

4th Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2015, China

The 4th Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2015, China
1. Participation
The contest is open to all artists regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
2. Organizer
Host:“HONGTU” Art institute
Sponsor: Red Man Art Center.
Official website:
3. Theme
A) Monkey King (Sun Wukong)
B) Monkey
C) Panda / Free
4. Entries
1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
2) Participators should summit the original works. Any slide, photograph or xerox will not be accepted. CG\Digital works be accepted,E-mail to: and mail to the organizing committee.
3) The maximum 10 entries should be submitted for each category.
4) The maximum size of the works should be 200 ×200cm respectively.
5) The works should be accompanied by the author's resume and photo (or caricature).
6) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse side of the works. Please specify in envelope: “2015 Gold Panda”
7) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or sculpture will be accepted.
5. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on our web site:
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
6. Deadline
The deadline for entry is the 31 of January, 2016.
7. Delivery
1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be accepted.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
8. Judgment
1) The jury committee is composed of artists, printmaking artists, cartoonist, illustrators and press editors.
2) The jury meeting will be held on April, 2016.
3) The committee will announce the result on June, 2016 on web site. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email.
9. Prizes
1) Gold Panda prize – Golden Panda Medal + 2000 US Dollars – 1 place
2) Best work prize of Print making – Silver Panda Medals + 1000 US Dollars – 1 place
3) Best work prize of Traditional Chinese Painting – Silver Panda Medals + 1000 US Dollars – 1 place
4) Best work prize of Illustration – Silver Panda Medals + 1000 US Dollars – 1 place
5) Best work prize of Cartoon – Silver Panda Medals + 1000 US Dollars – 1 place
6) Best work prize of CG – Silver Panda Medals + 500 US Dollars – 1 place
7) The special prize of jury meeting – Copper Panda Medals – 30 places
8) Selected – Catalog
10. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries. The committee has the right to use all the submitted works to spread competition on media, websites, posters, post cards, advertisements, etc.
11. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive one copy of the catalog made for the competition.
12. Provisions
1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be exhibited and displayed in Redman International Cartoon House.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
For Information
Entry form on source: .

2015 International Credibility Cartoon Contest of China

1. Theme:
2. The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
3. Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, career, e-mail, and telephone number on reverse.
4. Entries can be either black and white or colour.
5. Size of cartoons should not exceed 500 x 500 mm.
6. The number is not restricted.
7. Deadline for entries is September 15, 2015.
8. ANIMATION SHORT FILMS: within 1 minute - 20 minutes in AVI,MPEG,WMV,AFS or MOV. The minimum of with a resolution ratio of 720×576, and the film name and main staff list notified in the main title.
10. E-mail: .
11. The results release date: November .
12. The organizers reserve the right to publish the cartoons submitted to the festival and use them in any forms. Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : cards, posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine, and books etc.
Source: .


International Competition Brain Sneezing 2015 with topic: Anti & Corruption, Slovakia

PRERAG , association in cooperation Government Office of the Slovak Republic
announce the international cartoon competition
Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2015 : ANTI & CORRUPTION
Deadline: 24th October 2015 (EXTENDED:)
25 OCTOBER 2015
Competition terms:
Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
The competition is non-anonymous.
The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
The exhibition of the works and the announcement of the results will take place in December 2015 in Prešov. The most successful authors will be awarded by the international jury as follows:
1st prize 500.00 EUR
2nd prize 300.00 EUR
3rd prize 200.00 EUR.
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address.
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition.
The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
International competition and exhibition "Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back" is financially supported by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic and Embassy of the Unitet States of America in Slovakia.
Source: cartooneast.


2015 International Cartoon Competition on Community of Common Destiny for All, China

Contributions sought for the 2015 International Cartoon Competition on Community of Common Destiny for All 
Updated: 2015-07-01 13:27:18
Community of common destiny for all is a concept proposed by President Xi Jinping that emphasizes that a country should take into consideration other countries' concerns while seeking its own interests and should promote the common development of all.
The concept stems from the idea that we are all descendants of the same ancestors. Although countries have different or even contradictory national interests, religious beliefs, ideologies and social systems, we all live in and share the same world and should try our best to coexist peacefully.
1. Organizers:
China Daily
China Journalistic Caricature Society
China Daily Website (
2. Theme:
Community of Common Destiny for All
Please focus on the theme. Key words for the theme include peace, harmony, sustainable development, cooperation, environmental protection, public welfare, Earth, anti-war and anti-monopoly.
3. Participants:
Professional and amateur cartoonists from China and overseas are welcome to enter.
4. Deadline:
Submissions will be accepted until Aug 31 (EXTENDED!) Oct 31 (EXTENDED) DECEMBER 31
Note- the deadline includes time taken to receive work so participants are urged to submit entries as early as possible.
5. Prizes:
First prize [1 winner]: $2,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second prize [2 winners]: $1,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third prize [3 winners]: $500 (pre-tax) and certification
Runner up prize: [100 winners]
6. Requirements:
1) There are no limitations on the styles of submissions or the number of each participant's submissions.
2) Paper submissions should not be smaller than 210 mm x 297 mm. Please attach an entry form to the back of each paper submission and include the title, participant's name, nationality, address and other contact information. (Participants of nationalities other than Chinese should provide information in English.)
3) If you submit your contribution via e-mail, please use the following resolutions:
- 300 dpi (file size no smaller than 1MB)
- Longest side of the file should be under 1,000 pixels
4) The caption for the submission should include the title of the contribution and the name and pen name of the cartoonist. The caption document that goes with e-mail submissions should be in text format and include the title, cartoonist's name, nationality, address and phone number. (Participants of nationalities other than Chinese should provide information in English.)
7. Where to send submissions:
1) E-mail submissions to:
2) Mail submissions to the address below. Please write "Cartoon Contest" on the envelope. (Participants of nationalities other than Chinese should provide information in English.)
Art Department, China Daily, No 15 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, P.R. China
8. Online entry forms:
Participants can download an entry form at Please download the form and fill it out as accurately and truthfully as possible. Photocopies are acceptable.
9. Contact us:
Address: Art Department, China Daily, No 15 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, P.R. China
Tel: 86-10-64995328
10. Copyright
1) The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries they consider legally, morally, politically or religiously offensive, as well as work that is considered in violation of acknowledged moral standards.
2) If a contribution has any intellectual property rights or copyright disputes, the organizer holds the right to revoke the participant's eligibility to participate in the competition. Participants are solely liable for any consequences that may arise from submitting work to the competition. Participants must be the owner of all rights of the work submitted and it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that his or her contributions to the competition do not generate any copyright or other intellectual property rights disputes.
3) The organizers reserve the right to use the contributions for presentation and media use.
4) Organizers and participants share the copyright of the contributions. Organizers of the event have the right to display and distribute contestants' works.
5) By submitting a contribution to the competition, the participant agrees to accept all of the rules.



Regulation of the 1st Veredas Graphic Humor Hall – Sete Lagoas City – MG – Brazil

1st Veredas Graphic Humor Hall- Sete Lagoas city- MG-Brazil
The Veredas Institute, aiming to stimulate and reveal cartoonists creations, invites you to be part of the 1st Veredas Graphic Humor Hall- Sete Lagoas city- MG-Brazil
Regulation of the 1st Veredas Graphic Humor Hall/2015
Registration: from August 15th to September 15th, 2015 (EXTENDED:) 20 SEPTEMBER 2015.
Selection: September 17th and 18th, 2015.
Official grand opening: October 1st, 2015 at 11 o´clock.
Award date: October 3rd, at 20o´clock.
Location: at the Veredas Hotel convention center.
End of the event: October 12th, 2015.
2 Participation:
2.1 Can enroll in the event all artists, professionals or amateurs, and students from junior and high school who are over the age of 16.
2.2 Each author can enroll up to three artworks per category. The enrolled artworks must be unpublished and about the indicated theme.
2.3 Artists from any country can enroll in the competition.
2.4 Enployees or their relatives connected to the organization of the event are not allowed to participate.
3 Theme:
3.1 Description: AGUAI (WATER) – verb, to pour water on to plants or the soil that they are growing in. It is allusive to the rational use of water. Generally, the uses of water are part of the human activities. In this sense, the water can be used for consumption or as an input in a productive process. The spelling is also allusive to the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, where the inhabitants are used to say Uai – Água (water) +Uai=Aguai (to water).
3.2 The artworks from all the categories must be sent electronically (registration on line, JPEG Format/300 DPI).
3.3 Free style technique. Digital copies signed by the author and numbered (e.g.: 1/1, in case of one drawing; 1/2 in case of two, and so on). Maximum size allowed: 42x30cm (A3).
3.4 Each artist can enroll a maximum of 3 (three) artworks in each category, which are CARTOON, CARICATURE and EDITORIAL CARTOON.
3.5 With the artworks enrolled the artist must attach the application form properly filled in a legible handwriting and signed. It is also required a short curriculum and a photo for our database.
4 The website:
5 Awards:
5.1 Awards will be granted in a total sum of R$18,000.00 (eighteen thousand reais) in the following manner:
a. Three first places awards in the amount of R$5,000.00 (five thousand reais) each for each category: cartoon, editorial cartoon and caricature;
b. “People´s choice” award in the amount of R$2,000.00 (two thousand reais) chosen by on line and present votes;
c. Academic award in the amount of R$1,000.00 (One thousand reais). Artwork that will represent junior and high schools;
5.2 The awards will not be shared. The chairman of the judging panel will decide who will be the winner, in case of a tie.
5.3 Apart from the monetary prize, the winners will receive a trophy and the other participants selected will receive a participation diploma;
5.4 There will be a pre-selection committee and another one for selection and award, composed of capable people in the subject.
5.5 In case of fraud or plagiarism of any kind detected by the award committee on one or more enrolled artworks, they can cancel the award given;
5.6 The award result can be contested until a week after the Hall´s opening, as long there are appropriate and documentary evidences of any irregularities made without the committee´s knowledge;
5.7 Other prizes and mentions can be institute by the committee as they see fit.
6 Additional information
6.1 The simply by enrolling obligates the artist to accept the present regulation. The chosen artists cede, automatically the artwork copyright for reproduction and/or publishing in any media, unrestrictedly, for the event´s advertisement purposes;
6.2 The awarded authors transfer the artwork copyrights accordingly to the current Law (Copyright Law) in its totality, universally and definite, in every kind of use, free of charge, safeguarded by legislation relative to the awarded artworks in the Veredas Humor Festival: Sete Lagoas city, Minas Gerais state, Brazil;
6.3 Omission cases must be presented and will be evaluated by the Event´s Organaizing Committee.


1st year of Drawn Humor Competition, Seeing of the Unseeing - and Seeing 2015, Slovakia

Non-profit organisation SINA Nitra n.o.
First year of drawn humor competition
Seeing of the unseeing – and seeing
Topic: drawn humor about people, whose sight is completely or partially missing and about sight in general.
Target: By humor, we want to remind people about how important sight is in human life and what barriers must be broke by the people whose sight is missing.
Note: Don’t be worried about this topic. You’ll find examples on how access it on the web that is mentioned below.
Competition propositions:
1. The competition is declared in two age categories.
A category – authors above 18 years
B category – authors to 18 years.
2. Every author can participate in the competition with minimum two former works in original, including graphic techniques.
3. The competition is open for everyone. The way of creative processing is not limited.
4. The format of the works is free, A4 is recommended but it cannot exceed A3 format.
5. The competition is not anonymous. Every contribution must be tagged by a name, complete address, birth date and contact info of the author on the back side.
6. Rewarded works become property of the organisator. Other works can be returned by the autor’s request.
7. All sent works can be used for propagational purposes of the competition and for forfilling the organisator’s mission – helping people with sight problems.
8. The selected works will be processed to a relief form for accessing the work by touch with the description in Braill’s font and enlarged font.
9. By attending the competition, the author agrees with it’s terms.
10. Please send the contributions until 30th of October 2015 to the address:
SINA Nitra n.p.o., Nedbalova 540/17, 949 11 Nitra, Slovensko
11. The organisator will notify the author electronically (or in written form in case of the E-mail adress’s absence) about the deliverance of his works and their insertion into the competition.
12. In November 2015, a vernissage of an exposition prepared from the best competition works will take place in Nitra at the theatre of Andrej Bagar with the ceremonial declaration of the results and transmitting prizes to the most successful authors depending on the decision of the jury:
Category A:
1st prize: Golden iris and 300 €
2nd prize: Silver iris and 200 €
3rd prize: Bronze iris and 100 €
Category B:
1st prize: Golden iris and a material prize
2nd prize: Silver iris and a material prize
3rd prize: Bronze iris and a material prize
13. In case of other subject’s interest, other expositions can be organised.
14. The Jury of the competition reserves it’s right not to grant one of the prizes or grant other special prizes. On the website (, the organisator will publish the number of competing people until 30.11.2015, the structure of the jury, the results of the competition and names of the winners.
15. A catalogue and a calendar for the year 2016 will be sent to the selected authors. The calendar will be made from selected works by the organisator.
Contact info of the organisator:
SINA Nitra, non-profit organisation
Nedbalova 540/17
949 11 Nitra
Josef Zbranek, n.p.o manager
This project has been financially supported by the Ministry of culture of the Slovak Republic.
Source: hovoriaciweb.


The results of the 11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2015

T h e m e s
Cartoon: The Victory
Caricature section: FREE
In spite of the bad circumstances that Syria is going through ...
but the large number of participations stressed the importance of
Syria International Gallery of Caricature 2015.
300 artists from 71 countries participated under
the big and important title “The victory”.
The Jury:
1 - Alireza Pakdel / Iran
2 - Haydar Alyasiry / Iraq
3 - Mowafaq Farzat / Kuwait/Syria
4 - ‏‎Esam Hanafy / Egypt
5 - Naji Benaji / Morocco.
Cartoon section / The Victory:
First Prize: Mihai Ignat - Romania
Second Prize: Jitet Kustana - Indonesia (Top)
Third Prize: Mohammad Saleh Razmhosseini - Iran
Afri Diyansyah - Indonesia
Ciosu Constantin - Romaina
Milenko Kosanovic - Serbia
Paolo Dalponte - Italy
Samer Alshmarei - Yemen.
Caricature section:
First Prize: Arash Foroughi - Iran
Second Prize: Guaico - Colombia
Third Prize: Walter Alvarez Toscano - Peru
Emad Salehi - Iran
J. Bosco Jacó de Azevedo - Brazil
Mohammadreza Abbaspour - Iran
Ulisses José de Araujo - Brazil
Yusef Alimohamadi - Iran.
All prize-winning cartoons on raedcartoon.


Catalog OSTEN 46th WGC 2015 arrives from Skopje, Macedonia

Received today the new catalog OSTEN 46th World Gallery of Cartoons, Skopje 2015, Macedonia. 64 pages in color with the size of 20x22 cm cover 120 selected cartoons including the awarded ones. The selectors were the Bulgarian cartoonists Alla & Chavdar Georgievi for this edition and there were also the international jury of course to award the best of the selected. They had received 680 works by 206 cartoonists from 50 countries worldwide. All originals, that is hand drawn cartoons, satiric drawings and comics in any technique on paper.
Yet, OSTEN does also pay considerable attention to new trends and organize thematic contests for digital cartoons too, so they can meet the expectation of those artists who are more comfortable with the digital production. The present one is on topic of Beer!!! with the deadline of 20 September 2015.
In addition, this year - on the 70-year anniversary of the World Gallery of Cartoons, they will launch an online platform - where all activities of OSTEN art on paper are integrated.
The info I quote from the Thank You Note letter, received along with the certificate in the catalog, by Mice Jankulovski, Director of OSTEN.
The catalog is also published online where you might read more about the competition and see the prize-winning and the selected pieces of humoristic art here in PDF.
More info on website:


International Festival of Portraits and Caricatures 2016 with theme: Romanian Personalities

The competition have 10 sections:
- Mihai Eminescu (
- Ion Luca Caragiale (
- Constantin Brancusi (âncuși)
- Eugène Ionesco (ène_Ionesco)
- Emil Cioran (
- Mircea Eliade (
- George Enescu (
- Tristan Tzara (
- Romanian royal family (
- Other Romanian personalities.
2. Each artist may participate in one or more sections.
3. It is preferred artworks made by classical techniques, but digital artworks will be also accepted.
4. The number of drawings, dimension drawings, technique: at the author's choice.
5. For each section will be awarded four prizes: Grand Prize, First Prize, Second Prize and Third Prize. As well, will be awarded some special prizes.
6. The artworks will be published in the album ROMANIA - A PLANETARY TRIBUTE with the occasion of celebration 100 years of the Romanian national state.
7. The artworks will be sent to the organizers till date of March 1, 2016. It will organize an exhibition and if it will be appropriate will travel to various cities.
8. All drawings posted, must be sent also at resolution 300 dpi, best quality, to
The drawings selected for awards must be sent by post.
More on fb.


tOOns MaG First International Cartoon Contest 2016, Norway

tOOns MaG First International Cartoon Contest 2016, Norway
Theme: Women Rights.
Deadline: 20 February 2016
Size: A4 / A3, 300 DPI.
1st place prize: Wacom Intuos Pen & Touch Medium and certificate.
2nd place prize: Wacom Intuos Pen & Touch Small and certificate.
3rd place Prize: Wacom Intuos Pen Small and certificate.
And an additional 7 cartoonists will receive Honorable Mention Awards certificates.
1. Any cartoonist can participate in this contest.
2. The cartoons should be original and must not be formerly published. Copied workes are not accepted.
3. Participants may send a maximum of 5 works, in black and white or color, and preferably without text. In case of including a text, it must be in English.
4. A group of International jury will make a selection out of the submitted cartoons which are to be exhibited and published in
5. The International Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition and represent their own countries. Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants (They will participate only in the exhibition and not contest as a part of the honorary participation).
6. Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes (Printing, Websites, Newspapers, Calendar, Posters, Invitation cards etc.) without the permission of the cartoonist and without any payment.
7. Cartoons have to be sent to the following email address: with Cartoonist’s recent C.V. , address (in doc. format) and a personal photo.
8. tOOns MaG reserves the rights to change the date or any other condition of the contest.
We will publish the results of contest on March, 8th, 2016, International women’s day.
For further information please visit