

The 9th Biennial of Humor "Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães", Penela 2024, Portugal

An Organization: Penela City Council / Junta de Freguesia de Espinhal / Oliveira Guimarães Family House. 
A Production: Humorgrafe - Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (
The Biennale where humor does not need colors, just a smile, philosophical intelligence and a simple and direct color – white and black and their (monochromatic) hues. More important than the awards is having an active voice, expressing your humor, your irreverent ideas in communion with the community. 
1 - Theme: Human Resistance and Resilience as the survival of Humanity against oppression, abuse, bad education, stupidity, demagoguery, fake news, radicalism and fundamentalism, religious / sexual / social phobias, tribalism / clubism, environmental destruction... The importance of humor as a weapon of resilience (denouncement, indignation, irreverence) in pacifying conflicts with the smile of intelligence. In this plethora of resilience that artists can comment on, be it human rights (racism, xenophobia, bullying...), politics, the environment, everyday society, we cannot also forget the resilience of those who, instead of fleeing their homeland, of emigrating to other more favorable areas, such as the city, they remain in the villages, in the mountains with resilience, abandonment, loneliness... 
a) Cartoon – Human resistance and resilience 
b) As a subgroup, within the scope of the portrait-charge / Caricature – Consul Aristides de Sousa Mendes (Portugal) 
2 - Open to the participation of all humorous graphic artists, professionals or amateurs. 
3 – Deadline: May 25, 2024. They must be sent to, or (If you do not receive confirmation of receipt, resend again SFF). 
4 - Each artist can send, via email in digital format (300 dpi A4 format) up to 4 monochromatic works (a single color with all its shades – drawings in 2, 3 or 4 colors are not accepted – open to all techniques and styles such as caricature, cartoon, humor drawing, strip, comics (story on a single board)... and these must be accompanied by information on name, date of birth, address and email and telephone number (data mandatory to be able to later receive the catalog if selected). 
5 - The works will be judged by a preliminary selection jury made up of experts in the field (Siri Dokken (Norway) / Kal (Kevin Kallaugher) (USA) / Cheng Zhu (Popular Rep. China – President of China Red Man Cartoon Center) / the BHLOG International Homage Award - 2024 - Agim Sulaj (Albania) / the BHLOG Homage Award 2024 - António Antunes (Portugal) and Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa - Artistic Director of BHLOG) whose result will then be submitted to a final jury made up of the same members two more representatives from Penela City Council; a representative of the Junta de Freguesia de Espinhal, a representative of the Penela School Group and a representative of the Oliveira Guimarães family, with the following Awards being granted
1st Prize of IX BHLOG- 2024 (€ 2,000) 
2nd Prize of IX BHLOG- 2024 (€ 1,500) 
3rd Prize of IX BHLOG- 2024 (€ 1,000) 
IX BHLOG Caricature Prize - 2024 (€1,200) 
The Jury, if it so wishes, may award “Special Awards” (António Oliveira Guimarães, Leonor Oliveira Guimarães, Municipality of Penela, Parish Council of Espinhal and Humorgrafe), on an honorary basis, with the right to a trophy. 
6 - The Jury grants itself the right to make a selection of the best works to exhibit in the available space and edit the catalog (which will be sent to all artists whose work has been reproduced). 
7 – The Organization will inform all artists by email whether they have been selected for the exhibition and catalogue, and which artists will be awarded. Works awarded with remuneration are automatically acquired by the Organization. The originals of the winning works must be delivered to the Organization (the original for works done on a computer is a high-quality print in A4, signed by hand and numbered 1/1), because without this delivery, the monetary Prize will not be unlocked. 
8 - Reproduction rights are the property of the Organization, as long as it is for the promotion of this organization, and discussed promptly with the authors, in the case of other uses. 
9 - For further information, contact the Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa ( or IX Bienal de Humor Luíz d'Oliveira Guimarães, Mário Duarte - Culture Sector, Penela City Council, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal. 
10 - The IX Luís d’ Oliveira Guimarães Humor Biennial – Espinhal/Penela 2024, Opens on August 31st at the Centro Cultural do Espinhal, but can also be exhibited in other locations. 
Surname: ________________________ 
First Name: __________________________________________________ 
Address: Street: 
Postcode / Postcode: ______________________ City / City: _________________ 
Country / Country: ___________________________________ 
Email: ______________________________________ 
Telephone / Telephone: __________________________ 
Works: ____________________________

More in languages on source: humorgrafe.

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