

XXIX International Exhibition of Arts of Humor 2022, Spain

XXIX International Exhibition of Arts of Humor 2022
The Quevedo Institute of Arts of Humor through The General Foundation of the University of Alcalá announces the XXIX International Exhibition of Arts of Humor around the subject «CHILDREN WITHOUT SMILES. War, hunger, exploitation-child labor: childhood ruined». There will be more information about the subject in the website
1 Participation is open to all the persons older than 18. 
2 In order to participate in the Exhibition, every artist must send a piece on the theme «CHILDREN WITHOUT SMILES. War, hunger, exploitation-child labor: childhood ruined». It can be a vignette, a comic strip or a caricature. The organization reserves the right to invite those authors that the organization members agree to consider important for the exhibition. 
3 The works must be original and must be signed. They can be made with any technique and in any format, with maximum dimensions of A3 (297x420 mm), preferably vertically, since the catalog will follow these proportions. 
4 All art pieces will be sent before 29th May 2022. Together with the piece, the authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements. 
 Those made using traditional techniques will be sent to the following address: 
Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá 
Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor 
C/ Nueva, 4. 
28801 Alcalá de Henares 
Madrid (España) 
 For digital works, they must be made in formats JPG or TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and they must be sent to
It is essential to comply with the noted date for the adequate planning of the catalogue and design of the exhibition. 
5 All pieces will be sent properly wrapped. It is recommended to protect them with flat cardboard. The organization won't take responsibility on any possible damage occurred during transportation. Mailing costs will be the responsibility of the participants in this call, and the organisation will not assume any costs (e.g. customs charges) or any liability in the event of damage or loss of the work. 
6 A Selection Comission will carry out a selection of the pieces submitted, that will be exhibited in the XXIX Internacional Exhibition of the Arts of Humor in september-november. 
7 All pieces submitted will be kept at the Graphic Humour Archives of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá, except specific indication to the contrary, for which the artist must write o n the reverse of the piece “Devolución /Return ”. 
8 The submission of the piece means that the author authorizes the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá to reproduce it and exhibit it, as long as the name of the artist is displayed and the objective is the media coverage of the Exhibition and the rest of activities of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá within the field of Graphic Humour and/or of this call (edition of catalogues, posters, leaflets, media coverage, web page, etc.), and in any case it generates any type of obligation on the author's part. 
9 The organization will communicate through the Exhibition web page the list of participants with submitted piece and the list of selected pieces. 
10 At the end of the exhibition in Alcalá, those people with selected pieces will receive a copy of the catalogue, which will be edited to mark the celebration of the Exhibition. 
11 The organization reserves the right to not exhibit those pieces considered to infringe individual or collective rights. 
12 The participants will be responsible before any claim on the authorship of the works. The organization will not be responsible before any claim made by a third party upon the violation of intellectual rights or property of the works. 
13 The participation on this Exhibition means the acceptance of these conditions of entry. 
Entry Form + Regulation in languages on source.

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