

1st Granada Festival

1st International Festival of Graphic Humorists in Granada
October 26, 27 and 28, 2007
“Granada con Humor” is an annual meeting for graphic humorists and cartoonists from all over the world. Its purpose is connecting Granada city with humor and cartoon.
During the Festival, the exhibition “Granada nos maravilla” wil take place, and a catalogue will be published including a selection of works.
1 – The call is open to professional and amateur graphic humorists and cartoonists from all over the world.
2 – Subject of the 1st Festival: “Granada” (the City of Granada, the Alhambra, the Eight Wonder, the city of universities, the multicultural city, Monumental Granada, etc). More information, on the website.
3 –The participants are allowed to submit to the Festival only 3 works strictly related to the subject. The format of the works must be A4 horizontal (297 mm width x 210 mm height) or proportional. Any technique will be accepted.
Mute cartoons will be preferred. Nevertheless, any language will be accepted if a suitable translation to Spanish or English is included.
4 – The works should be scanned and sent via e-mail in 300 ppp, JPEG format, to
5 -The e-mail must include an entry form containing the following information:
The author’s name and family name
Artistic name
Address, town, country and postal code
E-mail address and phone number
CV mentioning the author’s publications and/or the newspaper, magazine, etc. where they usually publish their works.
Picture or caricature of the artist (optional)
6 – The selected works will be showed in an exhibition in Centro Municipal de Arte Joven Rey Chico. They may be also showed as a roaming exhibition in other national and international events related to Granada Tourist Department.
The works will be showed in a website which address will be informed in due course.
7 – The selected works will be printed in a catalogue. All authors whose works are selected to appear in the exhibition will receive a copy of the catalogue.
8 - The list of participants, as well as the name of the selected works, will published by the organization on the Festival Website or announced via e-mail.
The authors will also be informed about the location of the exhibitions where their works are showed.
9 - Deadline: September 9th, 2007.
10 - The submission of a completed entry form will automatically imply the waiving of the author’s royalties vis-à-vis the non-commercial reproduction of his/her work by Ayuntamiento de Granada.
11 – The participation in the 1st Festival of Graphic Humorists in Granada implies the author fully accepts these regulations.

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