

Beauty is the theme in Karikaturum 7, Surgut 2013 – 2014, Russia

The International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 7, Surgut 2013 – 2014
The International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 7 is an open contest, where both professional and amateur artists can take part, regardless of their education, age, sex and nationality.
The organizers of the Forum are the Department for Culture, Youth Policy and Sports and Surgut Fine Arts Museum.
The International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 7 is held in two nominations: Cartoon and Poster.
“Cartoon” nomination
“Poster” nomination
Contest period
The announcement of the contest – February 2013
The deadline for the submission of works – May 31, 2013
The jury work period – June 8 to 12, 2013
The Winners awards ceremony and the opening of the exhibition – June 12 2014
1.Alexander Kondurov/Russia/ – Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation
2.Vladimir Stepanov/Russia/ – artist, cartoonist
3.DimitrTraichev/Bulgaria/–designer, Art Director, Stalker Graphic design Studio
4.Luis Humberto Marcos/Portugal/– Director of the National Museum of the Press, organizer of PortoCartoon-World Festival
5.Riber Hansson/Sweden/ – artist, cartoonist
6.Svetlana Kruglova/Russia/ – Director of Surgut Fine Arts Museum
7.Yuri Surkov/Russia/ – artist, designer
Main prizes
“Cartoon” nomination
1.prize GOLD USHANKA 100 000 rubles
2.prize SILVER USHANKA 60 000 rubles
3.prize BRONZE USHANKA 30 000 rubles
“Poster” nomination
1.prize GOLD USHANKA 100 000 rubles
2.prizeSILVERUSHANKA 60 000 rubles
3.prize BRONZE USHANKA 30 000 rubles.
All prize money is paid in rubles and in accordance with the legislation of Russian Federation is subject to taxation.
II. Contest participation
Contest requirements in CARTOON nomination
1.1.The cartoons must be original; the copyright belongs to the participant. Photocopies, printouts and works sent by e-mail will not be evaluated.The works that have won awards earlier have to contain information where and when they were awarded. The jury reserves the right to include or not include it into the list of prize-winning works.
1.2. Techniques: painting, graphics, printed graphics (etchings, lithography, xylograph and linocut), collage.
1.3.The sizes of works -А4 (210х297) toА2 (420х590).
Contest requirements in POSTER nomination
2.1. Both individuals and teams of artists can participate in the contest.
2.2. The posters submitted to the contest must be made specifically on the theme “The Beauty Will Save the World”. The works should not exceed 60х84cm (horizontal and vertical) at 300dpi, СMYK or RGB, and saved in formats: TIF, PDF, EPS or JPG, all the images should be flattened. The author should record his work onto a CD in high resolution; all the files and CDs should be signed. The CD accompanied by the Participant Form (see clause 3.3) is to be sentto the contest address. The works selected for the exhibition will be printed by the organizers.
2.3. The newly created posters should include:
2.3.1.The text in Russian Красотаспасетмир
or in English The Beauty Will Save the World
2.3.2.KARIKATURUM logo, the colour is left to the author’s discretion:
2.4.We also accept posters made by the author in the last 7 years and conforming, in the author’s opinion, to the theme «The Beauty Will Save the World».
2.5.The works that have won awards earlier have to contain information where and when they were awarded. The jury reserves the right to include or not include it into the list of prize-winning works.
2.6. Further texts or mottos can be added by the author’s choice.
General conditions
3.1.Any number of works will be accepted from each cartoonist.
3.2.The works are posted at the participant’s expense. The works should be carefully packed. The organizers are not responsible for any damage during transportation.
3.3. The works should be accompanied by the Participant Form where name, surname, author’s addresses, title of work and year when it was made, telephone, fax and e-mail must be stated. The Participant Form is to be filled out in block letters. The works without the Participant Form are not accepted.
3.4.At the back of each cartoon name, surname, title of work and year when it was made, material and technique should be stated.
3.5. The Organizers guarantee that the authors’ personal data will be processed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law № 152-FL “About Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006)
3.6. The copyright to the image and texts of a work belong to the participant, it is inalienable. The author bears responsibility for his works as provided by the existing legislation of RF. The author reserves the prerogative right to the original work of art at alienation (transfer into the ownership, donation) if the author doesn’t transfer the right by the Deed of Gift. (article 1291of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
3.7.The works sent to the Forum will not be returned and will become part of Surgut Fine Arts Museum collection. The Museum will be grateful for your donation and asks the authors by expression of will to fill out the Deed of Gift (the form of Deed of Gift is attached) to donate your works into the Museum collection and send your Deed of Gift with the works and the Form.
3.8. The works sent to the competition may be exhibited in Surgut Fine Arts Museum, other museums, galleries and exhibition halls at the discretion of the Organizers. The works can also be displayed on the Museum website.
3.9.The Organizers reserve the right to publish the works in Media, including electronic media; or duplicate the works in the Forumadvertising materials with no royalties to the author but the author’s name, surname and nationality will appear on each work.
Special conditions
4.1.The Organizers will cover travel costs to the Award ceremony from any (one) city of Russia and a return ticket and accommodation in Surgut hotel for all prize-winners and jury members. All travel and living costs in transit cities are at the participants’ expense.
4.2.The main money prizes can be divided by the jury decision.
4.3.The Organizers and sponsors of the Forum reserve the right to establish Special prizes upon receiving contest works.
4.4.The catalogue will be published after the contest. All authors, whose works will be included into the catalogue by the jury decision, will receive a free copy of the catalogue.
4.5.You can find further information about the International Forum of Visual Humour KARIKATURUM 7 on the web site:
4.6.The fact of participation in the Forum means that the participants accept our terms and conditions.
The works should be sent to the following address:
The International Forum of Visual Humour
Surgut Fine Arts Museum,
30 let Pobedyst., 21/2,
Surgut, Tyumenskaya oblast, Russia, 628403
Tel.: +7 (3462)51-68-12,51-68-08; tel./fax: +7 (3462)51-68-16;
We will appreciate if you pass the information about our Forum to your fellows.
Entry Form on WEB:

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