

10th International - National Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2014 / 2015, Turkey

10th International - National Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2014 / 2015, Turkey
Fair Play Council of National Olympic Committee of Turkey 10th Fair Play Cartoon Contest 2014-2015
Organized by Fair Play Council of National Olympic Committee of Turkey, the start is given for 10th International – National Fair Play Cartoon Contest. The contest is open for the young people under 18 years old, in addition to older amateur and master cartoonists.
What Is Fair Play?
Fair Play is an Anglo-Saxon terminology. It means honest play and honest attitude.
The exact meaning of Fair Play is an attitude in excess the ethics. The attitude in excess ethics means to approach to any matter with an attitude of honesty and respect. The Fair Play is an act of revealing super human being performed by suppressing all kind of personal benefits and passion. There is no limit for Fair Play that is bounded by the affection, friendship and brothers hip. All boundaries of the world are artificial. This is mainly because it is the boundaries of the soul that matter.
Short Background
Use of Fair Play for the first time dates back to 15th century. The term “Foul Play" was used for ungentlemanly conduct of the chevaliers during the contests. Fair Play is just the opposite of that. William Shakespeare, famous 16th-century author used the term Fair Play in his books. Fair Play is first used as good play in England in 18th century and soon adopted in the sports world. By the end of 20th century, the organizations began to use Fair Play as the social training motto in their activities (transcribed from
Terms of Joining Contest:
1. Subject: Fair Play. The request is made to submit the cartoon that reveals the sportsmanship in the sportive contest performed all over the world, complete with the humor.
2. Size: The cartoons will be drawn up to 25 x 35 cm sheets maximum.
3. Technique: Colored or black and white. The cartoons will not be as drawn by the pencil; however, will be painted by pilot type or similar paint according to printing technique. The marker will not be used.
4. The cartoons will be original production of the artist, revealing his/her own approach.
5. The cartoons that may have already exhibited or contested; however, they shouldn‘t be awarded in any contest before.
6. Digital cartoons are acceptable.
7. The contestants are required to provide their IDs complete with the name, surname, address and telephone information.
8. The cartoons will be mailed or sent by cargo before the deadline. The works of arts will be placed in between hard cardboards without rolling or folding. Personal delivery to the address is acceptable.
9. Fair Play Council of National Olympic Committee of Turkey will be entitled to have those cartoons that will be selected by the jury to be included in the album, reproduced as poster or exhibited in various locations or schools, irrespective whether or not awarded.
10. The participants by submitting the cartoon will be provided with the albums.
11. The cartoons will not be returned back, irrespective they are awarded or not. The participants will be considered as accepted foregoing terms.
Awards: (International, National, +18 Year Old, Cartoonists)
1. Prize: US$ 1,000.00 + Plaque
2. Prize: US$ 500.00 + Plaque
3. Prize: US$ 250.00 + Plaque
+ Merit Plaque (as to be determined by the jury)
* Merit Awards for Young Cartoonists: (International, National, -18 Year Old Cartoonists and Students)
The jury will determine the number of the merit awards of US$ 100.00 each.
+ Sponsors’ gift, cartoon books + plaque.
• Cafer Zorlu Special Award: The award will be given in commemoration of Cafer Zorlu, the master of Turkish cartoon, member of jury in 9 previous contests, who died last year.
* The deadline: Friday, May 30, 2014 (EXTENDED:) 14 JUNE 2014 Saturday.
Jury Members:
* Erdoğan Arıpınar (NOC of Turkey senior member, EFPM Vice President - Member of World Fair Play Councilğ-CIFP)
* Murat F. Özbay (Chairman, Fair Play Council of National Olympic Committee of Turkey)
* Doğan Şahin (TMOK Member- EFPM Jury Member)
* Cartoonists: Turkey: Bedri Koraman, Mesut Yavuz, Köksal Çiftçi, Sami Caner.
* Darko Drljevic (Podagorica - Montenegro), Rahim B. Asgari (Tabriz - Iran), Kamil Yavuz (Turkey - Organization)
* For application, mail to:
10. Uluslararası ve Ulusal “Fair Play” Karikatür Yarışması: Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Fair Play Konseyi Ataköy 34158 /Istanbul - Türkiye
Tel: 0212 560 07 07. Fax: 0212. 560 00 55
Application via e-mail: (the cartoons will be of 200 dpi in size, minimum, reproduced in Jpeg format.

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