

Climate change international contest - Allianz Global Investors Award 2019, Spain
FIRST – Presentation of the public notice of the first edition of the “Art On Climate (Act On Climate)” International Illustration Competition on Climate Change – Allianz Global Investors Award 2019, created with the purpose of being biennial and international.
Allianz Global Investors is a leading asset manager in the development of sustainable investment, and is committed to promoting a successful transition toward the use of clean energy and to fighting climate change.
Global warming is one of the greatest threats to sustainable development, affecting not only the economy, but also biodiversity and social and political stability at a global scale.
It is vital to promote the transition toward a cleaner energy model, allowing CO2 emissions to be reduced and promoting more efficient, more responsible consumption.
Due to this, Allianz Global Investors is announcing the first international illustration competition to bring visibility to the fight against climate change and to raise awareness of the need to promote cleaner sources of energy and change habits to reduce levels of greenhouse gas emissions, to thereby contribute to achieving the objective set by the Paris Agreement.
The initiative falls within sustainable development goals numbers 13, 14 and 15 of the United Nations Global Compact:
13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (taking note of the agreements adopted at the United Nations Framework Convention forum on Climate Change).
14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.
Additionally, the following three corresponding principles are taken into account:
7. Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
8. Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Graphic artists must submit original works based on the theme of “Climate Change”, with the objective of bringing visibility to potential solutions, rather than a catastrophic representation of the issue:
These are some messages suggested to illustrators as a starting point for their work. They may use one or several of them for their creative process.
1. The consequences of climate change advance at a pace too slow for many to perceive the effects in the short term.
2. Sustainability, opting for cleaner energies and a more efficient use of resources are some of the strategic responses for mitigating climate change.
3. Implementing a low carbon economy.
4. Addressing causes and solutions, with the objective of guaranteeing that the environment is protected so that landscapes, wildlife and communities can continue to coexist and flourish.
5. Communicating human aspects from an ethical perspective of the impacts of climate change on health, the economy, access to water, food security and migration flows, linking individual, local and everyday actions.
6. Supporting the development of sustainable agricultural production systems, the maintenance of biodiversity and the increase of forest area.
7. Sustainable consumption and a culture of recycling being essential.
8. Slowing the disappearance of a large number of plant and animal species which will alter the biological functions of marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
9. Citizen awareness and involvement is notable for advancing toward a new model of sustainable development, as well as in the fight against climate change and its consequences. The solutions are both global and local.
10. Climate change is a scientifically proven process. The current situation and forecasts of future development, and ecological, economic and social consequences derived from climate change cannot be ignored.
These are some additional quotes and phrases which may also serve as inspiration:
- Sustainability deals with ecology, economy and equality. (Ralph Bicknese)
- Economic growth and protection of the environment can and should go hand in hand. (Christopher Dodd)
- The future for solar energy is bright. (Ken Salazar)
- We live on earth as if we had another planet to go to. (Terry Swearingen)
- The term sustainability is widely used to express the need to live in the present, in such a way that the future is not endangered. (Peter Senge).
SECOND – The budgetary allocation for the awards of the competition is six thousand euros (€6,000). The awards are as follows: 1st prize – €2,500; 2nd prize – €1,500; 3rd prize – €1,200; 4th prize – €800.
THIRD – The legal regulation through which the Competition announced will be ordered is as follows:
The illustrators will send one to three illustrations related with climate change.
Anyone who wishes to participate, from any country, may do so, without an age limit. Each participant may submit a maximum of three pieces.
The scenes and characters must be new creations by the entrants. The works will be created in colour. The works will have a size of DIN A4 (210mm x 297mm), either in horizontal or vertical format. They will have a resolution of no less than 300 dpi.
Works may have words in Spanish, or be without text. Illustrations without words by artists from other language and geographic areas are permitted.
Participants will register on the competition website, providing their name, surname, address, date of birth, DNI/NIF identity document number and contact telephone number. The artists must later attach their work in JPG format on this same platform.
The works must be sent exclusively through the website until the end of February 2020.
The submission of works will entail authorisation for use of the selected illustrations on the website and on social networks. The images will be used for the dissemination of the competition in different internal and external media, including reproduction in marketing materials, catalogues, postcards or books, travelling exhibitions, on the internet or television and in potential writing competitions, notebooks or educational activities on the illustrations prefacing the dissemination of the messages generated at the Biennial event. The use of the works as specified in this paragraph will not grant the artists of the selected illustrations pecuniary rights. The winning works, as well as other selected works, will be displayed in the Virtual Museum which Allianz Global Investors will establish for this purpose as an expression of the different themes which the participants have given a creative vision. The works are the property of the artists, and any use not appearing on the list and which is financial in nature will be subject to the artists’ authorisation.
After the individual notification by email of the decision to grant the award, the winners will have a maximum period of one month to provide the organisation their full information for transfer of the prize money. In case of this period after the first communication lapsing without the information being provided, the winner will be understood to be waiving the corresponding award.
Required information:
Personal information:
Name and surname
CIF / NIF / Passport number
Post code
Banking information:
Swift BIC code
IBAN code
Written accreditation signed by the banking entity certifying that the above data corresponds to the winning party.
Any of the awards may be declared void, if none of the works fulfil the minimum qualitative criteria required.
For the analysis and evaluation of the works submitted, a Selection Board or Judging Panel will be established, whose composition is detailed in the “Fifth” section of this document.
The awards will be granted based on the following criteria:
a. Quality and artistic relevance of the works: 50 points.
b. Adaptation to the theme of the Competition and the creative language: 30 points.
c. Social and cultural impact of the illustration with regard to the issue of climate change and its ramifications on daily life: 20 points.
Participation in the competition entails acceptance of these rules.
FOURTH – The awards will be granted in accordance with competitive tendering, through the comparison of the works submitted, the establishment of a preference between them in accordance with the expressed criteria, and awarding of the corresponding economic amounts, with the limit set in the announcement within the credit available.
FIFTH – For the analysis and evaluation of the works presented, a Selection Board or Judging Panel will be established, made up of Ms Beatrix Anton-Groenemeyer, Chief Sustainability Officer of Allianz GI (or the individual in that post at the time), who will be President of the Selection Board; Mr Joaquín Garralda, President of Spainsif (or the individual in that post at the time); Ms Aurora Solano Pérez, Ms Anne Derenne and Mr René León Sánchez, as individuals of renowned prestige in the world of illustration; and Mr Jean-François Sauré, director of, who will act as Secretary.
SIXTH – The deadline for the decision and notification of the completion of the award granting procedure will be one month, counted from the end of the entry submission period.
SEVENTH – The interested parties will be notified in the month following the end of the competition.
EIGHTH – Participation in the competition entails acceptance of these rules.
David Anglés P.
Allianz Global Investors Marketing.

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