

49th International Contest of Humoristic Graphics, Marostica 2020, Italy

1. Theme of the competition and participation rules
The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world. It is possible to participate also out of the competition. This request excludes the authors from the award of the prizes.
The theme of the contest is: KINDNESS
Authors can participate with a maximum of 3 works (Cartoons or Strips), inherent to the theme proposed in relation to man, his existence and the society where he lives, seen in a humorous viewpoint. In order to be understood worldwide and beyond every linguistic barrier, the works must be without dialogue or texts.
Works must be inedited (that is, neither published before nor used to partcipate in other competitions). The organization can decide to exclude from the award of the prizes those works that are found to have been already edited.
2. Shipping of the works and deadlines
Works and entry form can be sent both by email to:
Otherwise, they can be sent through the following services by 31/03/2020:
WeTranfer (
Dropbox (
Google Drive (
Mail: UMORISTI A MAROSTICA Biblioteca Civica – Via Cairoli 3 – 36063 MAROSTICA (VI) – ITALY
The works, in black/white or color made with any technique, must be in GIF, JPG, PNG or PDF, 150 dpi resolution, saved in high quality, weight max, 3 MB. Larger files will not be accepted.
The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the jury nominated by the “Gruppo Grafico Marosticense”. The Jury’s decisions are inquestionable and incontestable.
3. Delivery of the Original Works and the Award of the Prizes
The authors selected by the jury receive an email with the informations about the deadlines and the modality to send the original works.
If the work is realized exclusively with a digital technique, the author will have to send a dated, numbered and signed copy of the work.
The Jury will award the “International Grand Prix Scacchiera”, the Special prize “Sandro Carlesso”, the special prize “Marco Sartore” and 10 Special prizes “Umoristi a Marostica”. Other special prizes or honorary mentions may be awarded.
The results of the Jury will be given directly to all participating artists by email and published on the website
4. Opening Ceremony, Awarding and Acceptance of the Regulation
The opening ceremony and the prize distribution will take place on May 16, 2020 at Castello Inferiore of Marostica. The exhibition will be open until June 14, 2020.
All the authors selected will receive a free copy of catalogue. Non-selected participants will have the possibility to demand the catalogue compiling the form on the website
The works selected for the exhibition and for the catalogue will not be returned and will be included in the collection of “Umoristi a Marostica Museum”.
The “Gruppo Grafico Marosticense” reserve the right to authorize the reproduction of the works and the diffusion of them through various communication means citing the author with the words “Taken from Umoristi a Marostica”, without any payment. The “Gruppo Grafico Marosticense” is not responsible for transport damages.
The participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these regulations and expressly authorise the Graphic Marosticense Group to process the personal data transmitted pursuant to the code regarding the protection of personal data (GDPR 2016/679/UE) also for the purpose of inclusion in the Group's managed data bases for the conduct of the competition.
Deadlines Umoristi a Marostica 2020
Works and entry form: March 31, 2020
Opening ceremony: May 16, 2020
Exhibition: May 16, 2020 – June 14, 2020

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