

2nd World Biennial Cartoon Exhibition, CartUNAL 2022, Colombia

Competition 2022
Contest prizes: 
1st. place: 2.000.000= (Two millions Colombian pesos) and an Honorable Mention. 
2nd. place: 500.000= (Five hundred thousand Colombian pesos) and an Honorable Mention. 
3rd. place: Headphones and an Honorable Mention. 
4th., 5th. and 6th. place - Digital Honor Certifications. 
Competition rules: 
1. Theme: Basic sciences for sustanaible development 
2. Each participant can submit a single (one) piece of work of their complete authorship. Please note that any artist who submits more than one piece of work will be disqualified. 
3. Only unpublished work is allowed to participate. 
4. To participate in the contest, the author must fill out the form "Copyright" with which he or she declares that it is an original, unpublished work, that he/she owns all rights to the work and that he/she authorizes the Universidad Nacional de Colombia to reproduce it with academic purposes only, and in every activity related to the contest. 
5. Contestants close to the jury or to the organizers, or in any degree of consanguinity or affinity to them, are not accepted. Clarification: if an artist wishes to participate in the contest and has the disability described in this paragraph, he will have the option to participate without competing, in any case he must comply with the other items described in the contest rules. To do so, in the registration form you must add the text "Participate without contest" after the title of the work. 
6. The work must be done in a minimum size A4 (210 X 297mm.), Maximum size A3 (297 X 420mm.) 
7. The technique is free, hand drawing or digital, black and white or color. 
8. The work must be graphically explicit, without text or explanation, without any photographic or image support 
9. The work, which with its content is exclusive or violates individual or collective rights will be withdrawn from the contest and will not be considered in any way. 
10. The submission of the works is done through the link at the botttom of this page. The size of the work must be 300 dpi, in JPG format. In the submission you must indicate: title of the work, full name of the author, nationality, email, photo and brief CV of the author, in English or Spanish. 
11. The deadline for receipt of works is punctual without exception, July 31, 2022. Note: Colombia's time zone must be taken into account. 
12. The works of the contest will be evaluated anonymously, by a national and international jury, which will privilege the universal concept and objectivity of the subject (70% of the qualification), and the technique used (30% of the qualification). 
13. The works that meet all the requirements of the contest and are shortlisted will be published on the official website of the event prior to the award ceremony, in order to put into public consideration everything related to similarities, foreign copyright or any other type of objection. 
14. The forty best selected works will be printed and exhibited in the “Espacio del Hombre” of the Efe Gómez Library of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín Headquarters, in October 2022, if conditions allow it. 
15. The jury is completely autonomous when it chooses the winning works, and also those that will be included in the exhibition and the Virtual catalog (PDF). 
16. It is understood that the participant fully accepts the rules and conditions stipulated in the contest, with their participation. 
17. The results will be announced through the page in the month of October 2022. The winners will be previously notified via email. 
18. The winner of the first place agrees to send the original work to the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín Headquarters, and assume the shipping costs. If the work is digital, the author must print the work (with the measures indicated in the contest) and sign it with the number "1", for submission. 
19. All postal costs and bank deductions will be borne by the winner. 
20. The prize will be paid in Colombian pesos as described, except for the third prize, which is in kind. It is clarified that all the costs of sending the prizes and others will be assumed in full by the winner. 
21. On the website everything related to the passing and news of the event will be reported (calendars, exhibition sites, workshops, etc.) 
22. The organizers have the willingness to address the concerns that are generated, via email. 
CLICK HERE for the Participation Form.

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