

40th World Gallery of Cartoons – Skopje 2012, Republic of Macedonia

Dear friends Cartoonists,
It is time to celebrate your works, because the cartoons have a power!
You are invited to join the 40.World Gallery of Cartoons – Skopje 2012, awarding:
GRAND PRIX for Life Achievement (5000$)
FIRST PRIZE for Caricature (1000$)
FIRST PRIZE for Satiric Drawing (1000$)
FIRST PRIZE for Comics (1000$)
Click Here to Participate.
The application deadline is January 15th 2012.
The pre-selection will be made and the selected authors will be invited to provide the original works.
The deadline for sending the original works is February 15th 2012.
Don’t forget to forward this information to your friends.
World Gallery of Cartoons
8 Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3213665
Mobile: +389 71 225950


Women on the World International Cartoon Competition 2012, Australia

The Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City invites you to enter . . .
The inaugural 2012 ;
Rules & Entry Conditions
1. Women on the World International Cartoon Competition is open to all women cartoon artists worldwide over the age of 18 years. Entries should convey a woman's social comment on world issues today.
2. There are no restrictions on the number of entries submitted and entries may be either previously published or unpublished. Entries must not be able to be deemed offensive to others.
3. Entrants are asked to title their own work. All titles and captions are to be in English.
4. Entries must not be framed.
5. Entries may either be sent via post, digitally via email, or hand delivered to the Bunker Cartoon Gallery, Coffs Harbour. The closing date is Friday 24th February 2012.
6. Hardcopy entries: All entries submitted in hardcopy by post or delivered must be originals, either in colour or black and white. Entries must be clearly labelled with the entrant’s name, address, telephone number and email address. This information must be written in pencil in the top left hand corner on the reverse of the work, beneath the title of the work.
7. Digital entries: All entries must be sent in 300 dpi, JPEG format, and may be either A4 (210 mm x 197 mm) or A3 (420 mm x 297 mm) in either colour or black and white. Entrants are asked to specify the size for printing. Entries should be sent as an attachment to an email and a completed entry form also attached.
8. In respect of each entry the entrant warrants that the entry is the entrant’s own original work and further that the entrant is the owner of the copyright of that work and acknowledges and agrees that upon the making of the entry the entrant assigns absolutely that copyright to the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City Inc., (“the Rotary Club).The Rotary Club will observe the entrant’s moral rights in the work.
9. The WOW Committee will appoint suitable judges for the Awards. Judges will not be eligible to enter the competition. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Awards: The entry judged to be the winning entry will receive prize money of $1,000 and a medallion. Two merit awards will also be awarded each to the value of $750 each.
10. Winners of the 2012 competition will be announced in Coffs Harbour on International Womens Day, Thursday, March 8th 2012.
11. Entry to the Awards will be taken as an agreement to accept these rules and entry conditions.
Complete Rules & Entry Form:
Send entries to:
WoW Cartoon Awards
Bunker Cartoon Gallery
Locked Bag 155
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Australia.

Or emailed to: .


1st International Competition of Graphical Humour "Cultural Correspondences"

The publisher SAURE announces the 1st GRAPHICAL HUMOUR competition entitled “CULTURAL CORRESPONDENCES”, which will be international in scope.
The cartoonists will carry out work on the value of cultural correspondences: the discovery of other traditions, other cultures, other languages that enrich our vision of the world and life. The capacity to know how to appreciate the dialogue between so-called western knowledge and traditional millennial knowledge. Having eyes for those who are different, having ears to listen to their voices, their melodies, songs, stories... keeping ties and admiration for cultural exchanges.
All persons over 14 years of age may take part. Each participant can submit a maximum of three works.
The scenes and characters must be of their own creation and be unpublished. The works may be black and white or colour. The works shall have an extension of a single page that shall not exceed the 800 x 600 pixel format, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
The works must be written in Spanish or French. Wordless humorous scenes by artists from other language backgrounds are also admitted.
Competitors must register or identify themselves on the website and enter their work in JPG format in the field provided for this purpose.
The works must be sent exclusively through the website up until 12th October 2012.
With the works submitted and subsequently chosen by the jury, the publisher plans to make them available to the public. The exhibition of the works will not entitle the authors of the illustrations to pecuniary rights.
Six prizes will be awarded in the competition:
Over 18s: 1st prize: 500 Euros. Basic tax will be deducted before proceeding to make the payment. 2nd prize: 3 comics. 3rd prize: 2 comics; with diploma.
Under 18s (from 14 to 17): 1st prize: 3 comics, 2nd prize: 2 comics, 3rd prize: 1 comic, from the publisher's collection with a diploma.
A qualified jury will choose the best works. The prizes will be made known within a month and a half after the end of the competition. If the jury decides so, the prizes may be declared void, and their decision is final.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these terms and conditions.


13th International Festival of aphorism & caricature, Strumica 2012

13th International Festival of aphorism & caricature - Strumica 2012
Theme :
C A R N I V A L – E R O T I C A
*In this category each author can participate with maximum of 10 aphorisms, printed in three copies, completed with code and particulars about the author, and set in sealed envelope.
*The authors are allowed to participate with more works, each as group of 10(ten) aphorisms and marked with particular code.
*In this category, the authors can participate and send 3 caricatures, maximum.
The technique is on their own choice, and dimensions A/4.
*Particulars about the authors should be written at the back side of the work.
Contest due date:
The works will be accepted up to: January 16, 2012, at latest.
*Three main prizes will be awarded: Golden, Silver and Bronze Plaque.
*The Organizer retains the right to award some additional prizes.
*The works should be sent to:
NUCK "Anton Panov"
Blvd. “Goce Delcev” bb
2400 Strumica, R Macedonia

with note: To the Festival of aphorism and Caricature.
*The works received ,remain in property of the Organizer and the author, and they have the right to its public presentation, catalogue prepare or other publication.
*The works received in due time will be reviewed and evaluated by competent jury commission.
*The presentation of the works –exhibition and the
Reward Ceremony will come to: February 27, 2012.
Contact -Further information
*Tel: ++389 (0)34 322 182


44th International Graphic Humour Exhibition: Umoristi a Marostica 2012

The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" announces and organizes the 44th International Graphic Humour Exhibition "Umoristi a Marostica 2012".
1. The contest is open to all the cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world. It's possible to participate out of the competition. That request excludes the author from award of the prizes.
2. The theme of the contest is: TRAVELS
3. The authors can participate with a maximum of 3 works (Cartoons or Strips) inherent to the theme proposed in connection with the man, his existence and the society, seen in humorous view-point. The works, for being able to be comprised all over the world beyond every linguistic barrier, will have to be without dialogue or texts. The works, realized with free technique, should be originals or digital prints numbered and signed by the author. The photocopies will not be accepted. The format of works is free, within a maximum of 60x60 cm. The works should bear the author's name, surname, address, email and possible title on the back.
4.The deadline for works reception is January 25, 2012 (based on the postmark). The works, accompanied by the author's entry-form, must be sent (postage paid by the sender and without frames or glass) to the following address: UMORISTI A MAROSTICA - PIAZZA CASTELLO 12 - 36063 MAROSTICA (VI) - ITALY
5. The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the Jury nominated by Artistic Direction and Gruppo Grafico Marosticense. The Jury's decisions are final.
6.The Jury will award the following prizes: "International Grand Prix Scacchiera" and 12 Special prizes "Umoristi a Marostica". Special prizes "Sandro Carlesso" and "Marco Sartore". Other special prizes or honorary mentions may be awarded.
7. The results of the Jury will be given directly to all the participating artists by email or mail and published on the web site within February 2012.
8.The opening ceremony and the prize distribution will have place on April 14, 2012 at Castello Inferiore of Marostica. The exhibition will remain opened till 27 May, 2012.
9. All the authors selected will receive a free copy of catalogue. All the other participants not selected may demand the catalogue compiling the module on the site .
10. The prize-winning works will not be returned and will be included in the collection of "Umoristi a Marostica Museum". Only the original works of authors selected will be returned after the exhibition and with postage paid by "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense". The works of authors not selected and all the digital prints will not be returned. The authors selected may give their works to "Umoristi a Marostica Museum" in any case.
11. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" reserves the right to authorize the reproduction of the work citing the author with the words "Taken from Umoristi a Marostica", without any payment. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" is not responsible for transport damages.
12.The participation in the contest implies the complete acceptance of all the conditions and rules from the author.
Deadline: January 25, 2012
Jury meeting: February 11-12, 2012
Opening and prize distribution: April 14, 2012
Exhibition: April 14 - May 27, 2012.
Entry Form on sources: fanofunny & umoristiamarostica


Results 1st International Contest for Social Illustration 2011, Argentina

Winners for 1IS11
More than 300 works in competition, 115 illustrators, 38 countries represented on 5 continents. The 1st International Contest for Social Illustration exceeded our expectations. Works of outstanding quality gave to the Jury a really task to decide.
Finally, November 15th held the opening of the Exhibition and the Awards of 1IS11 at the Grand Hotel Bariloche. It unveiled the 3 selected works and Special Mentions.
The Winners:
- 1st Place Titled: "Rich and Poor" Ferreol Murillo - Costa Rica (Above)
- 2nd Place Titled: "Survival is Being Challenged" Chen Yong An - China
- 3rd Place Titled: "Dead Silence" Diego Martinez – Argentina
Special Mentions:
- 我 的 家庭 (漫画) Li Xiaoyang - China
- "Human Rights" Medi Belortaja - Albania
- "Solidiarty & the cooperatin" Said Baraka – Sudan
The first Social Illustration Exhibition is being held in the city of St. C. Bariloche - Patagonia - Argentina, at the Grand Hotel Bariloche (Mitre 408). We invite you to visit. Admission is free.
From the Collective Fuseres.Org as 1IS11 organizers! We are working on a Digital Catalogue of the exhibition.
Thanks to all those involved for making this possible!
See all winning cartoons on source:

Winners in the 1st International Cartoon Contest “Brain Sneezing” 2011

Results International Cartoon Contest “Brain Sneezing” 2011, Prešov - Slovakia
618 artworks by 198 authors from 44 states came to organizers of the competition.
Theme: Ideal and Idealism
Jury: Henryk Cebula (Poland), Miroslav Cipár (Slovakia), Ivan Hanousek (Czech Rep), Peter Kocák (Slovakia), Fedor Vico (Slovakia).
Jury meeting: 10 - 11 November 2011

First Prize: Trayko Popov, Bulgaria, 500 €

Second Prize: Bobiša Todorovič, Serbia, 300 €

Third Prize: Carlos David Fuentes Hierrezuelo, Cuba, 200 €
Honorary Prize: Ľubomír Kotrha, Slovakia
Honorary Prize: Jana Adamovič, Serbia
Honorable Mention: Peter Sedlák, Slovakia
Honorable Mention: Václav Linek, Czech Rep
Honorable Mention: Ilja Katz, Israel
Honorable Mention: Vasile Pascuta, Romania
Honorable Mention: Veselin Zidarov, Bulgaria
Honorable Mention: Katarzyna Pertykowska, Poland.
In Presov on 11. 11. 2011, the report of the jury meeting above is signed by Henryk Cebula, chair of the jury; Ladislav Kišeľák, project manager; Peter Rázus, professional sponsor.
(This report from: Ivan Hanousek; E-GAG 2011-46).


Happy Birthday cartoon from Jordan Pop-Iliev, Rep. Macedonia

Dear friend Jordan Pop-Iliev, the Macedonian cartoonist, sends me this cartoon for my birthday. I'd like to share the great gag here. Many thanks Jordan and my best wishes, too.

Anton Emdin Cartoonist Of The Year

It was more a ‘gales’ evening in the laughter sense than a ‘gala’ one last night as Australia’s premier cartoonists turned out in Sydney for the Australian Cartoonists' Association’s 27th Annual Stanley Awards for excellence in cartooning.
Taking out the Gold Stanley for Cartoonist of the Year was Anton Emdin, the relative newcomer who has risen swiftly and dramatically within the industry, securing the bronze Stanley for Best Illustrator for the third year running before garnering the coveted Gold. Beating out other such luminaries as Andrew Weldon (freelance cartoonist) and former Gold Stanley recipients David Pope (editorial cartoonist for The Canberra Times), David Rowe (editorial cartoonist for Australian Financial Review), Mark Knight (editorial cartoonist for The Herald Sun) and Peter Broelman (editorial cartoonist for APN and Fairfax regional newspapers) Emdin was notably astounded by his win.
“I never even dreamed I could win this. It’s been a very surreal year for me. I’m incredibly grateful. Thank you,” he managed to say, his emotions clearly evident.
Emdin turned heads in May this year when he was the first Australian to win a Reuben Award from the National Cartoonists Society in the US. Working as a freelancer from Sydney, Emdin has worked for numerous publications including MAD and closer to home, The Spectator.
After being handed the award from legendary political cartoonist and Hollywood designer Ron Cobb, Emdin also thanked his wife Ash and his children before thanking his fellow cartoonists in the Australian Cartoonists' Association.
“It’s a great association. I’m so thankful to be a part of it and to be a part of this great industry,” he said, before rejoining his beaming wife.
Other recipients of the five remaining bronze Stanleys were David Rowe (Best Caricaturist), Andrew Weldon (Best Single Gag Cartoonist), David Follett (Best Comic Book Artist), Tony Lopes (Best Comic Strip Artist) and David Pope (Best Editorial/Political Cartoonist).
The Jim Russell Award, a special award for contribution to cartooning, was also presented to former Stanley and Gold Stanley winner Rolf Heimann for his years of service in forging cartooning relationships with foreign countries.
Heimann, an author and illustrator of numerous children’s books, spoke briefly of his love of cartooning and the bonds it can create between nations divided by language.
The Awards night was the culmination of a two-day annual Conference which saw demonstrations, panels and talks from a variety of cartoonists, including iconic artist Reg Mombassa.
(This report from ACA, the Australian Cartoonists' Association.)


4th International Fadjr Cartoon & Caricature Contest 2012, Iran

The 4th International Fadjr Cartoon & Caricature Contest-2012
Sections & Subjects:
Thematic Cartoon: Nation's Awareness
Cartoon: Free
Caricature: Free
- Each participant can send maximum 5 artworks in each Section.
- Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Telephone)
of artists just by word file is necessary.
- The catalogue will be send to the entire artist
that their artworks published in the catalogue.
- Artworks must be in 200 dpi by width or length
of 2000 pixel by jpg format.
- Subject of [Fadjr] must be mentioned in the send Email.
Thematic Section Prize: 15000 Euro, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Three 2000 Euro Prizes for Cartoon (Free), Honorable mention & Trophy.
Three 2000 Euro Prizes for Caricature (Free), Honorable mention & Trophy.
Deadline:15th January, 2012
Address for sending artworks:
(Source: irancartoon)

Regulation for World Press Cartoon Sintra 2012, Portugal

World Press Cartoon has its eighth edition in 2012. To distinguish, exhibit, promote and award the best drawings published in the world press is still our mission. Caricatures, editorial and gag cartoons that will make a retrospective view of the world’s current affairs in 2011, views from different cultures, drawings where the cartoonists picture and criticize the ways of the world with humour and a sharp eye. The Jury’s task is always hard: many works from various cultures and a growing quality. To make judging easier and to guarantee the quality and rigour to the final selection, it is of the most importance that the authors read carefully the regulation and present their works in conformity with the rules it defines. An universal saloon demands an universal participation and clear and equal rules for everyone. Because the World Press Cartoon aims at gathering the best in the international production of humour drawings published in the Press every year, this is a meeting the professional cartoonists should not miss!
a) The World Press Cartoon covers three main categories: editorial cartoon, caricature and gag cartoon.
b) The World Press Cartoon is not a thematic event. Its objective is to distinguish the best cartoons created and published in 2011.
c) In the category EDITORIAL CARTOON, all entries must represent events and issue that marked the news in 2011.
d) In the category CARICATURE, only works in the strictest sense of the term will be considered, i.e., exclusively humorous portraits.
e) In the category GAG CARTOON, the works to be considered will feature subjects that are not directly related to current issues.
f) Authors are free to submit what they consider to be their best work, although clearly, those personalities, themes and events of a more universal nature will be best suited to such an international salon as the World Press Cartoon.
a) The exhibition of the selected works and the prize-giving ceremony will take place in the spring of 2012 at the following venues: Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna and Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval, both in Sintra.
a) Only the originals of the works will be accepted.
b) Top quality printed versions of works produced by digital or mixed techniques will be considered originals when they are signed by hand by the author, who must indicate the techniques and software used on the competition application form.
c) The original files of works produced by digital or mixed techniques must also be sent, either on CD, DVD or flash drive.
d) The format of the works cannot exceed the European standard A3: 420 x 297 mm.
e) Cartoonists are permitted to submit to the competition one original entry in each of the three categories of the salon: editorial cartoon, caricature and gag cartoon.
f) It is an essential pre-requisite for eligibility that the works were originally printed between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2011 in newspapers or magazines, published on a regular basis and on sale to the public.
g) As proof of compliance with the preceding paragraph, each original must be accompanied by the respective full page of publication, on which the date and title of the newspaper or magazine is clearly visible (note that cuttings, pasted versions, photo¬copies or digital prints of the publication are not acceptable).
h) The author must also attach the header of the newspaper or magazine in which the work was published, making sure that both the size and quality will allow for its re¬production.
i) If the original work appears with a title, caption or any other wording, these must be translated into English, to be clearly written on the identification label that will be sent with the original.
j) The works should be received by the organization’s secretariat in Lisbon by January 31, 2012.
a) Original works must be posted in flat packaging, between two hard boards.
a) Each of the works for submission must carry an entry form and identification label, clearly filled in, and attached to the reverse side of the original.
a) The Jury of five members will be presided by the Salon director.
b) The WPC organisation under the management of the chairman of the Jury shall select the original works to be included in both the exhibition and the catalogue.
c) It is up to the Jury the award of prizes and honourable mentions.
d) The decisions of the Jury will be taken by majority vote and will be final.
a) The authors may choose to sell their works at the exhibition.
b) If an author wishes to sell his/her works, this should be clearly marked on the entry form and identification label, together with the intended price in euros.
c) The organization of the World Press Cartoon will add a gallery’s fee to the author’s original price.
d) The digital works will not be for sale.
a) All of the works which comply with the terms of eligibility will be returned to their authors, whether they are selected or not to appear in the exhibition, except for works that are sold or that have won a prize or an honourable mention in the competition.
b) All exhibited works will be returned after the closure of the main exhibition in Sintra and subsequent tour exhibitions.
c) Digital prints will not be returned.
d) The author must provide his/her full postal address as indicated on the application form, including street, town/city, post code and country (Postal Office Box numbers are not accepted).
a) All authors whose works are selected to appear in the exhibition will receive a copy of the catalogue.
a) The submission of a completed entry form and identification label will automatically imply the waiving of the author’s royalties vis-à-vis the non commercial reproduction of his/her work.
b) The awarding of a prize to a specific work will automatically imply the waiving of its author’s royalties to the organization of the World Press Cartoon.
a) The structure of the prizes will be as follows:
GRAN PRIX 20 000 €
1st € 5000 € 5000 € 5000
2nd € 2500 € 2500 € 2500
3rd € 1000 € 1000 € 1000
b) Chosen from all the entries in the competition, the World Press Cartoon will award the best work with the Grand Prix of 20 000 euros.
c) The Grand Prix winning work will be chosen from the three first-prize winners in each category.
d) The author of the Grand Prix winning work will only receive the amount indicated for this prize, i.e., it will not be added to the amount indicated for winning the category first prize.
e) The prize values indicated above refer to gross amounts and therefore are subject to Portuguese taxation at the rate in force.
f) According to the standard of the works submitted to the competition, the Jury reserves the right not to award prizes in every category and level indicated in the structural table above.
g) All the prizes will be authenticated with a diploma and the winners will receive a trophy.
h) In addition, the Jury is permitted to select other works for the distinction of Honourable Mention, which will be symbolised by a medal and authenticated by a diploma.
i) All prize-winning works and those awarded honourable mentions become the property of the World Press Cartoon organisation.
j) Every newspaper or magazine in which a prize-winning work was published will receive a diploma in recognition of the World Press Cartoon award.
k) Every artist whose work is selected to appear in the exhibition and catalogue will receive a certificate to mark the participation in the salon.
World Press Cartoon
AP. 1179 EC Picoas
1050-001 Lisboa – Portugal
For TNT, DHL, Fedex, UPS, etc. use
World Press Cartoon
Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 30 - 9°
1050-122 Lisboa Portugal
Entry Form

2nd Yilmaz Guney International Cartoon Contest, Turkey

For the “2nd Yılmaz Güney Festival of Culture and Art”, organized by Yüz Çiçek Açsın Cultural Center, there will be a “2nd International Cartoon Contest” in addition to the movie, theatre, short story, poetry and photography contests. The general understanding which we wish to disseminate with these contests is not one of competition but one where different artistic interpretations and ideas come together and are shared with the people. Therefore, the goal is not to “compete and win” but to contribute to the development of art.
1 - The contest is open to artists from all over the world, professional or amateur.
2 - The contest will be comprised of two separate branches:
a) “Cartoons about cinema
b) “Cartoons of Yılmaz Güney’s portraits
(For pictures of, or information about Yılmaz Güney visit:
3 - The work submitted must not have received an award at another contest. The works will be judged for their progressive, realistic and critical aspects which are important qualities of Yılmaz Güney’s cinema and are integral to the nature of the art of cartoon.
4 - Participants may submit any number of cartoons they wish. But a participant cannot receive more than one prize.
5 - The drawing sent should not be any larger than a sheet of A3 paper (29,7 cm x 42 cm). They must be in jpg format, with 300 dpi resolution.
6 - Works must be submitted until the 15th of February, 2012, via e-mail to the address .
7 - Participants must specify which branch of the contest they wish to take part in (“cinema” or “portrait”). When sending the work, the artists must send a word document containing their names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses along with a short resume and a photo of themselves. Artists under 18 must definitely specify their age as there will be a “promising young artist award.”
8 - Works which have received awards and/or were seen worthy of display will be brought together and published as an album. Those artists whose drawings are in the album will receive a copy.
9 - The exhibition of the contest will be displayed in various parts of Istanbul during the month of March. The award ceremony will take place on the 31st of March 2012, which is the final evening of the festival, in Istanbul. The participants who could attend the ceremony will have their prizes sent to their home addresses.
10 - Once the works have been evaluated, 4 participants for each category will receive the “Yılmaz Güney Honorary Award.” In addition, two participants from prison will receive the “Yılmaz Güney Freedom Award”, two participants under 18 will receive the “Promising Young Artist Award,” and one participant will receive the “Judge’s Special Award.”
11 - The jury will be comprised of the following artists: Paolo Dalponte (Italy), Elena Maria Ospina Mejia (Spain), Canol Kocagöz (Turkey), Musa Gümüş (Turkey), Kamil Yavuz (Turkey), and Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey).
12 - The works which have been submitted to the contest will stay in the archives of the organization organizing the festival. The organization will have the right to use these works in its publications, posters, brochures, calendars etc. The artist will receive a copy of the publication whenever his/her work is used.
13 - All artists participating in the contest are assumed to have read and agreed with the terms stated above.
*For information on the “Yılmaz Güney Festival of Culture and Art” visit:
* We sincerely thank those artists who will enrich the festival with their works and we wish them success…


5th International Sporthumor: The Smile Olympics 2012, Italy

Theme: "All Sports..." (Football, Cycling, Athletics, Boxing, Motorcycling, Skiing, Motor Racing, Swimming, Running, Speedboat Racing, Basketball, Baseball, etc...)
Cartoon, Caricature, Digital Prints...
Size: A4 (21x29.7) Only...
Work: Maximum of 3 works... Original...
The digital works, printed on paper with original signatures, participate in the competition...
Deadline: 28 FEBRUARY 2012
2.000 € (For original cartoons)
1.000 € (For original caricature)
500 € (For digital works)
Emilio Isca Via Dante 4,
10098 Rivoli/TO (Italia)
E-Mail Address:
Responsible: Emilio Isca.
Sources: New Scorpion 104 & fanofunny


Catalog of 1st Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition

Received yesterday the color catalog of the 1st Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2011 from China, a long way with no damages in the post at all. Plus the Selected Prize Honor Certificate and the rules for the next competition. Many thanks to the organisers.

The catalog is 21x28.6 cm in size and has 32 pages with covers included. The front cover displays Alessandro Gatto's Best Work Prize cartoon in the frame.

The results of the competition is on page 28. From Turkey 5 cartoonists are in the list, yet only 4 cartoons in the catalog, if I am not mistaken.

The margins of the pages have illustrations of bamboo, the %99 diet of panda. About 5-6 cartoons/illustrations are published on each page. The works in the catalog are mostly on theme "panda", so there are quite few cartoons with "free" theme: one example here below as Blogger's Choice:


2nd Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2012, China

The 2nd Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2012
1. Participation
The contest is open to all artists regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
2. Organizer
Host: "HONGTU" Art institute
Sponsor: Red Man Art Center.
Official website:
3. Theme
A) Chinese Dragon
B) Panda
C) Free
4. Entries
1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
2) Participators should summit the original works. Any slide, photograph or xerox will not be accepted.
3) The maximum 10 entries should be submitted for each category.
4) The maximum size of the works should be 700 × 700 mm respectively.
5) The works should be accompanied by the author's resume and photo (or caricature).
6) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse side of the works. Please specify in envelope: “2012 Gold Panda
7) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or Children’s painting will be accepted.
5. Entry Form
Please download the entry form on our web site:
At the same time, the self-made entry form is also accepted.
6. Deadline and Exhibition
1) The deadline for entry is the 29 of February 2012.
2) The Opening of the exhibitions will take place in "HONGTU" Art institute on May , 2012.
1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be accepted.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
8. Judgment
1) The jury committee is composed of artists, print engravers, cartoonist, illustrators and press editors.
2) The jury meeting will be held on April , 2, 2011.
3) The committee will announce the result on April, 15, 2011 on web site. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email.
9. Prizes
1) Gold Panda prize – Golden Panda Medal + 2000 US Dollars – 1
2) Best work prize – Silver Panda Medals + 300 US Dollars – 5
3) The special prize of jury meeting – Copper Panda Medals – 30
4) Selected prize – Certificate of merit
10. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries. The committee has the right to use all the submitted works to spread competition on media, websites, posters, post cards, advertisements, etc.
11. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive one copy of the catalog made for the competition.
12. Provisions
1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be exhibited and displayed in Redman International Cartoon House.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
(Complete Rules & Entry-form)
For Information
Web site