

Himal Southasian Magazine Cartoon Congress Competition - Nepal

Himal Southasian Magazine Cartoon Congress Competition - Nepal
Theme: “Dramatic Divide: The distance between the powerful and the powerless.”
Competition eligibility: Open to all, as long as the topic is relevant to Southasia.
Format: Single or strip; colour or black & white accepted
Number of entries: Maximum of three cartoon entries. While the cartoons can be original or already published, this must be clearly indicated with each entry.
Language: If there is text, any Southasian language acceptable with English translation.
Send via: e-mail to or
by post to:
Himal Southasian c/o Surabhi Pudasaini GPO BOX 24393 Kathmandu, Nepal
Technical details: For entries submitted by e-mail
1. Size: 800 (pixels) X 1100 (Pixels) with 100 dpi resolution
2. Image format: JPEG or Bitmap
3. Colour System: RGBF
or entries submitted by post:
1. Each entry must be no larger than an A4 size sheet.
Nominations: Third-party submissions of entries are accepted if they are accompanied by the written consent of the cartoonist.
Other required information: All entrants must include a covering letter with their full name, as well as e-mail and postal addresses.
Award: USD 1000 for winner, USD 500 for first runner-up, as well as publication of winning cartoons in Himal. All short-listed candidates will receive citations.
Closing date for submissions: 1 October 2008
Shortlist announced: 22 October 2008
Award ceremony: Shortlisted candidates will be compensation for travel to Kathmandu from anywhere within Southasia for a Southasian Cartoon Congress in November, where the winning entry will be announced.
Jury: Eminent persons representing journalism, academia and politics from around Southasia.
Contact: please direct all queries to
Copyright: Himal Southasian retains exclusive right to reprint and disseminate all cartoons submitted to the competition. Copyright issues surrounding already published cartoons must be cleared by the entrant.
Please note that none of the submitted cartoons will be returned to the entrant.

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