

Winners in the 28th International Caricature Exhibition, Zagreb 2023, Croatia

On 04th May 2023 in the premises of the Croatian Association of Caricaturists, Savska 100, Zagreb, the judging panel of the 28th International Caricature Exhibition Zagreb 2023 with theme "PETS", consisting of Antun Ponoš, Katja Hlup, Davor Trgovčević, Srećko Puntarić and Predrag Raičević, conducted the jury procedure and decided the following:
First prize: Zvonimir Čačić (Croatia) (Top)
Second prize: Valeriu Kurtu (Germany)
Third prize: Andrei Popov (Israel)
Five Special Mentions:
Hamid Ghalijari (Iran)
Oguz Gürel (Turkey)
Emil Idzikowski (Poland)
Borislav Stanković (Serbia)
Zoran Tkalec (Croatia).
The exhibition of awarded works
as well as those from the short selection process
will be held this fall in Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb.
All winning cartoons and more on website hdk.

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