

RIDEP 2008

Editorial Cartoon International Meeting in Carquefou 2008
RIDEP 2008
The central theme 2008 is China.
The festival of political, satirical and humorous cartoons will be opened to the public on the 18th, 19th and 20th January 2008.
There is no admission fee: the festival is completely free.
Our demand to the FECO’s cartoonists is to draw some cartoons about China. These cartoons will be gathered as an exhibition during our festival and also on our website. It’s not a contest.
You and your fellow members can send us cartoons until September 2007 to: You'll just have to mention your name and your country.
You can see the last edition of our festival on:


14th Rendon Festival - Colombia

RICARDO RENDÓN: The outstanding Colombian caricaturist born in Rionegro-Antioquia (1894-1931), called "The Emperor" of the cartoon. One of the most penetrating and fine Latin American humorists in the XX century, in his work the humor was satire, it was characterized especially by the political cartoon. His cartoons were true x-rays of the facts and of the individuals. He was pioneer of the graphic publicity in Colombia.
14th RENDON INTERNATIONAL CARTOON FESTIVAL Organized by the municipal administration of Rionegro during eleven serial years in memory of Ricardo Rendón. The Festival, only in the history of the country for their trajectory and continuity; he has allowed to look at the perception of authors of but of 80 countries, main characters of the changes and experiences of the towns that contribute to the humanity's growth with the same humour. The laughing thought and its universal language, caricature is the most effective weapon against the thought that does not laugh. It is a dream and an universal yearning to erase frontiers so territorial as ideological that prevent us to live in harmony and to visualize the light of the freedom as principle of peace and coexistence.
The Conditions :
The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
The deadline for entries is October 20, 2007
The themes of the competition are Two: 1. THE TRADE as the culture is reflected in commerce and his universal development, the socioeconomic activity consist in the purchase and sale of goods, as for using, selling or transformating it; The exchange, Street Commerce,International commerce, Free Commerce and everything what it is related to the subject, and Theme 2. FREE
Each participant can present in the competition a maximum of Four cartoons for theme.
You can participate with cartoons in white and black or in color.
The size of cartoons will not exceed 30 x 40 cms maximum.
You can also participate in the competition with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously, all the presented cartoons will be original. Photographs, photocopies etc, will not be accepted.
The transport of the cartoons in charge of the participant.
Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a short curriculum vitae and a photograph.
In the reverse of each cartoon he/she should go the name, surname, address, telephone number and country of origin of the participant.
The selected caricaturist will receive free a catalogue.
The jury composed of Colombian and foreign cartoonists.
The results will be announced in the month of December 2007.
The cartoons presented in the competition won't be returned.
The organization is reserved the right of exhibiting those works that he/she understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights.
The participation in the competition supposes the entire acceptance and without reservations all the conditions.
The Prizes
1) 1º Place Theme The Trade
1000 Euros
2) 2º Place Theme The Trade
300 Euros
3) 1º Place Theme Free
600 Euros
4) 2º Place Theme Free
300 Euros
5) Special Prizes offered by various institutions.
Address :
The works should be sent to :
14° FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CARICATURA Palacio de la Cultura/ Fernando Pica Cr. 50 # 48 - 05 Rionegro Antioquia COLOMBIA


Vrede Cartoon Contest

Rules and regulations
TOPIC: the peace problem and international politics
International politics, war & peace are topics that grasp everyone.
Through graphic art you can inform and move people.
Give a critical analysis of society today.
Combine in one picture what 1000 words can not describe.
The competition aims at all art forms which can be presented in a two-dimensional way: pictures,
traditional political cartoons, graffiti, …
Maximum size for photograph and cartoons are 50x60cm.
Other work can have a maximum surface of 2m² and will be provided by the artist by a hang-system.
The selected work is exhibited in the unique location `Kunstplatform Zebrastraat’, Ghent, Belgium.
Winning work receives 500€, the second 200€ and the third 50€.
Maximum number of 3 pieces per person. Groups are considered as one person.
Your entry (reproduction art work and file) must reach us by Friday 7 September 2007.
You can send it by e-mail:
by post: Vrede vzw, F. Van Arteveldestraat 35, 9000 Ghent.
Your work is selected on the basis of the sent reproduction and your written description of the link with the topic. Awarded contestants will be informed in September: you will be asked how, where and when to submit the original art work.
By sending one or more works the entrants surrender to the organizer the right to publish entries in a catalogue or any other form of publication concerning the contest.
- contact data: name, address, birth date, phone, e-mail, possibly Internet site
- curriculum vitae (optionally): for possible future projects
- text: title, dimension, description of used technique (maximum. 5 rules), description of the
contents of the work with regard to the topic (maximum. 10 rules).
- a reproduction of your work: photograph, scan or copy.
The selected work gets a place in the exposition ‘50 years peace magazine’ between 25 October and 4 November in the expo place `Kunstplatform Zebrastraat (Zebrastrat 32/001, 9000 Ghent, Belgium, The exhibition will also display peace posters during the cold war, a number of photograph reportages and political cartoons of well-known cartoonists.
The contest and the exposition are organized by VREDE vzw, a Belgium peace movement which works around international politics, development problems and peace questions.
2007 is a jubilee year: the illustrated peace magazine VREDE appears 50 years.
concerning the contest, the exposition and any information you find on
Telephone: 0032(0)9/233.46.88
Website: Contact:


Dear Friends and Colleagues,
GREEKARTOON is delighted to announce the expansion of its activities with the addition of a new subject of interest, that of COMICS, and consequently of a new section on its website entitled COMIC NEWS.
We welcome, and please feel free, to send us your comments, opinions, inquiries, suggestions regarding this initiation.
With our best cordial and collegial regards, please also remember that the entry deadline for our ongoing 2nd International Competition entitled “FUTURE CHILDREN” is August 24, 2007.


Warning from Virgilio Morro

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Caricaturas Morro
Date: 14.Ağu.2007 22:35
Dear Colleague Cartoonist:
The Dong-A newspaper from Seoul, Korea, it is organizing again an international cartoon Competition, but that is not a serious institution.
I participated in past versions of DIFECA (Donga International Cartoon competition) , but the organizers do not send the results to the participants. In the past editions they promise a free catalogue of the exhibition, for all the selected cartoonists. But they do not send it.
In 2006 edition I was selected and finalist for the prizes. But I do not received the catalogue.
On 2005 version the colleague Freddy Pibaque win the second prize... but the organizers do not send it the catalogue book that they promise in the rules (See the results in, click on 2005).
The organizers changes his e-mail every year. Why? For the participants cannot demand the catalogue that they have the right. For example: on 2006 version the DIFECA e-mail was: But now that e-mail is not available. Now, on 2007 version, the DIFECA e-mail is: They answer now, for to receive the artworks. But after the exhibition, they do not give attention to the artists.
The same Donga newspaper organized on 2006 the international cartoon contest with theme FOOTBALL. The e-mail of this contest was But now, this e.mail is not available.
For the respect for our work, please do not participate. With best regards, Virgilio Morro.

Diògenes Taborda Salon 2008

Basis 13th Diògenes Taborda Salon 2008
Can participate: painters, photographers, printers, humorists, etc.
Theme: free.
Format: 40 cm x 30 cm only on paper, cardboard, cloth.
Jury: Integrated by critics of art residing in Mercosur.
Deliveries: the art will be personally presented or sent in a sealed envelope (no framing, not paspartu) to the Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation, Caseros 2739, CP 1246, Buenos Aires, Argentina, until August the first 2008.
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and one mention will be awarded in the following categories: Graphic humor/illustration/painting/digital art/popular naïf art/drawing/photography (monochrome or color up to 6 per artist).
36 works of art: 8 paintings, 8 sculptures, 8 engravings, 8 drawings from great masters of painting from Mercosur will be awarded valuated in 5000 US dollars.
Cost: 50 US dollars will be charged to participant artist to pay edition of brochure, packing/transportation in returning works, send fee by Foundation Cultural Volpe Stessens, cuenta corriente Bank Frances Nº 012-009379-9 - Buenos Aires – Sucursal Parque Patricios /Jorge Volpe DNI 12087670, Caseros 2739, CP 1246. In case of not sending the money asked works will be considered a donation to the Volpe Stessens Foundation to become a part of the acerbity of the Itimuseum / Diògenes Taborda Museum / Paillet Museum or to be given away to some public welfare institution..
Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation will care for good preserving of consignees works, but will not be responsible for theft, loss or breaking of them. When participating in these salons Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation is authorized to reproduce images of the exposing works on books, magazines, newspapers or any place where Jorge Volpe considers convenient for the best diffusion and promotion of the prizes. Looking forward to counting with your participation and spreading of this information to achieve the best realization of these three salons, cordially greet you, Jorge Volpe, director of the Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation.
Press: / /


1st Granada Festival

1st International Festival of Graphic Humorists in Granada
October 26, 27 and 28, 2007
“Granada con Humor” is an annual meeting for graphic humorists and cartoonists from all over the world. Its purpose is connecting Granada city with humor and cartoon.
During the Festival, the exhibition “Granada nos maravilla” wil take place, and a catalogue will be published including a selection of works.
1 – The call is open to professional and amateur graphic humorists and cartoonists from all over the world.
2 – Subject of the 1st Festival: “Granada” (the City of Granada, the Alhambra, the Eight Wonder, the city of universities, the multicultural city, Monumental Granada, etc). More information, on the website.
3 –The participants are allowed to submit to the Festival only 3 works strictly related to the subject. The format of the works must be A4 horizontal (297 mm width x 210 mm height) or proportional. Any technique will be accepted.
Mute cartoons will be preferred. Nevertheless, any language will be accepted if a suitable translation to Spanish or English is included.
4 – The works should be scanned and sent via e-mail in 300 ppp, JPEG format, to
5 -The e-mail must include an entry form containing the following information:
The author’s name and family name
Artistic name
Address, town, country and postal code
E-mail address and phone number
CV mentioning the author’s publications and/or the newspaper, magazine, etc. where they usually publish their works.
Picture or caricature of the artist (optional)
6 – The selected works will be showed in an exhibition in Centro Municipal de Arte Joven Rey Chico. They may be also showed as a roaming exhibition in other national and international events related to Granada Tourist Department.
The works will be showed in a website which address will be informed in due course.
7 – The selected works will be printed in a catalogue. All authors whose works are selected to appear in the exhibition will receive a copy of the catalogue.
8 - The list of participants, as well as the name of the selected works, will published by the organization on the Festival Website or announced via e-mail.
The authors will also be informed about the location of the exhibitions where their works are showed.
9 - Deadline: September 9th, 2007.
10 - The submission of a completed entry form will automatically imply the waiving of the author’s royalties vis-à-vis the non-commercial reproduction of his/her work by Ayuntamiento de Granada.
11 – The participation in the 1st Festival of Graphic Humorists in Granada implies the author fully accepts these regulations.

FIHQ 2007

International Festival of Humor & Comic Strip - FIHQ 2007
rules of entry
1. categories
b) CARTOON - works that are not related to any event.
c) GAG CARTOON - political satire – related to actual events.
d) COMICS – sequential art until 3 pages.
e) EDITORIAL ILLUSTRATION – works that were published between June 30 2006 and July 31 2007.
2. entries
a) Works must be sent through the internet in the following configuration: 300 dpi, size 4.724 x 3.543 pixel or 300 x 400 mm, color mode RGB, in jpg format (quality medium) with the maximum limit of 1,5 MB, having in the message all the data of the participant, describing the techniques and softwares that were used. Only one image by message.
b) The format of the works that were published (Editorial Illustration) cannot exceed 300x400 mm.
c) Every participant can submit 3 works on each category.
d) Works submitted on Editorial Illustration must be followed by the original publication showing the date of publication.
e) Deadline: September 1st, 2007
3. catalogue
a) All participants selected for the catalogue will receive one copy.
4. prizes
a) R$ 6.000 (approximately US$ 3,100) for the winner of each category.
5. submission
a) All works must be sent to:
Home page:
b) Original works and copies of the publications for Editorial Illustration must be sent to:
FIHQ-PE 2007 Rua da Assembléia, 67, sala 62 A, Edf. Sao Gabriel, Recife Antigo 50030-130 Recife - PE - Brasil

Knokke-Heist 2008

Knokke-Heist International Cartoonfestival 2008
This contest is open to anybody aged at least 18. By the simple fact of participating, all contestants accept the conditions and provisions of these regulations and agree to abide by the decisions of the jury. There will be no correspondence about this competition. The Belgian law is applied as far as the tax on the prizes awarded to foreign participants is concerned.
NO THEME (free)
3. ENTRIES - In total 5 cartoons
3.1 The entries
a) must be original cartoons; in black and white or in colour. The drawings may also be made digitally, and submitted on a CD-ROM.
b) may not as yet have been exhibited in Belgium, nor have won a prize at another festival.
c) may bear no captions
d) must be sent
- either flat and not folded
- or not folded, rolled in a hard case
Remark: The entries (dimensions, number, etc.) and the registration form (signature, date of birth) which do not comply with the above mentioned articles will not be taken into consideration for the international competition and will be destroyed.
3.2 The participant will be responsible for the originality of his cartoons. Discussions and probable claims according all sorts of piracy and thus more are at the expense of the participant. 4. DIMENSIONS OF THE CARTOONS
A : min. 21 cm and max. 42 cm
B : min. 30 cm and max. 60 cm.
C : If the entry is submitted on CD-ROM, the cartoon size needs to be A4 or A3 format with a resolution of 300 dpi in TIFF-format.
Cartoons already under glass, framed or on other materials than paper will not be eligible for the exhibition.
Your participation will only be taken into account if your entry form carries your date of birth as well as your signature.
Every cartoon must state the surname and first name of the author on the back. Postage must be paid by the participants.
By the mere fact of taking part in the contest, the participants empower the organizing association to make use of their entries for promotional purposes on behalf of the “International Cartoon festival” and the seaside resort of
Knokke-Heist (cartoon book, catalogue, publicity in the press and other media, posters, folders, calendar, official gifts by the local authorities and/or the festival’s organizers, etc.)
Among the entries, a jury makes a selection for the exhibition and appoints the prize-winners.
Upon presentation of the receipt of their entries, all contestants will be admitted to the exhibition without charge.
All award-winning entries will become property of the organizing association. The organizing association will have the option to retain one drawing at the most of every contestant whose work was selected. Article 6. will be applicable.
In cooperation with the “Davidsfonds Leuven” a catalogue / cartoon book will be edited according to the technical and financial means. Selected participants are entitled to one catalogue.
As from this year cartoons will only be returned if this has been indicated on the registration form.
The charges for returning such works as will not become the property of the organizing association will be borne by the latter. The organizers will endeavour to handle the return with the utmost care but cannot be held responsible for loss or
damages.CD-ROMs are never returned.

22.06 - 28.09.2008
DEADLINE: 19.01.2008

1 Golden Hat 3.500 € + *
2 Silver Hat 2.000 € + *
3 Bronze Hat 1.250 € + *
4 Knack cartoon Award 500 €
5 Publics Prize 500 €

* + fligth and hotel accommodation in Knokke-Heist during openings weekend

Address : Cultuurcentrum Knokke-Heist vzw Meerlaan 32 , B-8300 Knokke-Heist
Tel: 00-32-50-630.430 Fax: 00-32-50-630.429

2nd Urziceni Competition

The 2nd International Cartoon Competition “Revelionul Caricaturistilor”

The competition is organized by the Cultural Centre Urziceni in collaboration with the City Hall Urziceni. It is the second time that we organize the competition for authors from all over the world. The first edition was a success. The catalogue is on post to the participants. Your art cartoons will be very welcome again in Romania.
Rules of the competition
2. The works must be originals. The digital art works are accepted. Copies are not accepted.
3. Dimension of the works: min. A4, max A3.
4. The cartoons will stay in our archive to be used in the future anniversary editions of the festival.
5. The jury will meet in December 2007.
6. Prizes:
First Prize 600 Euros
Second Prize 400 Euros
Third Prize 200 Euros
The organizers will award Mentions and Special Prizes
7. Deadline: 15 November 2007
Address for sending works:
Information: Nicu Petrache - Director


5th FCW Cartoonet Festival (2006) results

Results of 5th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival-2006

Grand Prize:
Mikhael Zlatkovsky (Russia)

Gold Prize (2 awards):
Marcio Leite da Silva (Brazil)
Tomasz Woloszyn (Poland)

Silver Prize (4 awards):
Seyran Caferli (Azerbaijan)
Arsen Gagiki Gevorgyan (Armenia)
Aghaei Amin (Iran)
Shahrokh Heidari (Iran)

Bronze Prize (8 awards):
Dai Peicheng (China)
Huang Qigong (China)
Javad Tarighi Akbarpoor (Iran)
Ramin Rezaie (Iran)
Julian PENA-PAI (Romania)
Raed Khalil (Syria)
Deniz Dokgoz (Turkey)
Oguz Gurel (Turkey)

Success Award (15 awards):
Ba. Bilike (China)
Cai Lian (China)
Hou Xiaoqiang (China)
Ji Shaohua (China)
Wang Ruisheng (China)
Yang Xiaobo (China)
Zhang Jiaxue (China)
Wolfgang Schlegel (Germany)
Dariush Ramezani (Iran)
Mahmood Nazari (Iran)
Mohammad Ali Khalaji (Iran)
Mohammad Reza Babaei (Iran)
Pooya Sareh (Iran)
Yuriy Kosobukin (Ukraine)
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan).


Results of International Cartoon Exhibition - Women - May & June, 2007

Results of the First International Cartoon Exhibition (Women) Syria 2007 Monthly Prize – May & June, 2007

Afraa Alyousef / Syria, cartoonist
Rasha Mahdi / Egypt, cartoonist
Marie Kiriaky / Austria, Head of Arab Women's Association
Bassam Alkadi / Syria, supervisor of Syria women website
Raed Khalil / Syria, cartoonist
First Prize: Marcio Leite / Brazil
Second Prize: Julian Pena Pai / Romania
Third Prize: Jovan Prokopljevic /Serbia
Mourhaf Yousef / Syria.
Jury photos and all prize-winning cartoons at:


Nature & Man Cartoon Contest / Turkey

SUBJECT : Nature and Man
The subject of the year 2007 : Global Climate Change and Our World.
The Association of Cartoonists, TEMA Foundation and Cartoon Publishing organize this contest aiming to direct people for focusing more on this matter by describing through cartoons that mankind will sooner or later face these dangers and by focusing on their probable results and also aiming to create an attitude and behavioral change in the society in order to slow down this process.
The contest is open for all the amateur and professional cartoonists.
The cartoons may be published or awarded. Technique is free. Can be color or black and white. The size is A4 (21 x 29.7 cm)
Contestant cartoons can be sent only through internet.
Awards: By the end of each month, the best 3 cartoons of that month will be selected and 20 saplings will be planted in Tekirdag Memorial forest on their behalf. An introductory sign will be erected on the plantation region. Below: June 2007 First Prize: Fereol Murillo Fuentes (Costa Rica)

The works that are sent to the contest will be exhibited through internet.
By the end of the year, the awarded works and works determined by the selection committee will be collected in a CD and will be sent to the authors of the works as free of charge.
The cartoons of the contest, whether awarded or not, may be exhibited in the introductory announcements of the contest and they can be published in books, magazines, posters, postcards. Copyrights will not be paid to the authors of the works for these publications.
In case they are used for other purposes or by third parties, then permission will be obtained from the author of the work.
Those who send their works to the contest, will also indicate whether they can be used or not, on t-shirts to be produced by TEMA Foundation's Economic Management in order to obtain revenue.
The utilization rights of the works are for Turkey.
The artists participating in the contest will be deemed to accept all the participation conditions.
This contest is organized by the Association of Cartoonists, TEMA Foundation and Cartoon Publishing.
Since environmental disasters are continuous, our contest will also continue without interruption. Below: May 2007 First Prize: Raed Khalil (Syria)

Exhibition: The exhibition of the contestant cartoons will be realized at the gallery of the Association of Cartoonists.
Award-giving ceremony: will be announced later.
Sending address by e-mail: and
Jury evaluation: Election will be held every month.
General Authority of the Organization: Muhittin Koroglu
Selection Committee:
Representative of the Association of Cartoonists
Representative of TEMA Foundation
Representative of Cartoon Publishing.
Winning cartoons at:


Prizewinners International Nasreddin Hodja

27th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest has concluded.
The Grand Jury (see below) consisted of six members from Turkey and six from abroad.
They convened at Ramada Plaza Hotel in Istanbul on July 26, 2007, and after examining 2320 cartoons by 1055 artists sent in from 63 countries, they decided to award the Grand Prize to Igor Nikitin’s work from Russia.

Ercan Akyol (Turkey), Zeljko Ceric (Croatia), Rumen Dragostinov (Bulgaria), Valentin Druzhinin (Russia), Gurbuz Dogan Eksioglu (Turkey), Raed Khalil (Syria), Valeriu Kurtu (Germany), Ismet Lokman (Turkey), Metin Peker (Turkey), Turhan Selcuk (Chair/Turkey), Tonguc Yasar (Turkey), Jugoslav Vlahovic (Serbia).

Igor Nikitin (Russia): Grand Prize + 3.000 $ (see above)
Agim Sulaj (Italia): Honour Prize + 750 $ (see below)
Alessandro Gatto (Italia): Honour Prize + 750 $
Muhittin Koroglu (Turkey): Honour Prize + 750 $
Ahmet Ozturklevent (Turkey): Honour Prize + 750 $

Cristi Vecerdea Criv (Romania): Special Prize of Nasreddin Hodja (see right >>)
Musa Gumus (Turkey): Special Prize of the Association of Cartoonists
Sami Caner: Special Prize of the Jury
Angel Boligan (Mexico): Special Prize of Turkish Ministry of Culture
Donyo Donev (Bulgaria): Special Prize of Press, Publications & Information General Administration
Sevket Yalaz (Turkey): Special Prize of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Dongbum Kim (South Korea): Special Prize of Cankaya Municipality
Taeyong Kang (South Korea): Special Prize of Cumhuriyet Newspaper
Xue Hong (China): Special Prize of Aksam Newspaper
Saeed Sadeghi (Iran): Special Prize of Turkish Association of Journalists
Victor Crudu (Moldovia): Special Prize of Turkish Radio & TV Company
Hamid Soufi (Iran): Special Prize of Turkish Union of Lawyers
Goran Divac (Serbia): Special Prize of Umut Foundation
Aristides E. Hernandez (Cuba): Special Prize of Show TV Channel
Omidreza Khorsand (Italia): Special Prize of TV8 Channel
Li Xiao Yang (China): Special Prize of Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions.
All the prize-winning cartoons at:


2nd International Solin Cartoon Festival / Croatia

FANOFUNNY's remark: Prizes not payed by Organizers in 2005!
Contest: open to all cartoonists
Entries: max. 5 cartoons. The works must be original and accompanied by the author's entry-form and biography.
Size: max. A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: August 15, 2007
Prizes: Gold Medal - 1.001 €uro; Silver and Bronze Medal; 5 Special Prizes
Exhibition: September 2007
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: the works - except the winning and awarded works - will be returned on request and at costs of author.
The works should be sent to:
DOM ZVONIMIR Kralja Zvonimira 50, 21210 SOLIN - CROATIA
For further informations, complete regulations and entry-form:



Olympic Cartoon Competition June 07 winners

The results of 1st International China Olympic Cartoon Competition monthly prize - June 2007
Free section: Winning Prize: Kazanevsky Vladimir (Ukraine) (see above)
Free section: Winning Prize: Liu Manhua (China)
Special prize of Jury: Marcin Bondarowicz (Poland)
Honourable Prize: RONALD LIBIN (Belgium)
Honourable Prize: Cai Weidong (China)
Honourable Prize: B.Bleg (China) (see below)

See all the prize-winning cartoons at: