

The 7th International Cartoon Festival, Ferizaj 2021, Kosovo

7th International Cartoon Festival, Ferizaj 2021, Kosovo
A. Participation 
The organizer of this festival is HiTHi-Cartoon Association 
The application for participation is open for everyone over 18 all over the world, regardless of nationality, sex, race or proffession. 
B. The Topic 
a) Superstitions 
b) Free Topic
Explaination for superstitions topic: 
Many peoples of the world believe in superstitions and each in his own way. For some we have heard from our country, but sure we don't know more other nations what they belive. 
This edition of our festival will be a good opportunity which through cartoon to learn more about the superstitions of the world nations which we don't know yet. 
As we know the number 13 accounts count, we will present here just 13 superstitions which we heard, and then in other side artists are free to do through the cartoon. 
1/ Do not trim nails, do not clean the body on Tuesday 
2/ Do not whistle at night 
3/ Do not leave your wallet on the ground that it is going bankrupt financially 
4/ Do not stay in front of the mirror at night 
5/ If the black cat crosses the road, bad luck awaits you 
6/ When the cuckoo sings on the chimney of the house, it presage misfortune 
7/ Placing a horseshoe on the door of the house protects you from the devil 
8/ Placing a string of garlic on the door of the house protects you from the pestilence 
9/ If you carry with you the blue stone or the wolf tooth, the evil eye will not catch you 
10/ Tying the red thread on the horns or in the tail of the cow, protects it from the evil eye 
11/ The springling of water on the road behind the back of the boy who goes as a soldier, makes him return home good and safe. 
12/ The cutting of the ram and the shedding of blood on the foundations of the house make it prosperous for their inhabitants 
13/ Do not whistle with the trumpet before Shengiergi, because the animals run out of milk. 
C. Conditions 
1. Will accept the original cartoons only, digital art, signed from the author and to be in the accepted formats: A4, in JPG with 300 dpi, in different technics, in black and white. 
2. The cartoon should not be a winner of any previewed festival. 
3. Application can be no more than 5 cartoons for the same topic. 
4. The author must send a photo, CV, contact number, mail address and e-mail address. 
D. Deadline 13 June 2021 
E. Festival Address 
Shoqata e Karikaturisteve "HiTHi" Qendra e Kutures, Rr, Ramadan Rexhepi, 70000 Ferizaj, Kosove 
E-mail Address: 
F. Prizes and Certifications 
First Prize- Golden HiTHi - Gratitude; (plaque and 300 €) 
Second Prize- Silver HiTHi - Gratitude; (plaque and 200 €) 
Third Prize- Bronze HiTHi - Gratitude; (plaque and 100 €) 
5 Special Prizes- Gratitudes 
With money prizes will award the cartoon with superstitions topic only. 
The special prizes can be awarded with the free topic 
G. The Exhibition 
The Exhibition will open in the Art Gallery- Ferizaj city, on July 4th 2021; 6:00h pm. 
H. Other Conditions 
The authors which will be qualifited for exhibition will take digital gratitude for participation and also the digital catalog too. 
The organizers reserve the rights of the reproductions and promotions without any fee. 
I. Festival Guests 
Special Guest: 
Mrs Luljeta GORANCI - Veteran Kosovar cartoonist who will publish 20 cartoons non-competition. 
Other Guests: 
Everybody is wellcome. Let it be the cartoons as a bridge of corporation through nations, even when all the roads are closed like this situation of pandemy. The cartoon makes its own road crossing borders through virtual exhibitions around the world. 
Imri MUSLIU- Director of Sh. K. "HiTHi" 
tel. +38344224586 
Source: hithi.

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