

6th Medplan Humor Exhibition 2014, Brazil

6th Medplan Humor Exhibition 2014, Brazil
1 - REGISTRATION: March 20 to May 20, 2014.
The 6th Medplan Humor Exhibition is open to all graphic artists, in charge and / or cartoon modalities.
The opening of the hall will be June 22, with the announcement of winners. Each artist can enroll with the maximum of three (3) unpublished works in the format 30x40 cm and using any technique. On the back of each drawing, or in email should include the author's full name, address, email, phone number, ID number, social security number and bank account. The artist can participate by sending their work through the website: (with maximum size of 3 megabytes) or sending the originals to:
6th Medplan Humor Exhibition
Rua Rodrigues Coelho, 1921 - Center
CEP: 64000-080
Teresina - PI, BRAZIL
2 – THEME:
The theme of the 6th Medplan Humor Exhibition will ELECTIONS.
First: R 5,000.00 (five thousand reais)
Second Place: R 3,000.00 (three thousand reais).
Internet Award: R 2,000.00 (two thousand reais). The Internet Award will be chosen by netizens, 9-13 June at the site:
The best works will be part of an exhibition of the 6th Medplan Humor Exhibition. Awards will be considered acquisitive and become part of the collection of Medplan. The works will not be returned. May not participate in this hall Medplan officials, their relatives and who are involved in your organization.
The simple inscription configure automatic participant's agreement to all terms.
Sources: medplan ; cartoonas .


The 6th International Humor Exhibition of the Amazon 2014, Brazil

1. Nature and scope of the hall
The 6th International Humor Exhibition of the Amazon - Ecology in the Stroke want to insert in the event calendar of humor Brazil and the world , aiming to stimulate and promote the production of graphic humorists . It is important that this show of humor is a graphical platform to showcase the talents and critical of all concerned with the environmental problems that plague our planet cartoonists , particularly the Amazon .
2 . deadlines
The 6th International Humor Exhibition of the Amazon - Ecology in the dash will be conducted from May 30 to June 8, 2014 , in Hangar - Convention Center Amazonia , Belém, Pará , Brazil , within the programming of the XVIII Pan Fair Amazon Book .
a) Period of enrollment : March 10 to May 10, 2014 ;
b ) Selection of papers : May 15, 2014 ;
c ) Disclosure of selected : May 19, 2014 ;
d ) Opening and Awards Hall : May 30, 2014 ;
3 . Arrangements and Selection
The theme : Ecology ( Required) - In this category we consider all the unpublished cartoons that deal with ecological problems which have not been awarded in other events . 40 papers will be selected .
Theme B : The Arab World - cartoons that speak of culture and fascinating customs of the Arabs will be accepted : Aladdin, sultans , harems , camels , pashas , deserts , carpets, markets , snake charmers and related ... 30 works will be selected .
Theme C : Caricature - In this category are considered all unpublished caricatures of any recognized personality and which have not been awarded in other events . 30 papers will be selected .
4 . To participate
a) Each participant may submit tender to a maximum of 02 ( two) works by type :
b ) may attend artists and filmmakers of any nationality ;
c ) Cartoons and Caricatures :
Digitized works or developed in computer, 300 dpi , A3 or 30 x 40 cm , color mode RGB , jpg ( high or medium quality ) obeying the maximum limit of 1.0 MB will be accepted .
d ) Fill in the registration form with all participant data : full name , stage name , full address with zip code , headphones , email, RG , CPF numbers ( identity documents ) , bank data , titles of works, production year attach along with the works and send to email :
e) Each participant may submit tender to a maximum of 02 ( two) works by type :
f ) To submit articles / cartoons with Theme B : Free up is required the participant works / cartoons in Theme A : Ecology;
g ) It is not permitted to register for cartoons and / or selected in previous editions of Humor Exhibition of the Amazon or other Festivals and caricatures that are not unprecedented ;
5 . The judging committee
a) The organization of the 5th Humor Exhibition of the Amazon constitute a Commission Preselection indicate that the work that integrate the exhibition .
b ) The Jury will be composed of five members of notorious competence;
c ) The President of the Jury will be a guest artist especially for this purpose ;
d ) the Judging Committee responsible for the allocation of awards and honors ;
f ) The decisions of the Judging Committee and the Committee of Pre - selection will be final and binding ;
6 . And original works
a) will not be returned the works submitted for selection and will become part of the collection of Humor Exhibition of the Amazon;
b ) The Central Production - Film and Video in the Amazon project director reserves the right to use any entry at any time, for the purpose of promoting the event and / or the realization of the project roaming by states and municipalities.
c ) No work will be offered for sale or used for commercial purposes ;
d ) By submitting your registration record and the work ( s ) the participant automatically accepts and agrees to all the rules of the competition ;
7 . Author's Rights
a) The act of registration of a work automatically imply transferring their rights to reproduce for non-commercial purposes;
8 . Prizes
Ecology Award : ............................................... ............................. R 2,000.00
Caricature Award : ............................................... ......................... R 2,000.00
Award Khartoum - Theme Arab World . ......................................... R 1,500.00
02 Honorable Mentions will be awarded for each modality
a) The value of the prizes is subject to state taxes and bank fees in force at the time of assignment / transfer;
9 . Locations and Dates
The 5th International Humor Exhibition of the Amazon - Ecology Mapping in place in the city of Belém , state of Pará , in the period from May 30 to June 8, 2014 , in Hangar - Trade and Convention Centre from Amazon.
10 . Organizers
The International Humor Exhibition of the Amazon is a project conceived by Biratan Port and Marcia Macedo and conducted by the Central Production - Film and Video at Amazon .
Email for sending the registration and work record :

registration form :
Full Name :
Artist Name :
address :
State :
Country :
Zip / Postal Code :
E- mail :
Phone : ( )
ID / Passport No:
Bank Details
Bank Name and No. :
Agency No:
Current Account No. :
The theme : Ecology (required )
01 - Title :                                                                     Year :
02 - Title :                                                                     Year :
Theme B : Cartoon / The Arab World
01 - Title :                                                                     Year :
02 - Title :                                                                     Year :
Theme C : Caricature
01 - Title :                                                                     Year :
02 - Title :                                                                     Year :
Send registration form and works:
By submitting you agree Record and articles automatically with all contest rules .
More info: J.Bosco Jacó de Azevedo


Winners of the 5th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2014, Germany

5th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2014
Themes: Electromobile & Berlin Wall
The online contest was organized and arranged by the KURTUKUNST Gallery in collaboration with the LIMES Image Agency. 938 works of 354 cartoonists from 63 countries were sent. The first three prize winners are determined by an international independent jury. The Special Prize "BERLIN WALL" was choosen by the organizing team of the contest.
Winners of the Competition 2014
1st Prize: Elena Ospina (USA) (Top)
2nd Prize: Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine)
3rd Prize: Pawel Kuczynski (Poland)
Special Prize (Berlin Wall): Luc Vernimmen (Belgium) (Down)
Audience Award: Jasiek Zborucki (Poland)
KURTUKUNST Gallery Prize: Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine)
LIMES Prize: Milenko Kosanovic (Serbia).


41st International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2014, Brazil

41th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2014
The 41th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2014, realized by the Piracicaba City Hall/Cultural Action Secretariat/National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba will be held in accordance with the following schedule:
Registrations: until July 18th.
Art Selection: August 02rd and 03th.
Awards: August 16th.
Opening: August 23th.
Closing: October 12th.
Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries. The theme is free.
The works all categories can be sent by MAIL or ELECTRONIC MAIL (applications over the Internet, in the format and 300 DPI JPGE, attached images at once).
The graphical technique is free. Digital copies signed by author and being indicated that it is print number 01 and sculptures, with humorous content will also be accepted. Maximum measures allowed: paper - 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (width).
Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category: Cartoon (graphic humor with universal and timeless themes), Charge (graphic humor with journalistic themes of nowadays), Caricature (graphic humor that expresses the physical and/or personality of a known celebrity), Comic Strips/Comic Stories (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stories will be accepted a maximum of 02 pages per work) and Theme INDIGNATION (only for works that address the theme INDIGNATION, proposed by the organization) ln the contemporary world, with the internet as support, indignation has been demonstrated, widespread and, with its activists, has managed to support, to overthrow dictatorships and all forms of humiliation to society, stimulated by cynicism and financial, political and cultural power.
Along the registered artwork, the artist must attach a complete registration form with legibly writing. It is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the CEDHU's database.
41° Saläo Internacional de Humor de Piracìcaba - Av. Maurice Allain, 454 Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 Piracìcaba - SP Brasil
Cartoon Category:
Charge Category:
Caricature Category:
Comic Strips/Stories Category:
Thematic Category:
The Awards are a total of RS 51.500.00 (fifty-one thousand and five hundred reais) divided as follows:
a) Five 1st place prizes in the amount of RS 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories.
b) One award of RS 10,000.00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category.
c) One prize called Popular Jury "Alceu Marozi Righetto”, in the value of RS 5.000,00 (five thousand reais), chosen by online open voting. The contestants to this award will be selected by the Awarding Committee. The indicated, such as the schedule and the local for the voting will be announced on the event's opening.
d) Also planned: a prize of RS 3.131.11 (three thousand one hundred thirty-one reais and eleven cents) called CHAMBER OF MUNICIPAL OF PIRACICABA AWARD, exclusively for the caricature category; a prize of RS 3.500,00 (three thousand five hundred reaìs) called UNIMED HEALTH AWARD for work for any category that explore the themes of health and a prize of RS 5.000.00 (five thousand reaìs) called ÁGUAS DO MIRANTE AWARD, intended to work by Brazilian authors in any category.
Beside the money prize, the awarded artists will be receiving trophies (a creation of Zélio Alves Pinto). Other awards and honors may be imposed at the discretion ofthe Organizing Committee.
There will be a Selection Jury and an Award Jury composed by qualified people in the area. If the Award Jury finds any type of fraud or plagiarism in one or more registered works, the Jury may cancel the award. The result of the award may be contested until a week after the opening of the Exhibition, with reasonable evidence ofany wrongdoing without acknowledgement of the committee.
The simple application requires the artist to accept these regulations. The selected artists automatically transfer the authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming promotion of the event. The returning of the artworks after the closing of the exhibition must be formally requested early in the registration form. Otherwise the artworks will ultimately belong to the collection of the National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba, which will exercise the right of property, as it finds interesting.
The organization ofthe 41th International Exhibition Humor of Piracìcaba is not responsible for possible damages that may happen when the arts are sent or returned.
The authors transfer automatically Authorial Rights of his artworks when awarded acquisitivetely (including mentions), in accordance with the Law n° 9610, February 19st, 1988 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded artworks in the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba and now integrant part of Municipal Public Property for the purposes of entitlements, accordance with the Municipal Law n° 2249, 1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law  n° 2486, 1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n° 5194, 2002.
IMPORTANT: The work submitted must be accompanied by the registration form, duly completed and signed by the author. Check for the registration form:


Results of the 4th International City Complexities Cartoon Contest 2013-14, Iran

First Prize: Mansour Moghaddam, Iran (Above).
See all prize-winning cartoons here.


26th Olense Kartoenale 2014, Belgium with theme: Cows

Annual Cartoon Contest – Rules and regulation 2014
1. Participation
All contestants will be admitted with no distinction made regarding nationality or age. There are two categories:
• Youth category up to 15 years inclusive;
• Adult category: 16 years and older.
Both professional and non-professional cartoonists are allowed to participate in this contest.
2. Theme
The main theme is ‘Cows’. Also this year Amnesty International offers a special prize to the best cartoon
with theme ‘Right to education’.
More information about this theme is to be found in annex to this regulation.
3. Entries
• Contributions have to be digital works, in black and white or colour. They shouldn’t contain an explanation of the drawing.
• The digital works has to be sent in JPEG format with a minimum of resolution of 300 dpi.
• Dimensions including any passe-partout 21 x 30 cm (A4).
• Number of entries per contestant: maximum five for each theme.
• You have to record your contact details through the (digital) entry form that you can reclaim by sending an e-mail to You also can find this entry from on (search: kartoenale).
4. Property rights
Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or theme sponsor. All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the contest and the village of Olen.
5. Evaluation
The jury consists of artists, cartoonists and laymen. Decisions made by the jury cannot be challenged.
6. Catalogue/Cartoon book
Selected works will be considered for inclusion in a catalogue. The authors of these works will receive a free copy of the catalogue during the prize ceremony or it will be send afterwards by mail.
7. Deadline: 30 September 2014
The deadline is 30 september 2014. The entry form and the cartoon(s) must be sent to digital to
8. Prizes
For the adult category:    For the youth category:
1st prize: 1500 euro         1st prize: 200 euro
2nd prize: 500 euro          2nd prize: 175 euro
3rd prize: 400 euro          3rd prize: 150 euro
4th prize: 300 euro          4th prize: 100 euro
5th prize: 200 euro
Prize of the city of Bialogard (only for Polish participants): 200 euro
Special prize: “Right to education”: 350 euro.
9. Prize Ceremony and Exhibition
The prize ceremony will take place at Friday 14 November 2014 at approximately 20.00 h in the council room of the town hall of Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen. Every participating artist will be welcome on that occasion. Only the winners are personally invited.
A selection of the cartoons will also be exhibited at the same address an can be visited:
• Sunday 16 November 2014
• All working days from Monday 17 November 2014 till the end of December 2014 during the opening hours of the town hall:
o Monday 09.00 u – 12.00 u 13.00 u – 16.00 u 17.30 u – 20.00 u
o Tuesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
o Wednesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u 13.00 u – 16.00 u
o Thursday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
o Friday 09.00 u – 12.00 u.
Cows, bulls, calves and oxen
An ordinary cow? Can an ordinary cow also be an interesting one ?
We think however that this rather trivial theme has many sides to explore. Not only its typical physical aspects catch the eye or the differences between the races, our cow is a major supplier of nutrition.
In Kenia and Tanzania cows not only get milked but the Masai also drink their blood and even the urine is used to counteract acidification of the cows’ milk.
The animal was and still is honoured as a manifestation of one or other divinity, whether as the Egyptian Hathor or as the Minoan bull of Kreta. And who isn't aware of the holy cows in India ?
In many countries cow manure is gathered and dried to be used as fuel. Cattle horns are used as a cup, as powder box or helmet decoration...
In Spain and in the south of France, local varieties of the corrida recall a long gone religious experience, roots going back all the way to the shamanic prehistory. American cowboys speed from one bullfight to another rodeo.
Are cows boring? We don't think so.
Rules in languages:


Artists selected for the exhibition in 46th Umoristi A Marostica 2014, Italy: "Rights"

Gerardo Cosenza Argentine
Louis Pol Australia
Juan Camilo "Jucalo" Lopera Arroyave Colombia
Radko Oketic Slovenia
Roman Kubec Czech Republic
Jiri Srna Czech Republic
Raed Khalil Syria
Giovanni Cellini Italy
Sergio Ribeiro Lemos Brasil
Pol Leurs Luxembourg
Valentin Georgiev Bulgaria
Valeri "Walex" Alexandrov Bulgaria
Houmayoun Mahmoudi England
Batuhan Iscan Turkey
Tawan Chuntraskawvong Thailand
Raimundo Waldez Da C. Duarte Brasil
Vladimir Abroyan Armenia
Doru Axinte Romania
Ehsan Ganji Iran
Nariman Narimani Karahvi Iran
Boris Erenburg Israel
Mario Rodrigo Spain
Vlado Volas Serbia
Jo Van Damme Belgium
Omar Santana Caviedes U.S.A.
Mohsen Asadi Iran
Elnaz Bahonar Iran
Crisan "Petrisan" Petri Romania
Eugenio Saint Pierre Italy
Wesam Khalil Egypt
Andrei Popov Russia
Emanuele Benetti Italy
Andrea Pecchia Italy
Margherita Allegri Italy
Riina Maido Finland
Luk Swerts Belgium
Alexander Dubovsky Ukraine
George Licurici Romania
Marco Spadari Italy
Tony Tasco Belgium
Jan Tomaschoff Germania
Vincenzo Turturro Italy
Andrei Septimiu Misaila Romania
Hamid Ghalijari Iran
Steve Magnani Italy
Javier Zorrilla Berganza Spain
Nicola Bucci Italy
Dragutin "Dado" Kovacevic Croatia
Lamberto "Tomas" Tomassini Italy
Gianni Audisio Italy
Farnaz Zahedi Labbaf Iran
Omer Cam Turkey
Attilio Torre Italy
Claudio Sposito Argentine
Ross Thomson England
Hicabi Demirci Turkey
Richard Svitalsky Czech Republic
Valery Momot Ukraine
Filippo Ricca France
Toni Vedù Italy
Vjekoslav Bojat Montenegro
Erico Junqueira Ayres Ayres Brasil
Gianfranco Uber Italy
Aurel Stefan Alexandrescu Romania
Cedomil Miskovic Croatia
Asen Kostakiev Bulgaria
Lorenzo De Pretto Italy
Marjan Mancek Slovenia
Federico Ricciardi Italy
Dmitry Kononov Russia
Irina Mitrinovic Serbia
Nodar Khodeli Georgia
Bernard Bouton France
Gianlorenzo Ingrami Italy
Luis Fernando Hincapié Echeverri Colombia
Antonello Mengato Flavio Masi Italy
Alessandro Sanson Italy
Zarko Luetic Croatia
Carlo Bartolini Italy
Giancarlo Sartore Italy
Jesús Francisco Carreño Rodriguez Spain
Elena Ospina Colombia
Predrag Srbljanin Serbia
Daniele "By Dindo" Zordan Italy
Lorenzo Bassi Italy
Abdul Syukur Abdul Indonesia
Passaprawas A-Chinoboonwat Thailand
Marco D'Agostino Italy
Norberto Elder "Jericles" Garcia Argentine
Sajad Rafeei Iran
Alexander Shmidt Russia
Majid Davoodi Iran
Aleksei Kivokurtsev Russia
Bahman Jalali Nokandeh Iran
Giuseppe Inciardi Italy
João Bosco Jacò De Azvedo Brasil
Julia Pavlovan Italy
Agus Eko Santoso Indonesia
Sergey V Sokolov Russia
Homayoun Abdoltahimi Iran
Önder Önerbay Turkey
Henryk Cebula Poland
Zbigniew Piszczako Poland
Luka Lagator Montenegro.


10th International - National Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2014 / 2015, Turkey

10th International - National Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2014 / 2015, Turkey
Fair Play Council of National Olympic Committee of Turkey 10th Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2014-2015
Organized by Fair Play Council of National Olympic Committee of Turkey, the start is given for 10th International – National Fair Play Cartoon Contest. The contest is open for the young people under 18 years old, in addition to older amateur and master cartoonists.
What Is Fair Play?
Fair Play is an Anglo-Saxon terminology. It means honest play and honest attitude.
The exact meaning of Fair Play is an attitude in excess the ethics. The attitude in excess ethics means to approach to any matter with an attitude of honesty and respect. The Fair Play is an act of revealing super human being performed by suppressing all kind of personal benefits and passion. There is no limit for Fair Play that is bounded by the affection, friendship and brothers hip. All boundaries of the world are artificial. This is mainly because it is the boundaries of the soul that matter.
Short Background
Use of Fair Play for the first time dates back to 15th century. The term “Foul Play" was used for ungentlemanly conduct of the chevaliers during the contests. Fair Play is just the opposite of that. William Shakespeare, famous 16th-century author used the term Fair Play in his books. Fair Play is first used as good play in England in 18th century and soon adopted in the sports world. By the end of 20th century, the organizations began to use Fair Play as the social training motto in their activities (transcribed from
Terms of Joining Contest:
1. Subject: Fair Play. The request is made to submit the cartoon that reveals the sportsmanship in the sportive contest performed all over the world, complete with the humor.
2. Size: The cartoons will be drawn up to 25 x 35 cm sheets maximum.
3. Technique: Colored or black and white. The cartoons will not be as drawn by the pencil; however, will be painted by pilot type or similar paint according to printing technique. The marker will not be used.
4. The cartoons will be original production of the artist, revealing his/her own approach.
5. The cartoons that may have already exhibited or contested; however, they shouldn‘t be awarded in any contest before.
6. Digital cartoons are acceptable.
7. The contestants are required to provide their IDs complete with the name, surname, address and telephone information.
8. The cartoons will be mailed or sent by cargo before the deadline. The works of arts will be placed in between hard cardboards without rolling or folding. Personal delivery to the address is acceptable.
9. Fair Play Council of National Olympic Committee of Turkey will be entitled to have those cartoons that will be selected by the jury to be included in the album, reproduced as poster or exhibited in various locations or schools, irrespective whether or not awarded.
10. The participants by submitting the cartoon will be provided with the albums.
11. The cartoons will not be returned back, irrespective they are awarded or not. The participants will be considered as accepted foregoing terms.
Awards: (International, National, +18 Year Old, Cartoonists)
1. Prize: US$ 1,000.00 + Plaque
2. Prize: US$ 500.00 + Plaque
3. Prize: US$ 250.00 + Plaque
+ Merit Plaque (as to be determined by the jury)
* Merit Awards for Young Cartoonists: (International, National, -18 Year Old Cartoonists and Students)
The jury will determine the number of the merit awards of US$ 100.00 each.
+ Sponsors’ gift, cartoon books + plaque.
• Cafer Zorlu Special Award: The award will be given in commemoration of Cafer Zorlu, the master of Turkish cartoon, member of jury in 9 previous contests, who died last year.
* The deadline: Friday, May 30, 2014 (EXTENDED:) 14 JUNE 2014 Saturday.
Jury Members:
* Erdoğan Arıpınar (NOC of Turkey senior member, EFPM Vice President - Member of World Fair Play Councilğ-CIFP)
* Murat F. Özbay (Chairman, Fair Play Council of National Olympic Committee of Turkey)
* Doğan Şahin (TMOK Member- EFPM Jury Member)
* Cartoonists: Turkey: Bedri Koraman, Mesut Yavuz, Köksal Çiftçi, Sami Caner.
* Darko Drljevic (Podagorica - Montenegro), Rahim B. Asgari (Tabriz - Iran), Kamil Yavuz (Turkey - Organization)
* For application, mail to:
10. Uluslararası ve Ulusal “Fair Play” Karikatür Yarışması: Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Fair Play Konseyi Ataköy 34158 /Istanbul - Türkiye
Tel: 0212 560 07 07. Fax: 0212. 560 00 55
Application via e-mail: (the cartoons will be of 200 dpi in size, minimum, reproduced in Jpeg format.

Results International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2014, Poland

of the jury session of International Exhibition SATYRYKON - Legnica 2014
22 February 2014
Jury represented by:
The chairman: MARILENA NARDI (I)
having seen 2.244 works by 615 authors, who come from 50 countries of the world, the Jury has decided to qualify 210 works by 131 authors for the post competition exhibition. The Jury has awarded Grand Prix Satyrykon 2014 and money award in amount of 8,000 PLN to Mr SERGEY SICHENKO (Israel) for his work ”Facebook” (Top).
The Jury has also awarded the following regular prizes:
Section I: j o k e
1st prize, golden medal and money award of PLN 6.000
to Mr MIHAI IGNAT (Romania) for his untitled work
2nd prize, silver medal and money award of PLN 5.500
to Mr MARIUSZ STAWARSKI (Poland) for his work ”Coming Christmas”
3rd prize, bronze medal and money award of PLN 5.000
to Mr VICTOR CRUDU (Moldova) for his untitled work
and the two equal distinction awards of PLN 4.000 each for:
Mr ALEXEY MIKHAYLUSIEV (Ukraine) for his untitled work
Mr DARIUSZ MROŻEK (Poland) for his untitled work.
Section II: s a t i r e
1st prize, golden medal and money award of PLN 6.000
to Mr TOMASZ BRODA (Poland) for his works ”The History of literature for Facebook users (cycle 1-8)”
2nd prize, silver medal and money award of PLN 5.500
to Mr LEX DREWIŃSKI (Germany/Poland) for his work ”Free Pussy Riot”
3rd prize, bronze medal and money award of PLN 5.000
to Mr ANDREA PECCHIA (Italy) for his work ”Women rights”
and the two equal distinction awards of PLN 4.000 each for:
Mr MEHDI AFRADI (Iran) for his untitled work
Mr CONSTANTIN CIOSU (Romania) for his work „Visit” (Below / See SIMILARITY)
That way the protocol was close.
» » P R I Z E S « «
s p e c i a l a w a r d s
The Mayor of Legnica award in amount of PLN 4.000
for Mr MAHMOUDI HOUMAYOUN (England) for his work ”The fox”
The Director of Legnica Culture Centre Award in amount of PLN 4.000
for Mr DAVOOD YARAHMADI (Iran) for his work ”Football”
The SATYRYKON's Andrzej Tomiałojć Foundation award in amount of PLN 4.000
for Mr MIROSŁAW GRYŃ (Poland) for his untitled work.


International Portrait Cartoon Competition 2014, Turkey: The Living Values of Sinop

(The Living Values of Sinop; Askin Ayrancioglu and Seyit Saatci)
Artists are generally remembered after they die. Activities are organised for them. However, we wanted to remember and make other people remember Askin Ayrancioglu and Seyit Saatci who are working and productive workers in the in the branch of international cartoon not only in Sinop but also in our country. We wanted give other cartoonists portraits as a gift to Ayrancioglu and Saatci because they represent Sinop and Turkey successfully in the branch of international cartoon.
1- The contest is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
2- The topic of competition; The portrait of cartoon artists; Askin Ayrancioglu and Seyit Saatci
3- You can reach the photos of cartoon artists, Askin Ayrancioglu and Seyit Saatci; from the links below;
4- The technique is free. The work of the cartoonist may have been published before. However, it cannot have won any awards previously.
5- A cartoonist can join the contest with maximum of 5 portrait cartoons, but each cartoonist can only have one award.
6- The maximum size for the cartoons must be A3 (29,9cm X 42cm), 300dpi by width in jpg format.
7- The cartoons must be sent to the following e-mail address until (1st June 2014, EXTENDED:) 1st JULY 2014:
8- The contestants are expected to write their name, surname, mail address, e-mail address, and short bio and send them in a word file with an attached photo.
9- The works which won awards and are to be exhibited will be in an e-album and in internet issued.
5 Crystal Medals (for Askin Ayrancioglu’s portrait)
5 Crystal Medals (for Seyit Saatci’s portrait).
11- The jury members: Askin AYRANCIOGLU (Turkey), Oguz GUREL (Turkey), Elena OSPINA (Colombia), Seyit SAATCI (Turkey), Saadet Demir YALCIN (Turkey).
12- The cartoons will be kept in the archive of the institution and can be used in posters, handouts, calendars, magazines, and newspapers. The publication will be sent to the holder of that cartoon.
13- By sending his/her works, and participating in the contest, the cartoonists agree to the mentioned rules and conditions.
14- The institution organising the competition: BOYABAT CULTURE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, Ozel Idare Carsisi, BOYABAT / SINOP / TURKEY.