

The Addis Ababa Declaration for the Recognition of Cartooning as a Fundamental Right

From the DPDF Facebook page.

The Addis Ababa Declaration for the Recognition of Cartooning as a Fundamental Right, presented on May 3, 2019 at UNESCO Press Freedom Days in Addis Ababa and then handed over to the organization's Director General, is in a new phase.

We have asked the French National Commission for UNESCO to carry this text.

This week, its President transmitted the declaration to all National Commissions for UNESCO.

We hope that this dissemination will help to open up, within and between countries, a space for discussion and reflection on the right to satire and irreverence.

Five years after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, this new step is all the more significant: it brings strength and legitimacy to this text, and completes making it a reference text on which cartoonists all over the world can now rely.

We must now bring this declaration to life.

The link to the Declaration:

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