

Caricature exhibition: Bamberg 2021, Germany

Caricature exhibition: 
Environmental protection and environmental destruction - from the perspective of cartoonists from East and West 
Dear artist, 
in May 2021, we are putting a strong accent on environmental and climate protection in Europe as part of an annual campaign. We, this is RENOVABIS, the catholic Relief Organisation for Eastern Europe in Germany and the Archdiocese of Bamberg. 
An exhibition of cartoons is able reach the attention of a wider public. In accordance with our profile, we want to attract cartoonists, especially from Western and Eastern Europe, to the project. We invite you to support us in this endeavour. In concrete terms, we could imagine the following topics: 
- How is the environment in your country?  
- What environmental pollution and destruction is taking place? 
- How do people perceive environmental problems? How are they discussed? 
- How do people in your country look at neighbouring countries and vice versa? 
- How do people look at "the West"? At Europe (e.g. "Green New Deal")? 
- How are the churches in your country committed to environmental protection/preservation of creation? 
Are you interested? Then send photos or copies of your drawing(s) in digital form up to December 15 2020 to: 
Please contact us, if there are any questions. 
In January 2021 a jury will choose the cartoons for the exhibition, which will be shown for the first time in May 2021. We will also prepare a catalogue. We do not give any prizes. For all drawings included in the exhibition you will receive a fee of 100 € and for unpublished drawings an additional prize. 
We would be very pleased if you would contribute to the success of the exhibition. 
With the best regards, 
Dr. Markus Ingenlath, Renovabis-Geschäftsführer 
Michael Kleiner, Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat Bamberg 
December 15, 2020 
No prices were given. We pay 100 € for every work which is chosen by a jury for the exhibition. New caricatures get 50 € additional. 
Number of entries 
No Limit 
Digital or by Mail 
You can send E-mails (not more than 15 MB each), in jpg, with 300 dpi resolution, or by mail: 
Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat, Projektarbeit, Jakobsplatz 5, 96049 Bamberg 
The works can be in any technique. 
Please send us also a short curriculum vitae, plus one photo of yourself or better a drawing. 
Free catalogue 
Authors of works that qualify for the exhibition will be given a copy of the catalogue 
Copyright issues 
By taking part in the Contest, participants permit the organizers and use their works for the granted fee for the exhibition and the catalogue. The organizer reserve the right to reproduce the works of the exhibition for the advertising material and for public relations for the exhibition without being obliged to pay a further fee to an author. All other rigthts stay by the authors. 
Address to send the artworks Contact: Mrs. Jahrsdörfer 
Contact for further information Contact: Mrs. Jahrsdörfer 

Stefanie Jahrsdörfer 
Stabsstelle Projektarbeit | Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat Bamberg 
Jakobsplatz 5 | 96049 Bamberg 
Tel.: +49951/502-1542 Fax: +49951/502-1549 
Source: cartoonblues .

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