

International exhibition "Apaguemos el Maltrato" is on from 25 November in Spain

The International exhibition themed "Apaguemos el Maltrato" (Extinguish Violence Against Women) is opened in 25th November 2013 in Madrid where is the capital of Spain with the participation of 24 prestigious artists from 21 countries and aims to raise awareness of abuse against women. In the afternoon, it was presented in Alcorcón, the first of the 12 towns that will hold the exhibition by the hand of the Women’s Institute of Madrid.
The exhibition after Madrid Royal Mail House will be placed at headquarters at the Women Institute of Madrid for a year. During the same period, it will be exhibited in Alcobendas, Alcorcón, Aranjuez, Boadilla del Monte, Getafe, Las Rozas, Móstoles, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Soto del Real, Torrejón, Tres Cantos and Valdemoro.
The two cartoons by Menekşe ÇAM take place in the exhibition to represent Turkey.
The all participating artists;
Angel Boligán (Mexico), Pablo Blasberg (Argentina), Menekse Cam (Turkey), Darío Castillejos (Mexico), Doaa Eladl (Egypt), Alex Falco (Cuba), Ares (Cuba), Riber Hansson (Sweden), Adán Iglesias (Cuba), Doddy Iswahyudi (Indonesia), Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine), Pawel Kuczynski (Poland), Yu Liang (China), Marc Lynch (Australia), Marilena Nardi (Italy), Miel (Singapore), Enio Navarro (Spain), Victor Ndula (Kenya), Vilma Vargas (Ecuador), Elena Ospina (Colombia), Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria), Andrei Popov (Russia), Kianoush Ramezani (Iran), Ann Telnaes (USA).
The cartoons in the exhibition were collected in an album will be sent to the participating artists.
(Also on Facebook).


Winners in 2nd International Cartoon Contest Sinaloa 2013, Mexico

Theme: Migration
519 participants from 68 cuntries sent in 1043 drawings.
First Prize: Wissam Asaad - Syria (Top)

Second Prize: Mohammadreza Babaei – Iran (Above)
Third Prize: Darío Castillejos - Mexico
Honourable Mentions:
Mihai Ignat – Romania
Hasan Ali Ismail – Syria
Bahman Jalali Nokandeh – Iran
Mete Agaoglu – Turkey
Michel Moro Gomez – Cuba
Musa Gumus – Turkey
Bobisa – Serbia
Norbert Van Yperzeele – Belgium
Viktor Manuel Barrera – Colombia
Rainer Ehrt – Germany.
All winning cartoons here.


Paolo Dalponte: Esposizione di disegni "Caffè?"

Studio d'Arte Andromeda via Malpaga 17 Trento, Italy.
December 7, Saturday, 18:00.


International 7-77 Cartoon Competition 2014, Turkey

The 19th International Ankara Cartoon Festival is going to be held from April 18th to 20th, 2014 during the 85th Children’s Day activities, which are celebrated in our country every year on the 23rd April .
The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the 20th International Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition is to make children familiar with the art of cartooning and to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humour by enriching their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.
All proffessional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to  join in by drawing cartoons for children.
Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colourful using any technique in either A4 or A3 size.
Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original  cartoon that can be understood by children.
Competitors must write their names, surnames and addresses on the back of their cartoons.
The deadline for the competition is February 1st, 2014. Cartoons should be sent to the  following address:
The sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE (1000 €) and the institutions’ commemorative plates.
The results of the competition will be announced on April 10th, 2014 in the local press and on the web.
The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara from April 18th  to 20th, 2014 as a guest for the activities to be held during the 20th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and will receive the award at the opening of the exhibition.
The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the certificate will be sent to those  competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the jury and were printed in the catalogue.
Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the Cartoon Foundation.
International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in various cities of Turkey and abroad.


6th International "Smiling Cat" Cartoon Web Contest 2013, Azerbaijan

6th International "Smiling Cat" Cartoon Web Contest 2013
Contest: Open to all cartoonists
THEME: Shadow
Deadline: 20 December 2013
ENTRIES: Max. 2 cartoons
A4 size max. 100 dpi, format (JPEG).
Max one entry in each section: black & white or colored,
any style, any technique will be accepted.
Name, address, tel and e-mail.
At the end of competition there will be an exhibition
on internet from the selected cartoons.
The participant must send their photo along with their autobiography.
All cartoonists can participate through their own e-mail
by submitting your cartoons to:
First Smiling Cat prize: Diploma
Second Smiling Cat prize: Diploma
Third Smiling Cat prize: Diploma
Honourable mentions: 5 (certificate).
The results will be on on 30 December, 2013,
right after the international juries' evaluation.
Organizer: Seyran Caferli
Address: Az 1000, Post BOX N0 1, Baku-Azerbaijan.


Prize-winners in National Liberty Museum's Caretoons Contest 2013, U.S.A.

Theme: Building Bridges
Annie Briglia (Student National)
Mark Mattson (Adult National)
Menekşe Çam - Turkey (Adult International) (Top)
More info here.


5th International Cartoon Contest Virton 2014, Belgium

5ème Festival International du Dessin de Presse, d’Humour et de la Caricature 2014 VIRTON from 29th May to 1st June 2014
1. CONTEST : Organized by Lions Club La Gaume in partnership with La Gaume ça Cartoon asbl.
2. THEME : « When peace will be »
3. DEADLINE : 15th February 2014
4. PARTICIPANTS : Are admitted cartoonists of any country, sex, or age. The participants accept the regulations as well as the jury's decisions. The jury has the right to refuse an artwork for moral reasons. There will be no correspondence about the contest or the jury's decisions.
5. THE JURY : 5 members and presided by the Director of the festival.
6. ELIGIBILITY : Each author is allowed to submit maximum 3 artworks.
Characteristics : Black and white or color artworks without text and in standard A4 format.
Artworks must be delivered by internet only in 300 dpi resolution and in Jpeg format to:
Previously awarded cartoons are not allowed to participate.
The artist must complete the registration form on the website and join a biography and photo or self-portrait.
The full list of participants will be published on the website
7. ROYALTIES : By participating, the authors agree that the organization may archive, print, or reproduce the artworks to be used for all purposes without any compensation for the artist. All the award winning artwork becomes property of the organization and will not be returned. This way a permanent collection is established to promote our venue.
8. EXHIBITIONS : from Thursday 29th May to Saturday 7th June included.
9. AWARDS : The award-ceremony will take place Thursday 29th May at 20:00. A selection of the best artworks will appear in the catalogue “ Rencontres Internationales du dessin de presse et d’humour de Virton 2014”.
1st prize: 500 € + invitation
2nd prize: 250 €
3rd prize: 150 €.
Before we can award the prizes, the laureates will be asked to send us the originals.


Winners in 25th Olense Cartoenale 2013, Belgium

Results of the 25th Olense Cartoenale 2013, Belgium
Theme: Clear surface water
1st prize: Pavel Kuczynski (Poland)
2nd prize: Robert Rousso (France) (Top) (See Similarities)
3rd prize: Kfir Weizman (Israel)
4th prize: Grigori Katz (Israel)
5th prize: Raed Khalil (Syria) (See below)
The Amnesty International Prize: Marco De Angelis (Italy)
Prize of the city of Bialogard: Izabela Kowalska-Wieczorek (Poland).
Young Cartoonists under age 15 yr:
1st Prize: Zhang A He (China)
2nd Prize: Ekin Özeskici (Turkey)
3rd Prize: Zhang A He (China)
4th Prize: Li Yu Xuan (China).
More on europeancartooncenterkruishoutem.


Cartoon exhibition "a call for tolerance" in Egypt

Cartoon exhibition " a call for tolerance "
On the occasion of the International Day for Tolerance in collaboration with the "Tahrir Lounge"
The draft regulates the "tahrir lounge" of great festivity Goethe Institute on the occasion of the international day for tolerance on Wednesday at 5 pm at the Institute's headquarters in downtown. The celebration includes many events and activities aimed at raising public awareness of the importance of tolerance and acceptance of the other.
The event includes an exhibition of caricatures of leading illustrators of the Egyptian Association for comics, featuring a collection of cartoons that invites people to spread the principles of tolerance and acceptance of the other.
Participating artists: Mohamed Effat, Abdullah Basmaji, Samir Abdel Ghany, Fawzy Morsy, Emad Abdel Maksoud, Khader Hassan, Fady Abu El Hassan, Amina Kamel, Amnah El Hamade, Wessam Khalil, Adnan Jaber, Amr Abd El Atty, Saber Taha, Islam Al Qusi, Omar Seddik, Fadi George .


The 25th Rotary Cartoon Awards 2013: Winners Announced


The winner was “Expectations” by Miroslav Bozhkov from Bulgaria.

The Merit prize went to Constantin Sunnerberg from Belgium with his cartoon “Chastity Belt”.
See all prize-winning works on cartoonas or here.


42. World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2014

Dear friends cartoonists,
You are invited to participate on the 42. World Gallery of Cartoons – Skopje 2014!
World Gallery of Cartoons, organized by OSTEN Skopje, Macedonia, is preparing for its 42 edition, and we are confident that your works will enrich it. For sure that this edition, as in the past years, jury members will have a lot of work to do while making the final decision for the cartoonists who will be awarded with the following prizes:
FIRST AWARD for Cartoon (1000$)
FIRST AWARD for Satiric Drawing (1000$)
FIRST AWARD for Comic / Strip (1000$)
AWARD CICO (for Macedonian Cartoonist)
Some of you have already been part of this renowned event and you are familiar with its conditions, but 42. World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2014 provides a bit altered propositions for participation. Following our principle of creating and preserving the art on paper, note that only original works (cartoons, satirical drawings and comics) will be considered in the selection process, and they should be sent to our address:
OSTEN – World Gallery of Cartoons
8.Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia
…No later than February 28, 2014.
The jury will judge in April 2014, and the official opening of the 42.World Gallery of Cartoons – Skopje 2014 and the announcement of the awards will take place on May 29, 2014, at OSTEN Gallery, Skopje.
Follow us on FB, and don’t forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends. For additional information, you can also contact us on:
OSTEN - art on paper
World Gallery of Cartoons
8 Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
T +389 2 3213665
M +389 71 225950
Complete Regulation & Application Form in PDF.


2nd Afdesta International Online Cartoon Festival 2013, Iran

Afdesta International Online Cartoon Festival 2013, Iran: A WORLD WITHOUT BOUNDARY
The Afdesta Online Festival secretariat is pleased to present its second cartoon festival featuring some of the most leading international judges entitled "A World without Boundary". There will be a large selection and a variety of art to select from during this festival. Selected artworks from around the world will take place in Afdesta permanent online show. Competitors must illustrate "A World without Boundary". Questions are encouraged and welcomed.
1. Competition terms:
A.Up to 3 artworks are accepted from each participant.
B.Artworks must be in A4 size and with 300 DPI qualities (format JPG-RGB). Attention: to use the option: "save for web and devices" is recommended.
C.There is no limit for using design techniques.
D.Accepting an artwork is due to registration in festival's official website and accepting the rules.
E.All artworks must be submitted exclusively in the festival's official website:
Attention: works which are sent through E-Mail or anyway other than uploading in the festival's official website are not included.
F.Afdesta secretariat is excused for accepting artworks containing insult to a nation or culture.
G.Afdesta secretariat considers the sender as the owner and creator of the art work. If proven otherwise, at any stage of competition, the artwork would be omitted and the sender is responsible for its legal responsibilities.
2. Judges (alphabetic order):
Javad Alizadeh (Iran)
Marcin Bondarowicz (Poland)
Angel Boligan(Mexico)
Erdogan Karayel(Germany)
Vladimir Kazanevsky(Ukraine).
3. Festival's Schedule:
A.Submitting artworks starts from October 18th (7GMT) to March 2nd 2014(12 GMT).
B.Judging artworks is from March 9th.
D.Announcement of the winners and displaying their artworks on festivals website starts from March 20th 2014.
4. Prizes:
A.Three nights residence in Kish Island with transportation, and memorial medal with their names on it for top 3 winners.
B.All participants will be rewarded festival's attendance certificate. (2 months after the announcement of winners)
5. Executive Board of Afdesta Online Festival:
Founder and Director of Afdesta Art Group and Festivals: Ali Delzendehrooy
Cartoon Festival Secretary: Javad Takjoo
Technical Manager: Omid Amraie
Executive Team Members: Bahar Badihi, Anahita Baniasadi, Farzane Khoshkhoo & Nicoletta Isonskov
Information Secretary: Illya Tahamtani & Farshid Larmiani
Poster Designed by: Ali Delzendehrooy
Sponsors: Amir-Kish Real Estate Group, Afdesta Advertisement Studio, Parto Lazer Co.& Panart digital magazine
Organizer: Afdesta Art Group
Festival's Official Website:
Cartoon Festival Secretariats E-Mail:
Registration link:
More on Facebook.