

International Cartoon Competition: "The Great and the Little Warsaw" 2013, Poland

The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw celebrates its 35th anniversary by inviting artists
to take part in an International Cartoon Competition whose topic is:
The Great and the Little Warsaw
– or whatever good or even better things we can say about our capital
Warsaw – the capital of Poland – has one of the largest populations among European cities. Its long history, dating back to the 9th century, can often prove fascinating. It is a city that was razed to the ground, burnt and gutted during World War II, and still, rebuilt after 1945, it continues to live, though it was supposed to disappear from the face of the earth. It is a city that received the Silver Cross of Poland's highest military decoration for heroism and courage – the Virtuti Militari.
Fascinating as the city can be, it is certainly not devoid of problems that may get on its inhabitants’ nerves. Like every great agglomeration it can delight with life on a grand scale, but also – irritate with its traffic jams. What does the city look like in the eyes of those who live here, but also – of visitors from other Polish cities and of foreigners? What do they find amusing, and what – annoying? What delights the onlooker? This is the topic that we ask our astute observers – the cartoonists – to illustrate.
Competition Rules
The competition is open to artists from all over the world.
Each participant may submit up to 5 works.
The cartoons must be original and signed by their Authors; the maximum dimensions are 42 x 30 cm. The following data must be given on the back: author’s name and surname, address, title of the work, year of creation.
Along with the works, Authors are obliged to submit their CVs in Polish or English (incl. publications, exhibitions and awards). The registration form (pdf) to download is on the bottom of this page.
Entries must be sent in by 15th May 2013 to the following address:
Muzeum Karykatury
ul. Kozia 11
00-070 Warsaw, Poland
Regular prizes and distinctions:
Grand Prix: 8,000 PLN
1st Prize 4000 PLN
2nd Prize 3000 PLN
3rd Prize 2000 PLN
3 honourable mentions - 1000 PLN each.
The Jury, chaired by Mr Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz, Director of the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw, will announce its verdict by the end of June 2013.
The Jury reserves the right to divide the prizes differently than specified above. The Jury’s decisions are final and may not be the subject of an appeal.
The awarded works become the exclusive property of the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw, together with copyright and property rights. The Museum also reserves the right to select and include in its collection one work by each Author. The other works will be returned to their Authors only at their formal written request, after all the activities related to the post-competition exhibition have been completed.
Entering the competition is tantamount to granting permission for reproducing the works free of charge for the publicity purposes of the post-competition exhibition in all the fields of exploitation.
Authors of all the works selected for the post-competition exhibition will receive the exhibition catalogue free of charge.

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