

16th International George van Raemdonck Cartoon Contest, Boechout 2023, Belgium

16th International George van Raemdonck
Cartoon Contest, Boechout 2023, Belgium
Theme: Source 
Everything has its source. Of course, the sparkling water stream from which the broadly rippling river grows is a source, from which we can bottle refreshing spring water. However, the greatest artist of all would not be able to put a strip on his canvas without his source of inspiration. But scientists too know sources all too well: they have to write them down correctly in their citation (although this is a source of frustration for many). Problems are best tackled at the source, as I heard from a good source. And how do we solve this shortage of energy sources? What is the source of all evil? 
Making a cartoon with this theme does not seem a problem to us: a theme as a ‘source’ can only serve as a source of drawing pleasure. So let that ink squirt out of your nib, and good luck! 
vzw. International humour in art with their partners Boechout Municipality, Boechout Cultural Council, DF-Boechout-Vremde are pleased to announce their : 
1. Subject: Source 
2. Deadline: 31st of May 2023 
3. Prizes: 
1st prize: 1500 € Prize George van Raemdonck – Boechout Municipality 
2nd prize: 750 € Cultural Council 
3rd prize: 500 € ZEPPO 
4th prize: 250 € IHA 
5th prize: 150 € DF-Boechout-Vremde (Best Flemish cartoonist). 
…. other prizes possible, they will be announced on the website …. 
4. Entries: 
Initially each participant can send before 31.05.2023, at most 10 works in digital form via this link. The author must indicate in his e-mail the following information: his first name, last name, his complete address, his e-mail address, his phone number, his birth date, the category and the title or the number of each work. The characteristics of these electronic sending are as follows: format JPEG, good quality and max. 500 KB per picture. The organizers agree the sending of originals by post for those who do not have a computer. 
Out of these e-mails the jury will make a selection of 100-150 drawings and will request from the authors of these works the sending by mail of the originals for the choice of the prizes and the publication in the catalogue. All these originals will be shown in the exhibition and in the catalogue. Their size will be DIN A4 (210x297mm), good quality paper, not folded and without a passe-partout. 
On the back side of every work must be clearly mentioned the first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number, birth date of the author, the category as well as the title or the number of the work. This deadline is 17.07.2023. 
5. Technique: 
Free, black and white or in color, without subtitles. The organizers prefer classic cartoon artwork but digitally created works are accepted but will not be sent back. They must be signed by their creator on the back side and be numbered by 1/1. Photos and copies of original works will be eliminated. 
6. Exhibition: 
The opening of the exhibition with prize distribution will take place on Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 7 pm. in Theater Boechout Vooruit, St.-Bavoplein 17, Boechout where the exhibition will also be held in the Foyer from September 30, 2023 to October 29, 2023 during the activities in the Theater (see: ) and also especially on Tuesday 3 October (day of the fair in Boechout) from 10 am to 5 pm. and on Sunday, October 29, 2023 from 1 to 5 p.m. The exhibition may travel and be shown in other cities and countries. 
7. Returns: 
After these exhibitions and only if the author asked for it, the selected original works will be returned to their authors except the works selected for one of the prizes. The awarded works will become property of vzw. IHA. The organizer cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of the return postage. 
8. Catalogue: 
The participants whose work has been chosen for the exhibition will receive a digital catalog via PDF. Prize winners and selected participants will receive a printed catalog when they attend the opening of the exhibition. 
9. Results: 
The publication of the results will be done on the website after September 30, 2023. The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed by e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury, which will meet on the 22th of July 2023, are incontestable. 
10. Copyright: 
The selected participants allow the organizers to use their works only for promoting the author, as well as the event. All other copyright remains property of the author. 
11. Generalities: 
The works should not have been awarded before. By taking part to this contest the participants agree to the abovementioned rules. 
12.Address to send the originals to: 
Culturele dienst gemeente BOECHOUT 
George van Raemdonck Kartoenale 
Jef van Hoofplein 21/A 
B2530 Boechout 
13. Further information: 
Ronald Vanoystaeyen ( – Phone: 32.(0)3.455.58.44) 
Cultuur Dienst Boechout ( phone:32.(0)3.460.06.84) 

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