

23rd PortoCartoon 2021 with the main theme of Health, Portugal

HEALTH is the main theme for the PortoCartoon 2021
Luther King and Maria João Pires - Special Caricature Awards
PortoCartoon (an initiative of the Portuguese Printing Pres Museum) will continue to follow the UN principles, Health is the the main theme chosen for 2021. The invitation to participate was just been made to cartoonists around the world ( below). 
Placed as the 3rd SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), in 2015, health is today the main pillar for the defense of humanity. COVID-19 - a virus without borders and still uncontrollable - has become the "main threat to the world security", according to the UN General Secretary, António Guterres. 
After the Anti-COVID Virtual Gallery 19 ( created by the Portuguese Printing Press MuseumI, with hundreds of participants, the theme of health gains another relevance in the global context. 
Following the line started in 2013, with the introduction of the Caricature award in PortoCartoon, the choice for 2021 was the Nobel Peace Prize winner Luther King, who was murdered in 1968. The current situation in the world, the frequent violation of Human Rights and the need to social transformation for a better and free world, for all races - especially the most segregated ones -, gives relevance to this choice. 
The other chosen figure was the Portuguese pianist Maria João Pires, whose "way of playing the piano has often been described as magical, captivating and deeply poetic" (Deutsche Grammophon). With an international career and more than 140 albums edited, Maria João Pires is the Portuguese who follows other figures such as Manoel de Oliveira, José Saramago, Amália, Siza Vieira or António Guterres. 
This will be the 23rd edition of the Portuguese Printing Press Museum initiative that started in 1998, with the theme of “Discoveries” (inaugurated by President Jorge Sampaio in 1999) and has put Portugal on the podium of the worldwide cartoon. 
In the twenty-two previous editions, more than 7000 cartoonists from five continents had participated.
General Rules and Regulations
Placed as the 3rd SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), in 2015, HEALTH is today the main pillar for the defense of humanity. COVID-19 – a virus without borders and still uncontrollable – has become the “main threat to the world security”, according to the UN General Secretary, António Guterres. 
The fragility of the health services, in dozens of countries and regions of the world, and the lack of water and sanitation, has aggravated the people capacity for health defense. Epidemics claim millions of lives. Vaccines are a sign of hope, but again the poorest are the most unprotected. Even with so many speeches for equality, the tragedy seems to continue. And it is necessary to prevent the spread of the virus from being aggravated by the proliferation of misinformation. 
In this context, the role of wise and beautiful humor is central and irreplaceable. 
Therefore, PortoCartoon chose HEALTH as the main theme for 2021. 
MARIA JOÃO PIRES (1944- ) The pianist Maria João Pires is a prominent artist in classical music. She came to be recognized internationally when awarded with the first prize of the international competition of the bicentenary of Beethoven in 1970, in Brussels. Her career includes numerous tours, interpreting works by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Schubert, Mozart, Brahms, Chopin and many other composers. Invited by the great world orchestras, she performs regularly in Europe, Canada, Japan, Israel and the USA. “Her way of playing the piano has often been described as magical, captivating and deeply poetic” (Deutsche Grammophon). 
Being a dreamer she created a unique work in the relationship between music and nature: Belgais Arts Center (Portugal). 
MARTIN LUTHER KING (1929-1968) had a special dream: to create a world of peace for blacks and whites, with freedom and justice. Because of that he was murdered at 39. His dream remains alive, which many want to see dead. 
He was a human rights martyr, like others who had followed him, Luther King was one of the first political figures in the United States to express himself, clearly, against racial discrimination. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and Henry Thoreau’s theory of civil disobedience, he advocated a peaceful and without weapon fighting. In 1964, he received the Nobel Prize for Peace, becoming at that time, the youngest winner of such an award. 
The nowadays situation in the world, the frequent violation of the Human Rights and the need for social transformation for a better and free world for all races - especially the most segregated ones - give relevance to this choice of PortoCartoon 2021. Luther King deserves a special gallery. Likewise, his utopic dreams.
Cartoonists can submit works for the MAIN THEME and for the FREE CATEGORY, as in the previous editions.
4 Artists who don’t wish to compete can send us their works EXTRA-COMPETITION, informing of their decision.
5.1. Cartoons must be original. We accept any kind of graphical techniques, including digital artwork sent by e-mail, as long as the drawings are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, are identified as PRINT NUMBER ONE and as an original for this contest. 
5.2. Can also be presented sculptures pieces of humour, in any kind of material.
6 The artworks cannot exceed the following measurements: 
- IN PAPER, 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3); 
- SCULPTURE PIECES, 42 x 30 x 30 cm.
7 Cartoons should be sent with the author’s Resumé, in Portuguese or English, (publications, exhibitions, prizes…) and must be identified on the reverse with the following information: 
- Author’s name and address; 
- Year, title and theme section.
8 Entries should arrive at the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM until February 15th 2021 (EXTENDED:) February 28th 2021, along with the filled Entry Form.
9 The works should be sent to: 
PortoCartoon-World Festival
The Portuguese Printing Press Museum, 
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206 
4300-316 PORTO, Portugal. 
Or to the e-mail address:
10 The participation in PortoCartoon automatically implies that the author waives copyrights of his works in any kind of platform, concerning the production and diffusion of the festival.
11 The AWARDS, including a TROPHY and a DIPLOMA, will be the following: 
Grand Prize PORTOCARTOON 4000 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
2nd Prize PORTOCARTOON 1200 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
3rd Prize PORTOCARTOON 800 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
Special Award for CARICATURE 1st Prize 1000 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Special Award for CARICATURE 2nd Prize 300 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Special Award for CARICATURE 3rd Prize 200 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Honorable Mentions 50 Euro.
12 The organization does not ensure to send prizes on bottles of wine. 
13 The Jury will have an odd number of members and its decisions will be final and cannot be subject to any type of appeal or complaint.
14 The awarded works will become property of the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM and will take part of the INTERNACIONAL CARTOON GALLERY. The others will be returned to the artists, if formally requested with the entry form, after the exhibitions (during PortoCartoon and others in different cities and countries). 
15 In case of using non-awarded works in other cases except PortoCartoon exhibitions or its promotion, copyright payment will be made to the artists.
16 All the artists whose works are selected for the exhibition will receive a DIGITAL CATALOGUE, that will be sent by e-mail to download. If the artist wants to receive a printed catalogue, he should request it and support the shipment costs. 
17 The winning artists will receive the prizes in June 2021, in a public ceremony.

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