

The 25th International Open Cartoon Contest "Jubilee", Zielona Góra 2023, Poland

1. The organizer of the open cartoon contest “Jubilee” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is the Cyprian Norwid Regional and Public Library. The Library is based in Zielona Góra at Aleja Wojska Polskiego 9, entered under number 6 in the Register of Cultural Institutions of the Lubuskie Region (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer). 
2. The co-organizer is the University of the Third Age in Zielona Góra, with its seat in Zielona Góra at Aleja Wojska Polskiego 9, entered under the number 13459 in the National Court Register (hereinafter referred to as the Co-organizer). 
3. The aim of the Competition is to select the best competition entries of satirical drawings, referring to the theme of this year's edition of the Competition. 
4. The Competition takes place on the terms set out in these Regulations and in accordance with generally applicable laws. 
5. The Competition is not subject to approval in accordance with the procedures set out in the Gambling Act of 19 November 2009. The Organizer declares that the Competition is not a game of chance, a raffle lottery, a mutual bet, a promotional lottery, the result of which depends on the case, or any other form provided for in the Act of 19 November 2009 on gambling. 
6. The Regulations of the Competition are available at the Organizer’s headquarters and on the website, as well as on the Competition’s website, 
7. Sending a drawing to the Competition is tantamount to accepting all the provisions of these regulations. 
8. Participation in this Competition is voluntary and free of charge. 
1. All competition participants must be adults with full legal capacity, involved in satirical drawing on a professional or an amateur basis, who have submitted an application form and any number of original drawings with a minimum A5 and maximum A3 format and made using any techniques, by 31st May 2023, to the Organizer's address: 
the Cyprian Norwid Regional and Public Library 
al. Wojska Polskiego 9 
65-077 Zielona Góra POLAND
2. Works that do not meet the conditions specified in Sec. 1 will not be admitted to the Competition. 
3. Participants of the Competition cannot include employees of the Organizer or Co-organizer, understood as persons employed with any legal contract, as well as persons who directly participate in the preparation or implementation of the Competition. Moreover, participants of the Competition may not be members of the immediate family of persons referred to in the previous sentence such as spouses, ascendants, siblings, relatives in the same line or degree as well as adopting persons. 
4. Only works that have not been awarded before may take part in the competition. 
5. Each work should be signed by the author. 
6. By participating in the competition, each Participant agrees to the free transfer of the works sent to the Competition to the Organizer and confirms that he is the author of the submitted works and that submitting them to the Competition does not infringe the rights of third parties. 
7. The participants agree to have their works published free of charge by the Organizer and Co-organizer. 
8. By their personal participation in the closing ceremony of the post-competition exhibition, the Participant agrees to the processing of their image through photographs, and to their availability to promote cultural events by the Organizer. 
9. The condition for paying the cash prizes to the winners is their personal participation in the closing ceremony of the post-competition exhibition or indication of the bank and account number to which the award amount is to be transferred. 
10. Participation in the competition as well as works and obligations related to it, including claims for a prize, cannot be transferred to third parties. 
11. The cost of sending the work is borne by the Competition participant. 
12. Works with the following content will not be admitted to the Competition: 
1) calls for racial, ethnic or religious hatred, 
2) material encumbered with the rights of third parties, including copyrights, 
3) material presenting a commercial offer or an advertisement for an institution/company. 
1. Announcement and publication of the competition: March 2023. 
2. The deadline for submitting works: 31st May 2023
3. Proceedings of the Jury and announcement of the results of the Competition: by 30th June 2023. 
4. Opening of the post-competition exhibition: September 2023. 
5. The date of submission of works to the Competition is the date of receipt of the complete documentation (works and application form) by the Organizer. 
6. Works delivered to the Organizer after the deadline specified in Section III, Point 2 will not qualify for the Competition. 
7. The Organizer will immediately notify the Competition participants about the Competition results. 
8. The deadline specified in Section III, Point 2 may be changed in favor of the participants – it may be extended without the need to change these regulations. The Organizer shall notify participants about the change of the deadline in the manner specified in Section I, Point 6 of the Regulations. 
1. The Jury consists of cartoonists and persons practically and theoretically involved in art. 
2. The Competition Jury evaluates the entries and decides about awarding the prizes. 
3. The Jury selects works to receive awards/prizes by a simple majority of votes, in the presence of at least 2/3 of the members. 
4. The Jury has the right to finally distribute the prizes, change their amount and quantity. The Jury also has the right not to award a prize. 
5. When evaluating the works, the Jury will take into account, in particular, the artistic value of the drawing, its accuracy in interpreting the subject, and its humorous aspect. 
6. If the Organizer, Co-Organizer or members of the Jury, after or before the awarding of the prizes indicated in the Regulations, receive information that the work sent to the Competition constitutes plagiarism or in any other way violates the law or the provisions of these Regulations, the Organizer, as a result of the decision of the Competition Jury, has the right to: 
1) withhold the award or the handing over of the award until such doubts are clarified, 
2) make a decision not to award a prize in the Competition, 
3) demand the return of a prize already awarded. 
7. The Jury's decisions are final. 
1. The Organizer will provide the following prizes in the Competition: 
1st PRIZE – 4000 PLN – funded by the Organizer 
GRAND PRIX – 5000 PLN + Statuette - funded by the Co-organizer 
SECOND PRIZE – 3000 PLN - funded by the Co-organizer 
THIRD PRIZE – 2000 PLN - funded by the Co-organizer 
2. Additionally, the Organizer will provide awards and special distinctions. 
3. Tax will be deducted from prizes in accordance with the applicable regulations. 
4. The organizer envisages the publication of a post-competition catalogue and the organization of a post-competition exhibition, and reserves the right to select drawings for the catalogue and the post-competition exhibition. 
1. By entering the Competition, the Participant declares that they have full copyright to the work submitted in the Competition and that the work does not infringe any personal rights, copyrights or other rights of third parties. In the event of a third party with claims related to the work sent to the Competition, the Participant releases the Organizer from any obligations that arise in this respect, undertakes to join the Organizer in disputes related to this, and will cover the costs incurred by the Organizer in connection with claims of third parties related to the competition work. 
2. The organizer undertakes to respect the moral rights of the authors: in particular, to mark drawings with their names or pseudonyms. 
3. When the works are handed over to the Organizer, the authors of the works transfer to the Organizer proprietary copyrights free of charge and for an indefinite period and without territorial limitations in the following fields of use: 
1) employment in the statutory activities and any other promotional, advertising and information activities, 
2) recording and reproducing works – producing copies of the work using a specific technique, including printing, reprographic, magnetic recording and digital techniques, 
3) reproduction by recording on electronic media, 
4) public presentation and display at all open and closed events, 
5) disseminating works by marketing, lending, renting, exhibiting, displaying, as well as making the works available to the public in such a way that everyone can have access to it in a place and time chosen by them, 
6) publishing and disseminating in any promotional, informational, publishing and other materials using the works, 
7) posting on the internet. 
In connection with the entry into force on 25th May 2018 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27th April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repeal of the Directive 95/46 / EC, hereinafter referred to as "the Regulation", in order to fulfill the information obligation specified in Article 13 of the Regulation, we inform about the rules for processing personal data of contest participants and the rights of participants in this contest: 
1. The Organizer is the administrator of personal data of the competition participant. 
2. The Data Protection Officer is Rafał Wielgus, e-mail contact:, tel. : 68 411 40 00. 
3. Personal data of competition participants will be processed on the basis of the provisions of art. 6 par. 1 letter a of Regulation, 
4. Recipients of personal data of participants of the competition may only be entities authorized in justified cases and on the basis of relevant legal provisions. 
5. The data is obtained from the competition participant. 
6. Personal data collected during the processing will be stored for the time specified by law. 
7. The competition participant has the right to request from the Organizer as an administrator of personal data of the competition participant to access their personal data, the right to rectify them, remove or limit processing, the right to object to the processing. 
8. In the case of information about unlawful processing of personal data, the participant of the competition has the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body competent in matters of personal data protection. 
9. Providing personal data by the participant is voluntary. The consequence of not providing the required personal data will be the inability to take part in the competition carried out by the Organizer. 
10. Personal data of the participant will not be processed in an automated manner and will not be profiled. 
1. The organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations: 
1) in the event of changes to the relevant legal provisions, 
2) in emergency situations that could not be foreseen in advance, 
3) in each case for the benefit of the participants. 
2. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Competition, in particular in cases such as the following: 
1) when no competition entry has been received, 
2) when no competition entry has met the conditions of these Regulations, 
3) when the works submitted to the Competition exhibit an unsatisfactory artistic quality. 
3. The organizer is not responsible for damage or destruction of the work during transport or loss of the parcel. 
4. The Organizer is not responsible for any providing of incorrect or false data by the participants, such as may prevent the transfer of the prize. 
5. In matters not covered by the provisions of these Regulations, the provisions of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights, the Civil Code and other relevant provisions of Polish law will be applied. 
6. Matters not covered by these regulations are settled by the Organizer. 
7. These Regulations shall enter into force on March 1st 2023. 
Application Card on source: satyryczny.norwid.


  1. Hello, Kozy. Is the contest's theme "jubilee" or did I miss anything?

  2. Right. The theme is "Jubilee". It is the 25th edition of the contest this year.
