

World Cartoon Festival on Silencing the Guns in Africa 2021, Kenya

World Cartoon Festival on Applying Arts and Culture in
Silencing the Guns in Africa
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya 
Over the past two decades, efforts have been made to silence the guns in Africa, and this is a positive turning point for achieving a conflict-free Africa. Despite these efforts, conflicts continue in parts of the African continent. Extremism, the threat of terrorism and transnational crimes on the continent remain an ongoing challenge. 
Arms, as the continent's most popular weapon of choice, have attracted the attention of African Union member states and sparked their initiative to put an end to arms in Africa. The main task of this plan is to achieve a conflict-free Africa, prevent genocide, achieve peace for all and clean the African continent of war, violent conflict, human rights abuses and human disasters. 
To expedite this plan, the African Union launched the "Silencing the Guns" project in 2020 by mobilizing all stakeholders. But the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 prevented us from addressing this important issue in Africa properly. The African Union's 2021 theme "Arts, Culture and Heritage" prompted us to use art to keep this important event alive next year and to strive to achieve it. 
The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya, in line with the efforts of the African Union, decides to hold “World Cartoon Festival on Silencing the Guns" to show that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as in the past, stands with African countries to achieve peace and development on the continent. 
World Cartoon Festival on Silencing the Guns in AFrica 
1) No to guns in dispute settlement 
2) Silencing the guns and the Roots of conflicts (poverty, historical injustice, inequality, climate change, ethnic and tribal disputes) 
3) Arms trade and warfare 
4) Condemnation of Genocide and war crimes 
5) Countering extremism and terrorism 
6) Silencing the guns and Human Rights 
7) Surrounding of guns and reduction of violent conflicts 
8) Effects of Silencing the Guns on the African next generation, generation of peace and dialogue 
9) Applying art and culture in silencing the guns 
Deadline for sending artworks: 30 April 2021 (EXTENDED:) 01 July 2021 (before 12 midnight) 
- Each cartoonist can send maximum 5 artworks; 
- Artworks should be in A4 size and sent in JPEG format with minimum 300DPI resolution; 
- Form of entry should be completed for each artwork; 
- Submitted artworks must not have received an award previously; 
- Any technics and methods can be used; 
- Artworks should follow copyright regulations; 
- By sending the artwork, the cartoonist guarantees that he/she is creator of the artworks and gives permission to the organizer to publish the artworks anywhere it deems necessary freely. 
Jury selection: 
The 1st selected by jury: 4000 US$ 
The 2nd selected by jury: 3000 US$ 
The 3rd selected by jury: 2000 US$ 
Five selected artworks by the juries will also be awarded certificates. 
Kenyan artists have the chance to receive three additional awards: 
The 1st Kenyan cartoonist selected by jury: 400 US$ + Certificate 
The 2nd Kenyan cartoonist selected by jury: 300 US$ + Certificate 
The 3rd Kenyan cartoonist selected by jury: 200 US$ + Certificate 
Date of announcing selection results: May 2021 at I.R of Iran Embassy website: 
 and Facebook: @Iran.Kenya 
 Email address for sending artworks: 
 For more information, please consult: 

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