

Press Freedom Cartoon Exhibition 2021, Indonesia

Press Freedom Cartoon Exhibition 2021
a solidarity action for journalist Nurhadi
Violence, intimidation and repressive actions by the authorities against journalists are a serious threat to press freedom in Indonesia. Although the work of journalists has been protected by the Press Law, cases of violence against journalists in the field continue to occur. 
Most recently, a Tempo journalist in Surabaya, Nurhadi, was a victim of violence by law enforcers. He was tortured while carrying out coverage at the Samudra Bumimoro Building on Saturday (27/3/2021). 
The Press Legal Aid Institute (LBH) and the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia noted that cases of violence against journalists in 2020 were the highest in the past 10 years. The case has increased significantly compared to the previous year. 
In 2020 there were 117 cases of violence against journalists and media, an increase of 32 percent compared to 2019 (79 cases). Of the 117 cases, 99 cases occurred to journalists, 12 cases were to the student press, and 6 cases to the media, especially cyber media. 
Meanwhile, AJI Indonesia noted that in 2020 there were 84 cases of violence against journalists or an increase of 31 cases compared to 2019 (53 cases). Meanwhile, the perpetrators of violence were mostly security forces. 
For that we need joint efforts to build awareness of press freedom and protection of journalists. This is because journalists, as the fourth pillar of democracy, work for the public. Thus, it becomes a collective work to protect journalists so that the public's rights are not taken away. 
One of the efforts is through a campaign involving various parties. AJI Semarang cooperates with Gold Pencil Indonesia to hold a press freedom and non-violence campaign against journalists through the cartoon exhibition "Let Journalist be Journalist". 
Exhibition at the same time to enliven the World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) 2021. 
theme: "Let Journalist be Journalist
1. Stop violence against journalists 
2. Journalists work for the public 
3. Digital attacks: doxing, DdoS etc. 
4. Pressure to revise the ITE Law in Indonesia 
• Each cartoonist can send maximum of 5 pieces. 
• The artwork may have been published or a new work 
• It is required to send us your name, surname, postal address, email address, phone number, resume and social media account. 
• The size of the works 300 dpi, A4/A3 jpg format. 
• Upload your work to social media with hashtags #JurnalisKerjaUntukPublik #KamiBersamaJurnalisHadi #JurnalisBukanKriminal #MenujuWPFD2021 by mentioning account @aji_semarang @ajiindonesia , @DivHumas_Polri, @jokowi, and @HumasPoldaJatim 
• All works that enter the committee will be published on social media and online galleries on the website and journalist network websites in Indonesia. 
• The three best works will receive appreciation from the committee 
• All participants will receive an e-certificate and e-catalog 
DEADLINE: April 30, 2021 
For More Information, Contact US: 
twitter: @ajikotasmg
Source: ajisemarang.

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