

Package until wreckage: International Environmental Cartoon Contest 2024, Hungary

Can less be more?
STKH Sopron és Térsége Környezetvédelmi és Hulladékgazdálkodási Nonprofit Kft. 
Application begins 
29 February 2024 
Deadline for entries 
3 April 2024 
The STKH Sopron és Térsége Nonprofit Kft. invites all professional and amateur cartoonists, satirical artists and graphic designers to an international illustration contest with the theme focusing on the packaging waste generated in households. 

Is it necessary to pack or not?

Does packaging offer protection or leave us vulnerable?

Does more packaging mean more waste?

Can we live using less packaging materials?

Or sooner or later will we drown in the beautiful, practical, necessarry packaging materials?

Among others, we are looking for answers to these questions together. Our goal is to draw attention in a unique way to the problems and consequences related to the excessive amount of packaging waste generated in households and our consumer habits, as well as good practices related to the environmentally conscious and responsible management of our everyday waste with the help of your art. 
1. prize: 300 euro 
2. prize: 200 euro 
3. prize: 100 euro 
Technical instructions of the contest 
Entries can be sent via post or e-mail to the organiser of the contest. 
The ideal size of entries received by post should be A/3, but the minimal size of the paper-based art is A/4. 
Cartoons sent by emails should be in PNG or PDF format (300 dpi), sized at about 2500 pixels wide if in portrait format and 3500 pixels wide if in landscape format. 
Rules of the competition 
All participants must be 14 or older. 
Previously published cartoons are not allowed for submission. 
Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 3 cartoons. 
Competition details – entry and submission 
By sending your artwork either via post or e-mail to the organizer, your application for the contest is automatically geting accepted. 
The artworks on paper can be submitted by sending them to the following postal address: 9400 Sopron, Harkai domb 0466/31 hrsz. Entries received by post will not be returned. 
E-mail address for entries: 
The digital artworks can be submitted by sending them via e-mail to the following address: 
If you submit an entry by sending the original artwork on paper to our postal address, the following information must be included on a separate page in the envelope: 
your name, 
the title of the work, 
your address, 
your phone number, 
your e-mail address. 
The filename of your digital artwork (PNG or PDF file), must contain at least the last name of the applicant, but it is advisable to include the full name of the author. 
If you submit an entry with a digital artwork, which will be sent by e-mail, the following data must be included in a separate text document attached to your e-mail or you can directly write them in the text of your e-mail: 
your name, 
the title of the work, 
your address, 
your phone number, 
your e-mail address. 
Only those entries will be accepted, which include the required data mentioned above. 
Works will be judged by a professional jury. The jury will automatically disqualify any submission deemed offensive or inappropriate or any submission that violates copyright law or the rules of the competition. A notification of the result of the competition will be sent to the provided e-mail address by 15 April 2024
The best pictures may be part of environmental awareness exhibitions in the future, which will be accompanying significant events and will be presented in travelling exhibitions as well. The best works by the votes of the jury will be presented on the website and Facebook page of the organizer. 
More information 
Further information about the competition will be constantly posted from 29 February 2024 on the website. If you need help or you have any question about the contest, please contact our team by sending an e-mail to the following address: 
Publisher’s Right to Free Use 
By submitting the entries to the contest, the applicant – or in the case of a minor applicant, their legal representative – gives express, unconditional and irrevocable permission for STKH Sopron és Térsége Nonprofit Kft. to use the material submitted to the contest – regardless of the results of the contest- online or otherwise without any territorial or time restrictions. Free use also includes copying, modification and distribution. For the purpose of exhibiting the entries, presenting them on the Internet, and using them in press or media communications, the applicant and his legal representative consent to the organizer and its cooperating partners using his name and provided data during communication activities related to the application. The use license covers all known uses to the fullest extent possible. The above does not affect personal rights. The applicant guarantees that the submitted application is his own intellectual product, to which he owns all copyright and usage rights. The organizer disclaims all responsibility in this regard, the legal consequences related to unauthorized use shall be borne by the applicant. 
By taking part in the competition, all participants agree to the conditions and regulations of the competition. By entering the contest, the participants accept that any decision made by the jury is not negotiable. 
We wish good luck to all participants! 
STKH Sopron és Térsége Környezetvédelmi és Hulladékgazdálkodási Nonprofit Kft. 
Source: .

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