

Women on the World International Cartoon Competition 2012, Australia

The Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City invites you to enter . . .
The inaugural 2012 ;
Rules & Entry Conditions
1. Women on the World International Cartoon Competition is open to all women cartoon artists worldwide over the age of 18 years. Entries should convey a woman's social comment on world issues today.
2. There are no restrictions on the number of entries submitted and entries may be either previously published or unpublished. Entries must not be able to be deemed offensive to others.
3. Entrants are asked to title their own work. All titles and captions are to be in English.
4. Entries must not be framed.
5. Entries may either be sent via post, digitally via email, or hand delivered to the Bunker Cartoon Gallery, Coffs Harbour. The closing date is Friday 24th February 2012.
6. Hardcopy entries: All entries submitted in hardcopy by post or delivered must be originals, either in colour or black and white. Entries must be clearly labelled with the entrant’s name, address, telephone number and email address. This information must be written in pencil in the top left hand corner on the reverse of the work, beneath the title of the work.
7. Digital entries: All entries must be sent in 300 dpi, JPEG format, and may be either A4 (210 mm x 197 mm) or A3 (420 mm x 297 mm) in either colour or black and white. Entrants are asked to specify the size for printing. Entries should be sent as an attachment to an email and a completed entry form also attached.
8. In respect of each entry the entrant warrants that the entry is the entrant’s own original work and further that the entrant is the owner of the copyright of that work and acknowledges and agrees that upon the making of the entry the entrant assigns absolutely that copyright to the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City Inc., (“the Rotary Club).The Rotary Club will observe the entrant’s moral rights in the work.
9. The WOW Committee will appoint suitable judges for the Awards. Judges will not be eligible to enter the competition. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Awards: The entry judged to be the winning entry will receive prize money of $1,000 and a medallion. Two merit awards will also be awarded each to the value of $750 each.
10. Winners of the 2012 competition will be announced in Coffs Harbour on International Womens Day, Thursday, March 8th 2012.
11. Entry to the Awards will be taken as an agreement to accept these rules and entry conditions.
Complete Rules & Entry Form:
Send entries to:
WoW Cartoon Awards
Bunker Cartoon Gallery
Locked Bag 155
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Australia.

Or emailed to: .


  1. Thank you for including WoW - Women on the World International Cartoon Competition on your site. We are also on Facebook please become our friend and find out more about the progress as it happens. Entries have already been received from Chile, Germany, China,and enquiries from Bulgaria and Belguim.
    Fran Stephenson -

  2. Please note the warning here also:
    Dear colleagues female cartoonists,
    we have received an invitation to participate in a contest which comes from Australia. It´s dedicated to women cartoonists, but pay attention to the rules.
    On number 8 it says that we are to give away our copyright simply by entering the contest. This is not allowed, taking copyright is illegal.
    If they doesn´t change this item we from FECO will put these rules on the black list.
    You could find the rules on:
    I wish you a good week-end, best wishes,
    Marlene Pohle, FECO vice president general
    (Source: E-GAG 2011-49-50)
