

International press cartoon contest "Land and Droughts" 2022, France

Land and droughts!
Rules of the contest
The international press cartoon contest "Land and Droughts" has taken the prism of droughts to better illustrate the role and place of land and soils in the functioning of the terrestrial ecosystem, climate regulation, food security, the maintenance of biodiversity of living organisms and generally in all terrestrial life and its well-being. 
Droughts, their impacts and their treatment, expose the form of unconsciousness, indifference and even contempt for the earth and soils shown by humanity, while the warming temperatures, the fall of biodiversity, food insecurity and other threats, all linked to the continuous degradation of the land, have taken a worrying turn, increasing inequalities and poverty and threatening the future of human societies. 
Article 1: Participants 
The international press cartoon contest is an initiative of the organizers of the 5th Desertif’actions 2022 summit in Montpellier (France), that will take place from 5 to 8 October 2022. 
The contest is open to any cartoonist from any country who has published at least one cartoon in the press since June 2021. Each cartoonist can submit only two drawings, black and white or color. 
Article 2: Theme 
For its 4th international contest, the organizers of Desertif'actions 2022 wanted to deal with a subject of a raw topicality in the countries of the South as well as in the North: "land and droughts”. 
This theme follows the previous editions "the earth makes its climate" in Montpellier in 2015, "land and climate, time to act" in Strasbourg in 2017 and "draw me the Great Green Wall" in Ouagadougou in 2019. 
Through humor, derision, irony or enthusiasm, as only a drawing can do, the aim is to highlight all the paradoxes, inconsistencies, ignorance, evasiveness, contempt or human arrogance expressed in the treatment that is given to land and soil in urban and rural areas. But also all the hopes, commitments, courage, initiatives and solutions such as agro-ecology, which are the seeds of a change already underway for a viable land and future. 
Article 3: Submission of the drawing 
The submission of the drawing must be sent by email at the following address: 
(with the mention "DA 22 DRAWING CONTEST" in the subject of the email) before the deadline of August 20, 2022 at 00:00 hours in electronic format JPEG 300 dpi minimum for an A4 format. 
The submission must be accompanied by the full name, possible pseudonym, postal address and country, phone number or WhatsApp, email address, website, and 5 lines of biography of the author. 
If there’s subtitles or any text in the drawing, please send us translations in both French and English. Article 4: Prizes 
Two prizes will be awarded by the organizers :
➢ The first prize: 1500 euros on behalf of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 
➢ The second prize: 750 euros on behalf by the organizers of DA22 
The winner of the first prize will be invited to Montpellier in France during the Desertif’actions 2022 event from October 05 to 08, 2022 where the prize and a dedicated creation will be awarded. 
All participants will receive a certificate of participation and the complete catalog of the submitted drawings. 
Article 5: Jury 
The jury will be presided over by a personality from the world of the arts and the press and will be composed of 7 people with different skills in the field of press cartoons and the organizers of Desertif-Actions 2022. 
Article 6: Rights 
As this is an event of general interest, participants in the contest agree not to claim any copyright or publication rights in the context of the Desertif’actions 2022 event and its aftermath, and authorize the organizers (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, CARI and OSS) to use the drawings with citation of the author, only free of charge and for public interest purposes. 
Article 7: Public exhibition 
The 30 best drawings selected by the jury will be printed and exhibited publicly during the Desertif’actions 2022 event from October 5 to 8, 2022, and may subsequently be used for educational and awareness-raising purposes. 
They will also be posted on the website of the organizers and partners of Desertif’actions 2022. 
Article 8: Results 
The results of the contest will be announced to the two winners individually in early September. Results will be made public prior to the Desertif’actions 2022 Summit. 
Article 9: Organizers 
The organizers of the contest are the initiators of the Desertif’actions 2022 Summit :the (NGO) association CARI, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the Sahara and Sahel Observatory, in partnership with France-Cartoons. 
Rules in languages on france-cartoons.

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