

The World Gallery of Drawings, Skopje 2009 - Republic of Macedonia

Dear friends,
It’s our pleasure to inform you that The World Gallery of Cartoons, after a short break, is continuing with its 37th edition.
As one of the oldest world’s cartoon manifestations, all together with the cartoons during the years we also got very valuable drawings. That fact was a motif to continue the tradition and to improve it in shape of The World Gallery of Drawings.
With pleasure we expect your art works for The World Gallery of Cartoons and The World Gallery of Drawings for this year, 2009, which are organized by OSTEN, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
More information about The World Gallery of Drawings you can find at:
The World Gallery of Drawings is organized by Osten.
The received works will be judged by international jury.
The opening ceremony and award announcement will be held in November 2009 in Skopje.
The author can send maximum three (3) drawings, created in 2008 and 2009.
Maximal size of drawings should not be larger than 100x70 cm paper size.
The organizer will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.
Every participant in WGD will be presented with one of his/hers drawing into a catalogue published by organizer.
Works of the authors will stay permanently in collection of the Museum of WGD.
To every participant in WGD will be distributed a free catalogue.
By filling out the Participation form, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he hands over the financial/copy rights (s)he holds over the drawings to WGD for printing/publishing by WGD and Osten without any limitations on location or time period. The author agrees that the organizer of WGD can use the art works, exhibit them, study them and publish them on the Internet or through other media.
The Participation form and coupons are available for photocopying and you can pass them to your friends and colleagues who would like to participate in WGD.
The organizer will cover the travel and accommodation expenses for prize-winning artists for the opening and award ceremony in Republic of Macedonia.
Deadline for entries is July, 30, 2009.
Participants are expected to send the filled Participation form, including short curriculum vitae (CV) and photograph, all together with their work(s).
The documents should be sent to address:
OSTEN, ”8. Udarna brigada” No. 2, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
The organizer will announce following prizes:
Grand Prix: 3000 $
Five (5) First awards for:
Highest quality in artistic performance: 500 $
Highest quality in theme/subject: 500 $
Highest quality for fantasy: 500 $
Highest quality for futurism: 500 $
Highest quality in innovation in drawing: 500 $.

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