

The 48th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2021, Brazil

48th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2021
1 - DATES 
The 48th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2021, realized bythe Piracicaba City Hall / Cultural Action and Tourism Secretariat / National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba will be held in accordance with the followings schedule: 
Registration: until June 20. Selection Jury: July 08 and 09. Awards Jury: August 06. Opening Ceremony: August 21. Closing: October 31. 
a) Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished and authorship artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries. 
b) The works - all categories - can be sent by MAlL or ELECTRONIC (applications over the Internet on the official website, in the format JPEG and 300 DPI, attached Images at once). 
c) The theme and technique are free. 
d) Digital works must contain the signature of the author. 
e) Humorous sculptures should come with the author's data. 
f) Maximum measures allowed: paper- 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,8 1inches (width). 
g) Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category: CARTOON (graphic humor with universal and timeless themes), CHARGE (graphic humor with journalistic themes of nowadays), CARICATURE (graphic humor that expresses the physical and/or personality of a known celebrity), COMIC STRIPS/COMIC STORIES (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stories will be accepted a maximum of 02 pages per work, UNIMED HEALTH (for works that address the health theme) and Thematic (only for works that address the theme Olympic Games proposed by the organization: 
The ancient Olympic Games were a series of competitions held between representatives of various city-states in ancient Greece, which featured mainly athletic events, but also combat and chariot races. The origin of these Olympic Games is shrouded in mystery and legends. One of the most popular myths identifies Hercules and Zeus, his father, as the parents of the Games. According to legend, it was Hercules who first called the Games "Olympic" and established the custom of exploring them every four years. The legend persists that, after Hercules completed his twelve jobs, he built the Olympic stadium as an honor to Zeus. Upon completion, he walked a straight 200 steps and called this distance a stadium (Greek: στάδιον, Latin: stadium, "stage"), which later became a unit of distance. Another myth associates the first Games with the ancient Greek concept of Olympic truce (ἐκεχειρία, ekecheiria). The most accepted date for the start of the ancient Olympic Games is 776 BC, which is based on inscriptions, found in Olympia, of the winners of a foot race held every four years from 776 BC. The Ancient Games highlighted running events, pentathlon (which consists of a jumping, discus and javelin event, a foot race and a fight), boxing, wrestling and equestrian events. Tradition says that Coroebus, a cook from the city of Elis, was the first Olympic champion. 
The Olympics were of fundamental religious importance, with sporting events alongside sacrifice rituals in honor of both Zeus (whose famous statue by Phidias was in his temple in Olympia) and Pelope, the divine hero and mythical king of Olympia. Pélope was famous for his chariot race with King Enomau of Pisatis. The winners of the tests were admired and immortalized in poems and statues. The Games were held every four years, and this period, known as an Olympics, was used by the Greeks as one of their units for measuring time. The Games were part of a cycle known as the Pan-Hellenic Games, which include the Mythic Games, the Nemean Games, and the Isthmic Games. 
The Olympic Games reached their zenith between the 6th and 5th centuries BC, but then gradually lost in importance as the Romans gained power and influence in Greece. According to some authors, the decline in the Olympic spirit does not begin in the Roman period, but in the Hellenistic period. One of the most important causes for understanding this decline is the change in status from citizen / soldier to subject (soldier / professional or athlete / professional). In this way, professionalism took place as an effect of political change and not as the very cause of the changes that occurred from the classical to the Hellenistic period. 
There is no consensus on when the Games officially ended; the most common date is AD 393, when Emperor Theodosius I declared that all pagan practices and cults would be eliminated. Another date is AD 426, when his successor Theodosius II ordered the destruction of all Greek temples. The Olympic Games did not happen again until the end of the 19th century. (source: Wikipedia) 
h) In addition to the prizes for the categories, special prizes may be awarded, offered by our supporters, during the registration and selection process. 
i) Along the registered artwork, the artist must attach a complete registration form with legibly writing. lt is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the CEDHU's data base. To make sure your work is original, it is suggested to the artist to check on specialized websites if there is no match of image, text and / or situation of your work with another already published in newspapers, magazines or websites. If there is confirmation of plagiarism the work will be automatically disqualified. 
2.1 - Sent by MAlL 
48º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba - Av. Dr. Maurice Allain, 454 - Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 Piracicaba- SP - Brasil 
IMPORTANT: The work submitted must be accompanied by the registration form, duly completed and signed by the author. 
Inscriptions works in JPEG format, 300 DPI (attached images at once) only on our website, on 
IMPORTANT: Uploaded files should be named as follows: artist name_country_category_number. Example: paulosilva_brazil_cartoon_01
2.3 deliver in person 
In the CEDHU - National Center for Documentation, Research and Disclosure of Graphic Humor of Piracicaba - Av. Maurice Allain, 454 - Warehouse 14A - Parque do Engenho Central - CEP 13.405-123 - Piracicaba SP BRAZIL 
2.4 - The exhibition will be totally virtual 
The 2021 edition of the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba will be completely virtual. Therefore, the selected physical works (either 2D or 3D / sculpture) will be scanned and photographed to be exposed in the virtual exhibition. Therefore, we reaffirm that there will be no physical and face-to-face exposure until the contrary is decided in a later decision. 
The Awards are a totaI of R$ 55.000,00 (fifty five thousand reais) divided as follows: 
a) Five 1st place prizes in the amount of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories (cartoon, charge, caricature, comics strips). 
b) A prize of R $ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) called "THEMATIC AWARD – OLYMPIC GAMES", destined to works of any category (cartoons, caricature, charge or comics strips) that address the theme OLYMPIC GAMES, proposed by the organization of the event to the 2021 edition. 
c) One award of R$ 10.000,00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category (cartoon, charge, caricature, comics strips, and thematic) 
d) One prize called Popular Jury "Alceu Marozi Righetto", in the value of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais),chosen by online open voting. The contestants to this award will be Sculptures selected by the Awarding Committee. The indicated, such as the schedule and the local for the voting will be announced on the event's opening. 
e) Also planned: a prize of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called CHAMBER OF MUNICIPAL OF PIRACICABA award, exclusively for the caricature category; 
f) a prize of R$5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called UNIMED HEALTH AWARD for work for any category that explore the themes of health 
 Besides the monetary value, the winning authors will receive trophies (creation of Zélio Alves Pinto). Other prizes and mentions may be established, at the discretion of the Organizing Committee and Award Committee. There will be a selection committee and another award committee with recognized and trained professionals. 
The result of the award may be challenged up to one week after the opening of the exhibition, with adequate proof of any irregularities committed without the knowledge of the juries. If fraud or plagiarism is found in any award-winning work, the prize awarded will be canceled. 
The values corresponding to the cash prizes will only be deposited in a current account in the name of the winners according to the legislation established by the Municipality of Piracicaba responsible for the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba. It is mandatory that the winning artist has a current account in his name and he must inform it on the registration form. If you do not provide a current account within 02 (two) months, counted from the day of the announcement of the winners, payment of the prize amount will be canceled. Authors of countries that face economic embargoes of any kind with Brazil and that make impossible the transfer of the monetary values of possible awards can only compete for nominations of honorary prizes. 
a) The simple application requires the artist to accept these regulations. The selected artists automatically transfer the authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming promotion of the event. 
b) The CEDHU is not responsible for any damage caused to the work during the transport via post office or other carrier). 
c) After the exhibition, the original works must be withdrawn by the artist or authorized person carrying a letter of authorization signed by the artist, at CEDHU - Piracicaba, within a period of up to six (6) months, counted from the closing date of the exhibition show. After the deadline, CEDHU will exercise the right of ownership, according to its interest. 
d) Awarded authors (including honorable mentions) transfer the assignment of the Copyrights of their work, in accordance with Law 9.610 of February 19, 1988 (Copyright Law). total, universal and definitive, in all the modalities of use and free of charge, protected by said law referring to the work (s) awarded at the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba, which are now part of the Municipal Public Patrimony for all rights purposes, in accordance with the Municipal Law n 2249,1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n 2486-1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n 5194-2002. Source: salaointernacionaldehumor.

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