

The 5th International Cartoon Competition, Eurasia 2023, Russia

on the V International Cartoon Competition "Eurasia"
I. General provisions 
1. These Regulations govern the procedure for holding the V International Cartoon Competition "Eurasia" (hereinafter referred to as the Contest). 
2. Founders of the Contest: 
• Ekaterinburg city administration 
• Pavlov Anatoly Ivanovich, member of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the All-Russian Council of Local Self-Government 
• Ekaterinburg Museum of Caricature. 
3. Theme of the Contest: "Laugh, Catherine's hail!
The year 2023 is an anniversary year for Ekaterinburg. Russia's largest metropolis, the centre of the vast Sverdlovsk Region, celebrates its 300th anniversary. Yekaterinburg deservedly bears the title of the capital of the Urals, because it is located in the centre of the Ural Mountains and lies at the junction of two continents - Europe and Asia, which determines its political, economic and cultural uniqueness. The city's history dates back to the 18th century during the reforms of Peter the Great. Three centuries of turbulent Ekaterinburg history are filled with events linked to the fate of the country and the world. Ekaterinburg is the region's most important industrial, business, financial and cultural centre, and has a particularly assertive and daring character. 
In the year of the 300th anniversary of Ekaterinburg we decided to look at it with respect and light irony. We invite cartoonists to share their vision of the capital of the Urals. 
4. Purpose and objectives of the competition: 
• To showcase Ekaterinburg as a major cultural and industrial centre open to humour and satire; 
• Promoting good neighbourly relations between the peoples of the Eurasian continent and the world; 
• to promote cultural dialogue, mutual understanding and friendship through the art of cartooning; 
• drawing the attention of graphic artists from around the world to social issues and problems of the metropolis. 
II. Organizational support for the Contest 
1. The Contest is carried out by the Organizing Committee formed by the founders. 
2. The exclusive competence of the Organizing Committee includes: 
• accepting applications for participation in the Contest; 
• formation of the composition of the competitive jury; 
• organization and conduct of the final award ceremony for the laureates of the Contest. 
3. Contest jury is formed from authoritative figures in the professional sphere in order to creatively evaluate the works submitted for the Contest. 
4. Members of the jury have the right to participate in the Contest without claiming prizes. 
III. Conditions for holding the Contest 
1. Contest works are accepted from May 15, 2021 to July 23, 2023.
The works must arrive in Ekaterinburg no later than July 23, 2023 (by postmark) (EXTENDED:) August 15, 2023 
2. Authors over the age of 18 are allowed to participate in the Contest. 
3. Each author may submit for participation in the Contest no more than 5 (five) works. 
4. Works that have received prizes in other Contests are not accepted for participation. 
5. The announcement of the results of the Contest and the opening of the exhibition of the best works will coincide with City Day and the opening of the Cartoon Museum. The time of the ceremony will be announced. 
6. Contest works are sent to the address: 
Lenin Avenue, 39, P.O. Box 126, 
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620000 
On the envelope it is necessary to indicate: 
"For the Cartoon Competition""For Maxim Smagin" 
7. Requirements for works: 
• Format: A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A3 (297 x 420 mm) 
• Works must be hand made original. Works made exclusively in digital technique, can be provided in the form of high-quality prints and signed in pencil on the front. Photocopies and Xeros are not considered. Works convicted of plagiarism do not participate in the competition. 
• Technique is free; works can be either black and white or color. 
• Works should not contain text. 
• Full name of the author, time of creation, return address, e-mail are to be indicated on the back. 
• Works must be accompanied by a completed application form for the participant of the Contest. 
• Works must be carefully packed. The organizers of the Contest are not responsible for damage during shipment. 
• Works by e-mail are also accepted (e-mail: Works sent in this way do not fall into the main competition, but are evaluated separately. The technical requirements for this category are JPEG (300 dpi), high quality, and a maximum of 3 MB. 
8. The works sent to the Contest are not returned and remain at the disposal of the founders of the Contest. 
9. Prizes of the Contest: 
• Grand Prix: 300 000 Russian roubles 
• First place: 200 000 Russian roubles 
• Second place: 150 000 Russian roubles 
• Third place: 100 000 Russian roubles 
• Honorary mention Prizes for entries sent by e-mail: 
• 1st place: 100 000 Russian roubles 
• 2nd place: 75 000 Russian roubles 
• 3rd place: 50 000 Russian roubles 
• Special prizes established by the sponsors and partners of the competition. 
10. Authors of works participating in the final exhibition receive a certificate of the participants in the Contest and a printed copy of the catalog. 
11. The founders of the Contest reserve the right to further use the Contest works for exhibition and information purposes. 
12. The Contest will result in an exhibition of the best works at the Cartoon Museum. 
E-mail address: 
Source: cartoonblues.

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