeus fall in love with her, is under a nuclear threat these days. Sinope's younger brother Diogenes is now looking for support for Sinop "against the nuclear power plant" instead of wandering around with a lantern during the day "looking for people". All over the world. Our expectation from cartoonists is to reflect the economic, ecological, vital and environmental harms of the nuclear power plants, a technology that will be abandoned in the near future. 
3- The technique is free for the works that will participate in the competition. The works must not have received an award in any competition before. 
4- A digital certificate will be sent to all participating artists. 
5- Participants can submit as many works as they want. However, more than one award cannot be given to an artist. 
6- The cartoons to be sent must be in maximum size A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm), 300 dpi resolution and jpg format. 
7- The works that will participate in the competition can be sent via e-mail until 15 June 2024. It should be sent to the address: “” 
8- Along with the works, all artists must send their name, postal address, telephone, e-mail address, short CV and one photograph. 
9- The exhibition and award ceremony of the competition will be held in Sinop-Ayancık on a date to be determined later. Only the accommodation of the top five award winners (if they attend the ceremony) will be covered. The awards of those who cannot attend the ceremony will be sent to their addresses. 
10- Awards
Grand Prize: 10.000 TL/Plaque 
4 Achievement Awards: 2.500 TL/Plaque 
Special Awards from Various Institutions: Plaque. 
11- In the selection committee are;  Ayancık Mayor Hayrettin Kaya (Turkey), sculptor Eşref Baş (Turkey), writer Tufan Bilgili (Turkey) and cartoon artists Adnan Taç (Turkey), Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Ares-Aristides Hernandez (Cuba), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), Fan Lintao (China), Leila Alaiy (Iran), Mehmet Selçuk (Turkey) and Musa Keklik (Turkey). 
12- The cartoons participating in the competition (whether they receive an award or not) may be used by the institutions organizing the competition in exhibitions, posters, books, albums, e-albums, calendars, brochures, etc. and be published on the internet. Apart from this, all publishing rights of the works belong to the artists. 
13- The results of the competition will be announced in the first week of July. 
14- The cartoonists participating in the competition are deemed to have accepted the above conditions. 
15- This competition is organized by Ayancık Municipality and Sinop Writers, Poets and Artists Association.