


UMORISTIA MAROSTICA 41ª rassegna internazionale di grafica umoristica
Theme for the year 2009 will be: LIES (BUGIE)
The time limit to send your works are 15 of January 2009
Verbale di Giuria 2008 (PDF)
(Soon we will update the website, meanwhile, you can peek on the information reviewed at this address):
Umoristi A Marostica, Piazza Castello, 12, 36063 Marostica - Vicenza - Italia
Tel.-Fax. +39 0424 72150


Competition for Tourism - Magazine "RHINOCEROS"

Competition for Tourism - Magazine "RHINOCEROS" CARTOON/COMICS COMPETITION!
Theme: "TOURISM"
Two categories:
First Category: Cartoon
First Prize 300 Euros
Second Prize 200 Euros
Third Prize 100 Euros
Special Diploma: 5 diplomas
Honorable Mentioned Diploma: 3 diplomas
Second Category: Short Comics (one table; without words)

Prize 200 Euros
Special Diploma: 5 diplomas
Technique: Any technique will be accepted.
Deadline: December 31st 2008
Maximum entry (for each category, separately): 7 (seven)
You may send by post or e-mail (A4 - A3 size).
Post address:
Note: You may send originals, but we will not send you back!
Address for sending by e-mail:
Note: 300 dpi resolution, JPEG format!
In both cases sending, please, write your name, address and e-mail.
Note: Sender must be author of caricature!
Attention: Because, at the same time, we have one more competition, please, write on envelope, or in Subject (depends with what you send): "FOR TOURISM CARTOON/COMICS COMPETITION!"
Mr. Goran Kljajich, president; writer, founder of "RhinoCervs" magazine and this competition; Republic of Srpska
Mr. Miladin Berich, writer, vice-president; Republika Srpska
Ms. Ana von Rebeur, Cartoonist & Writer, Argentina
Miss. Stela Dusanich, Cartoon Gallery Director, Croatia
Mr. Carlos Alberto da Costa Amorim, Cartoonist, Brazil
Mr. Zoran Matich Mazos, Graphical designer & Cartoonist, Serbia ;




Contest is open to all cartoonists, both professional and amateurs.
Theme: “Freedom is not Free
Entries: max.5
The works must be accompanied by the author’s biography.
Size: A4 (210x297 mm) – A3 (297x420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: 10th December 2008
First Prize – 1000 $
Second Prize – 700 $
Third Prize – 500 $
One Special Prize of 600 $ for a portrait of a well known world personality – any domain.
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy.
Remark: the works will be not returned, they will remain the property of the House of Culture Urziceni for the future exhibitions.
Director Festival, NICOLAE PETRACHE
Contact details:Tel: 0040 722 433 933 ; 0040 243 254 020.
The works should be sent to:


Personal Exhibition of Bayram Hajizadeh in Baku

Personal Exhibition of Bayram Hajizadeh
On 24 September, in Baku, in the home-museum of the first cartoonist of Azerbaijan A.Azimzadeh, the opening ceremony of the first solo-exhibition of Bayram Hajizadeh, cartoonist and Honoured Art Worker, was organized by the joint efforts of Azerbaijan Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Artists’ Union and Cartoonists’ Union. Almost 50 cartoon works that generally won places in international cartoon contests were displayed in the Exhibition. The Exhibition will be open till the 10th of October.

Results Humorest 2008 - Hradec Kralove - Czech rep.

Results of Humorest 2008 - Hradec Kralove - Czech rep.
Thema: „2“ (Two)


1. Prize: Miroslav Bartak - Czech rep.
2. Prize: Valentin Georgiev - Bulgarien

3. Prize: Lubomír Lichy - Czech rep.

Jury Prize: Gustav Gusttavo Oliveira - Brazil
Jury Prize: Ivan Popovic - Slovakia

Igor Sevcik Prize (Best graphic cartoon): Angel Boligan - Mexico.

International Jury „Humorest 2008“:
- Silvan Wegmann, cartoonist, Schweiz
- Slawomir Luczynski, cartoonist, Poland
- Ivan Hanousek, vicepresident Czech Union of Cartoonist, Czech rep.
- Michal Jansky, grafic artist, bienale Pisek, Czech rep.
- Vladimir Gottvald, grafic artist, bienale Humorest Hradec Kralove, Czech rep.
- Jitka Prausová, Museum Hradec Kralove, Czech rep.
- Bretislav Kovarik, president Czech Union of Cartoonist, Czech rep.


Results IX International Biennial of Ecological Cartoon Sokobanja 2008

Results of IX International Biennial of Ecological Cartoon Sokobanja 2008
This contest is now officially closed. We received 537 works from 206 cartoonists from all around of world (43 countries).
All of the received works can be found following this link.
We also thank to all cartonists for their efforts and great work.
Organizing committee of IX Biennial Of Ecological Cartoon Sokobanja 2008
And the Winners are...

First Prize: Kazanevsky Vladimir - Ukraine

Second Prize: Erdogan Karayel - Turkey

Third Prize: Jugoslav Vlahovic - Serbia

Special Diploma:
Saeed Sadeghi - Iran
Yuriy Kosobukin - Ukraine
Yanoy Xinaq Yu - China
Goran Divac - Serbia.

The Jury 9th Biennial:
Aleksandar Blatnik, Ranko Guzina, Toso Borkovic, Dimitrije Lukic, Mihajlo Jovanovic, Dušica Jursa.

"Individual Disarmament: Entitle Life!" Cartoon Exhibition in Eskisehir, Turkey

"Individual Disarmament: Entitle Life!" Cartoon Exhibition in Eskisehir, Turkey
Anadolu University Museum of Cartoon Art hosts the Individual Disarmament Cartoon Exhibition between September 26 – October 17, 2008. The opening ceremony will take place on Friday, Sep 26, 17.30 hours at Akcami Mh. Malhatun Sk. No:6 Odunpazarı ESKİŞEHİR, TURKEY.

The exhibition is organized by Umut Foundation to show the damage the weapons and individual armament bring to society and environment.
We read in the report by the Foundation that “events of killing and injuring with firearms are never missing in the third pages of the newspapers, the fact that per year approximately 3000 people are killed just with firearms in Turkey and that 700 of these happen accidentally, prove how individual disarmament is an important issue.”
28th September is known as Individual Disarmament Day. It is an important ground to show our confidence to “individual disarmament” and our determination.

The Umut Foundation realizes education and campaigns besides academic works as regards the rule of law, peace and conciliation, awareness of citizenship, violence and individual disarmament as citizens knowing, requesting and implementing their rights and responsibilities, in order to spend their lives befitting to human honor, to leave our children with a world which the culture of nonviolence and peace is overriding. The Umut Foundation carries out work to mold public opinion, informing and raising awareness.
Within this frame, the Foundation organized the national "Individual Disarmament: Entitle Life!" Cartoon Contest in 2007. 265 artists (under 18 and over 18 in total) contributed with their 468 cartoons. A selection from these will be on display at Anadolu University Museum of Cartoon Art until October 17, 2008.
Anadolu University Museum of Cartoon Art:


Results Clear Look 2008 International Cartoon Festival Belgorod

Results of Clear Look 2008 International Cartoon Festival Belgorod - Russia

Winners! /18.09.2008/

1. Valentin DRUZHININ (Russia)
2. Gennadiy CHEGODAEV (Russia)

Aleksey KUSTOVSKIY (Ukraine)
Mohsen ZARIFIAN (Iran)
Alexandr PANASENKO (Russia)
Sergey RASKOVALOV (Russia)

Juriy MANAEV (Russia)

See all prize-winning cartoons at:



Cartoonists association CRN from Eastern Europe
invite you to participate at
* * * * * * * * * *
- Theme: GREAT ROMANIAN PERSONALITIES. You can find Romanian personalities at
- Size: free
- Number of drawings: free
- Computer art will be accepted at resolution 300 dpi for size 21X30 cm or more, preferable JPEG. Send your drawings at both emails: and
- Exhibition will be organized at fin of November 2008 and will be itinerate in many town until next edition.
- Prizes: 20 artists will be invited at a short holiday in Romania in June, 2009. All expenses will be suportef from organizers.
- All participants will received the catalogue free of charge.
- Address for the sending of the originals:
Nicolae Ionita
Str-Eminescu, nr-28A, bl-Gioconda, ap-27,
100329 - Ploiesti, ROMANIA


NATURE & MAN August 2008 results - Turkey

NATURE & MAN August 2008 results
August 2008 results of the monthly Nature & Man Cartoon Contest 2008 with theme "Drought & Water" are announced at the contest website:


Oleksiy Kustovskiy - Ukraine

Mustafa Yildiz - Turkey

Bahman Jalali - Iran

15th International Cartoon Festival Ricardo Rendon - Colombia

15 th International Cartoon Festival "Ricardo Rendon" - Colombia
RICARDO RENDÓN: The most prominent Colombian cartoonist who was born in Rionegro - Antioquia (1894 - 1931), called "The Emperor" of the caricature. One of the most insightful and fine Latin American humorists of the twentieth century, in his humor was satire, was marked especially by the political cartoon. His caricatures were true radiographs of the facts and individuals. He was a pioneer of advertising graphics in Colombia.
International Cartoon Festival "Ricardo Rendon" is supported by the Municipal Administration of Rionegro for fourteen years in a row in tribute to Ricardo Rendon Bravo.
The contest is open to all cartoonists of the world.
The closing date for participation in the contest is November 8, 2008.
The topics of the contest are three:
EL FUTURO The future, My Future, immediate future, which meets the needs of man, sustainable future, the future political, social, economic, environmental. How can the man in the future meet the challenges posed by changing all the technological advances, scientific, and cultural rights? Everything concerning the future with its effects and consequences.
PERSONAJES FAMOSOS Celebrities, Famous people.
Each participant in the contest can submit a maximum of three cartoons per topic.
You can participate with cartoons in black and white or in color.
The cartoons should have a dimension of 30 x 40 cms maximum.
You can also participate in the contest with cartoons that have already been published or received awards before, all the cartoons submitted must be originals, not accept photographs, photocopies, etc., and sending the works borne by the participant.
Participants must submit a brief curriculum vitae and a photograph along with their works.
In the back of each cartoon must contain the name, address, telephone number and country of origin of the participant.
The selected cartoonists will receive a catalogue.
The jury is composed of Colombians and foreign cartoonists.
The results will be announced in December 2008.
The cartoons submitted in the competition will not be returned.
The organization reserves the right to not exhibit those works that might be offensive to individual or collective rights.
Participation in the competition implies the full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.
The prizes:
Grand Prix Theme Future: $ 2000
Prize Theme Personajes: $ 500
Prize Theme Free: $ 500
Special Awards for various institutions.
The works must be sent to:
15° FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CARICATURA Palacio de la Cultura / Fernando Pica Cr 50 # 48 - 05, Rionegro Antioquia COLOMBIA


Results 3rd International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest: World Languages

Results of 3rd International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest
Click the post title above:
Results 3rd International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest: World Languages

12th Hungarian Cartoon Festival: European Year of Intercultural Dialogue

12th Hungarian Cartoon Festival: European Year of Intercultural dialogue
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Hungary and the Hungarian Culture Foundation organise the 12th Hungarian Cartoon Festival between 3-30 November, 2008 in the building of the Hungarian Culture Foundation, at Budapest.
The title of the Festival is “Intercultural dialogue”.
We invite Hungarian and foreign tenders in the following topics:
I. Defined theme:
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
II. Optional theme:
Valid only with the defined theme.
The first prize of the defined theme is 200.000,- HUF*
The prize of the Secretariat of International Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Culture within the theme “about/for youth” is 100.000,- HUF*
Other prizes are draws.
The maximum size of the cartoon is A/3.
Deadline: 22 October, 2008.
Address: Magyar Kultúra Alapítvány "Intercultural Dialogue - Cartoon Festival", 1014 Budapest, Szentháromság tér 6, HUNGARY
The jury consists of Hungarian and foreign artist and professionals.
You can apply for the Cartoon Festival if you filled, signed and send the attached application form ( Click here ) as well.
The organizers publish the catalogue of the Festival.
After the exhibition of Budapest we represent the best cartoons in different Hungarian and European cities.
Rules and applicatian form in Hungarian:
More information: Hungarian Culture Foundation: Szilvia Bába, Marica Gödöllöi
Telephone: (+36-) 224-8122; (+36-1) 224-8113 E-mail:;
*The prizes are taxable incomes.

“European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008”
Europe is becoming more culturally diverse. The enlargement of the European Union, deregulation of employment laws and globalisation have increased the multicultural character of many countries, adding to the number of languages, religions, ethnic and cultural backgrounds found on the continent. As a result, intercultural dialogue has an increasingly important role to play in fostering European identity and citizenship.
The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (EYID) 2008 recognises that Europe’s great cultural diversity represents a unique advantage. It will encourage all those living in Europe to explore the benefits of our rich cultural heritage and opportunities to learn from different cultural traditions.
The Year will feature a small number of flagship projects on a European level, as well as EU support for a national project in each Member State, and a Partner programme aimed at mobilising civil society. The active involvement of civil society will be essential in highlighting good practices and identifying needs in intercultural dialogue. Well-known ambassadors have also been appointed to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of intercultural dialogue.
The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008) was established by Decision N° 1983/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. (18 December 2006).
Intercultural dialogue is a wide-ranging transversal priority of the European Union.
To illustrate more concretely what it may cover in the context of the EIYD 2008, eight major topics have been selected:
* Culture and the media
* Education / Science
* Migration
* Minorities
* Multilingualism
* Religion
* The workplace
* Youth
More information:


“Designing the Future” Caricature Competition - Turkey

The Futurists Summit 2008, Istanbul - Turkey
“Designing the Future” Caricature Competition

The aims of the “Designing the Future” Caricature Competition, organized by the Association of Cartoonists ( ) and the M-GEN Futures Planning Center ( ), are to:
* Provide the opportunity for youth of high school and university age to exhibit their perceptions and expectations about the future within an environment of optimism;
* Contribute to the spread of caricaturing, one of the most effective ways of self-expression, among youth; and
* Bring talented young people together with professional artists.
The competition is open to all high school and university youth.
We invite our schools to encourage and motivate their students to take part in the competition.
Conditions for Entry
Subject: Working with the subject, “Designing the Future,” competitors should address at least one of the following questions
* How and where will we live, how will we feed ourselves?
* What will we be curious about, how will we learn and teach?
* What changes will take place in our thought, and what will be of importance to us?
* What jobs will we do, what professions will we forget?
* What will the new areas of employment and the careers of the future be?
* Transportation: How will we travel, and where?
* Art: What new developments will take place, and where will they take us?
* How will the types and relationships between communications and production develop?
* What will change in our relationship to money and our modes of management; and how?
* How will we look?
Opening date of the competition: July 1, 2008
Contest entries and associated documents must be sent by email to
The competition is open only to high school and university student caricaturists. Along with their caricature, entrants must provide signed and stamped copies of their current student registration documents, their address, telephone number, brief personal information in a Word document and one photograph, in a Word document, and send it in jpg format to the email address provided above.
Caricatures may be drawn by any method.
Minimum paper size for caricatures is A4 (21 x 29.7 cm), maximum size is A3 (29.7 x 42 cm). Originals will be displayed at the Summit.
Caricatures must be sent electronically at a resolution of 300 dpi to the email address above.
Participants may enter as many caricatures as they wish.
On the back of each work the entrant’s information including full name, surname, address, telephone and signature must be included. This will be used to verify the artist’s identity against the information sent by email. Originals of which the artist’s identity cannot be verified upon submission to the judges’ committee will be automatically disqualified.
Caricatures must be sent to the email address provided above by October 21, 2008 at the latest.
Following selection by jury members, the ten winning entries will be announced on November 6, 2008 on the Summit’s web site, They will also be displayed at the Summit on November 21, 2008.
Judges’ Committee:
Aziz Yavuzdoğan / Graphic designer, caricaturist and General Secretary of the Association of Cartoonists.
Asst. Prof. Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu / Graphic designer and caricaturist, Marmara University, College of Fine Arts.
Ercan Akyol / Caricaturist, artist for Milliyet newpaper
Muhittin Köroğlu / Caricaturist, teaching faculty member at Okan University
İrfan Sayar / Zihni Sinir
Yelda Karataş / Poet, Creative Director
Yaprak Moralı / Artist, Animator
Ufuk Tarhan / Coordinator, Futurists Summit
1st Prize : Laptop computer
2nd Prize : iPod
3rd Prize : Digital camera
4th-7th Prizes: Honorable Mention Plaques
Entry form:


Results 13th Salon International Mercosur Diogenes Taborda 2008

Winners in the 13th Salon International Mercosur Diogenes Taborda 2008 - Argentina
Diogenes Taborda Grand Prix 2008
Erdogan Basol, Turkey
Humor Graphic Color
1st Prize: Mohammad Ali Khalaji. Iran
2nd Prize: Yuriy Kosobukin. Ukraine
3rd Prize: Vladimir Kazanevsky. Ukraine
1st Mention: Jorge Barreto. Brazil
2nd Mention: Ilya Katz. Israel
3rd Mention: Shahin Hooshmand. Iran
Monochrome Graphic Humor
1st Prize: Yuriy Kosobukin. Ukraine
2nd Prize: Andrea Bersani. Italy
3rd Prize: Batti. France
1st Mention: Andrea Bersani. Italy
2nd Mention: Ye-Jun. China
3rd Mention: Ilya Katz. Israel
1st Prize: Carliño Muller. Brazil
2nd Prize: Makhmud Eshonkwlov. Uzbekistan
3rd Prize: Jorge Inacio. Brazil
1st Mention: Myung-Lae Nam. Korea
2nd Mention: Carliño Muller. Brazil
3rd Mention: Erico Jonqueira Ayres. Brazil
Digital Humor
1st Prize: Ilya Katz. Israel
2nd Prize: Majid Zakary. Iran
3rd Prize: Makhmud Eshonkwlov. Uzbekistan
1st Mention: Antonio Medina. Cuba
2nd Mention: Mihai Danielescu. Rumania
3rd Mention: Francois Ougen. France
Revelation Prize: Seyran Caferli. Azerbaijan
1st Prize: Myung-Lae Nam. Korea
2nd Prize: Horacio Sanchez. Argentina
3rd Prize: Enrico Junqueira Ayres. Brazil
1st Mention: Ana Olmedo. Argentina
2nd Mention: Cesar Soria. Argentina
3rd Mention: Enrique Ibañez Acebo. Argentina
1st Prize: Nora Jaikin. Argentina
2nd Prize: Facundo Atilio. Argentina
3rd Prize: Silvia Mon. Argentina
1st Mention: Angela Ferreiro. Argentina
Engraving Prize: Coulembier Rogge
Drawing Prize: Nora Pisa
Watercolor Prize: Virginia Rivera
Birome Prize: Lidia Kalibatas
Photography monochrome
1st Prize: Antonio Carlos Sales. Brazil
2nd Prize: Porras Monge. Puerto Rico
3rd Prize: Jose Barroso Mauritius. Brazil
1st Mention: Eduardo Esquivel. Brazil
Color Photography
1st Prize: Berenice Kauffmann Abud. Brazil
2nd Prize: Tetiana Kupeynska. Ukraine
3rd Prize: Porras Monge. Puerto Rico
1st Mention: Francta Strunf.
Opening and awards ceremony on Sunday, September 21 at 19 hours in our headquarters Av. Caseros 2739, Parque Patricios.


1. Theme: “Sand, Pebble and Gravel“
2. The number of entries is limited until 5. They shall not have been exhibited or published before. Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork if they are originally signed and if the print is number one (manual numbered). Please use the
Entry form
3. The works have to be sent to the following address:
Our website will inform you if your works have arrived. The list of participants will regularly be updated.
4. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: 210 x 297 mm (A4) - (8.268 x 11.693 inches). The works shall not be provided by a passe-partout, neither be stuck on to a larger paper. The drawing must bear, on the reverse side, the surname, forename and address of the participant. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.
5. By virtue of their participation, the participants authorize the organizers to publish some of their works that they have received (in the catalogue and for the promotion of the exhibition).
6. The following prizes are foreseen:
1st prize: € 1.600 + trophy
2nd prize: € 1.400 + trophy
3rd prize: € 1.200 + trophy
Prize of the ECC: personal exhibition in the ECC
Prize of the EU: €750
Best Belgian Cartoon: €350
7. By participating the participant lends his works to the organizers for exhibitions. The works received will remain at the disposal of the organizers until 01.11.2010.
8. The entries will only be sent back by the organizers on receiving a written request. The awarded works will become the property of the organizers.
9. If after announcement of the prizes, it appears that plagiarism has been committed, the jury can after deliberation withdraw the prize.
10. DEADLINE : 2009 February 15
Exhibition: during the Eastern Weekend and each Sunday from the 19th of April till the 21st of June 2009 – European Cartoon Center Kruishoutem. Opening of the exhibition: Saturday 11th of April 2009.
In order to receive the free catalogue, please attach six (6) coupons "international reply" to cover the postage. These coupons are available in your local post office.
The organisation wants to award a prize to cartoons on the theme “sand, pebble and gravel” (industrial materials, extraction and application). Cartoons on the theme beach, deserts,... are not under consideration for a prize. You can find some more information or inspiration on the site



The international cartoon contest named in honour of Rudiy Panko

The international cartoon contest named in honour of Rudiy Panko
(a beekeeper from a farm near Dikanka)
Each kind author will react : "What's this? A contest named in honour of a beekeeper? They threw an internatinoal contest for the sake of a beekeeper? Thank God! They haven't plucked enough geese and they haven't wasted enough rags for paper yet! A few people of different ranks made their fingers inky!"
We are not going to argue with such a kind author. We will only remark that...
- in 2009 it will be 200 years since the birthday of N.V.Gogol, who made Rudiy Panko famous,
- In addition, since the times of Rudiy Panko we do not have such a brilliant narrator, who can describe all human wonders and fears,
- even N.V.Gogol himself wouldn't turn down a proposal to paint some caricatures of modern people and those that suck up to those in charge, if you don't mind us saying so,
- we ask you not to confuse our beekeeper with another famous beekeeper (ours is from Dikanka, and that man is from another place).
So we have such an egg-flip (gogol-mogol), ladies and gentlemen! The theme of the contest is "Gogol-mogol (egg-flip) 2009"
N.V.Gogol himself will help you to know which stories, wonders and fears you should paint:
"The soil is great! And the harvest was always wonderful; but in the bewitched place there was never anything good. They sow the seeds correctly, but something incomprehensible grew: maybe a watermelon or maybe not, maybe a pumpkin or maybe not, may be a cucumber or maybe not...the devil only knows!
For the kind authors we will explain - you should paint our modern life, but don't forget N.V.Gogol - his characters stay alive even nowadays!
Terms of the cartoon contest named in honour of Rudiy Panko
1. Art works are welcomed till 1st August 2009 (included). We will place the works on the web-site in the section "cartoon" with a note "Contest work".
2. The vote of all registered users for the works on our web-site - till 1st September 2009 (included).
3. We will send 50 originals which score the most runs till 20th September 2009.
4. In October we will publish the contest booklets.
5. 7th November 2008 - The opening of the cartoon contest. The winners will be rewarded according to the results of the vote on the web-site
The chairman of the jury: Juriy Kosobukin
The participant of many exhibitions and cartoon competitions in our country and abroad, he has more than 300 various awards of the international competitions, among which more than 80 are first awards and Grand prix. Juriy Kosobukin arranged personal exhibitions - in Germany, Italy, Poland, Cuba, Russia, France, Ukraine. He was awarded by the highest award of the International Awards Fund - the Nikolay Chudotvorets award "For increasing good on the Earth".
Judges: Victor Kudin.
Formation of the Jury is in progress. The complete list of the Jury membership will be declared till 1st October 2008.

Dear friends! Placement of your creations on our site is paid.
The placement of one work costs 5$(3Є).
You should fulfill the following steps:
1.To become registered on the web-site
2.To click on the "Add my work" button - it's under the button "Competition", - and to fill all the backgrounds of a "Competitive works" on our site
3.To pay 5$(3Є) for the placement of each work on our site in the way convenient for you (See Section "Services").
4.To send a message with payment requisites or a copy of a payment receipt to E-mail: .
Only then your creation will be placed on the site in the section "Competitive works".


For the formation of the Tourist's Cartoon Exhibition,
karikaturista group with the name - SAGITTARIUS

In each other's contacts with fellow cartoonist at festivals and other gatherings was born the idea for the formation of cartoonist International Group, under the joint name of SAGITTARIUS.
What is SAGITTARIUS, what was the aim of forming a group cartoonist?
- SAGITTARIUS is the horoscope sign of persons born between 23.11. and 21.12. (no data on birth year).
The goal is the internationalization Group caricatures and the creation of better contacts with colleagues cartoonist. Caricature in many countries there are serious obstacles, cenim to international exhibitions provided impulse, the affirmation of the importance and contribution to overall social caricatures.
SAGITTARIUS group exhibitions would be held in the countries and cities that would have shown an interest, pushing to have only one obligation that is displayed and that the proprate to other designacije (no obligations for issuing catalogues, etc. - in the beginning). One of the group members SAGITTARIUS, own in the city, would have an obligation to open the exhibition, or to call adequately face, which would, in accordance with the possibilities, affirmation manifestation in the media.
Members of the group SAGITTARIUS, 3-4 exhibited drawings will be at any moment able to withdraw their acts, as long as they are not happy with the way our project.
Any ideas, suggestions and upgrade is welcomed.
Bad language say: Here's a chance that a woman cartoonist and senior cartoonist say when they are born without birth year.
For the organization committee
Jordan Pop Iliev


International Cartoon and Comic Press - "TRAVEL WITHOUT BORDERS"

International Cartoon and Comic Press - "TRAVEL WITHOUT BORDERS" - Italy
The competition TRAVEL WITHOUT BORDERS is promoted by CIR in collaboration with AFRICARTOON and is aimed at designers from the South or refugees and migrants living in Europe.

The aim of the competition is to tell through comics and cartoons stories of immigration, denied rights and integration in pluralistic societies, to denounce the deep malaise of the third millennium and open squarci of hope through the design revealing the difficult survival not only in the territories of origin but also in port. All this in the context of the celebration of 60 years by the UN Charter on Human Rights, when 60 years later we still millions of people forced to roam the world in search of their human rights.
The works best help to achieve an exhibition on immigration and human rights "Travel without borders" that will be exposed to "Lucca Comics and Games" (100,000 visitors, the most important manifestation of this sector in Italy) from October 18 to November 2, 2008, and then in Rome in the context of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the UN Charter on Human Rights in December 2008.
In 2009 the exhibition will become itinerant and touch all Italian regions.
In addition, the best work will receive a cash prize for the value of 500 euros.
The CIR (Italian Council for Refugees) and AFRICARTOON COMPETITION are organizing the press and drawing comics: TRAVEL WITHOUT BORDERS.
For all designers in the world, refugees and immigrants in Europe (each designer has to send his resume and its coordinated).
DRAWINGS: drawings should illustrate the topic of the contest.
DELIVERY: drawings must arrive on September 30, 2008 by e-mail at the following addresses: and
OR original drawings to:
Marisa Paolucci, Via Rastrelli 167, 00128 Roma, Italy.
The drawings should arrive in September 30.
ABOUT THE COMPETITION: The new explorers of the third millennium go anywhere in search of new dreams and new perspectives on life. Telling with the drawing (without words) histories of immigration and integration, disappointment and hope, life difficult in its own country and in the new country. The drawings will be on display to remind everyone the celebration of the 60th card of the UN on human rights, especially the difficult situation that many human beings must endure.
1. Regard without borders: women and homes without invisible Civil and Political Rights. The choice of who decides to leave or stay.
2. Chemin invisible: the leak and the courage to seek a new life.
3. Clandestine and asylum: the difficult path to show to be in danger.
4. Foreign destiny for the difficult construction of a multicultural society.
PRIZES: For the best design there will be a prize of 500 euros.
All the best designs chosen will be exhibited in the exhibition Journey Without Borders "Lucca Comics and Games" (100,000 visitors, the most important event of comic books in Italy, October 18 - November 2, 2008), since in Rome during the celebration the 60th anniversary of the UN Charter on Human Rights in December 2008, during the 2009 exhibition will be presented in all Italian cities.


STUTTGART AWARD 2009 »THE PASSION FOR TRAVEL« International competition for Cartoons and Caricatures
1. The title of the competition is STUTTGART AWARD 2009 for Cartoon and Caricature. The topic is ‘The passion for travel’.
2. The contest is open to professional as well as semi-professional cartoonsists and caricaturists.
3. The deadline for receipt of works of art is 05th November 2008 at the Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH. (The deadline is extended to 15th November: )
4. Each artist may submit up to three cartoons and up to three caricatures, i.e., an overall number of six works.
5. The minimum size of artwork is to be 210 x 297 mm. The maximum size is to be 297 x 420 mm. Artwork is to be submitted unframed and unmounted.
6. Techniques: no limits.
7. Original works, signed copies and digitally created works will be accepted. Requirements for digital works: minimum 300 dpi / DIN A5; colour representation: RGB; format: jpeg or pdf. Delivery by e-mail: up to 5MB per mail.
8. Text caricatures can be compiled in any language you like. However, a translation in English or German shall also be enclosed.
9. The artist’s name, address, e-mail account, and telephone number must be shown on the back of each work. In case of entries via e-mail, this information must be included in the mail.
10. A short biography of the artist and a photograph (or self-caricature) shall be attached.
11. The artwork must be the genuine work of the artist.
12. The prize winner will be determined by an impartial jury while ensuring anonymity.
13. 1st prize: € 5,000; 2nd prize: € 3,000; 3rd prize: € 2,000. In addition there will be 10 special prizes.
14. The awarded works will become property of Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH.
15. Selected works will be exhibited. In addition a competition catalogue will be published. Every artist who has work in the exhibition or in the catalogue will receive a free copy of the catalogue.
16. It is planned to auction off selected works for a good cause, provided that the participant does not expressly refuse to auction the submitted works when registering for the competition.
17. The return of original works is only possible at the author’s express request at the time of entry in the competition.
18. Participants in the competition permit the organiser to publish the works submitted by them for non-commercial purposes in connection with the competition.
19. By entering works to the competition the participant automatically agrees to the Terms and Conditions of Participation. It is expressly referred to the fact that the author thereby also agrees to the exhibition of his/her works and their reproduction in the Competition Catalogue.
20. Any recourse to legal action shall be excluded.
ADDRESS Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH · Reference: „STUTTGART AWARD 2009“ · Lautenschlagerstrasse 3 · D-70173 Stuttgart, Germany
ENTRIES VIA E-MAIL · All participants receive a confirmation of receipt per e-mail.

Cartoon events in the Czech Republic

Cartoon events in the Czech Republic
The meeting of the European elite genre cartoons (graphic humor) on Cartoon Meeting Point in Pisek (invitation covers 16 caricaturists from 9 states) will take place in Pisek between September 13-14, 2008.

The opening exhibition of the best cartoons on theme "The window, the eye of a house" will be held on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 17.00 hours in the exhibition hall building Foundation ABF No. 29/31 Wenceslas Square in Prague 1, Czech Republic. During the opening ceremony will be announced the results of the competition and delivered prizes (Gold, silver, bronze Fór-pencil and Prize Svatopluka Pitry) and honorary mentions (Fór-diplomas) for both foreign and domestic artists. At the opening of the exhibition will be ready the catalogues prepared with the work of selected caricaturists. The competition was attended by 146 caricaturists from 35 countries who have sent 301 works.


UMO – 4th International Cartoon contest - India

Announcement for the UMO – 4th International Cartoon contest
The UMO - International Cartoon Contest is held by UsabilityMatters.Org towards the World Usability Day. All the awarded and qualified cartoons will be exhibited on 13th November 2008.
Participation is open to all cartoonists from every country in the world. There is no Entry fee.
Please go through the rules and regulations – and in particular – the conditions applicable to the intellectual property rights.
Theme for the Competition: The wheel rolls on
How long can our planet feed in to all our living needs? We have been thanklessly exploiting the mother of all resources for such mundane acts as driving to a shop just around the corner to buy groceries instead of helping ourselves with a short walk.
With so much exploitation already done in digging and boring our planet (the wheel of our survival) for its energy resources, we have punctured our own prospects of continuing the journey of human kind as long as possible.
It's time to think of alternative energy sources, efficient means to control fuel usage, rethink transportation be it by road, by air, by water or into space to conserve energy. Reduce pollution and other ill effects of transportation. It’s also time to think about efficient ways to optimize the usage of personal vehicles, by taking car/bike holidays, by encouraging mass transportation systems and by bicycling to as many needs as possible.
All in all its time to think, live and practice greener ways of leading life on the run. We invite cartoons which humorously communicate the seriousness of the theme, by rethinking transportation and thinking green.
Awards and Acknowledgements
A jury will select the top 6 winning entries, the cartoonists will be granted a cash prize award of
First prize Rs.25,000/- (Rs. Twenty five thousand only)
Two second prizes of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten thousand only) each and
Three Third prizes Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) each
Five Special mention awards

An exhibition of the winning and short listed entries will be held and UMO will publish an exhaustive works report.
The jury and the judgment criteria
We are in process of putting a jury of well-known professionals and socially active personalities. The names will be announced in due course, depending on confirmation. For Judgment jury will use criteria such as creativity, humor, visual communication, presentation, persuasiveness, originality, cleverness, relevance of content and execution to identify the winner.
Deadline for Submission
Cartoons will be accepted through November 3rd, 2008
Rules and Regulations
Entries : up to 5 cartoons per person
Size (snail mail) : A4 (210 X 297 mm ) or A3 (297X410)
Size (digital) : 300dpi and in dimensions that are suitable for printing
Technique : free
Entries in hard-copy/paper will not be returned. Entries in digital format may need to be re-posted if the resolution is not found good for printing.
Exhibition and Prize distribution
On World Usability Day, November 13th, 2008
Submitting your entries
Mail your cartoons keeping the competition name in subject line to If you are sending through the snail mail, use the following address:
UMO- 4th International Cartoon Contest-2008, 202, Rahul Apts, 480-Phase 6, JNTU Road, Besides Universal Bakery, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072 INDIA
ph: +91-9848861432
Please mention a little background information about yourself that may help identify you with your work and the email id that will help us get back to you with any communication.
Intellectual property rights
UMO may, in its sole discretion to use the art-work (images, photograph, written content) for any purpose, change, alter, amend, add to, delete from and otherwise modify, including but not limited to, any and all cuts, edits, rearrangements and other alterations, additions and deletions.
The responsibility for authenticity of all the submitted content, including the including the art-work and the personal information rests solely with the provider, and UMO will assume no role in case of litigations and copied works. The involved parties shall have to settle the matter themselves, within the conditions the original work was published/released.
We respect your privacy and will not be giving out, or sharing your personal information with any third party, for commercial or non-commercial use.

Results International Cartoon Contest "City & Sea" - Odessa 2008

Results of International Cartoon Contest Odessa 2008: CITY & SEA

First Prize: Paolo Dalponte / Italy

Second Prize: Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria

Third Prize: Pawel Kuczynski / Poland

(to be determined by voting of exhibition visitors)
Valentin Stoyanov / Ukraine
Evgeny Samoylov / Ukraine


19th International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Gabrovo 2009

May 16 – September 30
Welcome. We wish every success for your entry in the Nineteenth International Biennial Exhibition of Humour and Satire in the Arts.
1.This International Exhibit and Festival recognizes the highest achievements of humour and satire in the following CATEGORIES, each to have its own exhibition area:
2.SUBJECT MATTER: The World Lasts Because It Laughs
Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE, Gabrovo Municipality, the Ministry of Culture and the Humour of the Peoples Society; the Organizing Committee is chaired by the Mayor of Gabrovo.
May 16, 2009, at 11:00 a.m., Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE
The exhibitions will run until September 30, 2009
A jury of professional artists and former Biennial winners selects the works for the exhibitions and awards the prizes. The decisions of the jury are final and there is no appeal.
- GRAND PRIX - the GOLDEN AESOP statuette, 2 000 BGN, a certificate and an invitation to stage a one-artist show during Biennial 2011.
- PRIZE of the town of GABROVO - the GASCAR statuette, 1 500 BGN and a certificate.
- Prizes (six) of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria – 1 000 BGN each and a certificate in each category.
- Prize for sculpture awarded by Skalni Materiali JS Co–Rousse – 2 000 BGN and a certificate
- Prize of Skalni Materiali JS Co-Rousse - 1 000 BGN and a certificate - awarded to a young sculptor (up to 35 yrs.)
- Prize of LIONS CLUB of Baden/Helenental, Austria - 500 EUR and a certificate - awarded to a young Bulgarian graphic artist (up to 30 yrs.)
- Prize of the Humour of the Peoples Society - 400 BGN and a certificate
- Prize of Inter Data Systems, Co. - professional Lowepro photo backpack and a certificate; prize goes to the funniest photograph submitted.
- Prize for poster of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria on Life Free of Tobacco Smoke – 800 BGN and a certificate
- Prize for cartoon of Prestigio Technologies Ltd. on The Art of hi-Tech – Prestigio Data Safe I external hard drive
- Prize for photograph of Prestigio Technologies Ltd. on The Art of hi-Tech – Prestigio Data Safe I external hard drive
- Prize for poster of Prestigio Technologies Ltd. on The Art of hi-Tech – Prestigio Data Safe I external hard drive
- Prize for cartoon of the Directorate of CENTRAL BALKAN National Park on Safeguarding Nature - a 3-day visit to CENTRAL BALKAN National Park and a certificate.
- Prize of Gabrovo Planet Society - the Gabrovo Planet statuette, 100 BGN and a certificate - awarded to the best work on Gabrovo subject matter.
The cash prizes in BGN (Bulgarian Leva) are subject to taxation in conformity with Bulgarian law. The prize winning works remain in the Humour of the Peoples collection of the Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE. The latter reserves the right to extend personal invitations to the prize winners to attend the prize-awarding ceremony.
The competition is open to all artists who accept the conditions of entry. The working languages are Bulgarian and English. In case of disagreement on the interpretation of the text, the Bulgarian text is the valid one.
2. DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: March 1, 2009
68, Bryanska St., P. O. Box 104, 5300 Gabrovo, BULGARIA
For contacts: Tel. +359 66 /807248/; +359 66 /803526/; +359 66 /804945/
Fax: +359 66 /806989/
The conditions of entry (in Bulgarian, English, German, French and Russian), the jury members and the recognition of the entries received, selected and awarded can be viewed at .
3. All art works should be originals signed by the entrants and entrants' property. They should not have been awarded before. Any technique is acceptable.
- CARTOONS A4 (29 x 21 cm)
- GRAPHICS & DRAWINGS 70 x 100 cm
- PAINTINGS 150 x 150 cm
- SCULPTURE 80 cm maximum height and 20 kg maximum weight
- POSTERS 70 x 100 cm
- PHOTOGRAPHS 30 x 40 cm
5. Each artist may submit up to 5 entries for each category, but no more than 2 works can be selected for exhibition.
6. The artist's name, title of the work, year of creation, technique, value and category type should be printed on the back of each entry. Each work should be accompanied by an Entry-form completed in capital block letters in either Bulgarian or English.
7. Unless indicated otherwise, all entries submitted will be considered donations to the Humour of the Peoples collection at the House of Humour and Satire; therefore, artists are requested to complete and sign the Certificate of Donation on the entry form. The organizers greatly appreciate these donations which will significantly enhance the international collections to be enjoyed by all. The donors' names will be listed on the homepage of the House of Humour and Satire; the donated works will be shown in future exhibitions both in Bulgaria and abroad.
8. Artists who cannot donate their work and explicitly indicate TO BE RETURNED on the entry form should deposit by September 30, 2009 the following return sums which cover packaging, dispatching and postage charges:
The artists will have their works returned by December 31, 2009.
Works lacking return postage by September 30, 2009 and unclaimed by the artists until December 31, 2009 will be registered in the Humour of the Peoples collection.
9. The return sums can be sent by:
- Bank transfer to:
House of Humour and Satire
DSK Bank PLc – Gabrovo branch
IBAN number: BG83STSA93003110025400
BIC code of DSK Bank Plc: STSABGSF
- Money order payable to the Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE
- Cash at the pay office of the Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE (a happy circumstance for the organizers to meet you, the artist).
Sorry, NO cheques or charge cards.
10. All entries should be sent frameless and unmounted as printed matter with PRINTED MATTER noted on the package.
11. Artists should cover the transport costs franco Gabrovo. The organizers will not collect packages sent franco other destinations.
12. The Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE guarantees the safety of the works from the date of receipt to the date of return. No responsibility is assumed for damage or loss during transit.
13. The Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE reserves the right to reproduce the works on display and have them printed in its publications and other publicity materials.
14. The Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE publishes an art catalogue of the works selected for display. Only artists with selected works are entitled to a free copy. The catalogue is available at the museum gift shop and all other artists can have it for 50 EUR (postage included) remitted according to item 9.
15. The conditions of entry are contractually binding. By submitting works to the Biennial Exhibition artists agree to the terms of this contract.

International Cartoon Contest Braila 2008 - Romania

Contest: open to all cartoonists.
Theme: LOVE
Entries: max. 5.
The works must be accompanied by the author's biography.
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) - A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: November 10th, 2008
Great Prize – 1500 €;
First Prize – 1000 €;
Second Prize – 800 €;
Third Prize – 500 €;
3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 € (each)

Members of jury:
Tudor Octavian – art critic
Vladimir Kazanevsky - cartoonist
Mihai Stanescu – cartoonist
Leonte Nastase – cartoonist
Costel Patrascan - cartoonist
Exhibition: December 5th, 2008
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: the works will not be returned, they will remain the property of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila.
The works should be sent to:
The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila,
Piata Traian 2, 810153 Braila, Romania
Contact details:

Himal Southasian Magazine Cartoon Congress Competition - Nepal

Himal Southasian Magazine Cartoon Congress Competition - Nepal
Theme: “Dramatic Divide: The distance between the powerful and the powerless.”
Competition eligibility: Open to all, as long as the topic is relevant to Southasia.
Format: Single or strip; colour or black & white accepted
Number of entries: Maximum of three cartoon entries. While the cartoons can be original or already published, this must be clearly indicated with each entry.
Language: If there is text, any Southasian language acceptable with English translation.
Send via: e-mail to or
by post to:
Himal Southasian c/o Surabhi Pudasaini GPO BOX 24393 Kathmandu, Nepal
Technical details: For entries submitted by e-mail
1. Size: 800 (pixels) X 1100 (Pixels) with 100 dpi resolution
2. Image format: JPEG or Bitmap
3. Colour System: RGBF
or entries submitted by post:
1. Each entry must be no larger than an A4 size sheet.
Nominations: Third-party submissions of entries are accepted if they are accompanied by the written consent of the cartoonist.
Other required information: All entrants must include a covering letter with their full name, as well as e-mail and postal addresses.
Award: USD 1000 for winner, USD 500 for first runner-up, as well as publication of winning cartoons in Himal. All short-listed candidates will receive citations.
Closing date for submissions: 1 October 2008
Shortlist announced: 22 October 2008
Award ceremony: Shortlisted candidates will be compensation for travel to Kathmandu from anywhere within Southasia for a Southasian Cartoon Congress in November, where the winning entry will be announced.
Jury: Eminent persons representing journalism, academia and politics from around Southasia.
Contact: please direct all queries to
Copyright: Himal Southasian retains exclusive right to reprint and disseminate all cartoons submitted to the competition. Copyright issues surrounding already published cartoons must be cleared by the entrant.
Please note that none of the submitted cartoons will be returned to the entrant.