

Results “Together for Security and Peace”, Ruse - Bulgaria

Results of 1st International Cartoon Competition “Together for Security and Peace”
I Prize: Doru Axinte - Romania
II Prize: Daniel Strzelczyk - Poland
III Prize: Tsocho Peev – Bulgaria
Prize of Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior:
Oleksiy Kustouvskiy – Ukraine (Above)
Special Prizes:
Read Khalil – Syria
Mohammad Hosseini – Iran
Rasm Hosseini – Iran
Mehmet Zeber – Turkey
Andrey Klimov – Russia
Birol Cun – Turkey
Ognyan Balkandjiev – Bulgaria
Kenan Bogurcu – Turkey
Willem Rasing – Holland
Valeri Alexandrov – Bulgaria
Prize of public:
Alla i Chavdar Georgievi - Bulgaria
Ilia Katz – Israel
Cristian Topan – Romania
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov – Uzbekistan
Mehmet Kahraman – Turkey
Ilhan Degirmenci – Deutschland
Oleg Goutsol – Ukraine
Svetlin Stefanov - Bulgaria.

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