

The 51st International Exhibition of Humorous Graphics, Marostica 2024, Italy

1. Competition Theme and Participation Guidelines 
The competition is open to cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic artists worldwide. Participants may request to participate out of competition. Such a request excludes the author from prize eligibility. 
The theme of the competition is: SILENCE 
Each author can submit a maximum of 3 works (cartoons or strips) related to the proposed theme concerning humanity and society, approached in a humorous manner. The works must be devoid of dialogue or captions and must be unpublished (never published or entered into other competitions). 
The organization reserves the right to exclude from prize eligibility any works that are already published. 
2. Submission Methods and Deadlines 
Artworks, along with the participation form containing all author details (downloadable from the website), can be submitted by February 28, 2024, through: 
e-mail to the address: 
Cloud Sharing (e.g.: WeTransfer, DropBox, Google Drive, Mega, etc.) 
Mail: Umoristi a Marostica | Biblioteca Civica - Via Cairoli, 3 - 36063 Marostica (VI) – ITALY 
The artworks, in black/white or color and created in any technique, must be in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or PDF format, with a resolution of 150 dpi, high quality, and a maximum size of 3 MB. Files larger than this will not be accepted. 
The acceptance of works, selection, and awarding of prizes is the exclusive responsibility of the Jury appointed by Gruppo Grafico Marosticense. The Jury's decision is final and not subject to appeal. 
3. Submission of Original Works and Prize Assignment 
Authors selected by the Jury will receive an email with instructions on the timing and methods for sending the original works, which will be exhibited later. 
If the works are created exclusively with digital techniques, the author must send a copy of the work, dated, numbered, and signed. 
The works must arrive carriage-free and without frames. 
The Jury will award the "International Chessboard Grand Prize," the Special Prize "Sandro Carlesso," the Special Prize "Marco Sartore," and 10 "Umoristi a Marostica" Prizes. Any extraordinary prizes or mentions of merit will be awarded at the discretion of the Jury. The Jury's results will be communicated to all participating authors via email and published on the website 
4. Exhibition and Acceptance of Regulations 
The exhibition will take place from May 4, 2024, to June 2, 2024. 
Selected authors will receive a copy of the exhibition catalog. All other non-selected participants can request the catalog by filling out the form on the website 
Works selected for the exhibition and catalog will not be returned and will remain the property of the "Museum of Umoristi a Marostica" Archive. 
Gruppo Grafico Marosticense reserves the right to reproduce and disseminate the works in print and/or other means of communication, citing the author with the wording "from Umoristi a Marostica," without any compensation provision. While ensuring the utmost care for the works, any responsibility for potential damages or tampering during transport is disclaimed. 
Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these Regulations and expressly authorizes Gruppo Grafico Marosticense to process the personal data transmitted in accordance with the Code on the protection of personal data (G.D.P.R.2016/679/EU), also for inclusion in databases managed by the Group for the conduct of the competition. 
Key Information: 
Participation and artwork submission deadline: 28/02/2024 
Exhibition: May 4, 2024, to June 2, 2024 

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