

The 53rd Salone Internazionale Umorismo Bordighera 2023, Italy

53rd Salone Internazionale Umorismo Bordighera
Finally here we are! 
The 53rd edition is on the launch pad! 
The exhibition will be inaugurated on June 25th and will last until July 23rd; the Salone days will take place from June 22 to 25: vernissage, conferences, workshops, book presentations, cartoonists on-the-spot, awards. The prizes of the Palma d'Oro and the Dattero d'Oro are back, awarded to the best drawings of the Theme. 
SEA is the theme. It has always had a strong bond with humanity, both in terms of economic activities such as fishing and commerce, and in terms of cultural and spiritual traditions. 
The sea also represents a challenge for man, with its storms and unpredictable currents, but at the same time it is a source of inspiration and wonder. 
Today the protection of the marine environment, of the coastal areas and above all of the fauna and flora represent a challenge for our survival, as an indispensable regulator of the climate. 
We are waiting for you in Bordighera but don't forget to register and send us your drawings on the theme, by clicking on this link 
See you soon. 
The Organizing Committee of the 53rd Salone Internazionale dell'Umorismo.

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