

1st year of Drawn Humor Competition, Seeing of the Unseeing - and Seeing 2015, Slovakia

Non-profit organisation SINA Nitra n.o.
First year of drawn humor competition
Seeing of the unseeing – and seeing
Topic: drawn humor about people, whose sight is completely or partially missing and about sight in general.
Target: By humor, we want to remind people about how important sight is in human life and what barriers must be broke by the people whose sight is missing.
Note: Don’t be worried about this topic. You’ll find examples on how access it on the web that is mentioned below.
Competition propositions:
1. The competition is declared in two age categories.
A category – authors above 18 years
B category – authors to 18 years.
2. Every author can participate in the competition with minimum two former works in original, including graphic techniques.
3. The competition is open for everyone. The way of creative processing is not limited.
4. The format of the works is free, A4 is recommended but it cannot exceed A3 format.
5. The competition is not anonymous. Every contribution must be tagged by a name, complete address, birth date and contact info of the author on the back side.
6. Rewarded works become property of the organisator. Other works can be returned by the autor’s request.
7. All sent works can be used for propagational purposes of the competition and for forfilling the organisator’s mission – helping people with sight problems.
8. The selected works will be processed to a relief form for accessing the work by touch with the description in Braill’s font and enlarged font.
9. By attending the competition, the author agrees with it’s terms.
10. Please send the contributions until 30th of October 2015 to the address:
SINA Nitra n.p.o., Nedbalova 540/17, 949 11 Nitra, Slovensko
11. The organisator will notify the author electronically (or in written form in case of the E-mail adress’s absence) about the deliverance of his works and their insertion into the competition.
12. In November 2015, a vernissage of an exposition prepared from the best competition works will take place in Nitra at the theatre of Andrej Bagar with the ceremonial declaration of the results and transmitting prizes to the most successful authors depending on the decision of the jury:
Category A:
1st prize: Golden iris and 300 €
2nd prize: Silver iris and 200 €
3rd prize: Bronze iris and 100 €
Category B:
1st prize: Golden iris and a material prize
2nd prize: Silver iris and a material prize
3rd prize: Bronze iris and a material prize
13. In case of other subject’s interest, other expositions can be organised.
14. The Jury of the competition reserves it’s right not to grant one of the prizes or grant other special prizes. On the website (, the organisator will publish the number of competing people until 30.11.2015, the structure of the jury, the results of the competition and names of the winners.
15. A catalogue and a calendar for the year 2016 will be sent to the selected authors. The calendar will be made from selected works by the organisator.
Contact info of the organisator:
SINA Nitra, non-profit organisation
Nedbalova 540/17
949 11 Nitra
Josef Zbranek, n.p.o manager
This project has been financially supported by the Ministry of culture of the Slovak Republic.
Source: hovoriaciweb.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this part of the article, with a nice and interesting topics have helped a lot of people who do not challenge things people should know.. You need more publicize this so many people who know about it are rare for people to know this... Success for you.....!!!
