

2nd Afdesta International Online Cartoon Festival 2013, Iran

Afdesta International Online Cartoon Festival 2013, Iran: A WORLD WITHOUT BOUNDARY
The Afdesta Online Festival secretariat is pleased to present its second cartoon festival featuring some of the most leading international judges entitled "A World without Boundary". There will be a large selection and a variety of art to select from during this festival. Selected artworks from around the world will take place in Afdesta permanent online show. Competitors must illustrate "A World without Boundary". Questions are encouraged and welcomed.
1. Competition terms:
A.Up to 3 artworks are accepted from each participant.
B.Artworks must be in A4 size and with 300 DPI qualities (format JPG-RGB). Attention: to use the option: "save for web and devices" is recommended.
C.There is no limit for using design techniques.
D.Accepting an artwork is due to registration in festival's official website and accepting the rules.
E.All artworks must be submitted exclusively in the festival's official website:
Attention: works which are sent through E-Mail or anyway other than uploading in the festival's official website are not included.
F.Afdesta secretariat is excused for accepting artworks containing insult to a nation or culture.
G.Afdesta secretariat considers the sender as the owner and creator of the art work. If proven otherwise, at any stage of competition, the artwork would be omitted and the sender is responsible for its legal responsibilities.
2. Judges (alphabetic order):
Javad Alizadeh (Iran)
Marcin Bondarowicz (Poland)
Angel Boligan(Mexico)
Erdogan Karayel(Germany)
Vladimir Kazanevsky(Ukraine).
3. Festival's Schedule:
A.Submitting artworks starts from October 18th (7GMT) to March 2nd 2014(12 GMT).
B.Judging artworks is from March 9th.
D.Announcement of the winners and displaying their artworks on festivals website starts from March 20th 2014.
4. Prizes:
A.Three nights residence in Kish Island with transportation, and memorial medal with their names on it for top 3 winners.
B.All participants will be rewarded festival's attendance certificate. (2 months after the announcement of winners)
5. Executive Board of Afdesta Online Festival:
Founder and Director of Afdesta Art Group and Festivals: Ali Delzendehrooy
Cartoon Festival Secretary: Javad Takjoo
Technical Manager: Omid Amraie
Executive Team Members: Bahar Badihi, Anahita Baniasadi, Farzane Khoshkhoo & Nicoletta Isonskov
Information Secretary: Illya Tahamtani & Farshid Larmiani
Poster Designed by: Ali Delzendehrooy
Sponsors: Amir-Kish Real Estate Group, Afdesta Advertisement Studio, Parto Lazer Co.& Panart digital magazine
Organizer: Afdesta Art Group
Festival's Official Website:
Cartoon Festival Secretariats E-Mail:
Registration link:
More on Facebook.

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