

4th International Festival "Valle de Aburra" - Colombia

The conditions:

1) The contest is open to all the graphical caricaturists and humorists of the world.
2) The deadline for entries is September 15th 2008
3) The themes of the competition are: A) WOMEN POWER . B) FREE.
4) Each participant can present in the competition a maximum of three cartoons for theme.
5) The cartoons presented must be in original or digital images signed by the artist, we don't accept photography.
6) You can participate with cartoons in white or black or in colour.
7) The size of cartoons will not exceed 30 X 40 cms. Maximum.
8) You can also participate with cartoons that have alredy been published or rewarded previously.
9) Each participants will pay to send the cartoon.
10) Each cartoons will have in the back the name, last name, address and e-mail of the participant.
11) Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a short curriculum vitae and photography.
12) There will be selection judges.
13) The sent cartoons won't be returned (except the ones received as borrowed), and they will take parted in the cartoons and comic Colombian museum. Each cartoon and its author will have a carpet and a place in this collection.
14) The organization has all rights reserved to exhibit the cartoons that attempt to individual or collective rights.
15) The cartoons selected of 1º and 2º event will be published in a catalogue (by infrastructure problems the catalogue of the first event could not be printed).
16) The selected works will publish in our Web page and a book of next appearance, that will contain works of the made events.
The Prizes
1° Grand Prix: US$ 1.000 (that they support the Universidad de Medellín and the Commercial Center Los Molinos).
2° Special prizes offered by various institutions.
3° Special mentions.
ADDRESS: The works should be sent to:
4ª Muestra Mundial de Caricatura “Valle de Aburrá” – Colombia
Carrera 55 # 49-51
Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana-Departamento de Bienestar Universitario-
Medellín – Antioquia – Colombia
Telephone 270 77 24 – 5112199, ext. 134 y cel. 314 7771291
Winning version 2005: YURIY KOSOBUKIN – Ukraine
Winning version 2006: CRISTÓBAL REYNOSO “CRIST” – Argentina
Winning version 2007: ARISTIDES HERNANDEZ “ARES” – Cuba
Spanish version:


7th competition of graphic humour Joke for FOR 2008

Joke for FOR (Fór pro FOR) 2008 Prague - Czech Republic
Organizers - In co-operation with the Czech Cartoonists’ Union and ABF announces the 7th annual open competition of graphic humour
Rules for competitors:
1. Participation conditions
The organisers will announce the competition by publishing the conditions for participation in periodicals and distributing them to selected artists in the Czech Republic and abroad. The competition is open to all who realise the following conditions. By sending in their pictures, each competitor accepts the rules of competition.
2. Content and technical conditions
Theme: “The window – the eye of building”
(The competition is the part of the 18th International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2007)
Number of pictures: maximum of 3
Format: minimum A4 – maximum A3
Signatures: All pictures must be signed by the author on the front side and the author’s name, address and e-mail address must be written on the back side.
a) the original piece only
b) the graphical techniques must be signed by an author on the front page and marked by the specification of number of prints and the serial number of an entered exemplar
c) the competition works can not be awarded on the other international competition in the past
3. Valid regulation
- 40 pictures will be chosen for the competition and exhibition; an international jury will select the prize-winning entries.
- Each of the authors of the pictures selected for inclusion in this year’s collection to be displayed at a biennial exhibition will obtain a catalogue.
- The competitors agree that their work could be used for publicity and promotion in materials promoting the competition, or could appear in the media for the purpose of promoting the event or presenting the results and the authors.
- The competitors agree that the sponsors and advertisers of the competition have privilege options to use works selected by them for their own presentations or promotions at the author’s regular fee, and the right to contact selected authors for further co-operation.
- The prize-winning works and the final collection of a maximum of 40 works will become the property of the organisers. Unselected work will be returned to the authors if the envelope with address and stamp is enclosed.
4. Prizes and awards
1st place: FOR-pencil - gold + diploma + 10 000 CZK (370 EUR)
2nd place: FOR-pencil - silver + diploma + 7 000 CZK
3rd place: FOR-pencil - bronze + diploma + 5 000 CZK
4th place: Honourable FOR-pencil + diploma + 3 000 CZK
5th place: Special FOR - pencil + diploma + 1 000 CZK
The Svatopluk Pitra Prize devoted by Irena Pitrova (for Czech authors only)
Honourable mention of GAG editor + 500 CZK (for Czech authors only)
The author of 1st prize-winning work will be invited to attend the awards ceremony and his expenses for the travel and one night in hotel in Prague will be covered (foreign author - from the borders of Czech Republic to Prague and back).
The glass trophy for the winners will be given to the author only, who attends the ceremony on September 16, 2008 in Prague, or the persons entrusted by the author.
For the excused authors, there will be delivered diplomas and money by the post.
5. Important dates
Date of announcement: 25th April, 2008
Deadline for competition: 14th June, 2008
Jury session: 17th June, 2008
Viewing of exhibition in the centre of Prague: 16th September, 2008 – 30th September, 2008
Winning ceremony and the prize giving: 16th September, 2008
7. Jury
Both, organisers and sponsors, will have their own members in jury. The organiser reserves the right to name the jury and its chairman and secretary. The jury will receive remuneration for serving on the jury. The organiser reserves the right to set the criteria for judging the competing works after consultation with the chairman of the jury. The jury will select the best works for the final competition and will select the prize-winning works according Point 4 of this statute.
8. The pictures should be sent to this address:
ABF a.s., ForProFor - (ALEŠ VYJIDÁK); Václavské náměstí 29; 111 21 Praha 1, Česká republika
e-mail:, tel.: +420 222 891 115


Results 2nd Corum International Cartoon Contest 2008

The 2nd Corum International Cartoon Contest 2008 (Turkey) with theme “Are we going to burn or freeze?” concludes. According to the announcement made by cartoonist Sonmez Yanardag, Corum representative of the Association of Cartoonists, one of the organisers of the contest with Corum Municipality and Corum Journalists Association; 172 artists from 19 countries sent in 320 cartoons for the competition:
First Prize: Askin Ayrancioglu – Turkey
Second Prize: Rumen Dragostinov - Bulgaria
Third Prize: Alaattin Cevikbas - Turkey
Mention 1: Kursat Zaman - Turkey
Mention 2: Muammer Kotbas - Turkey
Mention 3: Oleksiy Kustovskiy - Ukraine
Special Prize of Corum Representative Branch of the Association of Cartoonists: George Mitides – Southern Cyprus
The date of prize-giving ceremony and the inauguration of the exhibition to be announced soon.


Results International exhibition on theme Stamps

Results of the International cartoon exhibition on theme POSTAGE STAMPS, Belgrade 2008

Stefan Popa Popa’s, cartoonist (Romania),
Tadashi Nagai, ambassador of Japan in Belgrade and philatelist,
Jugoslav Vlahovic, cartoonist and graphic artist (Serbia),
Doru Bosiok, cartoonist and graphic artist (Serbia),
Dragan Poposki, director of Postal Museum in Belgrade (Serbia),
Slavoljub Ignjatovic, journalist and philatelist (Serbia).


I prize (500 euro) – Jiri Sliva (Czech republic)

II prize (300 euro) – Goran Markovic (Serbia)


Jacek Frackiewicz (Poland)

Mohammad Amin Aghaei (Iran)

Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)

Elman Mirzoyev (Azerbaijan)

Personal stamp and diploma – Vladan Nikolic (Serbia)

Mail art prize – Nickolai Krachtchin (Russia)

Mail art prize – Peter Niuwendijk (Holland)

Mail art diploma – Boris Petrushansky & Olesya Kuklina (Russia)

Jury FECO Serbia awarded with special prize (200 euro) Slobodan Adjanski (Serbia).

Opening of the exhibition and prize-wining ceremony will be on May, 22 at Postal Museum, Majke Jevrosime 13, Belgrade.
JUGOMARKA, Belgrade, Serbia (jvlahovic@ptt.yu)
Union of cartoonists of Serbia FECO (

Biennial of Caricature GOLDEN SMILE Belgrade 2008

The 6th International Biennial of Caricature GOLDEN SMILE Belgrade 2008
*The sixth International Biennial of Caricature THE GOLDEN SMILE – BELGRADE 2008, organised by the ULUPUDS (Association of Fine and Applied Artists and Designers of Serbia) and FECO Serbia, will be held at the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, December, 2008.
*The competition is open to artists from all over the world.
*Theme of the exhibition: TRADITION AND PROGRESS
*Each author is to submit original works (all fine or graphic arts techniques are accepted). Author may enter unlimited number of works. The maximum size of one caricature is 42 X 29.7 cm (format A3). Due to scanning recquirement format A4 (29.7 X 21 cm) image size, is recommended. Digital prints signed by the author, and good quality photo-copies will also be accepted.
*The selection of works will be made by the Council of the Exhibition.
*An international Jury appointed by the Exhibition Council will decide on Awards.
The Golden Medal and 600 EUR
The Silver Medal and 400 EUR
The Bronze Medal and 300 EUR
The Award of the Weekly Magazine NIN for the best graphic print.
*The works, marked on the back with the sticker (or the photocopy of the sticker) filled, should arrive by NOVEMBER 1st, 2008 to the following address:
ULUPUDS (»The Golden Smile«)
Terazije 26/II
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
To avoid custom problems, please write DOCUMENT, NO VALUE on the envelope
*The exhibits shall not be returned to the artists and will remain in the ULUPUDS collection – CaricatureDivision/FECO, Serbia,except on special demand. The exhibition will be shown in other towns in Serbia.
*The organiser will publish an illustrated catalogue ­of the exhibition and all exhibitors will obtain it free of charge. Each exhibitor shall authorise the organiser to ­reproduce his works without reimbursement, for advertising purposes.
*These regulations are subject to interpretation of the Council of the Exhibition. President of the Exhibition Council is Jugoslav Vlahovic, graphic artist and cartoonist.
*For all the further information please contact ULUPUDS, Tel/fax: +381 11 268 57 80
e-mail: ulupuds@beotel.yu or
ULUPUDS web presentation:
Regulations, Stickers for Caricatures, and Registration form at:

6th International Comics Showroom Contest - Serbia

Propositions and rules:
1. Participants are not age-limited.
2. Only good copies, up to 4 pages will be accepted. Works have to be sent via post office (e-mails excluded).
3. Required language: English.
4. Theme, style, technique, genre and page format are free-choice.
5. Requested info of the participants (writer, artist, colorist, etc.): Name and surname, CV, date and place of birth, country, address, phone number and e-mail. Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.
6. Work info: title, authors, technique and the production year should be attached separately to the work. The work can be done by one or more authors (writer, artist, colorist...).
7. Submitted works will be reviewed by the jury and selected works will be shown at the Showroom exhibition.
Awards & Prizes:
1. Grand prix of the Showroom (includes 1000 €);
2. Awards for the following categories: Best traditional style comic, Best alternative comic, Best script, Best graphic;
3. Young Lion special award (for the authors up to 15 years old);
4. Special jury prizes for the best idea, and the authors up to 15 years old;
5. Sponsors’ prizes.
Additional information:
tel: + 381 11 360 20 44


"Drought & Water" March 2008 results - Turkey

MAN & NATURE March 2008 results
March 2008 results of the monthly Nature & Man Cartoon Contest 2008 with theme "Drought & Water" are announced at the contest website:


Tawan Chuntra - Thailand

Lubomir Kotrha - Slovakia

Young Sik Oh - South Korea


European Cartoon Contest "Intercultural Dialogue”

European Cartoon Contest "Intercultural Dialogue”
Dear Cartoonist,
We are very pleased to invite you to participate on a European Cartoon Contest which theme will be "Intercultural Dialogue”, which deadline for the reception of works will be the 16th June 2008. This contest’s theme is in accordance with the proclamation of 2008 as the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.
The objective of this initiative of the European Commission is to promote the awareness of all citizens to respect the cultural diversity. The EU decision is in keeping with respect by several fundamental principles written in the Treaty establishing the European Community and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union.
It is in line with these purposes that Portugal launches a European-Cartoon Contest with the theme "Intercultural Dialogue", relying on the importance of the language of humour as a way to build and des-build the looks on the subject.
As per the contest of 2007 - Inequalities, Discrimination and Prejudice - this contest is for European authors, of any country, being part or not of the 27 countries of the European Union. We do look forward to receive you participation!
Warm regards
The Director
Luís Humberto Marcos
National Printing Museum
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206,
4300- 316 Porto
Tel: 351+22 530 49 66
Fax: 351+22 530 10 71

4th International Solin Cartoon Festival - Croatia

The organizer of 4th International festival of cartoon Solin 2008 is the city Solin.
The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profesion.
Conditions of entry:
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Framed works, also, will not be accepted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or colored.
3. There should be the name, surname and the address on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted.
5. Maximum size of entries is A3 format (40 x 30 cm)
Entry deadline is the 01 August 2008.
Please write "PRINTED MATTER- NO VALUE" on the envelope.
«DOM ZVONIMIR» Kralja Zvonimira 50, 21210 Solin, CROATIA
GOLD MEDAL....................................................1001 EUR
PRIZE CITY SOLIN.............................................3
PRIZE TURIST COMYNITY SOLIN............................2
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the culture home „ZVONIMIR“ Solin on the 29.08.2008.
Authors of works that quality to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue (DVD).
The works will be returned only on the special reqest of an autor. The postage EUR4 will be paid by autor.
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Solin 2008, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.


LAST NAME ---------------------------------------------

FIRST NAME --------------------------------------------

PSEUDONIM --------------------------------------------

STREET ---------------------------------------------------

POSTCODE -----------------------------------------------

CITY -------------------------------------------------------

COUNTRY -----------------------------------------------

TELEPHONE --------------------------------------------

E-MAIL ---------------------------------------------------

FAX --------------------------------------------------------

NUMBER OF ENTRIES -------------------------------

MALE-FEMALE ----------------------------------------


Results 1st International Contest Ciudad de Bogota

The jury of the FIRST INTERNATIONAL CARICATURE AND CARTOON CONTEST CIUDAD DE BOGOTÁ has decided to declare the winner of the first prize in the Professional category with a value of US 1000, the work of Iranian SAEED SADEGHI. The second prize in this category, a value of US 800, was won by Colombian cartoonist based in Spain ELENA OSPINA with the work "PUZZLES."
Special mentions:
The First honourable mention was given to the work of cartoonist Colombian RAÚL FERNANDO ZULETA entitled "SOPAS CAMPBELL'S"
The Second honourable mention was given to the work of cartoonist ARGÓN entitled "THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT"
The Third honourable mention was given to the work of Venezuelan cartoonist OSCAR ROJAS entitled "VENEZUELA: ENTREPRENEURS ESPECULADORES"
The Fourth honourable mention was given to the work of Bulgarian cartoonist RUMEN DRAGOSTINOV "CHILDREN."
In the category AMATEUR was awarded the First Prize consisting of US 500 in materials design, the Colombian cartoonist YUDIR STERLING GUEVARA with the work REFLEJOS OF WAR. The Second prize in this category consisting of US 400 in materials of drawing, has been awarded to Colombian cartoonist GUAICO with the work THE GUERNIKA.
Second Prize:
In the category CHILDREN minority participation was very significant and therefore the jury had decided to grant SCHOLARSHIPS courses at the National School of Cartoon for all participating children and their works will be displayed at the upcoming International Book Fair Bogotá between April 23 and May 5.
In total, 50 works have been chosen to be displayed in all the categories that will be shown at the Pavilion of Design and Caricature in the event.


First International Cartoon Beer Contest - Canada

First International Cartoon Beer Contest
MBière Mondial de la Bière Mondial de la Bière, 2236, Beaubien East, Montréal, (Québec) Canada H2G 1M7 • Phone: 514-722-9640 # 442 • FAX: 514-722-8467 •
For the 15th anniversary of the Mondial de la bière, we are pleased to announce the first International Cartoon Beer Contest.
The contest will be announced February 11th 2008 via the internet. Judging will take place on May 28th 2008 with a panel of International Judges. Their decision will be final.
Announcement of the winners will be made on May 30th 2008.
Winners and selected cartoons will be seen on the website at
1) The contest is open to anyone aged 18 years or older. All contestants accept the conditions and provisions included in the official rules and regulations. The original art work together with signed entry form must be received by May 10th, 2008. Participation to the contest is free of charge, the participants are responsible for delivering their work at their own expense to: Cartoon Beer Contest
c/o Mondial de la bière
2236 Beaubien East
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2G 1M7
E-mail will be sent to contestants to confirm the registration. If you want to deliver your work electronically send it to: and
2) Theme: Beer, beer and women, beer and humour, beer and love, beer and sports, beer and history, beer and fun, beer and global warming, beer and politics, beer and ecology etc. etc. You may choose any humorous beer related theme to inspire your original cartoon, comic strip, caricature or gag. For comic strips we ask artists to include 3 to 4 frames on one page.
3) Entries: participants may submit a maximum of 3 cartoons, or comic strips.
a) The cartoons must have never been exhibited in Canada, or have won an award in a previous competition.
b) The cartoons may bear no captions, except for comic strips.
c) The cartoons must be sent flat without folds, or rolled in a tube.
d) The participants are responsible for the originality of their cartoons. Discussions and claims related to the originality, privacy, property rights, and or good taste of the work is the responsibility of the participant. The cartoons will not be returned and will belong to the permanent collection of the Mondial de la bière.
4) a) Dimensions of the cartoons. Cartoons should be 21.5 cm x 28 cm or, 11 inches by 8 inches (horizontal, or vertical).
b) Cartoons that are submitted under glass, framed or on other materials than paper as a support will be rejected from the competition.
5) Property rights, By agreeing to take part in the contest the participants renounce their property rights on the work submitted, thus empowering the organizing association to make use of their entries for promotional purposes on behalf of the International Concours bières bandes desssinées - Cartoon Beer Contest. This includes use of their entries by sponsors for publicity, publicity in the media, cartoon books, posters and or catalogues, folders, calendars or other promotional materials etc. Entries may be used for official gifts by the festival organizers.
6) Jury. A first selection of all entries will be made by the Head Judge the Honourable Oleg Dergachov in preparation of the final judging that will be done by an International team of expert judges. The judging will take place on May 28th 2008 in Montréal, Québec, Canada. The International jury will include professional cartoonists, and or art critics, and possibly a representative of a major sponsor and also one of the festival. A minimum of 6 judges will be on the jury. (Jury members: John A. Lent, Svetlana Kruglova, Guy Badeaux, Aislin ( Terry Mosher), Tina Seemann. Source:
7) Prizes
Golden Mug — First prize cash award of $1,500 CDN, dyploma and Trophy
Silver Mug — Second prize cash award of $1,000 CDN, dyploma and Throphy
Bronze Mug — Third prize cash award of $500 CDN, dyploma and Trophy

Entry form:


Date of birth:



Zip code:



I agree to the rules and regulations of the International Concours bières bandes desssinées - Cartoon Beer Contest. No entries will be returned to the participants, and will remain the property of the festival. The cartoons may be used for promotional purposes as described in the rules and regulations. Legal responsibilities related to the work submitted remains the responsibility of the author of the cartoons or comic strips.


Results 14. Golden Keg 2008 - Presov / Slovakia

Results 14. Golden Keg 2008 - Presov / Slovakia
Grand Prix: Henryk Cebula (Poland)
I. Prize: Andreas A. Malecki (Germany)
II. Prize: Camilla Tabaka (Poland)
III. Prize: Nikolaj Arnaudov (Bulgaria)
Special Prizes:
Ivan Popovic (Slovakia)
Giorgio Giaiotto (Italy)
Leszek Hermanowicz (Australia)
Seyran Caferli (Azerbaijan)
Jindrich Otta (Slovakia)
Roman Kubec (Czech Republic)
Honorary Mention:
Urmas Nemvalts (Estonia)
Otto Schubert (Czech Republic)
Marek Kretowicz (Poland)
Liviu Stanila (Romania)
Jitka Holecek (Switzerland)
Malgorzata Tabaka (Poland)
Érico - Jungueira Ayres (Brazil)
Bretislav Kovarik (Czech Republic)
Mykola Dmytruch (Ukraine)
Ernest Svrcek (Slovakia)
Victor Crudu (Moldavia)
Roman Jurkas (Czech Republic)
Rumen Dragostinov (Bulgaria).


3rd ArtijaNet (Zikison) Cartoon & Comic Strip Contest

3rd Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip 2008 & The SRZ (SRŽ) – The Satirical Manufactory "Žikišon" (Satirična Radionica Žikišon) are announcing in the categories, the themes:
1. THE PORTRAIT CARICATURE "ŽIKIŠON" WITHOUT WORDS. How do caricaturists imagine "Žikišon" and his life time?
For both of categories you can send up to 3 works on A/4 size of paper, up to 200 KB by E-mail, any technique is allowed.
3. THE SHORT ALTERNATIVE COMIC STRIP – FREE FORM. A board needs to content up to 6 squares, A/3 format, up to 400 KB by E-mail, any technique is allowed, up to 3 boards in a work or 3 boards of a single strip.
The competition will be opened and free for all of the professionals and amateurs, for affirmed and unknown authors from 7 to 77 years of age, for all people on this planet but in the case if someone appears from other planet then we will become the first interplanetar competition.
AWARDS: The first award in each of three categories - a presentation on a particular page on the site and SATIR and kiks (Caricature and Short Cartoon).
Works can be sent by e-mail and with author’s short biography and photography. All of received works will not be returned to the senders. The organization of this project keeps the right for using and publishing of received works for the organization’s needs.
Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition)
(The Results: November 1, 2008)
ZIKISON (1885 - 1950) was a satirist, a caricaturist, an editor, a publisher, and a printer. Between two wars in Serbia he was an actuator, a co–author editor of many newspapers for humor and satire. He has been suffering and imprisoned by Communist Regime in 1949. Soon after that torture and seizing his property, he died in 1950.


University Cartoon Contest on Environment Protection

2008 University Cartoon Contest on Environmental Protection - China
Competition Rules
1. Theme: Weather Changes and Disaster --Stay Alert on Global Warming
Contributions relating to environment-protection are accepted as well.
2. Participants
The competition is open to all domestic and foreign university students.
3. Schedule:
Starts from March 1st, 2008
Entry deadline is May 20th, 2008
4. Prize
First Prize [1 person]: RMB5000 and certificate
Second Prize [2 persons]: RMB3000 and certificate
Third Prize [3 persons]: RMB1000 and certificate
Excellent Prize: [80 persons]: souvenir and certificate
Weekly Champion: souvenir (Weekly Champions are chosen by clicks and votes of the contributions every week during the competition.)
5. Organizers
News Cartoon, China Environment Protection Foundation, China Newscartoon Society, China Daily Website
6. Requirements
1) There is no limitation of numbers of participant’s submission.
2) Paper submission should not be smaller than 210mm*297mm. Please mark the title, participant’s name, college name, address and other contact information at the back.
3) If you submit your contribution via email, please follow the resolutions:
- 300 dpi (file size no bigger than 2MB)
- longest side of the file should be under 1000 pixels
4) Explanation of paper contributions: names of the work, author and university are necessary, author’s pen name is selective.
Caption of email contribution should be at TXT format.
7. Submission Format
1) Register on the competition webpage, fill in your real information and upload your submission.
2) Email your submissions to:
3) Mail your submissions to us, our address can be found below in contact information. Please mark Cartoon Contest on the envelope.
8. Online Entry Form
All participants need to register for the competition by completing an entry form. Fill the form with real information. The copied is acceptable. Click and download here.
10. Contact Us
New Cartoon, 6/F, B3 Tower, Ziguang Building, No.11 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100029, P.R. China
Tel: 86-10-8488 3658/8488 3652 Ms.Liang or Mr. Zheng
10. Some illuminations
1) No fees needed for the competition
2) Awarded contributions will be shown on News Cartoon
3) Weekly champions are selected according to the votes and clicks.
4) Online votes and professional jury’s suggestion both have impact on the results
5) The result will be publicized on New Cartoon and other newspapers or websites.
11. The Jury
1) The jury is made up of famous cartoonists, university professors and experts of environment-protection.
2) The winner will be announced on 5 June, 2008
13. Copyrights
1) The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries they consider morally, politically or religiously offensive, as well as work that is considered in contravention of the acknowledged moral standards.
2) If the contribution has intellective right or copyright dispute, the organizer will cancel the participant’s entry qualification. Participants must undertake all the consequences. Participants should ensure the organizer not to generate any copyright or other intellective right dispute for the use of the contributions.
3) News Cartoon will reserve the right to utilize the contributions for presentation and media use.
4) Organizers and participants share the copyrights of the contributions.
5) Once submitted, participants should accept all the rules


Results World Press Cartoon 2008

World Press Cartoon 2008 concludes
Meeting in Sintra on February 11, 12 and 13, 2008, the Jury for the fourth World Press Cartoon event were presented with a total of 563 works in full conformity with the regulations. An overall total of 766 cartoons were received, from 395 cartoonists, published in some 367 newspapers and magazines in 67 different countries. Much to our regret, some excellent quality work had to be excluded from competition as it was not presented on its page of publication (or either only a photocopy or digital reproduction of the respective page was submitted). Others were not accepted as they had either been published for the first time prior to 2007 or because the originals displayed differences to the published work. The regulations require the sending of the original file in order to prove the techniques involved where digital processes are used. Unfortunately, some cartoonists merely sent the scan result of the originals produced by traditional techniques.
The Jury hereby reiterates that the organisation cannot jeopardise the position of all the entrants that meet competition rules and requirements. Such stringency is essential to the sustainable affirmation of the World Press Cartoon reputation as an event of excellence. It is essential that the authors provide proof of publication within the terms of the regulations and print the entire page with the date clearly visible.
The cartoonists who incorporate digital techniques into their work are to submit the respective working file for Jury analysis. This is in no way to hinder competition participation but rather to best evaluate, handle and judge the worth of the respective work. This is a competition for originals and there is no better means than providing detailed information, for ensuring more sustained and informed jury decisions. The rising profile of World Press Cartoon within the professional field has resulted from efforts to foster continuous improvement, high standards and the systematic application of criteria for quality. Thus is it possible to guarantee respect for the specific nature of the World Press Cartoon event, an annual exhibition of the best printed graphic humour.
Over its three days of work, the Jury selected the works to be included in the exhibition and the catalogue for each category. The organisation further presented to the Jury, for possible selection, works that while not meeting some facet of the regulations did stand out for their quality. Those works thereby selected are published in this catalogue entitled OC (Out of Competition) and form part of the exhibition. A total of 75 works make up the Caricature category, with 175 Gag Cartoons and 153 Editorial Cartoons. This adds up to a total of 403 works from 289 cartoonists, submitted from 58 countries and published in 276 newspapers and magazines. Of the 403 selected works, 63 are OC.
Despite extensive geographic and cultural coverage, as would be expected given the defined objective of a universal scope and range, it is always difficult not to overlook work from more peripheral countries, where often the media may have far more limited resorted or where freedom of expression is still repressed or taking its first steps. However, quality criteria should also be universal. For those who, perhaps due to such reasons, were not included for selection this year, a word of encouragement and an appeal to please come back still stronger in 2009. We are certain that in studying the standard set by the great cartoons featured in this catalogue, as you progress in your artistic and editorial creativity with talent and originality, the results of all such efforts will be rewarded by inclusion in forthcoming World Press Cartoon events.
The Jury attributed the nine awards and from the winners of each category a Grand Prix was awarded. On the grounds of outstanding graphical and editorial quality, twelve honourable mentions were also attributed.


Grand Prize: Reiner Ehert (See above)

Editorial Cartoon:
1st Prize: Reiner Ehert
2nd Prize: Antonio Jorge Gonçalves
3rd Prize: Orkan

1st Prize: Achille Superbi
2nd Prize: Turcios
3rd Prize: Sciammarelle

Gag Cartoon:
1st Prize: Hassan Karimzadeh
2nd Prize: Naranjo
3rd Prize: Moa (See below)

The International Cartoon Contest PAPKINADA 2008

The International Cartoon Contest PAPKINADA 2008 - Poland
The PAPKINADA 2008 International Cartoon Contest is an open competition. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, and qualified by artists to: “Now, mate, pour some Bosman Beer. 160th Anniversary of Bosman Brewery Szczecin
WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the competition. The format of the works - maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm). Works should be sent or delivered by July 1, 2008, packed in a protective cover to:
Kołobrzeskie Stowarzyszenie Inteligencji Twórczej
Ul. Krakowska 12, 78-100 Kołobrzeg POLAND
Organisers are not responsible for transport damages.
Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, the organiser reserves the right to include one of the submitted works in the Papkinada Gallery. The work, chosen by the author, will in this way cover our costs of mailing (please use capitals). Works should be accompanied by their author's photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application card.
The Jury will award the following prizes:
The Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them or non-awarding the GRAND PRIX PAPKINADA 2008. The Jury's decisions are final.
The competition results will be announced on July 30, 2008 at PAPKINADA web site:
N o t e ! Awards are subject to taxation according to the current regulations. The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and collection of their awards by December 15, 2008, or indicating a bank account the money should be transferred to.
Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue and a free-of-charge place in the catalogue. The organisers provide the competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the PAPKINADA 2008 event on August-September, 2008. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2009.
The organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for PAPKINADA advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included.
The exhibition organisers are the finial judges in interpretation of the regulations.
Sending his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agree to the publishing of the author's profile in the post-exhibition catalogue.
Kołobrzeskie Stowarzyszenie Inteligencji Twórczej is the organiser of the PAPKINADA 2008 International Cartoon Contest. The Gallery of Contemporary Art and Polish Cartoonists’ Association are the co-organisers.
Deadline for works reception (Extended: July 10, 2008
Jury meeting July 15-17, 2008
Post-competition exhibition August 30, 2008
Return of works after the exhibition cycle December 31, 2009

4th Salon of Humor from Paraguaçu Paulista - BRAZIL

4th Salon of Humor from Paraguaçu Paulista International BRAZIL
Deadline: July, 18 2008
Registrations until July 18, 2008.
Opening - August 29, 2008.
Participation: All the professional or amateur cartoonists can register unpublished works, since they have not been rewarded in another contests and expositions until the date of closing of the registrations (07-18-2008), and in the case of Comic Strip the character should be unpublished. Each author can register up to three (3) works for category, developed in any technique including them elaborated by computers. For each work correspondent a will own be filled (1) registration record. In the case of shipping for CD, to enclose file with the author's data.
Categories: The theme will be free for the four categories (Cartoon, Political Cartoon, Comic Strip and Caricatures) and with theme specified in Thematic Cartoon. The format will be the A3 (297 X 420 mm) without frames and mounted on cardboard in the case of the originals. In the category Comic Strip three will be accepted (3) boards with at the most four (4) comic strip in each board (format A3).
Exceptionally in 2008 we have a Mangá category, where the author may send up to 3 boards containing a complete history on each plate always in the format A3. The theme of the Mangá category will be free with new character.
All the works, besides the works done with the hands, they can be correspondents for e-mail or CD, digitalized in 300DPI, color way RGB, in the format JPG (high quality) or PDF obeying the maximum limit of 1,5 MB. The works can be sent through this site in the section Record of Registration.
Cartoon - Joke graph with universal theme and temporaries.
Political Cartoon - graphic Representation criticizes and well tempered of a political fact and/or social on present time.
Comic Strip - graphic Humor in sequence tans of pictures similar to published them in newspapers.
Caricature - graphic Representation with well tempered anatomical alteration of well-known personalities.
Thematic Cartoon - That category will have a specific theme - "TRAIN"
Mangá - History in Comics with traits characteristic of Japan.
Award: Three will be checked (3) prizes for each category. In the total of R$ 21.000,00 like this divided:
Six prizes of 2nd place, in the value of R$ 1.000,00 each, distributed among the categories;
Six prizes of 3rd place, in the value of R$ 500,00 each, distributed among the categories;
All the categories will have three Honorable Mentions through diplomas totalized 18 mentions.
The values of the prizes for the international works will be transformed with base into the value of the Commercial Dollar of the date of the award (08/29/2008).
NB.: The award jury the right is reserved of not destining prizes to the categories that don't reach the enough level, transferring for another categories, or creating a reward special of the Saloon.
When registering in the Salon, the author automatically transfers the Cession of the copyrights of your work(s) when winning, getting, in a total, universal and definitive way, in all the use modalities and gratuitous title, that starts to integrate the Patrimony of the Saloon of Humor from Paraguaçu Paulista in Brazil for all the right ends.
In case the award jury verifies some fraud species or plagiarism in one or more registered works, it can cancel the reward checked. The works will be disclosed in the site of the Saloon after the inauguration of the same and they can be answered up to 10 days after the opening of the living room, with fitting tests of any irregularity made from the jury.
Other prizes and mentions can be instituted the approach of the Organizing Commission.
Works out of the regulation or considered plagiarisms will be automatically declassified.
Registrations: The works should be correspondents for the following postal address:
Salão de Humor de Paraguaçu Paulista, Avenida Aeroporto S/N - Centro de Convergência Turística, Jardim Aeroporto / Paraguaçu Paulista - São Paulo – Brasil CEP 197000-000.
Tel. +55(18) 3361-6165
until July 18, 2008 (it is worth the arrival date)
The works will be returned until one year after the closing of the event, on December 29, 2008. In case the artist wants to receive its work before, it should remove in the Salon.


17th Golden Helmet Cartoon Contest - Serbia

Golden Helmet XVII Cartoon Contest - Serbia
Theme: Serbia
1. Cartoon
2. Written form: short story - poem - aphorism
1. Cartoon: original, min. A4 (210 x 297 mm), Max A3 (297 x 420 mm), Technique free;
2. Written form: maximum two typed pages or up to 20 aphorisms;
1st award: plaque *golden helmet* + 1500 Euro + One-man exibition in 2009;
2nd award: 1000 Euro
3rd award: 700 Euro
Written form:
Short story: plaque *golden helmet* + 500 Euro
Poem: plaque *golden helmet* + 500 Euro
Aphorism: plaque *golden helmet* + 500 Euro
Deadline: 20.11.2008.
Only unpublished works will be taken into consideration. Author's short biography, phone number and E-mail address is obligatory.
Written works to be sent under a code!
Jury decision will be announced on - 01.12. 2008.
Awards will be handed at final festival evening on April 1. 2008. The organizer will bear travel and accommodation cost of awarded authors. Festival official languages are Serbian and English.
All works remain property of the festival.


18th Gura Humorului Festival - Romania

International festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature
the 18th edition
11 – 13 July 2008
The 18th edition of “ GURA HUMORULUI”, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held in the period 11-13th of July, 2008 as part of the Festive Days of Humor City.
The Contest Regulations - cartoon:
1. The theme of the edition: ”Election issues
2. The eligible works are the ones which have not been published or awarded any prizes for other contests.
3. All the works will have on the backside the name of the author and contact data (address, telephone number, e-mail account).
4. A page A3 or A4 will be the right dimensions of the works.
5. The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist.
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be part of the “ GURA HUMORULUI” festival's patrimony and the organizers are entitled to use them as materials edited later, but with the name of the author on them.
7. The participants are required to send the following papers with their works: the completed entry form attached, a brief CV and a personal photo or portrait/caricature self portrait of the following minimum dimensions: 6 x 9 cm (on paper) or 710 x 1065 pix. (digital format).
8. Number of works: 3 (three)
9. The deadline for the works is June 20, 2008 (the post date)
10. The prizewinners are to be notified by July,4,2008, to be present for the Awards Festivity on Sunday, July,13, 2008 and will be provided accommodation and meals. Transport expenses will be the responsibility of the participant or the organization/institution he/she is part of. In case other people will accompany the participants, they will pay all the expenses incurred. In addition, the organizers are to be notified in due time, no later than July 7, 2008 to make the necessary reservations.
11. The list of the jury members will be posted on the site, starting with June 15, 2008.
12. The prizes to be awarded:
- 1st Prize Eur 500
- 2nd Prize Eur 300
- 3rd Prize Eur 200
- The 'George Gavrileanu' Prize for the débutantes from Bucovina Eur 200
13. The jury is the one to decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide the works or the authors that can be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons.
14. There will be no fee for participation.
The works will be sent to the following address:
Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina, Piata Republicii nr.2, 725300 Gura Humorului, judetul Suceava ROMANIA
Telephone at the Museum: 0040.230.231.108

International Festival of Caricature "Pure(Clean) sight"

Festival of a Caricature "Pure(Clean) sight" - Belgorod / Russia
The administration of city of Belgorod and Gallery have founded and spend international festival of a caricature «Pure(Clean) sight», devoted Ecologies, to Pure(Clean) city, Pure(Clean) ideas. The purpose of Festival: propagation of ecological knowledge and moral values among inhabitants of Belgorod, Russia, all world.
Problems (Tasks) of Festival:
- To draw attention of the public and rising generation to questions of ecology of city;
- To form by means of the fine arts and an art word understanding of a urgency of protection of an environment of city;
- To impart ecological culture, to convince of value of ethical and cultural norms(rates);
- To support(maintain) creativity of the talented townspeople.
Within the limits of Festival competition of caricatures and competition of ecological slogans are spent. Start is given to competitions on April, 1st, 2008.
The jury of Festival is created from the experts competent in the field of caricature, the fine arts and the literature.
Participants should be registered and send the works on competitions till July 11th, 2008 to the address of:
308015 Russia, Belgorod, p.o. 25, Festival of a caricature «Pure(Clean) sight».
Winners are defined(determined) in Competition of caricatures and Competition of ecological slogans: winner I of a degree, the winner of II degree, the winner of III degree.
Awards in competition of caricatures:
The first place – the premium of 42 thousand roubles and a prize «the Gold pencil»,
The second place – the premium of 27 thousand roubles and a prize «the Silver pencil»,
The third place – the premium of 12 thousand roubles and a prize «the Bronze pencil».
Awards in competition of ecological slogans:
The first place – the premium of 9 thousand of roubles,
The second place – the premium of 6 thousand of roubles,
The third place – the premium of 3 thousand roubles.
Organizers of Festival stipulate incentive prizes.
The festival takes place in the city of Belgorod from September 16 till September 31, 2008.
The exhibition on results of Competition of a caricature will pass (take place) at children's art school (Russia, Belgorod), its (her) opening takes place on September 16th.
Within the limits of Festival meetings of caricaturists of Russia with spectators of an exhibition, tournament of poets take place.

14th International Haifa Cartoon Contest - Israel

14th International Haifa Cartoon Contest and Exhibition
This year Haifa Municipality and the Association of Israeli Caricaturists, "Pencom", are organizing the 14th International Cartoon Contest and Exhibition.
Cash prizes will be awarded as follows:
■ 1st Prize: $500
■ 2nd Prize: $300
■ 3rd Prize: $200
Haifa Carmel Medals will be awarded to artists submitting the best cartoons.
Special Prizes and Honorable Mentions will be offered by various institutions.
The International Cartoon Contest comprises the main topic:
Starting a New Life After 60
■ Retiring at 50 or 80?
■ Dreams and Wishes at any Age
■ Keeping Fit and Happy
■ Love and Intimacy
■ Grandpa, Grandson and the Internet
■ Grandchildren as Anti-Aging Agents.
Entry deadline: July 10, 2008
Our Address:
HAIFA MUNICIPALITY, P.O.B. 4811, HAIFA 31047, Israel
"Pencom" - Association of Israeli Caricaturists, P.O.B. 45598. Haifa 31454, Israel
1. The Contest is open to adult cartoonists from all over the world.
2. The number of cartoons sent by each participant is limited to five per category.
3. The submitted works in all sections must be originals or digital copies (high resolution file – 300 dpi required), standard size being A4 (21 x 29.7 cm, 8 1/2 x 11 inches), using Indian ink, watercolor, pen or other graphic and painting techniques.
4. Name and address should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.
5. Entrants should pack their works securely and send them at their own expense to the International Cartoon Contest. Organizers are not responsible for damage caused during transportation.
6. By participating in this event, caricaturists agree that all cartoons submitted can be used in exhibitions throughout Israel and abroad.
7. Once the exhibition in Haifa closes, the original cartoons may be returned to the artist at his/her request (The organizers are not responsible for loss of original cartoons).
8. An Exhibition Catalogue featuring the best cartoons will be published and will be sent to the best participating artist free of charge.
9. The organizing committee reserves the right to reproduce the cartoons for the promotion of the Contest.
10. The cartoons for the exhibition will be selected by a jury.
11. Note: Caricatures on political leaders should not be submitted to the Competition.
For further information please contact:
Ronit Eshet - coordinator of marketing, Haifa Municipality, P.O.B. 4811, Haifa, 31047, Israel,
E-mail: Mobile: 972-54-4913383
You can access our site at: by opening the "English site" link of the International Cartoon Exhibition.


6th International KARPIK - Niemodlin / Poland

Competition rules:
1 st PRIZE OF 2500 PLN
2 nd x 2 PRIZE OF 1500 PLN
THE WORKS MUST ARRIVE BY 23 SEPTEMBER 2008!!! (Miroslaw Hajnos notes the deadline as September 30:


Results 3rd Humor Graphic Santomera 2008

At III CONTEST HUMOR GRAPHIC SANTOMERA 2008 have been submitted about 100 artists from almost all continents of the world, in total some 150 works have been received this year, some of them quite humorous and artistic level, which in essence is what was intended. In the end, after deliberation by the jury of comics graphics and personnel at the town hall related to the proposed thematic "Intercultural Tolerance", and after discarding many good pictures have been awarded the four who has been named below:

1 º. Rudi Schmückle - Rudi. Romania. (See above)
2 º. Ilya Katz - Katz. Israel.
Accésit. María José Mosquera - Sex. Spain.
Accésit. Elena Ospina - Elena. Colombia. (See below)

Thanks to all and to all for participating. After exposure -1 to April 30- will draw up a catalogue with at least one book for each participant, and that all receive if there were no problems in mid-June.

Above: Audience at the opening of the exhibition, Tuesday April 1, 1030 hours.
Click the post title to see all prize-winning cartoonists and their artworks: Results 3rd Humor Graphic Santomera 2008.
(Thanks to Google Language Tools)


Results 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest

The 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest “Take the funny way" concludes
The caricature contest titled “Take the funny way” aiming to collect creative works from all the amateur and professional caricaturists. The contest was open from February 4th till April 1st. This time Prestigio welcomed artists to express their own vision of modern traveling and navigation in hi-tech era. Life is a journey and adventurous trip with lots of paths and roads to go which are full of surprises and unexpected and funny moments. Each of us from time to time experiences such moments full of laughter and joy. Authors shared their own reminiscences and experiences connected with road and navigation in it.


Grand Prix: Igor Kondenko (Ukraine) (See above)

Gold Prize: Pol Leurs (Luxembourg) (See above)
Silver Prize: Kelemen Istvan (Hungary)
Users' Choice: Olga K (Ukraine).

Click the post title to see all prize-winning cartoons: Results 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest.


19th Carioca Humor Exhibition Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

The 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition RIO DE JANEIRO/BRAZIL
Rules and regulations
1 - The 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition will take place at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim –FUNARJ, from June 2nd through July 31st, 2008.
2 – Among other activities, there will be a contest of graphic Humor, divided into four categories: Cartoon, Comical Cartoon, Caricature and Comic strips.
3 - Any person is allowed to take part of the contest, except the employees of the Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim –FUNARJ and the people involved in the organization of the event. Each participant is allowed to submit up to five works in each category.
4 – The submitted works must be in the standard size 30 x 40 cm or assembled on cardboard in this size. They may be about any theme and be done with any technique of illustration. If the work is done using computer techniques, the printed work will be accepted.
5 – The comic strips must be of five pages, maximum. The pages may be about a story or a compilation of comic strips. They may be on any theme, although its humorous content will be evaluated at the final evaluation.
6 - Awarded works or works that have been published will not be allowed. The drawings published without any kind of financial gain will be allowed to participate in the contest.
7 – The period for registrations ranges from April 14th through April 28th, 2008.
8 - The registrations can be done at where the artist will fill in the form and get its number of participation.
9 – Each work must bear on its back the number of participation, its category, its title (in case it has one) name and pseudonym of the artist. For the comic strips, besides having the above information it is necessary the numbers of the sequence of the story.
10 – To participate in the contest, the works must be:
a) Handed in at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ from April 14th through April 28th, 2008, from Monday through Friday. From 1 P.M. to 7 P.M.
b) Sent by mail. Works mailed until April 28th, 2008 and received until April 30th, 2008 will be accepted. Address:
XIX Salão Carioca de Humor
Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ
Av. Vieira Souto 176 – Ipanema
22.420-000 Rio de Janeiro RJ. BRAZIL
11 – The works will be evaluated by a selection committee, which consists of organizing team of the 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition and by guests specialized in humor drawings.
12 – The selected works will be appreciated by jury that consists of five members.
13 – The first prize in each category will get a prize of R$ 6.000,00 (Six thousand reais). The second place R$ 4.000,00 (Four thousand reais). The 3rd prize R$ 2.000,00 (two thousand reais) (before taxes).
14 – The first three prizes in each category will get a trophy, especially done for this contest.
15 – The 10 best works in the categories Comical Cartoon, Cartoon and Caricature, according to the jury, and the five best works in the category Comic Strips will be exibited at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ and will be in the official catalogue of the event.
16 – The result will be announced from May 19th, 2008 on the site
17 – The works awarded with the 1st place in each category will become part of the collection of the Carioca Humor Exhibition. The returning of the other works will take place from August 18th through September 18th, 2008 at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim. The artists must go there to claim their works. If the artist prefers to do that by mail, the artist must mention it when registering and send stamps that correspond to the mail expenses.
18 – The organization is responsible for the works only until September 18th, 2008.
19 – If an itinerant exhibition occurs, the date to return the works may be postponed.
20 – If something happens and the organization of the event needs to change dates or cancel the event, the organization can do so without informing the participants and the works will be sent back according to item 17.
21 – Other matters not mentioned here will be solved by the direction of Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim and the organizers of the 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition. By submitting their works, the participants agree with all rules mentioned here.


Cartoon Award of Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung

Ahoy, - the international cartoon platform - announces:
On the occasion of the YEAR OF MATHEMATICS 2008 the DMV (Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung / German Mathematicians Organization) will award
1 cartoon treating MATHEMATICS in an imaginative and most surprising way.
Awarding prize: 1000 euro
Joining cartoons (published or unpublished) may not be created before January 2007 but all time after - or could be brandnew, too...
DMV will receive rights for using all joining cartoons in DMV's own publications. Further copyrights will stay in artists' possession.
Selecting jury:
Til Mette (stern),
Jan-Michael Richter (jamiri),
Prof. Rainer Schulze-Pillot (DMV),
Prof. Günter M. Ziegler (DMV)
Please send applications until JULY 30th, 2008 to the DMV's president:
Prof. Günter M. Ziegler
Institut für Mathematik, MA 6-2
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin / Germany
By e-mail:
Peace & smiles,
Bernd Pohlenz, cartoonist

The Festival of European Satire "Billygoats" - Poland

1. The Contest has a semi-open formula and it is addressed to professional artists acting throughout Europe and European art schools students, who create caricature, satirical drawings or animation.
2. Invitations for the Contest together with Contest Regulations and Entry Form will be sent directly to the artists, to art associations and organizations and to art schools rector’s offices. Informing the interested parties will be carried out by mail and e-mail or possibly by media announcements.
3. The Contest has two technical categories:
A. drawing, graphics and other artistic works made in traditional technique
B. computer animation
4. Terms of entries submission:
A category
- the submitted works must be original (no photocopies allowed), not larger than A3 size (297 x 420 mm). In the case of sculptures, non-standard sizes are allowed, but not larger than 300 x 300 x 300 mm.
B category
- the entered works can be made with the traditional art of graphics (drawing) or computer graphics entirely. The length of the animation cannot exceed 30 sec. The file containing the animation should be delivered in the form of MPG1, MPG2 or WMV file.
For category A and B
- works previously awarded or submitted for other contests are excluded.
Every participant is allowed to send not more than 5 works, regardless of the technical or theme category of the given contest edition.
Works must be properly secured for shipping to prevent damages.
Any damaged works and not suitable for the display are excluded from the Contest and organizers are not responsible for any damages arisen during transport.
Works sent by e-mail are also excluded from the Contest.
5. Contest themes of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” – Poznań 2008:
I. Free topic
II. Climate changes. Water
III. Famous painters in caricature

6. Contest deadline: 16.06.2008
7. Results announcement: 1.07.2008
8. Contest office address:
9. A photograph or a caricature of the author, a short biography note and a completed Entry Form (the form should be typed or handwritten with block letters) should be attached to the entry. The author gives consent to the organizers’ use of their personal data and image in public.
1. The entries are evaluated and qualified for the exhibition by an international jury.
2. The following prizes will be awarded by the jury:
- in A category (graphics):
· GRAND PRIX of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 5000 Euro
· II prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 2500 Euro
· III prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 1500 Euro
- in B category (graphics):
· GRAND PRIX of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 5000 Euro
· II prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 2500 Euro
· III prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 1500 Euro
· The organizers additionally plan prizes from the sponsors of the Contest .
3. The organizers have sole right to the final prizes distribution, change of their value or not to award any entrant with the Festival’s GRAND PRIX.
4.The Jury’s decisions are final. The contest results will be announced until: 1.07.2008 on the website
5. Note: The prizes are liable to taxation pursuant to the Polish rules of law.
6. To receive the prize in cash the winner must be present at contest results announcement ceremony and collect the prize personally or give their account number. In this case, the prize amonut will be transferred within 7 days.
1. The authors of the works qualified for the post-contest exhibition receive a free catalogue and a place there.
2. The organizors bear the winners transport expenses and guarantee their free participation in the event on 6-7.09.2008
1. The participation in the Contest is free of charge. The winners’ works are kept in the festival archive, the remaining works are passed to The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” Foundation and can be sold directly, auctioned or bartered - to gain funds or direct help to realize the following aims within the borders of Europe:
A. Organization of and financing:
a) scholarships for European satire and humour creators,
b) individual and collective exhibitions,
c) courses, conferences and seminars on satire and humour,
d) social help, the of materials, equipment, accessories and tools for satire and humour creators and for chosen scientific-didactic institutions, not-organized children and adults, who are specified by Foundation Board
B. Promotion of European satire and its artists in the media,
C. Running publishing activity within the scope of Foundation’s aims.
(points A, B, C are in concordance with § 9 of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” Foundation statute)
Every contest participant can specify an aim to pass the means. This information should be written (preferably in English) in ENTRY FORM FOR THE CONTEST in the column: AUTHOR'S NOTICES. The Foundation Board consisting of independent art creators – representatives of different countries – will decide by voting and choose the aim. Information about the realization of the aim will be placed on
2. The entrants give consent to use their works without any compensation and use the information about the Authors in any manner or medium to promote and advertise the Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
3. The organizers are the only and final entity to interprete these Regulations.
4. By entering the Contest the Authors agree to accept the Regulations provisions.
5. The Organizer of the Contest is The Foundation of the Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
Mazurska 15, 60-433 Poznań, Polska (POLAND)
info: e-mail: tel./fax +48 61 8 488 744
(FSE carries on its direct correspondence only in Polish and English)