

4th International Festival "Valle de Aburra" - Colombia

The conditions:

1) The contest is open to all the graphical caricaturists and humorists of the world.
2) The deadline for entries is September 15th 2008
3) The themes of the competition are: A) WOMEN POWER . B) FREE.
4) Each participant can present in the competition a maximum of three cartoons for theme.
5) The cartoons presented must be in original or digital images signed by the artist, we don't accept photography.
6) You can participate with cartoons in white or black or in colour.
7) The size of cartoons will not exceed 30 X 40 cms. Maximum.
8) You can also participate with cartoons that have alredy been published or rewarded previously.
9) Each participants will pay to send the cartoon.
10) Each cartoons will have in the back the name, last name, address and e-mail of the participant.
11) Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a short curriculum vitae and photography.
12) There will be selection judges.
13) The sent cartoons won't be returned (except the ones received as borrowed), and they will take parted in the cartoons and comic Colombian museum. Each cartoon and its author will have a carpet and a place in this collection.
14) The organization has all rights reserved to exhibit the cartoons that attempt to individual or collective rights.
15) The cartoons selected of 1º and 2º event will be published in a catalogue (by infrastructure problems the catalogue of the first event could not be printed).
16) The selected works will publish in our Web page and a book of next appearance, that will contain works of the made events.
The Prizes
1° Grand Prix: US$ 1.000 (that they support the Universidad de Medellín and the Commercial Center Los Molinos).
2° Special prizes offered by various institutions.
3° Special mentions.
ADDRESS: The works should be sent to:
4ª Muestra Mundial de Caricatura “Valle de Aburrá” – Colombia
Carrera 55 # 49-51
Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana-Departamento de Bienestar Universitario-
Medellín – Antioquia – Colombia
Telephone 270 77 24 – 5112199, ext. 134 y cel. 314 7771291
Winning version 2005: YURIY KOSOBUKIN – Ukraine
Winning version 2006: CRISTÓBAL REYNOSO “CRIST” – Argentina
Winning version 2007: ARISTIDES HERNANDEZ “ARES” – Cuba
Spanish version:

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