

Muğla Metropolitan Municipality 4th International Cartoon Contest 2023, Turkey

SUBJECT: EDUCATION (Education at home, Street, work … Everywhere) 
A process started with humanity. Its origin backs to prehistoric times may be before. Education existed even foraging primitive societies, why not? The first man who taught stone carving to the friends was actually teaching unconsciously.
Of course there was no concept of school. Mountains, shadow of the trees were school of them. Philosophers taught humanity there. The beginning of the education system is considered as school dates back to the early ages. Temples took on this. It dates back to the Sumerians. In the sections called Tablet Houses, people were given special vocational trainings. Similar structures are also mentioned in Egyptian, Chinese and Indian civilizations.
National School founded in Ionia in 6th BC. and School of Academy founded by Platon accepted as the first examples of contemporary schools.
Houses were schools in Rome. Slaves who has knowledge trains children. Monastery schools are seen in the middle ages. Math, geometry and astronomy courses were given in these schools. For the sake of Renaissance and Reform movements, the idea of education began to gain more importance.
From the past to present, education developed. Today, there are so many fields of education that the numbers of the fields are numerous. It is possible to increase their number.
Under the light of these information, we know that you will explain the education from the past to the present with your lines and drawings. We are sure that we have not thought of what more will come out with the help of your lines.
Take it easy, we wish you success… 
1. The contest is organized at national and international level. It is free to apply amateur and professional cartoonists from all over the world. 
2. Cartoons that do not comply with general moral rules, contain insults, serve political purposes, and contain objectionable and harmful expressions will be excluded from the contest. 
3. Relatives of the members of the selection committee cannot participate in the contest. 
4. The drawing technique is free. Contestants are required to fill the participation form. 
5. Participation for the contest can only be accepted by e-mail. Cartoon measures should be at least A4 (21 x 29.7 cm), maximum A3 (29.7 x 42 cm) and 300 dpi resolution and jpg format. 
6. The cartoons must not have received an award in any national or international contest before. Cartoons that the selection committee considers to be the same or similar or that they belong to another cartoonist will not be evaluated. 
7. Contestants must add their short CVs to their cartoons. 
8. Contestants can send a maximum of 5 (five) cartoons.
9. Participants under the age of 18 are required to attach a copy of their identity card to their application. 
10. Cartoons must be sent to with the title of "Muğla Metropolitan Municipality 4th International Cartoon Contest", writing the artist's name, surname, City and Country, by the end of business day on Friday, April 21, 2023 at the latest. 
11. Transportation (bus or plane), accommodation expenses of only the winners (the expenses of the guests they bring with them) and the winners in the category under 18 (accommodation and transportation expenses of a person with a parent will be covered.) will be covered by Muğla Metropolitan Municipality. 
12. If the contestants won the prize money and do not come to take the prize, Muğla Metropolitan Municipality will transfer it to the bank via IBAN that the contestants provided. The beneficiary must be filled, signed with the IBAN number. If beneficiary does not contain IBAN number the prize amount expires at the end of 1 year from the date of announcement from the results. In case of expiration, the right holder’s cannot make any demands of prize, royalty etc. 
13. The cartoons sent to the contest will not be send back. The cartoons that are ranked and deemed worthy to be exhibited will be used or published by Muğla Metropolitan Municipality for cultural purposes only. Among the cartoons sent to the contest, the works selected by the jury and deemed worthy for exhibit will be collected in an album organized by the Muğla Metropolitan Municipality. These albums will only be sent to the ranking participants in the contest and whose works are published in the album. 
14. The right of the works which worth of prize, honourable mention prize, exhibit and to being put in the album, According to Article 21 of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 operating rights, the financial rights of reproduction defined in Article 22, dissemination defined in Article 23, representation defined in Article 24 and transmission to the public by means of sign, sound and/or image transmission defined in Article 25 shall be granted to Muğla Metropolitan Municipality. 
First Prize: 15.000 TL 
Second Prize: 10.000 TL 
Third Prize: 7.500 TL 
Honorable Mention (3): 5.000 TL 
Two persons under the age of 18 (10-18): 2.500 TL Special Prize 
Necati Abacı Special Prize: 3.000 TL 
Gürbüz Doğan EKŞİOĞLU (Dr. - Yeditepe University Lecturer – Cartoonist) 
Savaş ÜNLÜ (Humorist) 
Şevket YALAZ (Cartoonist) 
Abdulkadir USLU (Cartoonist) 
Sarkis PAÇACI (Cartoonist) 
Ahmet ÖNEL (Cartoonist) 
Mehmet SELÇUK (Cartoonist, General Coordinator) 
Perihan AYDIN (Mugla Metropolitan Municipality Judical Clerk) 
1. The deadline for application is Friday, April 21, 2023, until the end of the working day. 
2. Jury evaluation meeting will be held on Saturday, April 29, 2023. 
3. The results of the competition will be announced on Friday, May 5, 2023. 
4. The award ceremony will be held on a date to be determined by the Muğla Metropolitan Municipality. The cartoons that the selection committee deems worth exhibiting will be exhibited at the date, time and place to be determined by the Muğla Metropolitan Municipality. 
Coordinator : Perihan AYDIN 
Tel: 05065913528 
Operator : 444 48 01 Ext-1953 
Address : Muğla Metropolitan Municipality Türkan Saylan Çağdaş Yaşam Merkezi Menteşe/Muğla 
Note: Muğla Metropolitan Municipality reserves the right to make changes in this specification if deemed necessary.

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